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July 07, 1959 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1959-07-07

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Sixty-Ninth Year
orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

The University Conceives

UNIVERSITY is analogous to things or-
anic. It expands and develops, alters its
arance, shifts direction. Unlike other or-
sms, however, the University moves toward
vn goals: "quality education," the develop-
t of critical thinking, the heightening of
eref ore, any, move or policy decision ought
e judged in terms of whether or not it
;ts the institution toward these goals.
rhaps because of its massive size, the Uni-
ty is sometimes sluggish or conservative
t taking dynamic steps in the direction
s goals.
>wever, the recent creation of one insti-
REE LONG and rousing cheers for Con-
ressman Walter, whose virtually super-
an capabilities in almost any area of en-
or are again demonstrated to us - this
in the field of art.
veral years ago, in the McCarran-Walter
igration Act, he showed his amazing wis-
and fair and impartial judgement of hu-
ity by setting up restrictive quotas for
le from various countries who wished to
r and settle in the United states.
w, as an art critic of Bernard Berenson-
insight, he finds the quality of the paint-
the United States Information Agency is
ing to Russia to be Communist in nature,
ng also that many of their authors "have
ficant records of affiliation with the Com-
ist movement." Even President Eisen-
er, whose dabblings apparently qualify him
his field, doesn't like the modern art we
sending to Moscow. He, it seems, doesn't
rstand it too well. The President, even,
is to be impressed by Rep. Walter's pro
ell, it's wonderful to be living in the United
es, where our duly elected representatives
men whose capacities . for wisdom and,
ement are so immeasurably great - and
are offered, and take, the opportunity to
them so often.

tute and the near-crystallization of another
are welcome affirmations of the University's
purposes and pursuits.
THE CREATION is that of the Center for
Conflict Resolution, dedicated to research
on the problems of peace and war. The pur-
pose - settlement of world conflict - could
not be more lofty or idealistic.
The Center is admittedly an experiment,
and the University is not pouring any funds
into its operation until some results are pro-.
duced. Yet, by approving installation of the
Center here, the University is fulfilling one "of.
its great obligations: experimentation, or as
one Regent put it, the "obligation to take a
risk " If universities are not willing to take
chances on just such institutions as the Cen-
ter, no one else would, and more than one dis-
covery or invention would never have been
The near-crystallization is that of the In-
stitute for Science and Technology, for which
the State Legislature appropriated operating
funds last week. A spawn of the Satellite Age,
the Institute might prove of incredible worth
to science, the University and its intellectual
climate, not to mention the state, nation and
THE INSTITUTE will be erected on North
Campus, perhaps next fall, at the same time
the Center for Conflict Resolution begins op-
eration. The functions of the two institutions
are not unrelated. Both are working for im-
proved world conditions and the elusive
stratum of peace, and the Center will be striv-
ing indirectly to make the Institute a unit
devoted completely to peacetime exploration.
Both are bold undertakings, of which the
University and the public can be proud. Both
are symbols of worthwhile growth at a Uni-
versity which some persons feel has grown too
much. Both are in line with a university's
proper functions and goals. And if one of these
goals is to train not only authorities but in-
dividuals who will not be taken in by authori-
ties, then the University has taken not just a
large step, but a gigantic and reassuring one.

"Ah, Yes- We Have Many Things inComon"
..i695:Ti'Ewst 1 Z~ 's "a

thus increase his empire. Dorothy
McGuire gives to the role of the
daughter who cares for the old
man in anticipation of gaining
control of his empire one of the
most memorable performances in
recent months, although many of
her lines are inferior to her great
JEAN SIMMONS, as the girl
who is about to bring still further
vineyards into the family domain,
is sensitive and successful. Rock
Hudson as the illegitimate product
of somehow misarranged mar-
riages is as usual the dramatic
weak link in an otherwise strong
The film, which could easily
have been a successful psychologi-
cal drama, loses much of its punch
in a very episodic ending in which
every conceivable dramatic climax
is summarily dealt with and then
dismissed too quickly. The vast
potential psychological jolt is lost
because the directors and script
writers were more concerned with
closing dramatic bravado,
But because of the fine acting
jobs by Raines and Miss McGuire,
all is not lost. And bescause of the
rather weakly written closing,
series of events, the top actors as-
sume a dominance which allows
the viewer to imagine his own
psychological finish.
- - -
A PROTEST must be offered
here. Film makers are anxious to
make money and Rock Hudson: is
a top audience drawer. Thus he is
handed a role far beyond his
limited abilities and as a result a
potentially magnificent movie is
handicapped. "A Farewell To
Arms" was ruined this way; "This
Earth Is Mine" suffers badly but
not fatally.
Totalling the results: The top-
notch acting of Raines and Miss
McGuire plus some above-average
color photography make the dis-
appointment worth it.
-Robert Junker

to the'

