Sixty-Ninth Year -- EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OP THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS HAYDEN Smaller Classes Still Preferable BALLOONING COLLEGE enrollments have increases would be intellectually profitable. apparently forced a large number of edu- It only follows that large lectures-or even cators into unfortunate rationalizations about "educational television"- would be practically classroom sizes. profitable. Both Beardsley Ruml and John Perkins, authors of current essays on contemporary IT IS ARGUED that the small class is educa- higher education, forward the queer notion tionally wasteful for a number of reasons: that a larger number of students per class not enough students benefit from the knowl-" is a healthy idea. President Hatcher echoed edge of the instructor, too much of the discus- them in his Tuesday speech, claiming that a sion by students is irrelevant, digressions "great professor with a class of 500 is more occur continually. effective than another professor with five." As a remedy, large lectures are proposed, so Granted, huge numbers of students and a that great numbers of students may imbibe lack of brilliant professors might dictate the the teacher's gifts. need for an expanded student-teacher ratio However, it takes little strain to see that at many schools, and perhaps even here, where large lectures can be even more wasteful than a 13-1 ratio is maintained. seminars. Why should hordes of students be forced to rise early in the morning, gather in an auditorium, and struggle to hear and take accurate notes on a lecture which is occasion- ally interesting? Wouldn't it be simpler to Test? have all lectures printed in small paperbacks by University press, shelved in the local book- OKAY SO THEY are artistic. But unfortu- "stores, and sold to students to be perused in nately, they are also totally unreadable. free time? Are not the present lectures, and T natirsity'y e cals ttalgurede. even the physical plant which includes the The University's new catalogue design will auditoriums, educational and practical wastes not affect the student body, aside from the of a far more mountainous degree than, the slight possibility of myopia from trying to small recitation group? male out the initials. But sympathies should If so, and if a university is to have a pur- really be extended to those who are seeing pose for its material existence,, then it would the "official publications" for the first time, seem that purpose hinges to some degree on It is difficult enough to get accustomed to this the debate and discussion emanating' from huge, sprawling campus, without the added small recitation sections or seminars. shock of all the information having to be In a small group, where ideas are freely ex- found by identifying obscure hieroglyphics, changed and exposed to criticism, where no It is possible, of course, that the University point of view need be stifled or slighted, the is simply making the catalogues a form of quality of analytic thinking is honed far finer admission examination. Presumably, any high than in a tomb-like lecture hall where, due, to school senior who sees it and can tell what expediency, objections are automatically dead, school it comes from, is sharp enough for and exchange of ideas is a one-way affair from Michigan. lecturer to students. -S. H. --THOMAS HAYDEN TODAY AND TOMORROW: Job I By G. K. HODENFIELD Associated Press Education Writer JOB PROSPECTS for this year's college graduating class are somewhat better than they were a year ago. But the frenzied, frantic hiring that marked the mid-50's has disappeared." The outlook is good for high school graduates, too, but if at all possible they should plan to continue their education, either at college or in a vocational or technical school. INGENUITY: N ew Ideas In Labor By NORMAN WALKER Associated -Press Labor Writer THIS IS TO report that the .workng man's ingenuity still is considerablehin obtaining new benefits from his employer. A Labor Department survey shows one collective bargaining wrinkle gaining in favor is to give a worker an extra paid holiday for his own birthday. A Wisconsin employer's labor contract allows workers time off in the deer hunting season. There are breweries that let employes take home samples at a 100 per cent discount - that is, free brew. SOME telephone companies give free phone service to workers with 30 years or more service. And a proviso in a contract of an Alaska salmon fishing firm provides that the employer will make available to his workers a phonograph in good repair-along with an assortment of 48 records in Spanish and Filipino as well as English. The agency shop is a little more prevalent than the above contract provisions. But it's still relative- ly rare. It's a modification of the union shop. Under the union shop - legal under the federal labor laws, but illegal in states having right-to- work laws - the employer agrees that all his workers will be re- quired to join a union and pay dues. Under the agency shop all the workers have to pay dues, or an equal sum, but don't have to join the union. * * * PINEAPPLE growers in Ha- waii agreed just a few wekes ago ot an agency shop contract with the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union. The union calls it a "dues shop." It provides each worker must do one of three things: join the union and pay dues, not join and pay a sum equal to dues to the union, or not join and pay a sum equal to dues to a d e s i g n a t e d charity. The idea behind such a plan is that each worker pays dues to a union or an equivalent "service fee" for the union's cost in serv- iceing him, along with other workers, in matters of collective bargaining, grievances and so on. Employes of Western Union Telegraph Co. are the largest group covered by an agency shop pro- visio. Labor Department records indicate less than a dozen such labor contracts covering 1,000 workers or more each. Unions aren't particularly happy over the agency shop idea. They feel if a worker is going to have to pay dues he might as well be a participating union member. V'orecas t: Onuflook That's the word from experts in the United States Department with reservations. This is the way of Labor. They're optimistic, but they see the situation: * * * THERE IS a strong demand for college graduates with good rec- ords in science, mathematics and engineering. Those with poorer grades should be able to get jobs, but they may have to look longer and settle for less. Job prospects are also good in such fields as accounting, law, the health services, teaching, business administration, journalism, home economics and secretarial. Straight liberal arts graduates, with no training in a particular field may have some trouble. The day is past when a college degree alone is enough to guarantee a good job. They may find their best job opportunities in banks, department stores and insurance companies. The labor department points out that emphasis in recent years has shifted from quantity to qual- ity, particularly in the scientific field. Industry is being more selec- tive in its hiring. * * * AND IN EVERY FIELD, the department says, local conditions will be a big factor. The June graduate may have to go far from home before he gets the job he wants. An estimated 370,000 college students will receive their degrees in June. The Department says it believes jobs will be available for all, but all of them won't get the exact job they want, at the salary they want, in the city they want. Teaching is a field where the supply isn't expected to catch up with the demand for many years. The National Education Associa- tion recently forecast a shortage next fall of 135,000 teachers, about the same as last year. The shortage is particularly acute in the scientific subject fields, and in the elementary grades. The traditionally low salaries, which have steered many college graduates away from teaching, have been increasing at about six per cent a year in the past de- cade. Next fall, the average teacher salary in this country will be about $5,000. *i * * JOB PROSPECTS in the news- paper industry are bright. Many schools of journalism have re- ported a sharp decrease in the number of graduates over the past few years. In addition to newspaper reporting, there is an increasing number of jobs in such allied fields as advertising, pub- lic relations, radio and television. Women would appear to have the best of it in this summer's job hunting. The Labor Depart- ment says there is a great de- mand for women graduates with stenographic skills and broad col- lege backgrounds who can ad- vance to administrative positions. There also are many jobs avail- able for home economists and librarians. Over-all, the prospects for this year's college graduate are good. But what about the 1,663,000 high school graduates who will enter the labor market this summer? That's a worrisome problem, get- ting worse every year. * * * THE PERCENTAGE of Ameri- cans who graduate from high school has more than doubled in the past 30 years, from 30 per cent to about 66 per cent. And, just as it's getting more difficult to get a job without a high school diploma, it's getting harder to get into a skilled occupation with- out training for education beyond high school. At the below-college level, the greatest opportunities for em- ployment today are for techni- cians. Men-and women, too- with skill and training in such fields as electronics, engineering and drafting are having no trouble getting good jobs. Such jobs usually don't require a college education, but they do require post-high school work in junior college, or technical or vocationak schools. Sol Swerdloff of the Labor De- partment suggests that high school graduates who can't afford or don't want to continue their formal education might find the best training of all in the armed forces. * * * "A SURVEY a few years ago,," he says, "showed that more than half the nation's television serv- icemen got their start through training in the armed forces. There is a real opportunity there for training in dozens of fields, all the way from electronics to truck driving." Last year more than 31/4 million high school students held summer jobs, and the number is expected to be even higher this year. Col- lege students, too, will be seeking extra money during the summer months.t Secretary of Labor James P. Mitchell recently suggested that such students check with their local public employment service office to see where the best oppor- tunities are. *, * * AMONG THE JOB possibilities Mitchell mentioned were harvest season work on farms and truck gardens, vacation replacement jobs in hospitals, rush-season work for florists and nurserymen, restaurant jobs in areas and sea- sonal work at playgrounds and swimming pools. For travel-minded students, there are summer jobs in Europe. A non-profit organization has been established to help American students get summer work with European factories, farms or re- sorts. SUMMER PLAYBILL: 'The Boy Friend' Ghastly, but Gay IT WAS FUN. "The Boy Friend," a 1950'ish satire on the 1920. musi-comedy, was heavy-handed, loud-voiced, stiff-kneed, but de- lightful. In costumes reminiscent of last