Il "Peace Brother - Don't Start Anything" Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" S TUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of stag writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. NORTHLAND PLAYHOUSE: Strasberg & Tone Caesar and Cleo' Ir 1 7 U )NESDAY, JULY 8, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: SELMA SAWAYA Education on Installment Plan' Dangerous, Unfeasible a I ANYONE who even looks briefly, American colleges and universities have become steadily more like business in recent years, largely because of critical financial needs and rising public relations pressures. It's difficult to say just how far the trend can carry before education will suffer - some say it is suffering already. One current proposal, however, would help, undermine higher education considerably. Mag- azines, journals, and some scholars including Beardsley Ruml, suggest charging students the full cost of their schooling. Thus universities could pay adequate staff salaries, maintain plant and grounds, and generally run things in a very businesslike fashion. Education would become a simple commodity, .like refrigerators for example. As a citizen purchases an appliance either outright or by installments, so the student would purchase his education. WHILE THE PLAN has a great deal of va- lidity, too many objections can be raised which make it unfeasible. It won't do to simply reject the proposal be- cause it violates the Jeffersonian concept of a free public education. Education has changed in the last two centuries, particularly higher education, and tuition has become a necessity that even Jefferson could not deny. Nor would it do to argue the difference between educa- tion and refrigerators to a bland and obtuse public. Perhaps the most significant consideration against full tuition plans is their incompatibili- ty with the current educational system. Some schools have evolved into rich over-abundant monsters, while others have. gone begging. In other words the state of American schools is an inequitable one, and promises to be so in the future, as more and more grants and endow- ments pour into the already-powerful institu- tions. HOW, THEN, does this situation relate to the full-tuition plan? Simply in that the rich schools, with a huge backlog of prestige, could slide their tuition charges to fit their needs. Meanwhile, weaker schools, needing more stu- dents and suffering from numerous inadequa'- cies, would be forced to charge the highest costs. Thus, a greater overall strength needed by American education would not be forth- coming. The ineven distribution of wealth and prestige would continue, or perhaps grow more unbalanced.i Some would argue here that more money for scholarships would right all the problems, send more deserving students to school, and gen- erally balance the country's educational system. These same people are forgetting that the greatest grants and scholarships perenially feed the rich schools anyway, and do little to make things equitable. They are also apparently overlooking the American public's almost utter unwillingness to give money for something so vague as education. Even if scholarship plans were devised, there would still remain the horribly confused procedure of evaluating rela- tive needs. FiNALLY the area of graduate studies would be probably badly hurt by full-cost tuition plans. To force a student to forego two or three years of his life in which he could perhaps ac- cumulate $10-20,000 at an outside job, and to saddle him with the full expense of paying for his graduate work, might be crippling. The plan for full-cost tuition could be ap- proaching fruition. By selling education on the installment basis, it is hoped Americans don't wind up with a critically cheapened and highly valuable "commodity." -THOMAS HAYDEN :i r "CAESAR AND CLEOPATRA," one of Shaw's quasi-historical plays, is currently nesting com- fortably in Northland's Playhouse, just out of sight of the Detroit skyline. Franchot Tone stars as Caesar, and seems to know his way around the role, laurel leaves and all. In the role of Cleopatra is Susan Strasberg, freshly out of an Am- sterdam attic. This production is generally worth the drive to Detroit neces- sary to see it. Of course, North- land's stage is minute even among the family of minute stages. And the "Egyptian" scenery is out of this world. These problems do not seem to bother the cast, however, and the net effect seems to be authentic enough. SUSAN STRASBERG is a con- vincing adolescent Cleopatra, full of the whims and tantrums of youth, but with the grim spectre of queenhood hanging around some- where. She is a dolly. Vinnette Carroll, as the unpro- nounceable Ftatateeta (five syl- lables), is sinister as a two-headed dean of women. David Hurst, as Britannus the British Bore, is just too droll. Shaw ha's managed to twist the lion's tail (to use a cliche) in elegant fashion via Bri'. tannus. COSTUMING WAS authentic enough, aside from a slight "Mac beth" flavour; this is something mote or less unavoidable for sum- mer playhouses. Music, I must con- fess, was crypto-modern. Although the Northland people do their best with a stage worthy of a sardine packery, I suspect that a transformation of their dome- covered theatre into a theatre-in- the-round might be a step for- ward. Scenery for this play was hardly a vital segment of the cosmic all; the arena stage would particularly lend itself to the cir- cular design, too. Summing Up:Fine perform- ances by the stars in a neo-classic play just off Eight Mile Road. -David Kessel I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .. U LOCAL DILEMMA INVESTIGATED: A House is Not a Home, but the Thought's There The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which' The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration, Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1959 VOL. LXIX, NO. 11-8 General Notices Tea for International Students. Thurs,. July 9, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m., Inter- national Center. CLetures Biological Symposium sponsored by the Division of Biological Sciences: The following lectures will be given Wed., July 8, 10:00 a.