Fine Acting Featres
Variable 'Earth' Plot
"T HIS EARTH IS MINE" belies its tawdry beginning to present a
film of almost fine quality. Some of it is magnificent; some follows
Hollywood's cheapest tradition.
The story possesses potential which is barely touched. The wine
baron, admirably portrayed by Claude Raines, has built an empire of
vineyards, not always following the most ethical means to his end.
Prohibition has temporarily ended his wine production, yet he turns
no where else; he plows under his grapes to enrich the soil for the
day when he can again make fine wine.
Around him are gathered his family. Some of them, like his
daughter, he has married off to men owning adjoining vineyards which

To The Editor:
YOUR EDITORIAL about a new
book which speaks of faculty
members as "status-seekers" seems
to call for some comment. I am
not interested in the contents of
the book, which seems to be com-
pletely unimportant. But we need
to be more on our guard against
letting the English language de-
generate into jargon.
We are all lured by it into a
foolish idea of what science and
objective reporting really should
be. If we say that a good rain
wets the soil, that is nothing. But
if we mike the observation that
any precipitation in excess of a
trace modifies the condition of the
soil with respect to humidity, we
think we really have something.
The author of the book in ques-
tion says that professors are "sta-
tus seekers." That looks like social
science making an important dis-
covery. And when a man begins to
think that he is the multiplication
table, I cannot argue with him.
But if we speak 'plain English.
we would probably say that mem-
bers of faculties try as best they
can to be men of standing in their
profession. And that seems to be
laudable, and to be true of most
of them. Those who are not try-
ing, are open to criticism.
Jargon is not only a linguistic
deterioration, it is a bad habit
which can lose for us our cdmmon
sense and our understanding of
society and human nature.
--Louis I. Bredvold
(Status) Professor Emeritus
of English


Push Algh
W ASHINGTON - General sell their story withou
Charles de Gaulle's French emotionalism most peo
government has opened in this ways associated with tl
country a remarkable able -- and French character.
oddly "un-French" - new cam- It is a startling ch
paign to influence American opin- almost as though cert
ion in favor of France's position spokesmen had take:
in Algeria. course in London from
What the French desperately masters of the techniq
seek, of course, is what they have ingly casual persuasior
never had: the support of the ish.
United States for their policy of The most effective Fi
implacably suppressing the Al- over the Algerian qu
gerian rebels in what, after all, for are not those of Fren
a century has been legally as much France. They are those
a part of France as Texas is of men from Algeria who
the United States. gerian members oft
Chamber of Deputies.
They know that the lon'g process C D *
of condemning France for her ac-
tions in Algeria will begin all over THESE AUTHENTI
again this fall in the United Na- Frenchmen are ablet
ions.the French -Frenchn
never do. They are ab
not as accused "colo
THERE IS nothing new about exploiters of Algeria1
the muddle of Algeria, where the tives of that area wh
rebels have long since captured claim to love that la
much of the free world's easy much as the Algerian
sympathy with:their cries for "in- or say they do.
dependence" and against "cold- It is rather as though
nialism." What is entirely new is States government wer
the whole nature of the present tack for not allowing I
French propaganda drive. to become wholly separ
This is being watched here by dependent, and we sele
certain specialists in international our answer freely elf
propaganda, some of them in offi- gressmen who were
cial position, with some sympathy "Americans" but also
--but even more professional in- waiians.
terest and curiosity. For the the French undergrou
French have suddenly begun to the Nazis.


Th e Soviets in New York

t the Gallic
ple have al-
,he "typical"
ange. It is
tain French
;n a quick
the world's
ue of seem-
n, the Brit-
rench voices
aestion now
chmen from
of French-
are also Al-
the French
C Algerian-
to do what
men could
ble to speak
mizers" and
but as na-
o can fairly
,nd quite as
rebels do,
h the United
re under at-
Hawaii, say,
rate and in-
cted to give
ected Con-
not only
native Ha-
nd against

BASICALLY, the case these'
visitors are trying to make is this:
1) Algeria, far from being a fat
source of profit for France, is
utterly dependent economically on
France. Algeria, all the same, is
being retained by France for, the
same reason we would insist on re-
taining Alaska in the Union. That.
is to say, Algeria simply is a part
of France-and in military terms
a strategic part.
2) The French can understand
the irritation of France's allies
that the bulk of the French army
has long been pinned down in Al-
geria. But the French believe these
troops are serving the common
Western defensive interests. For
the loss of Algeria to the rebels
would give to the forces of chaos
-and forces with Communist sup-
port- a foothold in North Africa.
North Africa has been historically
a bridge to coniquest by aggres-
sors .
3) The French are convihced
they will have broken the Al-
gerian revolt altogether by the
end of this year. They see no pos-
sibility, however, of being able
safely to recall the French forces
to European France for years to
come-unless. The "unless" is that
the United States alters its own
policies and quits directly or in-
directly encouraging the rebels.
(Copyright 1959, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)'


