"'Hard Victorious at Wimbledon, Enters Fin
WIMBLEDON, England (R) --
Happy-go-lucky Darlene Hard
smashed and volleyed her way
yesterday into the women's finals
of the Wimbledon Tennis Cham-
pionships where she will try to
keep intact a 21-year unbroken
string of American victories.
In the title round Saturday,
the bouncy one-time waitress from
Montebello, Calif., will play 19-
year-old Maria Bueno of Brazil,
who thwarted an all-American
climax by beating Sally Moore of
Bakersfield, Calif., 6-2, 6-4.
Miss Hard-sometimes brilliant,'
sometimes wild, but never cau-
tious - smothered Sandra Rey-
nolds' backcourt steadiness with
net-rushing pressure- and con-
quered the South African girl,
6-4, 6-4.
This is the second time in the
last round for Darlene, who bowed
to Althea Gibson in 1957. Miss
Gibson, who won the last two
years, is on temporary leave from
competition and did not defend.
Miss Bueno's presence in the
finals raises the possibility of an
all-South American sweep of the
singles titles. Today top-seeded
Alex Olmedo, the lend-lease U.S.
Davis Cup ace from Peru, meets
Australia's 20-year-old giantkiller,
Rod Laver, for the men's crown.
, Never before in this grand-
pappy of all tennis tournaments
Postone Title Bout,
Moore's Handler Asks
MONTREAL (P) - Jack (Doc)
Kearns, manager of Light-Heavy-
weight Champion Archie Moore,
said yesterday he is, seeking a
postponement of Archie's July 15
championship fight here with
Canada's Yvon Durelle.
"I just asked Eddie Quinn (the
promoter) for two weeks' post-
ponement," Kearns said. "Archie
picked up a very bad stone bruise
in his heel."
Quinn, Montreal* wrestling and
boxing promoter, said he wouldn't
know before noon today whether
he would be able to postpone the
Kearns said a doctor looked at
the bruise and advised him to
postpone the fight, the second
championship meeting between
Moore and Durelle.
Quinn said he would have a
Montreal Athletic Commission
doctor look at the heel too.
"It'll take three or four or
five days before Moore can do
any road work," Kearns said. "He
could'nt jump around with it. He
worked out today on his toes
punching the bag.,
"This is a tough fight and he's
got to be ready."
Kearns said Moore picked up
the bruise several days ago. But
he hadn't mentioned it.
The word in Montreal is that
01' Archie has been having weight
troubles. He has looked heavier
than the 180 pounds Kearns says
he weighs.
Bradley Leads'
Flint Tourney
FLINT ()--Little known Monte
Bradley grabbed the early lead
in the $52,000 Flint Open Golf
Tournament yesterday with a
four-under-par 68.
The 28-year-old Texan who has
been on tour only since February
carded a 33-35-68 with most of
the field still out on the Warwick
Hills Golf and Country Club lay-
out at nearby Grand Blanc.
Only two other players among
the early finishers were able to
break par, which is 36-36--72 at
the sprawling layout which norm-
ally plays 7,280 yards.;
has a South American player gone
as far as the finals.
The U.S. women's dominancy
traces back to 1938, the year after
Dorothy Round of Britain won
the title by beating Jedwiga Jed-
rzejowska of Poland. Since then
there has been a steady succes-
sion of U.S. victors, including such
as Helen Wills Moody, Alice Mar-
ble, Pauline Betz, Louise Brough
and Maureen (Little Mo) Con-
During that period America
produced both finalists in all but
three years. hey were 1939, 1956
and 1958 when Kay Stammers,
Angela Buxto nand Angela Morti-
mer, all British, were respective
Miss Hard, 23, has a powerful
first service-one of the hardest
in women's tennis - and a fiat
forehand drive which she smacks
with unfemine gusto. She is a
constant attacker, going boldly for
the corners and lines and letting
doublefaults and errors fall where
they may. .
