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June 26, 1959 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1959-06-26

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"Be a Good Fellow, Now-Don't be Difficult"

Sixty-Ninth Year
Truth Will Prevail " STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noed in all reprints.


AY. JUNE 26. 1959


Urban Renewal:
How Necessary Here.?

Four 'U' Students
Head for South America
;FOUR UNIVERSITY students planned a trip to South America
last semester. The summer tour was to be done by motor-
cycle, and involved travel through the Darien Gap where there
is no road. In the words of one of the travelers, "the jaunt will
take us through blistering deserts, treacherous mountains and
unmapped areas of jungle."
The four, Wilbert Porter, Grad., Richard McElroy, '60, Barton
Huthwaite, '60, and Robert Mancell, '59, left Ann Arbor early
in June. On June 22 they were stopped in Hope, Ark., by an
accident which has eliminated Wil from the rest of the trip.
WHILE RIDING ALONG a country road, Wit was forced
into a ditch by a deaf farmer driving a truck. Three broken ribs
and 38 stitches later, he was resting comfortably in Hope, with-
out much of continuing the journey. Thethree remaining stu-
dents are currently in Mexico.
Bart, who is 1959-60 Daily Features Editor, will communicate
the experiences of his trip as facilities for mailing articles and
pictures are available.
-R. J.
Taming of the West.



N URBAN RENEWAL project is a laudable
way to up-grades communities, but is it
ally a necessity fox the rehabilitation .of a
art of Ann Arbor?
This seemingly innocent question raised,
:t for the first or probably tho last time, byr
layor Cecil Creal last weekend caused a furor
nong City Council members and supporters
the plan, but apparently no one thought of
sking the residents of, the area in question
hat they thought of'the whole thing.
The Mayor's plaii, presented in an attempt
> remedy tlis situation, calls for the forma-
on of a coimittee, including both area resi-
ants and community leaders, to study means
implementing a program of self-rehabilita-
on to replace the federal program.
While the Council was probably justified -in
sanding the Mayor's statement (which ac-,
>mpanied a 'veto of the Council's Urban Re-
ewal plan) as purely arbitrary and uncalled
r at this late date, neglect of the citizen's
oint of view has typified the three-year hassle
ver what's best for the community.
The Mayor, protesting this seeming un'con-
ern for the individual's right to be heard, sug-
ested that the people in the Urban Renewal
rea didn't want progress if it meant they had
> give up the homes they own free and clear
nd move into multiple living units, and that'
iey'd be wiling to initiate improvements by
OOKING AT THIS realistically, it probably.
wouldn't be as effective as the federal plan
-where would the people get the funds for
ich home improvements? - but it may prove
referable to the overwhelming changes sug-
ested' by Urban Renewal supporters. 'The
mount of concern over this area generated in
he last'three years seems sufficient to insure
hat the whole rehabilitation idea will not be
)rgotten if Urban Renewal is thrown out.
It is hoped that the civic groups now loudly
i favor of the federal plan will be just as
illing to aid smaller-scale attempts to clean
p the neighborhood without government
mds. And residents have rep'eatedly voiced
he desire to make home improvements 'if 'they
:uld be sure no one would *step in and tell
hem they had to forfeit their home in the
ame of progress.,