N HIS SPEECH at the opening of the Soviet
Exposition in New York, Mr. Nixon spoke
about Soviet-American relations briefly but
pointedly and with much good sense. Both
countries haves gone to a lot of trouble and
expense-the Russians at the Coliseum in New
York, we in thecoming fair in a Moscow park--
to how each other our most attractive faces.
Yet we are deeply at odds.not only about the
future of Germany but also about the future
of Asia, of Africa, and some measure of Latin
America. This is not the result only, said the
Vice President, of "a lack of understanding"
which can be cured by more contact, more
cultural exchanges, more trade.
There are no doubt misunderstandings which,
are based on fear or false information: But the
root of the trouble is not misunderstanding. On
the contrary it is the understanding that "there
are basic conflicts of interest and deeply clash-
ing ideologies that are not easily removed." The
prime example here is Germany where each
side deems is its own interest to bring the
whole of Germany within the orbit of its own
military and political system.
But overriding these conflicts of interest,
there is, as Mr. Nixon pointed out, a recogni-
tion on both sides of "the folly of allowing
them to develop into a conflict which would
result in the destruction of our civilization."
We have to co-exist with bur conflicts of in-
terest unsettled because, the balance of power
being what it is, there is no way of achieving
a victory which could settle them by war.
Therefore, as Mr. Nixon put it. "We increased
exchange and contact between our two peoples
so that our differences can be discussed in the
best possible climate of understanding."
A CLIMATE of understanding would not be
possible if there did not exist a profound
military stalemate. This stalemate could con-
ceivably be dissolved if this country did what
the Soviet Union will certainly not do-if it
ceased to keep even in the race of armaments.
But thanks to those who have been ringing the
alarm bell, the fact is that this country will
keep the balance even.
Editorial Staff
Co-editor Co-editor
PETER ANDERSON ................, Sports Editor
THOMAS HAYDEN .....................Night Editor
KATHLEEN MOORE ....................Night Editor


Within this stalemate and in part because of
this stalemate, the paramount fact in the
world situation is that not only in Russia and
the United States and Canada, but all over
Europe both East and West, and in all the other
continents a period of swift and fascinating and
all - absorbing industrial and, technological
change has begun. There is no important power
capable of waging a big war which does not
see its best future in its own internal develop-
ment. The post-war era with its ruins and its
desperation is over, and the world has come into
an age, in some ways like the second half of
the nineteenth century, when there have opened
up vistas of great progress in the rise of the
popular standard of life.
WHAT THE RUSSIANS are saying by their
exposition in New York is that their own
internal development is their paramount in-
terest. If this is true, as it appears to be, how
is it to be reconciled with the idea, which un-
doubtedly prevails also, that Communism is on
the way towards world supremacy?
Since 1917 there has been a change in the
Communist doctrine. The original idea was that
the workers of the world would follow the Rus-
sian lead and would rise up in a world revolu-
tion. They did not do that. This was followed
by the idea that the Communist realm would
expand by the entry of the Red: Army into
adjacent countries which had been subverted
by local and imported Communist agents. This
idea, though not abandoned entirely, has been
largely frustrated by the Western policy of con-
The current idea is that the example of the
spectacular development of the Soviet Union
will be contagious in the backward countries
of Asia and Africa. For the present day Com-
munists are able to say that Russia has proved
by its example what a backward country can do
and how it can do it quickly; the United States,
on the other hand, though it is an industrial
and technological marvel, is not an example
which a crowded and backward country can
follow. Therefore, in the peaceable competi-
tion, the Soviet Union will gain influence and
the West will lose influence.
THIS IS THE inner- nature of the Soviet
.L challenge, and the sooner the professional
anti-Communists among us understand it, the
better it will be. For when we understand the
real challenge, which in the perspective of
history is enormous, we shall be asking our-
selves some very searching questions about
whether we are paying enough attention to
our own internal development.

