The Spark of Canada's Growth- Today The Country's Young Men Hold A Glowing Vision of The Future; Tomorrow They'll Offer Leadership To Make The Dream a Reality By SUSAN IIOLTZER '|2 " HAVE such tremendous po- come the skeleton of a national tential!" the young man ex- picture, one he clothes easily in claimed, and there was just the the flesh and blood of people, slightest note of irritation as he places and problems. spoke. "Canada can be so great, And gradually, the picture emer- but she moves so slowly!" ges as a determined vision of a His voice brightened. "When the glowing future for Canada, one in young men take over the leader- which her voice will be heard and ship," Bob White declared, "the heeded. As he speaks of expansion, country is really going to boom!" of internal growth and rising pow- er, Bob speaks also of international Canada: prominence and importance. Throughout a discussion of his Buried Treasure . . country runs the thread of this REACH Bob White's home, intent-to "make, a difference in an American need only follow the world when we do something." his nose northward, produce some sort of identification, and cross Les Enfants "the longest unfortified border in de la Patrie.. the world." Once inside the na- tion's southern boundary, he can ANY ANALYSIS of the Canadian then proceed in any other direction people must subordinate itself he chooses, spinning out the miles to the single most important fact behind him until he reaches the the country faces-the stubborn land's edge and looks out on the boundary line that separates Brit- sea. He will still be in Canada. ish and French Canadians. For On a map, Bob's home presents Canada's two great nationality an imposing picture. Its 3,847,597 groups, living side by side within square miles sprawl placidly across the country, have retained as many the entire breadth of the North of their cultural differences as American continent, sending sev- they have with practicality been eral inquiring bits of island search- able to hold. In language, religion ing northward nearly to the pole. and social customs, fifty per cent The hugest nation in the Western of the nation adheres to its British Hemisphere, Canada is composed traditions, and thirty per cent of ten provinces with an estimated clings to the heritage it brought population of 16,707,000 people. from France. Within its borders are vast reser- As one of the fifty per cent, Bob voirs of coal and oil, wonderful speaks with quiet resentment of potential for tremendous power what he considers the senseless in- stations, great wild lands where flexibility of the French. fur, timber and other rich re- "They're isolationist where the sources call out to be gathered. rest of Canada is concerned," he maintained. He pointed to an BOB, STUDYING journalism at imaginary map of the country, his finger drawing a line around what the University, has not been would be the province of Quebec. home for more than a few months "They stay in Quebec," he said; at one time in the last few years. "they haven't spread over the The hockey scholarship that is country." If they move out of that helping him through school takes province, he explained, they go to up much of his time in practice New England, not to another part and games. But when he returns of Canada. to his country, it will be to take part in the surging progress he [NDIGNATION simmered just be- envisions for her, low the surface as Bob launched Right now, of course, he does not into a discussion of his "big gripe" have the precise figures that de- -the language problem. scribe Canada. But he is thought- "They should learn to speak fully familiar with the story those English," Bob argued, "but they've figures tell. In his mind, they be- always refused to learn, while Brit- ish-Canadian schools require stu- dents to learn French." He admit- ted that English is now compulsory in Quebec schools, but called this "just a recent development." "The definite impression is that the British culture would eventual- ly become fully dominant. The *French will be too far outnum- bered," Bob explained. New arir- vals to the country swell the Brit- ish ranks, for the French, by jeol- ously guarding themselves against absorption, have outsmarted them- selves by closing the doors to any outsider. Because the French must con- centrate to such an extent on maintaining their national iden- tity, the growth of Canada rests mainly in the hands and hearts of the British population. And so the future of the country will be guid- ed by equal portions of pride and a sense of conservatism that Bob can both explain and demonstrate. A DEEP CURRENT of pride runs very near the surface of Cana- dian feeling, but it is a discon- tented pride that is on the watch for a possible injury. More than once, Bob's conversation turned to World War II, each time as evi- dence that Canada has been over- looked. "Canadians resent America's whole attitude toward the war," Bob declared. "To the public, all the battles were either British or American, but Canada did as much proportionally as either of them." He noted American motion pic- tures dealing with the war, and also the American press treatment of the fighting.