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June 23, 1959 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1959-06-23

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Regents Change Bylaw
On Dismissal Procedure

Freedman Observes European Education

Changes in the Regents' Bylaws
covering procedures to be used in
cases of dismissal, demotion or
t e r m i n a 1 appointments (those
setting a date for ending the ap-
pointment) for faculty members
with tenure were approved by the
Regents June 12.
The changes were recommend-
ed by the University Senate fol-
lowing a study made by the Sen-
ate's Subcommittee on Tenure.
The major change covered by
the revised bylaw sets up a new
system for handling cases judged
to have 'general University con-
cern." A faculty member against
whom dismissal, demotion or ter-
minal proceedings are being start-
ed will have a hearing before the
Senate A d v i s o r y Committee's
Subcommittee on Tenure.
Allows Review
This hearing would be subject
to "limited review" by the Senate
Advisory Committee if such a re-
view is requested by the faculty
member. Provision also has been
made for the case to be referred
back to the subcommittee if it is
decided that proper procedures
have not been followed.
Under previous provisions, the
entire Senate Advisory Committee
made recommendations following
a hearing with no provision for a
Another change places the re-
sponsibility for instituting action
in University-wide cases with the
vice-president and dean of fac-
ulties rather than with the presi-
dent. This change was recom-
mended by the Senate in order to
free the president from having to
judge a case prior to a hearing.
Formalize Procedure
Other changes formalize proce-
dures under which the president,
after receiving a report from the
Senate Advisory Committee, pre-
pares his recommendations to the
Regents. Provision has now been
made for copies of the president's
recommendations to go to the af-
fected faculty member and to the
The faculty member and the
committee both have 10 days in
which to file comments with the
president. After that time, the
president will send a full record
of the case, including his recom-
mendations and comments from
the faculty member and the com-
mittee, to the Regents for final
Also spelled out in the revised
bylaw are the rights of the af-
fected faculty member to have an
adviser of his own choosing who
may act as counsel, to be present.
at all sessions of the hearing com-
mittee at which evidence is re-
ceived or arguments heard, to call,
examine and cross-examine wit-

nesses and to examine all docu-
mentary evidence received by the
hearing committee.
As was the case with the pro-
cedures to be used by the presi-
dent, the Senate Advisory Com-
mittee felt the faculty members'
rights were implied under the old
bylaw but that it was better to
have them formalized and spelled
out in detail.
Budgets 'Get.
'U' Approval
B u d g e t s totalling $1,039,142'
which had been initiated since the
May 22 meeting were reported to
the Regents June 12.
Research grants and contracts
made up $877,642 of the total with
$159,025 representing student aid
(fellowships, scholarships, grants)
and $2,475 for instructional pro-
The federal government provid-
ed the greatest share of the
money - $864, 128. Other sources
of funds were: foundations, $97,-
383; industry and individuals,
$71,731; endowment income, $4,-
500; and student fees, $1,400.
The largest budget was one of
$139,750 representing funds from
the National Science Foundation
for co-operative graduate fellow-
ships. These fellowships are to
provide full time advanced scien-
tific study in the mathematical,
physical, medical, biological and
engineering sciences under' the
direction of Prof. R. R. White of
the engineering college.
Second largest budget' was one
of $91,940 established with funds
from the United States Public
Health Service. This will permit
training specialists in epidemiolo-
gy under the direction of Dr.
Thomas Francis, Jr.
Funds from the Carnegie Cor-
poration have been used to es-
tablish a budget of $80,370 for a
program of training in higher
education. This is under the direc-
tion of Prof. Algo D. Henderson
of the education school.
The University Research Insti-
tute is involved in the two other
budgets which exceeded $60,000
in size. One for $67,885, using
funds from Atomic Energy Com-
mission, is for research to mea-
sure the properties of excited state
of nuclei using beta and gamma
spectroscopy techniques and cor-
relation methods. M. L. Weiden-
beck will direct the research.
A budget of $60,682 has been
set up with funds from Wright Air
Development Center.

"It depends on what you mean
by education," Prof. Ronald Freed-
man, acting chairman of the
sociology department asserted, dis-
cussing the comparative value of
training received in European and
American schools.
Prof. Freedman spent the fall
semester of this year in Holland
on a Fulbright award, where he
taught at the University of Am-
sterdam and made visiting lectures
at the other Dutch universities.
His perspective on European edu-
cation includes the elementary,
secondary and university levels.
While Prof. Freedman and his
family were in Holland, his two
children studied at a Dutch pro-
gressive school and were tutored
by their parents in order to main-
tain their school work at a grade
level corresponding to their grade
level in the United States.
Attended School
The school Joe and Jane Freed-
man attended is a Montessori
school, one of a group of progres-
sive elementary schools founded
by Dr. Maria Montessori, an Ital-
ian progressive educator.
"While the children are encour-
aged to proceed at their individual
speeds, they are expected to ac-
complish certain common work
goals," Prof. Freedman explained.
The national system of educa-
tion in Holland is such that any
group of 40 parents of elementary
school children wishing to start a
school may do so, subsidized al-
most entirely by the government,
Prof. Freedman continued.
Reduce Tension
This policy reduces tension
among the differing religious
groups in Holland-Catholics, Cal-
vinists and other sects that would
prefer parochial education for
Gibson Visit s
Africa, East
Prof. William C. Gibson of the
public health school is currently
on a 10-week trip studying the
public health needs of nations in
Africa and the Eastern Mediter-
Under a grant from the World
Health Organization he will visit
Turkey, Israel, Greece, Ethiopia
and Liberia. The trip's purpose
is to gain first hand knowledge of
the problems and health resources
of these nations to improve the
teaching program in this area at
the University.
Prof. Gibson is also in charge
of the public health school's for-
eign student program.