Russian Economy Shows
Post-War Rejuvenation
Associated Press News Analyst
WESTERN ANALYSTS, regardless of how they may evaluate the-
intentions of Soviet Russia's ruling autarchy, have been inclined
to accept at face value the almost unanimous reports of travelers that
the Soviet people do not want war.
Deputy Premier Kozlov has used the high war death rate in his
own family as an example of why.
The Population Reference Bureau, a Washington nonprofit or.
ganization which analyzes world population statistics as they relate
to food problems, industrial potential and the like, has come up with




Soviet Exhibitors Cool, Unresponsive

Daily Staff writer
NEW YORK - To the amateur
exhibit-attender, perhaps the
most striking observation at the
Soviet Exhibition here is the con-
trast between the Russian exhibi-
tors and the American cops on
The difference seems to be'more
than merely the difference in their
respective intelligence, education
and cultural levels.
The Russians were cool, distant
and - it seemed - condescending.
The cops were folksy.
They joked with the patrons,
and the other cops. When it was
time to close the exhibit hall, they
herded the crowd out with stand-
ard orders like, "Okay folks, break
it up."
THE RUSSIAN exhibitors re-
mained distant. When asked ques-
tions they answered precisely, but
volunteered no information except
that explicitly called for. There
was no chatting; the Russians re-
fused to be drawn into casual con-
The English of most of the ex-
hibitors was halting; most of them
had bad British accents; rather
than American. One of the exhibi-
tors explained that they were not
professional interpreters-instead,
they were technical experts who
were capable of thoroughly dis-
cussing the intricacies of their
specific product;

and some, demonstratively, worked
well. For example, their closed-
circuit color television was far
clearer than home reception on
American color TV sets. Their
automobiles seemed. quite similar
to the American Lark.
Two particularly arresting gadg-
ets were an underwater television
camera and a genuinely portable
television camera. The camera it-
self was no bigger than a press
camera and the power pack was,
strapped on the model's back.
There was no live demonstration
of either of these devices, however.
TO THE LAYMAN, the Russian
industrial equipment looks very
similar to American equipment.
The Russian tractor, for example,

looked almost exactly like one this
writer has driven. An announced
purpose of this exhibit is to pro-
mote trade in industrial equipment
between the two nations.
With one conspicuous exception,
the science and technology ex-
hibits looked like they were de-
signed on Madison Avenue. The
exception was a model of a nose
cone of a Russian space rocket.
It was placed in a fairly prominent
location, but there was no other
attention drawn to it.
Several exhibitors refused to say
if they were pleased with thel
American response to the exhibit,
but several proudly pointed out
that they were averaging 60,000
visitors a day. (That figure is cor-

new figures which can be applied
on this point.
War II, Soviet casualties were
estimated at from three to seven
millions. In 1946 the World Al-
manac said civilian casualties re-
presented about half of a total of
between 12 and 15 million.
The Reference Bureau, study-
ing birth rate and other records
published in connection with the
1958 census, now puts the total at
between 15 and 20 million.
Additional millions-practically
all the people of the U.S.S.R. -
have been affected in their lives.
from the actual war areas, and
many of them have remained to
populate new cities east of the
Urals. In 1939 only 32 per cent of
the 170,000,000,people lived in
cities. Now, it is nearly half of
This rapid growth of cities is a
testimonial to the already known-
industrial growth of the country
as well as to improved agricul-
tural methods requiring less man-
power for increased production.
Kozlov expressed irritation over
the Western idea that Russia's'
women work like mules. The cen-'
sus figures make it clear, however,
that female labor has been a
necessity in the economy of a
country which emerged from the
war with a pdpulation of some-
thing like 155,000,000, but with an
able-bodied labor force of only,
ready painfully conscious of the
Communist bloc's tremendous
manpower may also ponder what
will happen when new generations,
unaffected by the war losses, will
begin to arrive.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan fSor which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsiblity. Notices should
be sent In TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for'Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
TUESDAY, JULY ,7, 1959





Willie's fWords


Forum Lecture, Linguistics Institute.
"Spanish verb Inflection." Harold v.
King, Asst. Prof. of English. Tues., July
7, 7:30 P.M., Rackham Amphitheater.
Biological Symposium sponsored by
Division of Biological Sciences: George
E. Palade of the Rockefeller Institute
for Medical Research, "Functional
Changes in the Organization of the
Animal Cell" Tues., July 6, 4:00 p.m.
Angell Hall, Aud. A.
Carillon Concert: Percival Price, Uni.
versity carillonneur, concert' trom Bur-
ton Memorial bell-tower Tues., July 7,
8:30 p.m.
Academic Notices
Classical Studies Coffee Hour: Tues.,
July 7, E. Conf. Rm., Rackham Bldg.
4:00 p.m. All students and friends of
the classics are cordially invited. Shir-
ley Barlow, London, England, speaker.
Language Exam for M. A. in History
Fri., July 17, 4 p.m., Em. 407 Mason
Hall. Dictionaries may be used. Sign
the list in the History Office, 3602
Haven Hall.
Sociology 1 Make-up Final will be
given wed., July 8. from 1:30 to 3:30
p.m. Students should report to Em.
5633 Haven Hall.


NX7 V * : - : 'T ALIM-L",

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