I Sir An Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom Baii4 FV FAIR, COOL FOUR PM ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 2,1959 FIVE CENTS FOUR PA( l4 Soviet Educators Stress Language (EDITOR'S NOTE Following is the second .in a series of five articles by niversity President Harlan Hatcher on his recent trip to the Soviet Unrion as head of a delegation which studied higher education. This series o tilds originally appeared in The Detroit News. The original articles by Preit Hatcher are reprinted here in full.) By HARLAN HATCHER General comparisons of the Soviet and American educational systems are almost impossible to make. The goals of the two systems,; and therefore the specific porgrams in each of the fields of education, are sodifferent that an attempt to compare one against the other is irtually meaningless. I have said that the United States educational system has done, : nd is doing, a superior job of training young people for our kind of society. I repeat that statement. There is every reason, based upon past performance, why the American people should have the utmost ionfidence in their schools and colleges. Schools Make Changes It is also significant, I think, that when the needs of our nation have 'changed, the schools have come forward to meet those needs. Thus, in the early development of this country, when agricultural and technical specialists were in great demand for a rapidly expanding frontier economy, there sprang up the great Land Grant Colleges. Thus; too, the development of teachers' colleges to serve an ever- tncrasing need in that field. And thus somewhat more recently, the organization of a large number of more specialized scientific and technical schools which are now' a vital part of our educational syst-m. We have again reached, I be- lieve, the stage in our national de- .g 5rvelopment where a re-evaluations of some of our educational goalst kr;. and the practices based upon them, is required. The frontier ofr today is no less real than it was in our grandfather's day. But it is of a different nature.t Need Evaluation1 One of the fields in. which ourt educational system needs to take stock of its assets and its short-a comings is in the sciences-physi- cal, biological, and mathematical.c Another is foreign language in- struction.x I shall not dwell at length/on the sciences, nor attempt to ad-s vance any final conclusions onI " . Soviet educational programs inc these fields. A considerable num- ber of American scientific delegations hve visited the USSR,I and their observation, and conclusions are rather widely known. Confirms Resultsc My own observations, based upon only a cursory examination ont some of the work in universities and colleges, confirms the conclu-c sions already reported by authorities in the field. The Soviet systemc does place a heavy emphasis on the sciences from the elementaryE school t6 the graduate level. In some respects the education of a stu-I dent in the sciences is much narrower than ours, but it is also much deeper in his particular area of specialty.C Perhaps .it is sufficient to point out that before the recent educa-x tional reform, the Russian student, by the time he had completed thet ten-year (secondary) school, had received 1,386 hours of instruction f in mathematics (second only to Russian language and literary read-t ing); 297 in biology; 165 in physics; and 66 in chemistry. In addition, he probably took some 250 hours in technical drawing, practical shop work, and related subjects. With the number of hours of practicalx work to be increased under the recently announced educational re-x form, and with the ten-year school extended to eleven years, the timet devoted to the sciences undoubtedly will show a corresponding in- crease. Recommends Book For those who are interested in a detailed and scholarly analysis of Soviet education in the science fields, I would recommend most c highly Alexander Korol's excellent book, "Soviet Education for Sciencef and Technology." It is one of the most authoritative publicationsi available on this subject. In the area of foreign language instruction, it seemed to all mem-c bers of our party that the Soviet education program was superior to our own. Almost everywhere we went we met Soviet students,; secondary as well as college, who could speak and understand English with considerable skill. Here again instruction begins at the elementary school level.t The study of a foreign language commences in the fifth grade andi continues through the tenth, or last, grade. It is part of the regularc curriculum and a compulsory subject which a student must pass be-I fore being granted his diploma.X Learn Reading . In the secondary schools, the aim of foreign language instructions is to teach pupils to read and understand original texts of moderate1 difficulty and to provide the foundation for the attainment of speak- ing skills in later education. There is some evidence, however, that recent studies have found this program inadequate and that more emphasis will be placed, even at the secondary level, in learning to understand and speak the language rather than simply upon obtain- ing a reading knowledge. Altogether, 660 hours of instruction are devoted to the study of a foreign language in the curriculum of a Russian secondary school. This is