year's bargain racks, the cast romped through Charlestons as only the children of the "cautious 50's" could do them. The audience, largely composed of Conventica delegates escaping from even!.ng meetings, was amused in a nos- talgic way and thoroughly das- lighted, if applause and encores were any indication. Chief reason for "The Boy Friend's" success was the tre- mendous energy and exci'.e nent of the cast and outstanding perform- ances by many, although hardly all of the principles. * * * SALLY AYN Rosenheimer is probably the greatest scene-steal- er and best comedienne the Speech Department could have found for this production. Her performance was her portrayal of The Match-, maker in French accent, but was none-the-less charming for being familiar. Miss Rosenheimer was also largely responsible for some very brilliant costuming, clever in de- sign and literally brilliant in color. "Maisie," Peggy Forward, has the kind of brassy verve necessary to bring life and sparkle to a pro- duction whose music was rather poor and whose value as satire was undermined by a tendency to the burlesque. She bounces through some rather cute dance routines and grimaces appropriate to a satirical Flapper. ONE OF THE minor principles, Ann Hegeman as "Dulcie," had the flair for satire that most of the rest of the cast lacked. In a spar- ring match with an old,.very gay pincher, Miss Hegeman was wick- edly coy to a more subtle degree than was usual in the rather rau- cous rumpus. The sets showed imagination, and contributed to the general abandon which marked the per- formance. Manually o p e r a t e d clouds were a riot. The light, al- most wild painting of the sets very aptly suited the mood of the performance, or what the per- formance attempted to be. Novel if not always successful was the do-it-yourself choreo- graphy. Except for certain num- bers with a very professional touch done by Margaret Pease of the physical education department, most of the dance sect!ons were designed by the people who per- formed them. Softshoe and Charleston were the chief ingredients of these routines. After the third repeti- tion, there is unfortunately nothing too original about the Softshoe or the Charleston. MOST SPRIGHTLY of these dance selections were the ones in the third act. As a matter of fact, most sprightly of the entire pro- duction was the third act. Satire should be more subtle than "The Boy Friend. To be musical satire, a good production should have reasonably, good mu- sic, at least clever music. "The Boy Friend" has bad music. "In our attic, we'll be ecstatic' is typical of the lyrics warbled by a rather pale hero and a China- doll heroine. As a matter of fact, there is not one good lyric in the whole musical, although some of the tunes are very hummable and more than one member of the au- dience Charlestoned his or her way out of the .theatre. Despite bad music, grim plot and the usual first-night tragedies such as props that disintegrated on con- tact, "The Boy Friend" was gay, very gay, appropriate for a bright summer's evening before the cares of exams begin. --Jo Hardee E I The Strauss Affair ADM. STRAUSS has suffered througha painful ordeal which need never and shoul never have happened. The whole wretche business arose from the fact that the Presi dent's political advisers at the White Hous failed to take account of the political situa tion in Congress. Adm. Strauss's five year term as Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission expired on June 30, 1958. As this date was approaching the question of raeppointing him to anothe term was much debated in Washington -- a the White House, in Congress, in the press. The most careful soundings were taken. The President did not reappoint Adm. Strauss, and the reason was well known at the time. Th Admiral had made so many enemies in Con gress that it was doulbtful whether he could be confirmed by the Senate. It was certain, more- over, that, if confirmed, he and the Atomic Energy Commission would be in continua trouble. After June 30, 1958 the President assigned Adm. Strauss to various posts having to d with atomic energy, all of them posts which did not require confirmation by the Senate. But in the early autumn, following the resigna- tion of Mr. Sinclair Weeks, the President ap- pointed Adm. Strauss as Secretary of Com- merce. The date of the appointment is signi- ficant. It was October 24, about a fortnight before the Congressional elections in which the Democrats won a huge majority in the Senate. T HERE IS NO REASON to think that the White House took the trouble to find out what the majority leadership, which was Democratic, would do about the appointment. This was a grave error. The White House was on notice since the affair of the Chairmanship of the Atomic Energy Commission that Adm. Strauss was a highly controversial figure in Congress. With a Congressional election pend- ing, the White House shuold at the very least have held up the appointment to the Depart- ment of Commerce until after the elections were over. For only then would it have been possible to obtain the "advice," as the Consti- tution says, of the Democratic leaders as to whether the majority would "consent" to the appointment. The failure to take this elementary precau- tion, which was required both by common sense and by courtesy, precipitated the horrid struggle which ended last week. Had the White Editorial Staff SUSAN HOLTZER ROBERT JUNKER Co-editor Co-editor PETER ANDERSON .................. Sports Editor THOMAS HAYDEN .................... Night Editor KATHLEEN MOORE .................... Night Editor VALTER LIPPMANN | a