DISCUSSES EDUCATION - Prof. Ronald Freedman had ample
opportunity to observe European education on all levels during
his trip to the Netherlands last fall. His children studied at a

Dutch progressive school while
their children. Public schools are
also available, Prof. Freedman
The government has established
a minimum program of required
study to which all schools must
conform, he said, and all students
who wish to go on to secondary
schools must pass a national ex-
Secondary school programs are
quite rigorous, Prof. Freedman
commented. For instance, the
Dutch high school student studies
English, German, and-French; if
he studies at the gymnasium (a
secondary school which plans a
classical curriculum for the stu-
dent who will enter the university)
Greek and Latin are studied as
well, giving the university "enter-
ing freshman" a command of six
Satisfies Requirements
Thus, by the time a Dutch stu-
dent enters the university, he has
satisfied many of the "distribution
requirements" American colleges
must impose, Prof. Freedman
pointed out.
It is possible to provide a sec-
ondary school program of this
demanding and rigid nature be-
cause the Dutch high school is
dealing with about the top 30 per
cent rather than the 80 per cent
educated at that level in the
United States," he explained.

he taught at the University of
Another elimination examina-
tion is required for university
study. Thus, attending the Dutch
university is an opportunity avail-
able to a considerably more select
group of students than the Ameri-
can one, he said.
Run Informally
"The European university con-
siders itself to be constituted of a
group of scholars who sometimes
teach," Prof. Freedman related.
He added that there is no regis-
Regents Vote
title Changes
The Regents approved two title
changes at their June 12 meeting.
A change in one of the titles of
Erich A. Walter, who has been
secretary of the Regents, was ap-
proved. His new title will be sec-
retary of the University. There
was no change in the additional
titles he carries of assistant to
the president and professor of
Prof. Benjamin W. Wheeler of
the history department was given
permission to retire at the end of
the 1958-59 academic year and
given the title of professor emer-
itus of history. He joined the Uni-
versity faculty in 1924.

tration for specific classes, no
university housing, no university-
sponsored extracurricular activi-
tions in some countries may
borrow government funds to build
and operate dormitories, coopera-
tives and other organizations on
their own initiative.
"The responsibility is wholly on
the student," he continued. Stu-
dents need not sign up for courses,
attend lectures, nor cover the
reading list suggested by the in-
The only examintions given are
usually comprehensive ones which
determine how well the student
has covered an entire field rather
than particular courses, Prof.
Abe Lincolr
Display Ont
An exhibition, "Abraham Lin-
coln," is currently on display in
four cases in Clements Library.
It will continue through July.
Of special interest in the first
case is a manuscript letter, in
which Lincoln accepted an en-
engagement to address a Republi-
can rally at Kalamazoo in 1856.
There is also a campaign biog-
raphy written by J. Q. Howard as
an interview with Lincoln in
Springfield. Less than 30 copies
have survived.
Another case contains Lincoln's
seldom mentioned speech in Cin-
cinnati in the fall of 1859, during
a swing through Ohio to help Re-
publican candidates there.
The first biography of Lincoln
to be printed appeared in a Penn-
sylvania newspaper Feb. 1, 1860.
It was based on an autobiographi-i
cal account written by Lincoln at
the request of Jesse Fell and sent
to the editor. The item on display
is one of three known copies.
Of note in the third case is a
copy of Lincoln's "call" on Michi-
gan for 1,198 troops to be drafted
in the Second Congressional Dis-
trict, 1863, and a pardon by Lin-
coln for a soldier, one of the in-
dulgences that prevented bitter-
ness and made the President af-
fectionately remembered., It is
dated April 20, 1863.
Case four shows a campaign
song book, "Clarion Melodion,"
the only known copy, 1860; a let-
ter from Lincoln regarding aft,
appointment as postmaster, dated
1862; and a memorial address on
Lincoln delivered in Berlin by
Henry P. Tappan, ex-president of
the University.

Freedman said. His methods of
study are left to his choosing.
Defines Education
Prof. Freedman then.cited the
necessity of defining "education."
"The European student doesn't do
nearly as much academic work for
formal courses as the American
student, but the emphasis is not
placed on this aspect of university
study in Europe."
The field of concentration is
chosen before the student enters
the university, he went on, so that
he directs his study entirely to his
major. Secondary school is as-
sumed to have provided his broad
academic background.
Prof. Freedman accounted for
some of the differences in the edu-
cational systems by noting that in
Europe, no differentiation is made
by the university between men
and women students, since women
are relatively new in advanced
Another difference, he said, Is
the strong competition for oppor-
tunities to receive higher educa-
tion and the, comparative lack of
stress on organized social and ex-
tracurricular activities.
Five Receive
Ford Gyrants
At Umversit
Five University students and
one faculty member have received
Ford Foundation fellowships in
business administration and econ-
omics for 1959-60.
Students receiving predoctoral
fellowships in business adminis-
tration were Thomas Dyckman,
Grad., who holds- a similar fellow-
ship this year; Thomas Ennis,
Grad., presently an assistant pro-
fessor at Washington and Lee
University; and Frederick Spar-
row, Grad., who also holds a Ford
Fellowship this year.
Dissertation fellowships, given
doctoral. candidates who have
completed all but thesis require-
ments, went to Herb Neil, Grad.,
and Kang Caoao, Grad., both
economics students.
Prof. D. Maynard Phelps of the
business administration school
received a faculty research fel-
Both the predoctoral and dis-
sertation fellowships carry sti-
pends of $2,500, plus allowance of
up to $1,200 for dependents and
research and expense allowance,
Faculty stipends are based on
academic salary plus research and
travel expense allowances.








(and runs through Saturday night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre)

for the Price of Four!

WED.-SAT., July 8-11,






It rall. C)







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