- "Actually," he mentioned point- edly, "American troops might be initially about the worst-trained in the world; it takes some time be- fore they're hardened." But Canadian pride is tempered by a strong dose of conservatism that Bob explains historically and justifies by saying simply, "that's the way we are.". It is a trait rooted in the origin of the first British-Canadian set- tlers, men who had fled the Ameri- can Revolution because they did not wish to leave the British Em- Growth from Within pire. These were, indeed, the con- limited by an often dismal climate servatives, and they have retained and that curious condition called that characteristic through every the "Canadian Shield." The Shield change in their country. is an imaginary line that sweeps And this conservatism, perhaps down from the north, cutting deep- the strongest continuous strain ly into the central and western running through British-Canadian portions of the country. The land feeling, is at once their greatest it encompasses is completely non- weakness and their towering arable. strength. Growth, then, is heading west, especially to British Columbia; iit The Gentle is generally ignoring the frozen north, Bob dismissed the vast Juggernaut . Northwest Territories with a shrug. CANADA'S internal expansion is, "Nobody goes there," he comment. in a sense, almost awesome. For ed ."It's use less." there is nothing in it of America'sBUT BOB SPOKE with anima. explosive march to the western BTOBoe witima'. sea, the series of blazing achieve- tion of the ceaseless activity ments that erased her frontiers in that is taming the forests of Brit. a few dramatic sweeps. Instead, in ish Columbia, describing in glow- her own reserved way, Canada is ing terms a proposed power plant quietly inching toward fulfillment the Canadian government is con- of her vast promise. Unhurrying, sidering " Canada is content to conserve her "If they do it," he explained, "It' strength, taking only those steps will be one of the biggest power for which she is prepared, stations in the wrid." and his eyes And so the world is only now be- lit up as he contemplated the fu- ginning to realize that this gang- ture of Canada's westernmost ling child-nation is a child no long- province. er. Canada's progress has sneaked Bob is not content with this up on the world; she has quietly grudging bit of progress. "We still edged her way into the ranks of have to open up the country fur- the ruling powers, and she is ther," he complained. "We have to readying herself now for the long take much greater advantage of drive that will enable her to stand our natural resources. in equality with any nation on "To do this," he went on, "we earth. need a bigger population, and-" Viewing her internal problems, he took dead aim on his subject Canada is brought face to face "-our immigration laws are crip. with the simple fact of her physi- pling our chances for a popula. cal limitations. Most obvious of tion increase." these is her size, for Canada is Under stringent government reg. actually almost too big. ulations, the majority of Canadian immigration comes from the Brit- TRANSPORTATION is a con- ish Isles. Most of the rest arrive stant nagging problem when from the nations of Western Eu- one ventures outside the highly- rope; very few others swell the populated southeast. Railroads ranks of Canadian citizenry. And send silver tendrils across the Bob, whose view of the future en. breadth of the nation, with addi- visions 50 and 60 million people tional tiny shoots creeping into adding to Canada's greatness, grew tiny corners; and yet it is never close to indignant as he spoke of quite sufficient, always being ex- the immigration laws, panded. For the result, as he sees it, is But victory over stubborn spacetht"otfougrwh aso is already coming, and Canadians that "most of our growth has to are confident in their expectations be from withn, rather than from of it. Bob pointed with pride to without. the whistle-stop campaign con- Within. Canadians themselves, ducted by Prime Minister John then, must be the instruments of Diefenbaker in 1958's general elec- their nation's development. And to tion, for what is standard proce- do so, they too must develop. Bob dure in the United States was believes they are not being com- breathtakingly excitin gto the iso'. pletely successful. lated Canadians it touched. The conservatism that Bob $A- Physical expansion is further cepts so easily when applied to in- THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE The Pride of A Nation Page Six