Bueno Confident
In Miss Bueno, Darlene meets a.
poised and confident girl who has
tennis maturity beyond her 19
"I always wanted to be the
world champion," Maria said after
beating Miss Moore. "You can be
sure I'm going to play my best in
the final. I am at the peak of
my game."
The two finalists have met four
NL Writers
Honor Face
CINCINNATI (Al) - Elroy Face,
brilliant relief pitcher forthe
Pittsburgh Pirates, yesterday was
announced as winner of the Na-
tional League's "Player of the
Month" award for June.
Face, who made 14 relief ap-
pearances, won five games to run
his season record to 12-0, andl
posted an exceptional earned run
average of 0.37 in 23% innings.
He fanned 18 and walked only
three batters.
He not only won the award from
sterling competition, but he re-
ceived the greatest number of
votes a player has received from
the committee of baseball writers
and broadcasters who select the
winner each month.
Face got 30 votes out of a pos-
sible 40.
Second place went to another
Pirate-Dick Stuart, the valuable
first baseman with the home run
bat. Stuart, who got 4% votes, hit
.427 in June and drove in 22 runs
in 26 games. He also hit ten
One of those home runs, made
on June 5, was the first ever to
clear the center field fence at
Forbes Field, Pittsburgh.
Ken Boyer, third baseman for
St. Louis, got 2% votes for third
place and Sandy Koufax got 2.
Don Newcombe, Cincinnati, got
1 vote.
Koufax, in addition to striking
out 16 Phils on June 22, won four
games without a defeat, registered
an earned run average of 1.23 in
45 innings, struck out 46 and
walked 17.
Big Don Newcombe also won
four games without a defeat in
June and turned in a highly re-
spectable earned-run average of
2.09. The Redlegs righthander
worked 43 innings, struck out 23
and walked only five. He also
starred as a pinch hitter..
Members of the 40-man com-
mittee facd a difficult task in
their June selection.Other players
who commanded consideration
Orlando Cepeda, San Francisco,
who hit .368 and drove in 28 runs
in June; Jim Gilliam, Los Angeles,
.431 in 30 games; Frank Robin-
son, Cincinnati, .363 and drove in
18 runs.
times in the past. Miss Hard won
them all.
"I was pleased with my game
today,," Darlene said. "My game
has improved since Althea beat
me two years ago."
Miss Hard broke Miss Reynolds'
girlish service in the seventh
.game for a 4-3 lead without
yielding a point and then easily
ran out the first set.
Californian Wild
The blonde California girl, hit-
ting all-out, ran up a 4-2 lead in
the second set before running
into a streak of wildness. The
South African pulled even at 4-4
but proceeded to drop her serv-
ice again in the hard-fought
ninth game. Miss Reynolds saved
three match points in the tenth
game ,but on the fourth dumped
a forehand into the net.
Miss Moore, 19, Wimbledon girls
winner a year ago, seemed both-
ered by the gusty wind which
whipped across the center court.
Miss Bueno, hitting deep well-
placed drives, went ahead 4-1
in the first set. Miss Moore served
two aces to win the next game
but the Brazilian ripped through
the next two games.
Miss Moore, down 3-5 in the
second set, made a fight of it by
breaking Miss Bueno in the ninth
game, with the latter double-
faulting at game point. But Miss
Bueno rebroke Miss Moore in the
10th for the set and match.
An all-Australian final devel-
oped in men's doubles. Top-seeded
Neale Fraser and Roy Emerson
whipped Torben Ulrich of Den-
mark and stateless Lazlaw Legen-
stein 6-3, 6-2, 6-2 to go against
teammates Laver and Bob Mark.
The latter upset second-seeded
Nicola Pietrangeli and Orlando
Sirola of Italy 6-4, 6-4, 6-3.
land (R) - Harvard's undefeated
heavyweights and lightweight
eight-oared crews stroked to im-
pressive triumphs yesterday as
five American entries advanced
in the Royal Henley Regatta.