One incongruity of Urban Renewal is the
plan to get rid of a slaughter house employing
85 people, most of whom are among the low-
income families of the area. With no place in
the county to which it can move, its demise
would swell the ranks of the'unemployed and
increase the neighborhood's problems, for a
great deal more can be done with a low income
than with no income.
But that isn't all. The slaughter house would
be replaced by an extension of the children's
playground next door. Sound like a good idea?
The children will still have to put up with the,
sight, sound and smell of the asphalt plant,
coal yard and railroad tracks just across the
SUCH CONFLICTS and paradoxes, admitted-
ly without quick or painless solutions, are
bound to arise and no plan is capable of iron-
ing out all the area's built-in problems.
One thing in favor of Mayor Creal's sugges-
tion is its focus on persuasion rather than
force as a means of attaining at least a mea-
sure of improvement while retaining the co-
operation of the residents. A mere remodeling
program is useless - if the people feel they
are being imposed upon by outsiders, they
probably aren't going to make any attempt to
care for the shiny new apartments they live
in.: Before long, trash would start accumulat-
ing in halls and yards again, a return .to the
practices which' led to the need for improve-
ment in the first place.
More to the point is Mayor Creal's slightly
corny, but nevertheless justifiable, invocation.
of civic pride as a way to get the desired re-
sults. From just an economic standpoint a
person who invests! at least part of his own
money in improvements on his own home is
usually wiling to protect that investment.
Urban Renewal and the alternative plan are
still being fought over vigorously, but remarks
voiced by local political followers indicate ac-
ceptance of community responsibility for im-
provement. After all, these people aren't liv-
ingin a New York ghetto or a 'Chicago slum,
but a dilapidated and slightly old neighbor-
hood. Surely Ann Arbor has the resources to
give these people any aid they may need -
federal aid might better be used elsewhere'.

v ASC'f Grs(~c{Gn a Tc,

CaHb bean Can'U4 el

Twin Killing?

ALTHOUGH President Eisenhower has in.
dicated that Reichard Nixon's trip to, Mos-
cow next month is not intended to further
negotiations, there seem to be 'whispers in
political circles that the visit might yield two'
important results.
The Vice-President will open the American
National Exhibition next month in Moscow's
Sokolniki Park. But it is hoped that his visit
will cut more than one string.
During a recent news conference, President
Eisenhower told the press that he did not
regard Nixon's visit as a "mechanism for re-
opening negotiations." But, despite it all, the
Vice-President is "presumably" going through
exhaustive briefing by State Department ex-
perts, it has been reported.
If the reopening of Big Four talks on July 13
at Geneva proves no more successful than the
first six weeks of negotiation, then Nixon, who
has scheduled talks with Khrushchev during
the last week in July, may be instr'umental in
finding a solution or opening a road to the
ONE SOURCE even commented that Soviet
leaders have actually planned things this
way: tired of bumping their Berlin-aimed noses
against the Western stone wall, they may have

broken off negotiations for the time being with
the express purpose of making 'a fresh start
with Nixon.
Indeed, if their purpose is to explore new
routes or initiate possibilities, the Soviets will
find the Vice-President ready and more than
Besides a thorough briefing, Nixon will' be
accomp'anied by two State Department experts"
on Soviet affairs. They both sat in on the
foreign ministers' conference and, with this
background, are prepared to. assist Nixon in
making decisions, answering challenges and
solidifying the Allied wall.
THUS, NIXON is being prepared for his trip
to Moscow. If successful where all else fails,
Nixon and the fruits of his labor may also yield
a sweet harvest of future, political crops.
His candidacy for the GOP nomination in
1960 is not much of a secret. The effect that
successful negotiations would have on the poll-
goers is no mystery either.
At and after the Soviet exhibition, Nixon will
have much exchanging to do-opening this cul-
tural exchange program, swapping ideas with
Soviet leaders and possibly trading in his Wash-
ington residence for the White House.

