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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
:43 t I
Regents Approve New Center
To Study World Conflicts
Special to The Daily
HIDDEN VALLEY - University
Regents yesterday approved a
"bold, exciting" research center to
examine the problems of peace and
To be established immediately,
the Center for Research on Con-
flict Resolution will pioneer a
search for world peace by means
of the social sciences.
"This is the kind of free-wheel-.
ing enterprise a University should
... released from hospital
Lon Leaves
In Louisiana
COVINGTON, La. (A) - Gov-
ernor Earl K. Long of Louisiana
bulldozed his way out of a state
mental hospital yesterday and
charged along a vengeance trail
against politicians he figures have
done him wrong.
The 63-year-old governor - 27
days in two mental hospitals be-
bind him - savored his freedom
1e~s than an hour, then picked his
first victim. He was Louisiana's
state police chief, John Nick
Gov. Long fired Brown and
named E. P. Roy, a former state
police head, his successor. Brown's
police helped guard the governor
at Southeast Louisiana (mental)
Hospital in Mandeville, La.
In Baton Rouge, where political
hurricane signals are flying, an
informed source said of Gov. Long:
"He's sore about people turning
their backs on him."
Talks to Press
After disappearing for a couple
of hours, Gov. Long turned up at
a motel south of Covington where
he told newsmen he would con-
tinue the campaign for governor
he announced before his confine-
mert in a Texas psychiatric clinic.
"I know I am," he answered
when asked if he would run this
Before his hospitalization and
the following uproar, Gov. Long
said he thought he would have to
make 300 speeches during the cam-
"Now I think I can get by with
100," he snapped.
Another source indicated Gov.
Long would call a special session
of the Louisiana legislature, which
just completed an uproarious fiscal
session at mid-June. Some of the
Governor's pet bills went down the
drain at that session.
But, anyone who actually knew
where the slings and arrows of an
outraged governor would fall next
wasn't talking.
Freedom Comes Rapidly
The actual sequence that pro-
vided freedom for Gov: Long came
rapidly and as a surprise. It started
with an emergency meeting of the
Louisiana Hospital Board in the
schoolhouse where hundreds of
Louisianans had gathered to watch
the Governor fight his legal battle
for freedom by habeas corpus.
Seven members of the 14-mem-
ber hospital board, plus two
proxies, gathered with the Gov-
ernor. Rapidly, with board recom-
mendation, Long fired Jesse Banks-
ton, State Hospitals Director and
Dr. Charles Belcher, acting super-
intendent of Southeast Hospital.
In their places, Gov. Long ap-
pointed Charles Rosenblum, a
board member, and Dr. L. H. Mc-
Lendon, a 72-year-old friend of
undertake," Regent Donald Thur-
ber, of Groose Pointe, declared.
May Not Progress
Acknowledging the possibility of
little progress from the Center,
Thurber added "a university should
sometimes take risks, and this
seems to be one of those times."
Vice-President and Dean of Fac-
ulties Marvin L. Niehuss agreed the
plan was "very ambitious and may
not go far." ,
Nevertheless, he continued, "it's
intriguing, exciting and perhaps
Appoint Committee
Functioning within the literary
college,, the Center will be co-
ordinated by a seven - member
Appointed to the group were
Prof. Robert Angell of the sociology
department, Prof. Kenneth Bould-
ing of economics department, Prof.
Inis Claude of the political science
department, Prof. Robert Hefner
of the psychology department,
Prof. Daniel Katz- of the psychol-
ogy department and Prof. Wesley
Maurer of the journalism depart-
ment. William Barth will serve as
executive secretary of the Center.
An anonymous pledge of $65,000
will cover administrative expenses
of the Center for the next three
years. Funds from foundations and
other donors will support the pro-
gram over the same period.
To Promote Research
The Center will seek to promote
and develop research internation-
ally and will have its own research
and research training program.
Its goal will be the attraction of
a large number of social scientists
at institutions throughout the
world to do research on the resolu-
tion of international conflicts. The
Center will sponsor conferences
and seminars to this end.
Its program will involve studies
in (1) implications of permanent
peace, (2) conflict resolution and
peace-making and (3) "politico-
metric" studies.
To Study Implications of Peace
The first area is considered
necessary since a major obstacle
on the road to permanent peace
is the inability to visualize what
a world at permanent peace would
be like and an associated, though
Panel TopiC
TolBe City
Second on the summer series of
lectures, "Modern Man Looks
Forward," will be a symposium
on "The City in Transition."
The panel will discuss the re-
development of the modern met-
ropolitan community with em-
phasis_ on the future of Detroit at
8 p.m. Monday in Aud. A, Angell
Dean Philip M. Youtz, of the
architecture and design school
will serve as moderator on the
panel of five.