The other U.S. winners were
Navy Lt. Harry Parker of East
Hartford, Conn., and the Vesper
Boat Club of Philadelphia in the
diamond sculls; the Union Boat
Club Eight of Boston, and the
Belmont Hill (Mass.) School
Princeton University's Cottage
Club Four was the only American
casualty on the windswept
Thames. The Pickup Quartet ran
into one mishap after another
and bowed to the Et. Thomas
Hospital Four in the Wyfold Cup
Trounce London
Harvard's varsity trounced the
London Rowing Club by 5 lengths
in 7 minutes, 21 seconds for the
mile and 550 yard race against
the current in a Grand Challenge
Cup heat; the Crimson, 155-
pounders won by the same margin
over Oriel College of Oxford in
7:20 in the Thames Challenge
Cup eliminations; Parker scored
by 2% lengths in 8:54 over Eng-
lish Champion J. M. Russell;
Union edged the Vesta Rowing
Club of London by a half-length
in 7:23 of the Thames Cup com-
petition, and Belmont rallied to
beat the Imperial Boat Club c
London by a half-length in 8:1
of the Wyfold Cup Heats.
Both Harvard eights got ou
in front at the start and led al
the way while under-strokin
their rivals. The Harvard varsit
was the outstanding boatload o:
the Thames yesterday.
Semifinals Today
Today, Coach Harvey Love'
Eastern Sprint Champions wil
meet the formidable Isis Boa
Club of Oxford in the semifinal
Isis is the club in which the bes
Oxford rowing talent has bee:
concentrated this year.
Both the Harvard lightweight
and Union Boat Club reached, ti
quarter-finals of the Thame
Challenge Cup Competition. Hal
yard is the defending champion,
The Harvard Eight had to mak
a last-minute 'substitution for ail
ing Melville Hodder but it a:
parently didn't make much differ
ence in the smooth run of th
shell. Kingsbury Chase, a mem
ber of last year's Harvard Eighi
subbed for Hodder,
Record Catch
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico ()-
Blue Marlin weighing 7801 lbi
was caught near here Wednesda;
erasing the listed world record c
756 pounds which had stood (C
two years:
Harvard Oarsmen Wi
In British Cornpetitioi
two years
Bullock Paces British Open Tourney
lv*u j mru= u, zownu -gthr36hl ttlsQ 18o
Little-known Fred Bullock of Eng- gether T-hole totals of 14 or
land carved his second straight better. Thomson, a four-time wi-
sub-par round-a 70-through the ner, sneaked in at 148 with his
wind and rain yesterday and took second straight 14.
a two-stroke lead at the halfway Bullock, a 40-year-old profes-
point of the British Open Golf sional playing his second tourna-
Chamipionship with a score of 138. ment of the year, scrambled out
Chapihip withn f of the bunkers and rough to, add
Weather conditions were so foul his 70 to an opening round 68. He
that all four of the U.S. con- refused to let the, weather bother
tenders-Willie Goggin, Bob Wat- him.
son, Bob Sweeny and John Gar- In second place at 140 came
rett-shot themselves -out of the Flory Van Donck, the dapper world
tournament and the defending traveler from Belgium, with a
champion, Peter Thomson of Aus- second straight 70. Three British
tralia, barely 'survived the cutoffplayers ewer tied for third at 142.
The field was reduced to 48 They were Arnold Stickley, who
players who were able to put to-. added a 74 to his first round 68;
MSU Ice-Skating Program
Attracts Top Performers
Reg Knight, who shot 71, and a
24-year-old Walker Cupper, Mi-
chael Bonallack, with a 72.
The tournament was shorn of
an American contender for the
first time since World War II.
Sweeny, the graying former
British Amateur Champion from
Palm Beach, Fla., made a strong
run at it but his putter failed
him at critical moments. He took
a 73 for 151.