- (EDITOR'S NOTE: Thomas Turn-
er, 1959-60 Daily editor, is spending
his summer at home in Puerto Rico.
Throughout the summer he will
write while at his home in Santurce
and on 'various excursions to Carri-
bean islands. This column was writ-
ten while he was visiting New York
this week on his journey home.)
EW YORK -This summer, a
year after the Brussels Fair,
the United States and ,Russia are
again tilting on the tourney field
of public opinion.
But this year's rival expositions
of American and Soviet, "life" sit
not one by the other on more or
less neutral ground, but each in
the largest city of the other na-
tion. A lot has appeared in the
American press about our exhibit
in Moscow. Young guides with
command of Russian and money
for the trip to Moscow were solic-
Then articles appeared on the
exhibit's coptent' a $12,000 home
is to -be presented ,as one the
"average American'" can afford. It
seems the Soviet press has been
preparing its readers for this ex-
hibit and others like it, denying
that many Americans could afford
such a house.
Recently, a color television ex-
hibit has been described. Some of
the programming will be films:
"Mickey Mouse" and a Russian-
language explanation of the Wall
Street stock market. Other pro-
grams will be live, probably in-
cluding Moscow talent.
All in all, the Russians appear in
for quite a show.
Columbus Circle is the site of the
Soviet show, which opens Satur-
day., The American press has not
seen fit to give it much of a build-
up, perhaps because there is little
danger anyone would confuse ,the
picture of Sovietlife shown with
the current reality in the USSR.
The exposition should, however,
be on the must-see list of each
New Yorker and each tourist com-
ing to the city this summer-the
quality of Russian technology and
of Russian showmanship are both
beyond question.
Accompanying the Coliseum
show in its invasion of Manhattan
are two other examples of Rus-
sia's ability to put her best public-
relations foot forward.
"Great is My Country" is a
film in Cinepanorama, a curved-
screen process apparently similar
to Cinerama. It opens Tuesday at
the Mayfair Theatre here.
Sovcolor, three projectors and
nine soundtracks "transport you
almost literally to the cities and
countrysides . . , the streets and
byways . . . the concert halls and
theatre stages . . . the farms and
factoriesh.., of the Soviet!" (Thee
dots are, theirs, indicating: no
Propaganda-laden as it doubt-
less is, this should also be well
worth seeing,
KReviews j

Meanwhile, impresario S. Hurok
will open his "RussianrFestival"
July 7 in Madison Square Garden.
Stars of the Bolshoi and Lenin-
grad Ballets will be featured, along
with Ukrainian, Georgian, Ar-
menian and Uzbek folk-dancers,
a folk choir, and a full symphony
It, too, has "must-see" written
all over it.
S* *
THE SOVIET cultural invasion
is being conducted on yet another
frcrt, the New York Herald Tri-
bune reveals.
Russian long-play records, long
sold in paper sleeves of the sort
used on American 45's and 78's,
have customarily shown record-
ing know-how not unlike that used.
on the waxings of,,Jelly Roll Mor-
ton or Enrico Caruso. /
As the Herald Tribune unkindly
;put it, they might sound all right
or a hand-cranked machine in.
Siberia, but were below-par on an
American hi-fir i
(This reporter can verify this

point on the basis of personal ex-
perience. A three-disk recording
of the Polish opera, "Halka," sung
in Russian at Moscow's Bolshoi
Theatre, with orchestra conducted
by Kiril Kondrashin, bought in
Poland and carefully carried half-
way around the world by train and
plane, proved something of a dis-
appointment. The fidelity was
none too high.)
Now, however, a New York im-
porter will be wholesaling Russian
recordings,, beautifully recorded
and slickly packaged, copyrighted
under the importer's name to avoid
pirating. It seems he took some
earlier Soviet efforts to top sound-
engineers in this country and sent
detailed reports on what to do
about limited range and surface
He is apparently satisfied the
new Russian disks will be able
to compete with their stateside
counterparts on equal footing.
And artists such' as David Oi-
strakh might even give them an

JUST THE OTHER night I was
sitting in Lydia Mendelssohn
reading a good book while some-
thing trivial went on stage, when
I happened to wonder how the
Basques came to California in the
early part of the 18th century,
bringing with them strange cus-
toms, foreign costumes, and a fine
collection of vines which produce
much of the wine which helped
win the West.
And would you believe it, only
two days later, Paramount Pic-
tures has answered all my ques-
tions and even a few more with
"Thunder in tle Sun," starring
Susan Haywire and Happy Chand-
ler and the most unlikely collec-
tion of French accents outside of
the Frieze Building.
BACK amidst the misty days of
antiquity, a hardy band of Basques
set sail from France carrying
only their priceless grape vines
and a few tons of treasured heir-
Once in the land of freedom,
they set their sights on sunny
California where the vines grow
tall and the internal revenue de-
partment is far, far away. Big
dolly of this fearless expedition is
Sue Hayward, fresh out of the gas
chambre andeager to go. Guide
for the trip across the new con-
tinent is grey-haired Jeff Chand-
ler, who .cannot be trusted near
women and whiskey but has a
heart of solid peach ice-cream.
The journey is fairly tiring and
not too interesting until the
Basques come across a wandering
tribe of Indians. Then we see the
curious.spectacle of Indians beat-
en at their own game by the
sneaky Basques who know every-
thing there is to know about
mountain fighting. Unfortunately,
the Indians don't.
AFTER THE first hundred films,