broken down into 132 hours in each of the fifth and sixth grades, and 99 hours in each of the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth grades. Require Two Languages At the university level, two foreign languages are'required of al- most all students regardless of major. Here the primary emphasis is upon speaking the language and understanding the spoken word. Spe- cial schools, such as the Institute of Foreign Languages which we visited in Moscow, require even greater proficiency and are doing a truly outstanding job of instruction in the language field. Almost everywhere we visited, we found well-equipped labora- tories for the study of languages. These laboratories contained the latest in audio-visual equipment making it possible for the student to listen to various kinds of foreign accents, to record his own voice and study defects in pronunciation, and to otherwise take advantage of the latest technical devices to help him obtain a mastery of the Ianguage. System Has Weaknesses Appropriation Unchange As- Education Bill DR. WILLIAM IKUBBARD . named medical school dean Name Dean To:0Replace Furs tenberg Dr. William N. Hubbard, Jr., as- sociate dean of the New York University College of Medicine, has been appointed dean of the' medical school. Replacing Dean Albert C. Furs- tenberg whose retirement fur-! lough began yesterday, Dr. Hub- bard is the fifth person to hold the title of "dean" and the eighth administrative head of the medi- cal school in its 109-year history. The appointment, effective im- mediately, was announced by President Harlan Hatcher early yesterday, following word from Dr. Hubbard that he would ac- cept. Negotiations with Dr. Hub- bard had been authorized by the Regents. Unanimously Recommended The ,selection of the new -dean came after intensive study of po-' tential candidates, with the medi- cal ' school faculty committee working on the appointment un-. a n i m o u s l y recommending Dr. Hubbard, President Hatcher said. The University, the President commented, "feels fortunate in being able to select Dr. Hubbard to assume the deanship at a time when the medical school is con- fronted with all of the new and trying problems facing medical education everywhere. "We needed a person with the necessary skills, therdedicated la- brr and the wisdom to continue the great leadership which this school has enjoyed under Dr. Furstenberg's deanship.", Received Degree from NYU The 39-year-old iappointee re- ceived a bachelor of arts degree from Columbia University, studied in the medical school at the Uni- versity of North Carolina and re- ceived his doctor of medicine de- gree from the NYU medical col- lege. He continued specialized train- ing in internal medicine at New York's Bellevue Hospital, joining the NYU medical college faculty in 1949. Dr. Hubbard was subse- quently named the John Wyckoff Fellow in Medicine and was ap- pointed assistant dean in 1951. Since 1953, he has served as as- sistant professor of medicine and associate dean of the medical col- lege. Luebke Wins' Presidency Of Germany BERLIN (R) - Heinrich Luebke, the handpicked candidate of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, yes- terday was elected president of West Germany. The election by the 1,038-mem- ber electoral college went off without incident despite the! threats and protests of the Com- munists. The Reds had warned that holding the convention in West Berlin, 110 miles behind the Iron Curtain, was a dangerous affront to East Germany. Shows Chancellor's Power The voting demonstrated that the 83-year-old chancellor, de- spite recent grumbling over his whip-cracking tactics, was still very much in command of his ruling Christian Democrat Party. The 64-year-old Luebke, a short wiry man little known except for his record as agriculture minister for the past six years, was elevat- ed to the ceremonial presidential job on the second ballot. He ran up 526 votes, six more than needed. Carlo Schmid, the scholarly 62- year-old Socialist candidate, was second with 386. Max Becker of the Free Democrats received 99. Voters Abstain More than a score abstained on each ballot. The Socialists and Free Demo- crats had hoped to slip one of their candidates in if any sub- stantial number of Christian Democrats bolted on the secret ballot. 'Changes Rent Polcy Michigan Terrace and North- wood Apartments will cost Uni- versity students more in the fall, it was announced yesterday. Rents will be raised five to seven dollars monthly because of a change in leasing procedure, Leonard A. Schaad't, business manager for University housing, said. Student tenants requested a 60- day noticeto terminate their leases, rather than yearly con- tracts. This rent increase will cover expected vacancies caused by the new leasing procedure, Schaadt said. . Apartments are expected to be largely vacant during the sum- mer. Previously, students were forced to sublet their apartments if not in use during the summer months or meet the rent in some other manner. Effective Sept. 1, monthly ren- tals for the University-operated apartments will be $85 for a single room, $97 for two rooms and $112 for three rooms. By SELMA SAWAYA "America must find the 'carriers of promise' and knock down any and all obstacles in the path of their education; it must develop these carriers into a