Watson, a pro from Ardsley-
On-Hudson, N.Y., failed with a 71
after an opening 82 but his score
of 153 left him far out of the
running. Putting also proved Wat-
son's undoing.
Both Garrett, a 23-year-old
Houston, Tex., amateur, and Gog-'
gin, the 53-year-old World Senior
Professional Champion from San
Jose, Calif., had 80's. Garrett
finished with a 36-hole score of
156. Goggin had 158.
Garret missed six putts of under
six feet and three-putted the final
two greens. Goggin, playing the
last nine holes in a pouring rain,
also had his main miseries around
the greens.
Just last Friday, the defensive
back announced he wasn't coming
back and would devote his time
to studying law at his alma mater,
It came a little later there was
a matter of money involved. The
Colts paid Brown $9,500 last year
and gave him a bonus of $1,500
for signing as their fifth draft
The Colts offered to start nego-
tiating this year's salary at the
same base pay as 1958, $9,500.
Brown wanted to begin at $11,000.
A stalemate developed and
Brown in effect went on strike.,
Coack Weeb Ewbank of the Colts
got on the telphone to Brown
and it was settled yesterday,
(Continued from Page 4)
Work, Permanent Employment, princi-
pally in Southwestern Michigan. B.S.,
M.S., & Ph.D.: Civil Engineering; M.S.:
Construction. Interviews may be ar-
rangedby signing schedule on bulletin
board opposite Room 347, West Engrg.
(Use of this column for an-
nouncements is available to offi-
cially recognized and registered or-
State is the summer ice skating
capital of the United States again
this year.
A glamorous assemblage of 135
of the nation's top amateur ice
skating stars have gathered at
MSU's Eleventh Annual Summer
Ice Session, the largest summer
program of its kind in the coun-
The intensive eight-week train-
ing period, June 27 to August 22,
has drawn champions of every
Among the performers registered
are Women's World Champion
Carol Heiss; her sister Nancy,
runner-up to Carol for the Na-
tional Senior Women's title, and
Don Jackson, Canadian and.North
American Senior Champion.
There are present eight gold
medal winners in all, including
Bradley Lord of Boston, Shirra
Kenworthy, Diane Lapp, Eleanor
McLeod and Sandra Tewkesbory.
The session is sanctioned by
the U.S. Figure Skating Associa-
tion, and it is the most rigorous
and complete training schedule
the skaters will have before the
National Championships in Janu-
ary and the Olympic Trials in
February, said Session Manager
Norris Wold.
"Besides the .top skaters in the
United States, we've also assem-
bled the finest teaching staff,"
Wold said.
The staff includes Pierre Brunet
of the New York Skating Club;
Montgomery Wilson of the Boston
Skating Club; William Sywallender
Skating Studio, Detroit; and Jean
Arlen Jordan and Beryl William-
son, of the Lansing Skating Club.
Each skater works out six hours
a day, Monday through Saturday.
Practice periods begin at 5 a.m.
and end at 4 p.m., with a break
from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Saturday
afternoons and Sundays are open
for public skating.
young Boxer
Plays .Favorite
ranked Lenny Matthews, a 20-
year-old puncher from .Philadel-
phia, yesterday was rated an 8-5.
favorite to beat. veteran light-
weight contender Johnny Gon-
salves of Oakland, Calif., tonight.
They meet in the radio-televi-
sidn ten rounder in a convention
hall ballroom.
Gonsalves, 28, is ranked fourth
by Ring and sixth by the National
Boxing Assn. Matthews was a
member of the top ten list until
'he was beaten this year by Paulie
Armstead and stopped in the sixth
by leading contender Carlos Ortiz.
1511 Washtenow Avenue
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Alfred Scheips, Pastor
David Schramm, Vicar
9:30 A.M. Bible Study.
10:30 A.M. Worship Service.
7:15 P.M. Discussion Group.
National Lutheran Council
Hill St. at S. Forest Ave.