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. "Protein Synthesis in the Pan- creas," George E. Palade of the Rocke- feller Institute for Medical Research; "The Fine Structure of Spermatozoa," Hans Ris of the University of Wiscon- sin; and "Fresh Observations on the Structure and Division of Somatic Nu- clei of Fungi," C. F. Robinow of the University of Western Ontario. The following lectures will be given at 8:00 p.m., Aud.. A: ''The ~ilophysics of Muscle" by H. E. Huxley of Univer- sity College London and "The Evolu- tion of Photsynthesis" by S. Granick of the Rockefeller Institute for Medi- cal Research. Forum Lecture, Linguistics Institute. Thurs., July 9, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Am- phitheatre. "Consonantal Alternations in the Modern Slavic Declensions." Prof. Edward Stankiewicz, Indiana Univ. Concerts Student Recital: Sheila Anne McKen- zie, violinist, Aud. A, Angell Hall, Thus., July 9, 8:30 p.m., in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Mas- ter of Music. Academic Notices Sociology I Make-up Final will be given Wed., July 8, from 1:30 to- 3:30 p.m.. Students should report to Rm. 5633 Haven Hall. (Continued on Page 3) i4 Presidential Leadership Needed PRESIDENT EISENHOWER'S recently an- nounced decision to be neutral in the race for the 1960 Republican Presidential nomina, tion is poor'politics, and it comes just at a time when the President, in the eyes of most ob- servers, has begun to develop a real political consciousness. In sorry contrast to his adeptly handled vic- tory in the budget struggle with free-spending Democrats, this decision shows that he has still to realize completely that politics are both useful and necessary. Our system of govern- ment is, in the last analysis, a political one. It might be said that, by putting himself again above the machinations of internal party politics, a thing he has done too many times in the past, the President is cutting off a pos- sible source of weakness; taking sides might alienate important Republicans, in and out of Congress, at a time when all possible party sup- port is needed against the huge Democratic majority. THIS IS probably the most important objec- tion, but it need not be valid. By good tim- ing, tact, and use of the political "deal" an honorable and unjustly maligned device, the President can make his wishes known and felt. The President must intervene in the party's selection of a 1960 candidate, both because he is the leader and real electoral strength of the party and because if he desires his philosophy of government to be continued he himself will have to examine the "field" to pick an agree- able man. As the Republican race is shaping up, two rather different men are gaining strength, so a choice can definitely be made. When the president of Ireland was in New York recently, he said that "save for the Church, politics is the most honorable profes- sion." For a religious Irishman, this is the highest of all plaudits. President Eisenhower, however, still hasn't realized this, and by shun- ning pure political activity is doing a disserv- ice both to his party and to the country, which could profit by his leadership. -PHILIP SHERMAN INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Indonesia Now Uncertain By DAVID KESSEL ACCORDING to long-time Ann Arbor residents, the signs all indicate that the long-awaited break in housing rentals is 'in sight. These local experts cite the growing lists of rooms and apart- ments "for rent," the mushroom- like appearance of slick brick apartments on the edges of the city, and new dormitory construc- tion by the University. All three of these observations are certainly hopeful, but whether there is reason to hope remains to be seen. Housing in Ann Arbor has be- come geographically segregated into several classifications, each of which must be dealt with sep- arately for a reason which will be less obvious later. ** * NEAR UNTO the main campus, in an area bounded roughly by Main, Catherine, Forest and Packard, lies the first, or neo- dingy housing area. If an atomic bomb were exploded, atop Burton Tower during one of the musical barrages which occasionally are performed there, this area would feel the primary effects of the blast. In this region, we find the homes of a few citizens who have not succumbed to the lure of "renting," but mainly this area is overrun by destitute graduate stu- dents, idle seniors, women who have wheedled apartment permis- sion from the Deans, and impov- erished instructors. Apartments in the primary blast area usually represent com- promises between artistic skill and money; lack of one can be reme- died by the other to a great ex- tent. * * . * RENTS IN the primary area are high, and many a house, valued prewar at $8,000 by its hopeful owner, now may be worth $80,000. For simple elements of the theory of compound interest