democratic elite." Prof. Max Lerner offered this yesterday as one part of the an- swer to the question, "Can We Win the Future?" Speaking before a capacity crowd attending the third talk in the summer lecture series, "Modern Man Looks For- ward," Prof. Lerner delved into the problems of America's past, the ethos of our time and the possibilities for America's future. He emphasized the role of "cre- ativeness" throughout history, and its present important role in carrying on what he termed the 'continual American revolution.' Suggests Joining Forces In describing this revolution, Prof. Lerner prefaced his remarks with his concept ,of an "intelli- gence race" - the concept of' either a race against Russia and' China, or a race with them against a "common adversary, Chaos." "America will have to move away from its preoccupation with technological inventions to' a pre- occupation with sociological in- ventions," he said. This will be done by developing the "social intelligence" of the individual - "social intelligence includes emo- tion, will, courage, sensitivity and a sense of human responsibility- a very difficult thing to achieve." Prof. Lerner continued by de- scribing the "triple revolution" of our time, the framework within which America must operate in the race for the future. The triple revolution is the revolt ofrcolonial peoples against imperialism, the revolt of colored races against the white race and an economic revolution, which is the effort to enable the mass of people to make a living and a life. Must Move with Tide To gain any advantages, Ameri- ca must~ work with this tide of events, he continued. "We can- not make headway in this world by being the last bastion of con- servatism. "We thought we could keep dangerous ideas away by building walrs and forbidding the teaching of them. We now know this atti- tude is wrong; what we should have is competition between ideas, and we must develop a sense of the creative idea within people." Pointing out some of the ob- vious relationships between Amer- ica and the revolutionary tradi- tion, Prof. Lerner also mentioned the ideas which America has given the world. Introduced Ideas to World "At the time of our revolution, the idea of freedom was one of the most astounding concepts the world had heard to that time. "America has also given to the world another idea-the idea of access . .. everyone having equal, PROF. MAX LERNER ... calls for creativeness LERNER DISCUSSES FUTURE: America Needs 'Democratic Elite access to equal opportunity. And we have given to others the idea of a 'life style,' the sense of possi- bilities of life." Goingnfrom therevolutionary traditions of America to its pres- ent ethos, Prof. Lerner discussed the current attitude toward sci- PROPOSAL: To Curtail _Telecasts By The Associated Press LANSING - Allocations were! not the only concern of legislators in actions affecting the state's schools and universities yesterday. A bill designed to eliminate closed-circuit telecasts of Univer- sity and Michigan State Univer- sity games was sent to Governor- G. Mennen Williams for final ap- proval while a bill focusing on revision of rural school district boundaries was restored to life in a surprise House action. The proposal concerning game telecasts, which cleared the Legis- lature yesterday would slap a fi- nancial penalty on the two big schools if they agree to a repeat of last fall's closed circuit tele- cast of their sellout football game. Any profits would be cut from their legislative appropriation for operations in 1959-60. The controversial K-12 school district bill, buried last week in a Senate committee, was tacked onto a Senate-approved measure setting up procedures for county school boards to revise school dis- trict boundaries by House sup- porters yesterday. The K-12 plan, approved in the House several weeks ago, would force the estimated 1,350 primary school districts with no high schools to build them or join oth- er districts which already have them. ence and its' relation toi ing attitude toward man He deplored the gro dency to regard facetse such as the forests or sources, as something to ipulated and used. By adopting what he "public-relations point big business and such m as radio and TV have b ipulating man in much they have been manipul ture. "Man, as well as Natu always be subject, neve Prof. Lerner declared. H about the growing ten human beings to becom able." Sees Moral Vigor De Part of this tendency be linked, to the declin national moral vigor, h ued. Examining the goals c most Americans today. money, 'security, happin -will show that each h of soundness, but that has become distorted by pulsiveness which mo have developed in pur goals. Each person must r the goals in the light o personality, and not in of the mass society, Pri said. Society is depend and more on individua future - "we are a society," he continued. America must think in the creative minoritiesN it a spearhead society fostering these minor their creative ideas; t must think in terms of -"the development of t tial within the individu Prof. Lerner conclude the individuals in Amer ety who have the stan rebel on them-the ma individual who is posse creative ideas - and them to form part of t democratic elite will be task of the America of t is to win the' future. World N Roundu By The Associated I JERUSALEM - Pri ter David Ben-Gurion showdown test in Parlia terday on the governm cision to sell arms to N many, the hottest dom in Israel's short existei Despite bitter Israeli the Germans for their termination of the Jew ment voted 57-45 again tion to cancel the contr 250,000 Israeli-made g launchers to West Ger deputies abstained. * * * WASHINGTON - Fi Deputy Premier Frol1 talked for 70 minutes w dent Dwight D. Eisenh terday, reportedly touch East-West deadlock ov and then plugged for Soviet-Afmerican trade sion with Senators. Kozlov pounded on t that trade is a means f ing relations between try and the United Sta But Senators said th Soviet leader had nothi offer them on the quest future status of West E outstanding barrier to1 lations at this moment. C G L * * COVINGTON, La.