Henry 0. Yoder, Pastor
Sundy-9:30 A.M. Bible Study.
10:30 A.M. Worship Service
E. Washington & 5th'Ave.
10:00 A.M. Sunday School.
1 1:00 A.M. Church.
7:30 P.M. Sunday Evening Worship.
7:30 P.M. Weekly Prayer Meeting.
1416 H i llStreet
NO 2-9890
10:00 A.M. Meeting for '&orship
United Church of Christ
423 South Fourth Ave.
Rev. Ernest Klaudt, Minister
Mr. Jack LaMar, Student Pastor
10:45 A.M. Worship Service
7:00 P.M. Student Guild, 524 Thompson
1131 Church St.
Dr. E. H. Palmer, Minister
9:30 A.M. Bible classes.
10:30 A.M. Morning worship service. 'How a
Man Can Be Right with God."
7:00 P.M. Evening worship service. "The Faith
of our Fathers. If The Faith of anAverage
Hill and Tappan
Rev. Russell G. Fuller, Minister
9:00 Morning Worship. Sermon Topic: "The
Patriots Nations Need." Rev. Russel Fuller.
THE STUDENT GUILD: Folk Singing, led by Grey
Austin. Guild House, 6:30 P.M.
306 North Division Street
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion followed by Break-
120 S. State St.
Hoover Rupert, L. Burlin Main,
Eugene A. Ransom, Ministers
9:00 and 11:00 A.M. Worship: "A Tide for Uni-
rty." Dr. Hoover Rupert, preaching.
9:30 - 10:30 A.M. Bible Study and Discussion.
2:00 P.M. Meet at Wesley Lounge for picnic
outing at nearby lake.
Corner State and Huron Streets
William C. Bennett, Pastor
10:00 A.M. Sunday Schoot University Class
11:00 A.M. Worship Service.
"The Spirit Fills Life"-Morning
"Conflict & Conquest"-Evening
5:45 P.M. Student Guild.
William and Thompson Streets
Rev. John F. Bradley, Chaplain
Rev. Paul V. Matheson, Assistant
Sunday Masses 6:30; 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M.
and 12:00 noon.
Holiday Masses 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 A.M.,
12:00 noon and 5:10 P.M.
Weekday Mosses 6:00, 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00
Novena Devotions: Wednesday evening, 7:30 P.M.
1833 Washtenaw Ave.
9:30 A.M. Sunday School
1 1:00 A.M. Lesson Sermon.
Reading Room306 E. Liberty. 10:00 A.M. to 5:00
P.M. Daily. Monday 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.
of Ann Arbor, Michigan
Washtenaw at Berkshire
Edward H. Redman, Minister
Summer Sunday Evening Series
"Spectrum of World Problems"
8.00 P.M. "African View." Douglas D. Crary, As-
sociafe Professor, Geography Department, U.
of M.
502 East Huron
Dr. Chester H. Loucks and the Rev. Hugh D.
Pickett, Ministers.
9:00 A.M. Family Worship.
9:50 A.M. Student Bible Class in the Campus
1 1 :00 A.M.: Worship and Communion: "Remem-
ber." Dr. Chester H. Loucks preaching.
4:00 P.M. Student Picnic. Meet at the Campus
Ann Arbor's New
Air-Conditioned . .. OPEN 24 HOURS ... coin-operated
WASH-20c ... DRY-10c,
CWt a4
1928 West Stadium Blvd.
_ ~.
--- ----
1429 Hill Street
These activities for the summer session
July 4th Special
* Weekly starting Friday, July 3, 7:30 P.M.
" Alternating weeks starting Sunday, July 5, 6 P.M.
" Featuring kosher delicatessen
0 Followed by variety program, films, music
at the First Presbyterian Church
1432 Washtenaw Avenue, NO 2-3580
Miss Patricia Pickett, Acting Director
Worship at 9:00 and 10:30
11:30 A.M. Coffee Hour