House sought the advice of the Senate before d making the controversial appointment, the d President .might well have received assurances - that Adm. Strauss would be confirmed. Or if e the White House had found again, as it had - found a few months earlier in regard to his appointment as Chairman of the Atomic En- n ergy Commission, that he would be fiercely at- n tacked and perhaps defeated, the appointment g should never have been made. As it has turned r out, it would have been better for all con- t cerned, including Adm. Strauss, if he had not been appointed. d WHAT IS THE explanation of the failure of ie the White House to seek the advice of the - Senate leaders before seeking their consent? e The main explanation, I would guess, is that - in October with a hot election campaign in i progress, with Gov. Sherman Adams no longer l at his- post, the whole matter was fumbled. Later on, when opposition began to appear, the d White House reassured itself wishfully with a the thought that it is not right to oppose an h appointment to the President's Cabinet. b This theory is a feeble one. It is true that, - the Senate has only eight times rejected a - nomination for the Cabinet. But the Senate has very often - I do not know how often - been sharply divided about confirming a nom- inee for the Cabinet, and nothing was ever h said before that the minority who voted against were somehow violating the spirit of the Constitution. As a matter of fact, Roosevelt's nominee for Secretary of Commerce, Mr. Harry Hopkins, was opposed by Sen. Vandenberg, and Roose- velt's nomination of Henry Wallace was bit- terly opposed by Sen. Taft. In both cases, the opposition voted against the nominee, not be- cause he was accuseI and convicted of any wrongdoing, but because the opposition dis- agreed with his political philosophy. That is the reason why Adm. Strauss was re- jected. There were strong personal objections to him on the part of many. But the fight would never have been waged so persistently against him had it not been that there is be- tween him and a majority in the Senate a deep ideological difference. THE OTHER DAY, at his press conference on June 3, the President was drawn into mak- ing some remarks, quite unrelated to the Strauss affair, about the problems of a-govern- ment, like the.present one, which is divided be- tween the two parties. Mr. Eisenhower said that he and Mr. Dulles had often talked about whether it would be better to have a parlia- mentary system in which the government stays in power only when it has the confidence of a majority of the legislature. They had decided, he went on to say, "to stick with what we have." For mty own part, I think they were right. For a parliamentary system, attractive as it is when it works well, wm- a fifmml at* r iv~n.. -Daly--Aan Winder GRAND FINALE--Cast members of "The Boy. Friend" come down off the stage duriig the Grand Finale and circulate throughout the audience in a footloose serenade, singing the show's title song to the viewers, each other and themselves, INTERPRETING: Geneva Conference increases, Tens ions By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THiE GENEVA CONFERENCE has done just what the Western camp always fears such conferences will do. It has increased, not relaxed, East-West tensions. Why? Because it emphasizes that negotiations with the Soviet Union are, as Secretary Herter said, practically fruitless. Why? Because the Soviets have specific designs on Western Europe I ", "Good Joke on You-You Can't Knock Me Down" f f ;IT '- which the rest of the world will n nounce. Yet these things are nothing new. HERTER'S REPORT to the country has produced a hardened attitude toward Russia as ex- pressed through Congressional re- action. There is in evidence a growing tendency to accept the fact that the cold war will have to be fought out to a finish, and to face the possibility that this *conflict can produce hot war. The American attitude toward Communist attempts to drive the West out of Western Berlin has now, been reiterated, to general appluase, to the point where any backdown becomes impossible. At the same time, Russian in- transigence makes compromise settlement seem just as impos- sible. Britain's Prime Minister Mac- milan is still trying, hwoever, to open the door to a summit con- ference. AS AGAINST Herter's "prac- tically fruitless' statement, Mac- millan says the "degree of success" at Geneva should not be under- rated, since the positions are more clarified. If he means that Russia will stop pushing because she is con- vinced the Allies will not yield, he goes against the record. Nevertheless, Herter did not slam the door on a summit con- ference. He left it cracked. 'He not accept and the Reds will not re- I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN , The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices -should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1959 VOL. LXIX, NO. 3-S General Notices Graduate Students expecting to re- ceive the master's degree in Aug. 1959, must file diploma application with the Recorder of the school by Fri., June 26. A student will not be recommended for a degree unless he has filed formal application in the office of the Gradu- ate School. Lectures Linguistics Forum Lecture. Thurs., June 25, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theatre. "The Lawlessness. of Semantic Change." Prof. Henry M. Hoenigswald, Assoc. Prof. of Linguistics, U. of Penn. Concerts Faculty Recital: Robert Courte, vio- list, and Robert Noehren, organist, Hill Auditorium. Thurs., June 25, at 8:30 p.m. -tdn eia:WlimLcldr eta s -