AY, AUGUST 12, 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY /s,/b WON'T TALK POLITICS: . .: v.Herbert Hoover Celebrates 85th Birthday PAGE TI' jUietly NEW YORK MP) - At 85, Her- bert Hoover has one word for the secret of longevity and health: "Work." "I have not retired," says the' former president, who spent his his birthday at his desk. "Those .who retire without some occupation spend their time talk- ing about their ills and pills." Still Working Hoover says he still has six jobs, to do - ranging from writing a three-volume book to being of oc- casional service to his country.- Whatever his formula, only two former Presidents lived as long as Hoover. James Madison died at 85, John Adams at 90. Ruddy-faced, white-haired, healthy-appearing and amiable, Hoover met the press in a pre- birthday news conference and dis- cussed an array of topics, from Khrushchev's visit to Stengel's Yankees. But he ruled out politics. He de- clined to express a preference be- tween Vice-President Richard M. Nixon and New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller for the Repub- lican Presidential nomination. Refused Recognition "I am not going into politics at. A birthday party," he said. Hoover, one of a succession of Presidents who refused to recog- nize the Soviet Union, reiterated his hope that the exchange of vis- its between President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev would lead to a lessening of world tensions. He added his voice to those of President Eisenhower and Vice- President Nixon in asking that the Soviet leader be treated well in this country. "I am sure the American people will extend .the courtesies of this country to the Soviet Premier as we always hav9 extended them to visitors from foreign countries," he said., 'Don't Expect Much' Hoover suggested that the peo- ple not "expect too much" from the Eisenhower-Khrushchev ex- change of visits but said "we all have hopes the President will be able to diminish the tensions in the world." The Iowa-born Hoover expressed particular hope that Khruhchev would visit the Middle West to see free enterprise farming in action. In not recognizing the Soviet Union- while President, Hoover took the same position as Presi- dents Wilson, Harding and Cool- idge. President Franklin D. Roose- velt gave recognition in 1933.., Hoover, who takes three secre- taries with him even when he goes fishing, listed his six jobs as:.fol- lows: 1) "Watching the dangers which surround our country hoping to be of occasional service." 2) Writing - in longhand - three documented volumes under the title, "An American Epic," to show that the American people have without repayment furnished food and supplies that have saved Math Meeting Planned Here About 700 educators from throughout the United States are expected to attend the 19th sum- mer meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathemat- ics at the University Aug. 16-19. Four speakers will address gen- eral sessions of the conference. First speaker will be B. H. Gun- lach of Bowling Green State Uni- versity in Ohio, and E. G. Begle of Yale University will speak at the second session. The others are R. E. Langer of the University of Wisconsin and D. O. McCoy of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. the lives of nearly 1%/2 billion people in the past 45 years. 3) Attending to the affairs of the Boys' Clubs of America - 526 clubs with 600,000 members, most- ly in slum areas. 4) Building up the library on war, revolution and peace at Stan- ford University. 5) Serving as chairman or trus- tee for about a dozen institutions. 6) Attending baseball games. Flying from California to New York several days in advance of his birthday gave him a chance to attend as an "elder fan," the "Old Timers Day" Saturday at Yankee Stadium. What is wrong with Casey Stengel's Yankees that they have fallen so low in the league stand- ings? "I wouldn't want to express any criticism,t' he said. "They have the material and they can come back." Baseball Problems Hoover, a former sandlot short- stop, said baseball's extension to the West Coast posed something of a personal problem in loyalties. It is this: as President, he often rooted for the Washington Sena- tors but he regards himself as a San Franciscan. Out of Washing- ton, he liked the Brooklyn Dodgers. Now the Dodgers have moved to Los Angeles, San Francisco's ri- val, and the Dodgers' arch rival New York Giants have moved to Adult fourses, 'Offered Again By 'U, WS U More than 100 courses will be offered this fall by the Adult Edu- cation Division of Wayne State University and the University. The Division, which combines the resources of both universities, enrolled more than 5,000 adults during the academic year 1958-59. This year they are offering a wide variety of courses ranging from the liberal arts to business sub- jects. Faculty from both universities will be used to teach the courses, which are held on the Wayne State campus as well as at the Rackham Memorial in Detroit and at six suburban points: Allen Park, Ferndale, Grosse Pointe, Royal Oak, St. Clair Shores and Wyandotte. The number of a f t e r n o o n classes will also be increased this fall. Nine courses, primarily in liberal arts, will be offered from 1:30 p.m. until 3 p.m. during the fall semester. For those interested in the lib- eral arts and the humanities, the course offerings include art, econ- omics, music, -literature, history, foreign languages, psychology, philosophy, and sociology and an- thropology. Self-improvement classes in- clude grammar, vocabulary im- provement, public speaking, voice and language improvement, and creative writing. Business subjects offered this fall include account- ing, electronic data processing, in- surance, business correspondence, business law, credits and collec- tions, office management, sales- manship and advertising. University faculty will partici- pate in three lecture series. "Bio- logical Forces in the World of Man" will be held in the Rack- ham Building in Detroit and "Great Religions of the World" will be held in Royal Oak. A new technical series on space technology given by faculty of the University will be sponsored by the Dearborn Center. FINAL CLEARANCE Out They GoI SHOP and SAVE before you leave Ann Arbor for these sensational savings on DRESSES - COATS - SUITS - HATS - GLOVES - HANDBAGS - LINGERIE - SPORTSWEAR. Groups at 1/2 OFF original prices. (and many below) Don't forget to stock up and save on our annual Phoenix Hosiery Sale which ends Saturday, Aug. 15. FINAL CLEARANCE women s shoes Fiancees Dress (spring and summer styles) Kickerino oCasuals$30 Sport Flats U.S. Washable Kedettes Reg. Reg. price price 1.65 pr. 1.35 pr. NOW 1.39 NOW 1.19 3 3 pr. for 4.05 pr. for 3.45 xe, WOKE..' _____________ -il '' 'I