-G RS .. Passes, Le isature Votes Funds the grow- wing ten- of Nature, Community College other re- be man- Allocation Lowered called the By Joint Committee of view," By The Associated Press ass-media een man- LANSING - A slightly-altered the way higher education bill cleared the ating na- Legislature yesterday, with no changes in the University's record re, should $33.4 million appropriation for r object," operations. e worried The bill totals $101,380,832 for dency of education, after slight cuts by a e "vend- joint House-Senate conference committee. cline The committee chopped the can also House-approved allocation for e in the junior and community colleges by Le contin- $155,000, leaving sit at $3,620,000, Appropriations'Listed -omuon to Appropriations for the other - success, state colleges and universities re- ss, power mained untouched. Exact figures ias a core this core are: the com- Wayne State University, $14.7 etoplemillion. St peoplePFerris Institute, $1.7 million. suing the Houghton, $2.9 million. '-exainine Central Michigan University f-his owne $2.6 million. the light Eastern Michigan College $2.9 heig million .v f. Lerner mlin li.gLmrer Northern Michigan College, $12 ing moremiln ' ls for its stern Michigan University, spearhead $4.4 million. n terms of It rejected a $25,000 increase in who make the State Library allocations put , and in on in the House, but gprovided ities and $2,500 for bookbinding and$7,00 he ocityto provide for an oversight in th heductio original allowance for salaries. education he poten- School Aid Unsettled al. The Legislature completed ac d, finding tion on budget bills totaling about ican soci- 150 milliop dollars, leaving only ap of the school aid and capital olay rk of an spending; levels to be decided. ssed with No action on the two remaining educating budgetary items was expected be- he future fore next /week. Legislators plan the major to knock off for a long holiday today if it weekend after brief meetings this. morning., Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R,-8t. Clair), Republican majority lead- er, estimated the final size of the e' s completed general fund budget at 411 million dollars compared with 424 millions asked by Governor jPG. Mennen Williams. Totals Near $361 Million Press The totals of spending bills ne Minis- approved *y the Legislature was won a brought by yesterday's actionto ment yes- just under $361 million. nent's Tde-.'o this figure, Sen. Beadle added' West Ger- an estimate, of 15 million dollars estic issue for capital outlay and 35 million eic. dollars from the geeral fund to; hatred of supplement the 1959-60 school aid' mass ex- program. vs, Parlia- Other bills cleared after Senate nst a mo- and House acceptance of confer- act to sell ence committee adjustments r e n a d e totaled $24,195,180 for safety and many. Six defense and $24,309,339 for gen- eral government. Sen. Beadle gave his overall rst Soviet budget estimate in a letter to the R. Kozlov Governor reiterating Senate re- ith Presi- fusal at this time to authorize tower yes- cashing the Veterans Trust Fund ing on the to swell depleted treasury bal- er Berlin, ances. . increased in a ses- 1owalski Hits the theme " or better- Quack Passage his coun- tes. Of Fund Bills ie visiting ng new to special to The Daily in o the LANSING - Not all legislators better re- here were satisfied with the speedy passage of appropriations bills for higher education, mental health ov. Earl K. and public health Wednesday. to adopt a House of Representatives Demo- whom he cratic Floor Leader Joseph Kowal- s hospital. ski, of Detroit, said the appropria- ur doctors tions bills "have been shot through governor, the Legislature in a slipshod man- TO TRAIN INSTRUCTORS: ELI Institutes Educational Television, .:: ::Television was used, probably >:" ;.: - -::....for the first time in the world, to help train teachers of English as a foreign language in a demon- .:..:{ {4stiation Wednesday. The occasion was the initial use of the English Language In- stitute's brand new $27,000 closed- - : " circuit installation located in the " : " :} {North University Building. The equipment,Bfinanced by a Ford Foundation grant, allows an ELI teacher to instruct a class of foreign students in the rudi- ments of the English language. while another class of ELI "teach- er trainees," watches and dis- cusses the results in a neighboring room. Using the new TV technique, Long announced p 14-year-old boyw played poker in a plans tt with Texas Meanwhile, one of fo0 treating the Louisiana