it's not too easy to find a new ap-
proach to the Wild West. The ori-
ginal hundred thousand or so In-
dians have been killed ten times
each on the screens of theatres
throughout the country. The bad
men have been massacred by
sheriffs ,and marshals, the dance
hall girls married, the cabins
built, until I begin to suspect
there is nothing more to be done.
I forgot about the Basques.
Summing Up: Sue wears more
mascara than a Basque should;
rare moments of realism partly
-David Kessel
(Continued from Page 2)
teaching vacancies for the 1959-0
school year.
Battle Creek, Mich. (L a k eview
School) - JHS: Math; Gen. Sci.; 88.
Covert, Mich. - Ind. Arts; ss (with
PE minor); Band/vocal; women's PE.
Flat Rock, Mich. -- JHS Math/Sci.;
Fowlerville, Mich. -- HS Girls PE.
Ishpeming, Mich. s-HS: Home Econ.
omics; Eng./Hist. or SS.
Monroe, Mich. - HS: Egn.; JHS:
Mathi; Vocal Music/English; Elem.;
Girls PE; Speech Corr.; Mentally e-
Reading, Mich. - Girls PE; JHS Eng-
lish; HS: English; Eng./Speech; Math;
El/JHS/HS Art.
Rochester, Mich, - Elementary; JHS
Girls PE; Type A Mentally Handicapped
visiting Teacher.
St. Clair, Mich. -- HSI Chein/Piiyaios;
Elementary; visiting Teacher.
St. Clair Shores, Mich. - HS: Girls
PE; Home Ec.; JHS Science.
Willow Run, Mich. - HS: Vocal Mu-
sic; Girls PR (with. swimming).
Ypsilanti, Mich. - JHS:' Math/c1
English; Elementary.
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Admnin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.







Head StarIt for Herter

Associated Press News Analyst
CHRISTIAN HERTER has achieved with one
trip and one speech something that John
Foster Dulles received only on his death bed and
which never has really arrived for Dean Ache-
Whether Herter will be ranked in history
with the greatest Secretaries of State remains
to be seen. But at the moment he has some-
thing approaching universal approval in the
United States and among her Allies.
General acclaim is not something to which
Secretaries of, State have been accustomed,
especially in such times of trouble. Working
in a field where there is limitless room for
disagreements over policy and the application
of policy, Acheson and Dulles were constantly
subject to the bitterest sort of criticism. The
true stature of Dulles went unrecognized by
many until it became known that his services
would be lost. That was true in Europe as well
as at home.

State, served at a time when America was still
feeling her way toward permanent positions
in the cold war. Not one to grab for credit, his
true stature will not be generally realized until
the archives of those days are published.
But at Geneva the homebound planes had
not been warmed up when Herter began to
receive the plaudits of his European associates.
His quietly diplomatic but stern rebuffs of
Andrei Gromyko attracted attention at home.
Here was a man who might counter the Soviet,
rough and tumble even better than Dulles.
Then he came back to report to! Congress,
the President and the nation.
THE ACCLAIM which has followed didn't
come out of the books, for there is nothing
in the books as precedent. Criticism has been
literally smothered. Even the British papers,
voicing the fears of a nation which feels it must
talk and talk and talk because it cannot brook
even the idea. of war, have praised Herter.
Oddly enough, two men have seldom ap-
neared in the same scene who had such similar



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