Charles Blessing, a member of
the American Institute of Archi-
See Related Story, Page 3
tects and the Detroit Planning
Commission, will speak on "Re-
building the City."
Thomas Creighton, also of the
American Institute of Architects
and editor of Progressive Archi-
tecture, will discuss "Perspectives
on the Future."
John C. Kohl, director of the
University's Transportation Insti-
tute, will speak on "Softening the
Arteries" with Otto L. Nelson Jr.,
vice-president in charge of hous-
ing for the New York Life Insur-
ance Company, will discuss "The
Stake of Business."
often hidden, fear of permanent
Research in the second area will
venture into many fields in which
conflict is a widespread phenom-
enon, including industrial, family
and race relations, factional dis-
putes and the struggle of political
A project on foreign policy goals
and the compatibility of values in
the United States and the Soviet
Union is one of many studies
planned in this area.
To Analyze Information
The third area of research
planned will involve the accumu-
lation and analysis of informa-
tion in order to develop better
measures of preventive interna-
tional tension, to forecast the fu-
ture of international relations and
to determine the consequences of
armament races, international
transactions and international
The concept of the Center
emerged from the success of the
pamphlet "The Journal of Con-
flict Resolution: A Quarterly for
Research Related to: War and
Peace," published by the University
journalism department.
"There seems to be no doubt but
that they're picking up momentum
and gaining world-wide attention,"
Niehuss said.
He said there was "no stronger
group of men- professionally in-
terested in these problems than
at the University."
Wins Title
NEW YORK (P) -'Sweden's
Ingemar Johansson uncovered the
mystery right hand- he hid in
training and won the World
Heavyweight Boxing Champion-
ship last night by flooring Floyd
Patterson seven times and stop-
ping the defending king in 2:03 of
the third round.
It was the most dramatic and
shocking boxing upset since
Schmeling flattened Joe Louis in
Written off as a poor five to
one underdog, the unbeaten mod-
ern day viking from Goteborg be-
came the first non-American born
heavy champion since Primo Car-
nera in 1933-34.
Cinderella Story
Ingemar, the flop of the 1952
Olympics when he was disquali-
fied for not fighting in the final
bout with America's Ed Sanders,
thus completed one of the great-
est Cinderella stories in the an-
nals of the ring by beating the
man who was the hero of the
same Helsinki Olympics.
Seven times the gory Patterson
was sent reeling to the canvas
with blood streaming from his
face. He never seemed to know
what hit him after the first right
hand dumped him on his back for
nine. He barely beat the count
and walked off toward Johans-
son's corner, staring off into
space, while Johansson clobbered
him with another right hand.
Down for counts of nine, nine,
six, six, seven and nine, the com-
pletely stunned and bewildered.
young New Yorker was saved from
complete destruction by referee
Ruby Goldstein. -
Down Seven Times
When Patterson went down for
the seventh time, the count had
reached only one when the ref-
eree stopped the complete slaugh-
Johansson, winner of all of his
21 previous fights, 13 by knock-
Pay raise
.Bill Hits,
LANSING 0P) - A House-ap-
proved, $2,000 a year pay raise for
legislators yesterday was knocked
off the general government spend-
ing bill by the Senate Appropria-
tions Committee.
The move heralded, a floor fight
on the issue. Sen. Elmer R. Porte
(R - Blissfield), appropriations
chairman, predicted the committee
decision would stick, although some
other Senators weren't so sure.
The final outcome thus appeared
headedl for a House-Senate con-
ference committee determination,
possibly late next week.
Cash Crisis Unsettled
The development came shortly
before the Legislature quit for the
weekend, leaving major tax, cash
crisis and 1959-60 budget ques-
tions unsettled after 107 days of
The Senate cold-shouldered a
suggestion by Sen. Haskell L.
Nichols (R-Jackson) for an ex-
traordinary Saturday morning
session to keep plugging away at
the problems.
Both Senate and House ham-
mered away at the budget build-
ing process, with the ultimate gen-
eral fund expenditure blueprint
apparently destined for somewhere
between 405 and 425 million dol-
lars, a record.'
Budget May Set Record
If the Senate and House split
their differences on school aid and
agreed to a 15 million dollar capital
outlay program, the budget would
come out at about 415 million dol-
This would compare with 332
millions initially voted a year ago
for fiscal 1958-59 and final au-
thorizations, after supplementa-
tion this spring, of about 380 mil-
The second major spending bill
of the 11 that will make up the
new general fund budget cleared
the Legislature yesterday when the
House agreed to a Senate recom-
mendation of $17,275,000 for adult
corrections purposes.
