THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEP ic higras To visit Campus This y ea By FAITH WEINSTEIN ichigras, "the weekend when" yone puts their books away," ild be bigger and better than this year, according to the irmen. ' arvby Lapides, '60, and Joan halski, '60A&D, co-chairmen the weekend described the kend as "Like Mardi Gras in r Orleans, with costumes, be and everyone being merry." :ichigras begins on Friday it, they explained; when, aft- er weeks of work and preparation, the weekend is opened with a huge parade, made up of floats from housing unit teams. Arralige Teams The teams, for both floats and booths, are made up of one male and one female housing unit. The teams work together both for the parade and for the' carnival. Friday night, the carnival be- gins. Outside Yost Field House there is the Midway with amuse- ment rides of all kinds. "Last time," Lapides recalled, "they had a ride that worked on centrifugal force. It spun you round and round, raising the platform each time, until you were spinning horizontally." We always keep the rides above the children's level, by getting really good companies, with ex- citing amusements, they added, Set Up Booths Inside the field house, the teams have all kinds of booths set up. There are booths where you can get food, in unusual set- tings which follow the theme 9f Michigras, there are skill booths which allow you to test your abil- ities in original ways. Saturday morning is left to sleep, and the afternoon has tra- ditionally been for private pic- nics and individual entertain- ment away from the center of activity. This year, however, the co- chairmen . hope to introduce an innovation to the weekend. "We would like. to stage a revue," Lapides explained, "a variety show." Winning Acts This show would present the winning acts from various other campus events, such as Lantern Night, the IFC Sing, and others. ,They added that they would want to hire ,a star comedian, "soieone like Bob Hope or Jerry Lewis," to be master of ceremo- nies for the revue, which would be held in Ferry Field Saturday night is the climax of the weekend. The carnival con- tinues, all booths are open, and, late in the evening, prizes are awarded to the winners in all divisions. Michigrasf comes to campus every alternate year. "It is far too big to be handled every year," Lapides said. Last year was the year for Spring Weekend, a week- end of contests and dances spon- sored by the Union and the Wo- men's Athletic Association. Michigras began as a County Fair in 1902, sponsored by the WAA and the "M, Club as a fund raising project.- Your Bicycle Headquarters LIGHTWEIGHTS 6 r' NI a ' W Js; :fi. {I ?%: f T }i: : t 2;:: ti .fti. : y 'y:L- Ci, i. L yM ff ::t : . 1. " : ,". tirti 33 ti Sk .:.; rti "! ti ' 1 :'.' I Y"7 I +' v'?: iS ,{;:y T.,.,L' J "1 i ' S. : ' 1 'L : I 'l,. r r:= MICHIFUN-The I-M Building is the scene of the ldichigras carnival, the closing event in the spectacular weekend. Here, in the I brightly-lit room, housing unit pairs vie with each other to see which pair can put up the best booth, draw the most customers, provide the most fun for the visitors who swarm through the room. And, incidentally, win the grand prize. Michi-anything is the v for Michigras weekend, when every campus phrase finds itself preceded by the magic prefix "Michi-". HUMBER "Aristocrat of All Bicycles" SCHWI NN "America's Finest" CENTAUR- DUNELT- ROYAL SABRE ALL ACCESSORIES Lights - Horns - Paint Oil -Twin Baskets Chain Locks STUDENT SPECIAL IncIudes Light-Basket - Lock STUDENT BICYCLE SHOP PARADE-Down State Street comes the Michigras parade, here passing the stately columns of Angell Hall. Try FOLLETT'S First at BARGAIN PRICES ---- New Books If You Prefer --- ,..-,, y.i,,L STATE STREET at NORTH UNIVERSITY 1319 South University NO 8-6927 "Owned and Opera ted by Students" SPECTACULAR--The I-M Building glitters with the combined lights of gaiety inside and ma outside. The carnival atmosphere surrounds the building, creeping out of windows that lead to I brightness inside. Here, two of the rides whicl# dot the athletic field lend their glow to a bianni scene which leaves Michigan breathless for a whole year. .E MMEMME.............eREN.. 5M...... hmf:>:a ": " :v. " :" :vv:.":: r."x:r::: as"'. r . r.... :a r f: f::::.^.r .v... 4,.: r. x....... h.... .. rr r.. f..:.........1 .:.. .."....~.:.... a...f -1.. r. ...y:,vh":: ?"o.":.v::.......4 . ................ n ....:::".. 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