reveal to the onlooker that high rents are usually accompanied by high property value. It is for this reason that the older houses in Ann Arbor are seldom replaced by anything new- er unless they catch fire; an all too common occurrence these days. The numbers of people that a reasonably large house can ac- commodate is amazing; many of these steamboat-shaped curiosi- ties have more mail boxes outside than Alice Lloyd Hall. SOME OF the apartments to be found in the area are models of efficiency, space conservation, robbery, and murder. The build- ing contractors must have had a real gay time installing kitchens and bathrooms in one-time clos- ets, hallways, pantries, basement coal bins, back porches, stairwells and elevator shafts. Rents in this area are fairly high, mainly because college stu- dents cannot grasp the simple arithmetical fact that $45 a month each, for four people, means over $2,000 a year. So they one-family houses in adequate condition. Still farther out are the large and elegant homes of book-store owners, birth certifi- cate forgers, bank presidents, former bootleggers, successful ad- ministrators, and well-heeled faculty members who have mar- ried wealthy widows. But of more immediate interest are the new housing develop- ments. These are usually large, Ted brick buildings, full of air condi- tioning, dishwashers, tile floors, sunken bathtub reefs, wall to wall floors, and the rest of the luxuries which go to make up Ann Arbor's middle class heaven. Often, dismayed tenants will find that their new air condition- ers, dishwashers, garbage grinders and other toys cannot be used much after 6 p.m., because the flimsy construction of the solid- looking buildings creak and shud- der and keep others awake. * * * ONE POOR FELLOW found that he could not even typewrite during the late evening, because those parquet floors very nicely bounced the impact of key on pa- per into the sensitive eardrums of light sleepers everywhere. It is useless but amusing to con- trast this with the situation in some well-constructed apartments where a bomb detonated in one room may barely be heard in the next; not at all in adjoining floors. Exhibitionists of the bomb- detonating variety in Ann Arbor need not fear that their work will go unheeded. As new dormitories, University housing for married students, and the outlying housing projects si- phon off the overflow from the primary area, many of the old houses are no longer filled to the attics with crowded families. Curi- ously enough, the precarious price of centrally located p r o p e r t y, coupled with the suburban build- ing trend may someday turn all of the main campus area into vast parking structures, while a large proportion of the villagers live in immense apartments at the edge of the city. * * * BUT THIS TYPE of speculation is best left for crystal gazers and real estate agents to consider. More important for present con- sideration is the role of the Uni- versity in the housing struggle. The University's most recent answer to this problem is Mary Markley Hall, an overpriced, crowded, superficially lush, pre- posterously located pile of brick and glass which houses in com- parative discomfort about 1,000 women. This represents a harem worthy of an Arabian oil tycoon, and one can only hope that such a man will appear, buy the whole building, and transport it to the Near East. Until then, Mary Markley remains, a sad reminder of Administration Policy. * * * NORTH CAMPUS apartments are another answer to the prob- lem, if your wife has her own car. to rent-controls, an idea which' would most likely bring the real estate lobby out of its nest with cries of "socialism," "commun- ism," and "welfare stateism." OTHER IDEALISTS would ad- vise University construction of more student housing; these people would be less idealistic if they knew who would administer such a program. After a carefu} consideration of most of the factors involved, this is the best advice which can be offered to Ann Arbor residents and potential residents at this time: 1. If you are coming to Ann Ar- bor, leave your wife and children home. Better yet, don't have any. 2. Watch out for agents who guarantee" you a house or apart- ment. Broadly defined, a soft hay- stack is a home for someone. It may be you. * * * 3. BEFORE moving into a new brick apartment with i n d o o r plumbing, check to see if the elec- trical appliances ! are quasi-sound- proof. 4. Never walk into an apart- ment-hunting game with more than;you can afford to. lose.. 5. Brush up on forgotten arith- metic; $11 a week each, even for six freshmen, means more than $3,000 a year.3 6. Residence Hall contracts are best broken with the aid of a friendly psychiatrist who will cer- tify your need- for "outside, ex- periences." 