Pass. Welfare Allotment
A $70,273,000 allotmentfor social
welfare purposes already has been
passed and signed by Governor G.
Mennen Williams.
As the lawmakers scattered, they
left behind scores of bills that died
for failure to emerge from com-
mittees and were cut down by the
third in a series of progress dead-
lines leading up to final legislative
Of 20-odd bills that escaped
death in the Senate at the last
minute one of the more surprising
was a measure to give statutory
recognition to a gover lor's civil
war centennial commission already
in existence.
Predicted Failure
Sen. Perry W. Greene (R-Grand
Rapids) had said a couple of days
ago that the bill would not be ap-
proved by his State Affairs Com-
Greene said members finally
concluded that the commission
should be given the prestige of;
specific legislative recognition.
-Daily-Ai Erbe
RARING TO GO-The "Bearcats," traditional name for the band accompanying a production of "The
Boy Friend," is led in the local showing by Paul Miller. He thinks more musicals should be produced by
the speech department.
Technical LmtMscDifficulties LmtMscl
For the first time in about six
years the speech department is
putting on a musical comedy.
Why doesn't it produce them
more often? Whatever the reason,
Paul Miller, musical director for
the currently-playing musical
comedy, "The Boy Friend," hopes
it will.
To Change
Student ID's
The University is on the verge
of a shift to new identification
The new ID's, which will prob-
ably be issued to freshmen and
those needing replacements in the
fall, will be wallet-sized photo-
graphs. The photograph will con-
tain the student's picture, name,
local address and other informa-
The student picture and infor-
mation are photographed simul-
taneously with a dual-lens camera
on 35 mm. film. If altered, the
card will show it immediately,
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis said.
The new card will be speedier
to produce, prevents tampering
and since it will be issued every
year will contain current data,
Assistant Dean of Men Karl D.'
Streiff said.
Each fall the student will fill
out an IBM card with the infor-
mation to appear on the ID. This
card will then be placed in a
camera and photographed at the
same time as the student, placing
both pictures on one negative.
The print will be the ID card.
Lewis said forging ID's "is not
a major problem at present, but
there's enough to worry about."
Characterizing the art form as
the closest thing to what opera
was to the public of the 19th cen-
tury, he called its performance by
students for the public a "great"
opportunity for both groups.
Quick to qualify his "danger-
ous" comparison of opera and
musical, he said the latter form
is "less restrained.
"You can move the body more
and come down over the footlights
to 'really belt a song out' if it's
that type.''
The teacher of band and or-
chestra in Milford likes the inte-
gration of music and acting in
dramatic productions and con-
siders the speech department's of-
ferings an excellent way for mu-
sicians to "get to know" the
One of the problems in a stu-
dent production of a musical, and
at the same time a good reason
to have more of them, is the fact;
that "very few people are ex-
perienced in song-and-dance."
Getting back to his most imme-
diate concern, "The Boy Friend,"
he said most of the cast had "for-
tunately" had some training in
song-and-dance and more than
adequate time to rehearse for the
During rehearsals, the cast
worked mainly with a skeleton
orchestra and only about two
nights with the full complement
of musicians. Gazing into the
smallish orchestra pit, the direc-
Fire Causes
Little Damaoe
In West Quad
Flames shot up in the West
Quadrangle kitchen about 3:20
p.m. yesterday, causing some ex-
citement, but little damage.
Overheated grease in one of the
deep-frying units caught fire, but
the Fire Department had the
blaze extinguished in a matter of
Immediate checks on the extent
of the fire and smoke showed it
was confined to the kitchen, Jack
Hale, resident director of the
quadrangle said, so no general
alarm was sounded.
Hale described the fire as "com-
paratively minor," partly because
the equipment involved rests di-
rectly beneath a ventilation hood
which tended to control the
flames and protect the kitchen
against smoke damage.
The equipment involved was of
for vocally wondered how he'd
manage to jump over the railing
at each performance.
"It's the first time I've gotten
all the musicians into the pit -
they 'usually overflow on either
side," he said, but the 12-member
group, including "swinging" ban-
jos, leaves him no room for a di-
rect entrance,
"It's not the easiest thing in the
world to get a controlled orches-
tra so the voices can be heard all
over the theatre," he remarked,
"particularly in one the size of
Lydia Mendelssohn."
The cast, too, has a few more
worries when putting on a musi-
cal. Just developing enough en-,
durance so you have enough voice
left to sing after a dance routine
may seem "rather obvious," he
said, "but try it sometime."
State Paper
troit Times paid a Teamsters
Union official about $36,000 over
about five years to stave off labor
difficulties, the Senate Rackets
Committee was told yesterday.