7. If possible, get out of town, and never look back. f AT RUSSIAN EXHIBITION: Male, Fashions TypicallyMale ,; }. By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE FIRST question that Westerners want answered when a political turnover occurs in one of the neutralist or noncommitted coun- tries is its effect on the Communists. In the West, the term neutralist itself is fre- quently used as descriptive' of, a policy which lends aid and comfort to the Soviet Union in the cold war, regardless of the fact that such usage is resented by the practitioners. For the past several months the effective power of the Communists in Indonesia has been restricted, regardless of whether its potential has been affected. FOR A TIME it appeared that President Su- karno, not a Communist, was going on the theory that the party was entitled to recogni- tion according to its strength, especially since such recognition involved the practical poli- tics of the effective rule. The military became actively opposed, and he left the country on a long tour for some obscure reason, and now he has returned to assume virtual dictator- ship, although he calls it only guidance of the country with the advice of its other top leaders. Editorial Staff SUSAN HOTZERErROBERT JUNKER Co-editor Co-editor PETER ANDERSON..................Sports Editor Under the new setup, party politics will os- tensibly be relegated to the back alleys, which would-seem to cut the power of the Commu- nists. The difference between his so-called guided democracy and dictatorship is, however, very vague in the Western mind, and dictatorships of any stripe make wonderful germinating grounds for subsequent Communist coups. T HE FACTUAL change in the Indonesian situation is small. Sukarno has been the boss all along, although somewhat curbed by the vast numbers of Moslems among his con- stituents who want his brand of socialism little more than they want Communism. He has, however, become considerate of the views of military leaders upon whom he had to depend to put down the various military insur- rections which have plagued his government from the dawn of independence from the Dutch. The most formidable of these began in Sumatra 18 months ago and still continues in some outlying islands. Attempts to fully evaluate such political de- velopments in the world's new countries are be- set by the same hazards which apply elsewhere, just as local issues and individual personalities usually becloud the meaning of political re- sults in the United States. For the moment, the Communists appear to have suffered at least one important setback, in that elections in which they expected to make important gains will not be held. Their vote has been going up steadily in regional- elec- tions since the 1955 general election in which they elected 31 out of 258 deputies. Their power By HUGH A. MULLIGAN Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer NEW YORK - The fashions on display at the Soviet Exhibi- tion in the Coliseum here prove that in Moscow as anywhere else the male dresses like the bene- ficiary of a Salvation Army drive, Only three men's ensembles were included in the group of fashions sent over by the Moscow model house, the Russian equiva- lent of the garment district. All are strictly from Square-in-grad. The first shown was a black and white, prison-striped sports shirt over nondescript slacks that might give Ivan the Ivy League look if he happened to be guest referee at. the Harvard-Yale game. * * * NEXT CAME a business suit for business men in a country where nobody has any business be- ing in business. It was single breasted and had tightly pegged pants like the zoot suiters of the pre-beatnik era used to affect. "Cuffs are optional," cooed the announcer. Socks seemed to be, too, judging by the way those trousers engulfed the shoe tops. Finally there was a tuxedo, natty enough in a capitalistic way, but no different from the kind that American men have been grum- bling about wearing since the hey- day of Rudy Vallee. When the revolution comes, it won't be in men's clothes as far as Soviet designers are concerned. There were six of them. All pretty and all from Moscow. None was a professional model, a fact that was delightfully apparent. They didn't have the bored, kit- ten - that - swallowed - poppa's - checkbook- smirk of A m e r i c a n models, and they didn't walk as if the runway was carpeted with broken beer bottles. They just strode out naturally, if a bit athletically, and even broke into shy smiles when the packed audience applauded, which was often. of the Soviet Exhibition of Sci- ence, Technology and Culture, the official name for the Russian com- modity caravan. One in a tight fitting silk cock- tail dress broke up the house by executing a Marilyn Monroe wig-, gle on her way up the ramp. An- other seemed to be unconsciously parodying American models by dragging the people's mink coat across the floor with devil-may- care disdain for the price tag. "There's certainly nothing new here," carped a veteran fashion reporter as the girls showed a varied collection of sports and evening wear, some of which were cut all the way to Vladivostok in front. and rear. MAYBE THERE wasn't any- thing new in the collection, but what they showed sure looked good to these sack-dress-dulled old orbs. Either the sack hasn't reached Moscow yet or it's already been relegated to Siberia. There were-a few sheath dresses, a couple of flouncy ball gowns like the type high school girls wear to proms and graduations, a strap- less bathing suit that would cause a Volga boatman to miss an ear- stroke, and a beatnik style brushed wool sweater over hip hugging slacks that might have come from Russia by way of San Francisco. Abouththe only innovation the fashion scene, 'as far, as this un-tutored observer could deter- mine, was a pair of long shorts or short slacks, depending on your viewpoint. They were somewhat longer than Bermuda shorts and a trifle shorter than the trunks old-time fist-fighters wore. Muscovite misses interested in keeping up with the commissar's' wife will find the fashions on sale at GUM and CUM, the Russian eqivalent of Macy's and Gimbel's, except that both are'requiredby law to tell each other what they're up to. ,3 '-,' I s- ,, Willie's Words . s " I . I. a ui I ~ 'urn c I