Committee Chairman John L.
McClellan (D-Ark.) called it a
shakedown. Business Manager
Charles R. Obermeyer of The
Times conceded the arrangement
was "absolutely not" proper, and
said it had been ended last Wed-
Obermeyer testified that Joseph
Prebenda, secretary-treasurer of
Teamsters Local 372, was kept on
the payroll at a full-time driver's
salary mainly because "we want
to avoid trouble."
Accused of Not Working
Prebenda has been an employe
of the newspaper since 1921 but
has done less and less and in the
past three years has done hardly
anything for the paper, Ober-
meyer said.
Summoned to the witness chair,
Prebenda challenged Obermeyer's
statement that he was doing little
to earn his pay. While acknowl-
edging he doesn't drive every day,
Prebenda insisted he does other
chores for the paper, such as
handling route sheets, counting
money and disposing of com-
"They're paying for the respon-
sibility," he said.
Salary Figures Unmentioned
Neither Obermeyer nor Pre-
benda mentioned any salary fig-
ures, but the committee put, in
evidence figures which purported
to show that in the past five years
Hope Rises
For Budget
Fund .Raise
'U' Payroll Assured;
Faculty Unity Holds
As State Action Nears
Special to The Daily
HIDDEN VALLEY - University
officials are guardedly optimistic
about a return to normal opera-
tions this summer after one of
the most crisis-jammed years in
school ana state history.
Meeting in conference sessicn
at Hidden Valley Ski Club near
Gaylord yesterday, the Board of
Regents welcomed the news that
the University's payroll will be
met Tuesday-a consistent worry
about every payday since Decem-
ber, as the state's cash supply has
remained critically low.
They head also that the UnI-
versity is weathering with in-
creasing strength the storm of job
offers to faculty from industry and
other schools.
Key to the optimism was the
rising hope that the House of
Representatives will pass un.
altere a bill to appropriate $33A
million in operating funds to the
University for the fiscal year
starting Wednesday.
Action is expected on the meas-
ure-representing a boost of $3A
million-either Monday or Tues-
day. If the operating budget is
passed by the House unchanged,
the University "should be back
on a somewhat normal level of
operation," Vice-President for
Business and Finance Wilber K.
Pierpont told the Regents.
He reported that a check for
the University's month-end pay-
roll is assured by Monday, bring-
ing the University through the
year in financial solvency.
Vice-President and Dean of
Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss said
faculty unity in face of "raiding'
by other institutions has been
probably strengthened by news of
the possible budget increase -
which would provide more fund
for salaries.
"We're holding pretty strongly
now," Niehuss said. A list of ac-
tual losses will be accurately
tabulated in time for the July
meeting of the Regents when
some formal discussion of the
implications of the final budget
appropriation is expected.
The Regents held informal and
private talks on various aspects of
the University throughout the
day, and will continue tomorrow.s
They have been meeting at
Hidden Valley since 1054, the
guests of Regent Leland I. Doan,
of Midland.
World News
By The Associated Press
HAVANA--Premier Fidel Cas-
tro's revolutionary government
broke diplomatic relations with
the Dominican Republic yester-
It accused strongman Rafael
Trujillo's regime of mass extermi-
nation of war prisoners and cruel
bombing of defenseless citizens.
Castro and the Dominican gen-
eralissimo have long been bitter
enemies. The Cuban leader once
took part in an abortive expedi-
tion to the Dominican Republic to
overthrow Trujillo's government.
* * *
partment yesterday reshuffled its
offices to set up a bureau devoted
exclusively to Russian affairs.
Until now the Soviets rated
only the attention of a branch in
the .office of Eastern European
affairs. Under the new setup,
'there'll bean office of Soviet
Two Appointed Associate Deans
pointment of two new associate
deans, one in the graduate school
and the other in the literary col-
lege, was announced at the Re-
gents' meeting yesterday here.
Prof. Freeman D. Miller, of the
astronomy department, will be-
come associate dean of the Horace
H. Rackham School of Graduate
Studies, effective Wednesday. Pro-
motion of James H. Robertson,
assistant dean of the literary col-
lege, to the rank of associate dean
was also approved.
Prof. Miller's appointment,
which is; on a half-time basis, will
fill the vacancy created by the
resignation of Dean Robert R.
For the past two years, he has
been director of the University
Academic Year Institute, spon-
sored by the National Science
Foudation, which has been giving
50 high school science and mathe-
matics students a year of study
at the University.
Serves As Associate
Dean Robertson has been as-
sistant dean of the literary col-
lege since July 1, 1950. He has
also served as an associate pro-
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