'THE MICIGAN DAILY __________________________ FRIh AY, AUGUST 7. COLLEGE TEACHING: Ph.D. Salaries Ri~se DAILY O FFICiA BULLETIN I1 <+ --- Starting salaries for college teachers with a Ph.D. degree have increased about $1,000 during the past five years, according to the Bureau of Appointments and Oc- cupational Inf ormation. "At the college level, a begin- nring salary of $6,000 for an in-. experienced Ph.D. is becoming inr- creasingly common," HI. Glenn Ludlow, Bureau director, reported.. "Less than five years ago a typi- cal beginning salary at this level was approximately $5,000," he said. P e r sons qualified to teach 'mathematics, chemistry and phy- sics are still very difficult to find for either, secondary or college levels, Ludlow added. Shortages also exist in special- ized areas such. as library science, special education, industrial arts, and elementary' education.. (Continued from Page 2) agement Personnel Training Program, Involves six months training in Cam. den, then sent to one of their major .Off ices In. the East, Middle West, Los Angeles, Van Nuys. Must have 3-5 yrs. experience in- Personnel. Prefer age: 30-35. For further information concerning any of the above positions, contact the Bureau of .Appointments, 4001 Admin., E xt. 3371. 4 ' " ,, ' i a a a a a S a a a a a a - - w w w w w - -------------~ .r DIAL NO'2-3136 *STARTING TODAY.~ ,'fie id was a rebel' but theyr couldn't bang A tPTER PROD 7I0K A COLUMMIA PICTURE AND I THEI FIRT FUL-LEGTH FEATUR .e TONIGHT4 at85 5 P.M.' Comne at 6:,20 or 8:55 and see both Atfred Hitchcock'~s "NORTH BY NORTHWEST" and. preview of a new picture. starring a great entertainer. Regular shown both before and after4 preview. We cannot g.ive title of preview, MICHIGAN Theatre q rM LwOFMW*Awop"%WOpM" NOW 1 f '' ' I , I a ka' DIAL NO 8-6416 rt 4 '4: 4 , '1 ',, it's a human, humorous, happy hit starring I ". -rr The,whole town is in bn uprOqaOr.' . when a proud mdm can't find a proud pop r for ber bouncing babo I - p earror * re~s s r I r a -i ".. .t'to-%. .'!+.+." v ie wa i'II ,s: .ar.* #;s " 1 .A+ r MUSIC CENTER your headquarters for: e Magnavox. * SrmegCarlson, 6 Pilot !! te eo i i (with or without rodio) Priced from $89.90 'to $1000 THE MUSIC CENTER ... 300 S. Thayer NO 2-2500f $ WARMING UP--With less than halfm an hour to "air, " the, or- chestra goes over a difficult passage of the week's program. Precision timing in the percussion section, vital in any perform- ance, 3s a must in a live radio broadcast. YOU'RE ON!-The radio engineer's raised hand indicates that the, announcer is near the end of his script. On a. cue from the producer in the control booth, the engineer will lower his arm and point at Prof. Maddy, who will direct the orchestra in the week's broadcast. Split-second tinming is achieved, even though the radio equipment is spread all over the camp and the broadcasting sta- tions are hundreds of miles away. . I o r i " ." tA ' . J{{ !r t o Jy ..+5 f r ' 4 {' . ".a:;w . . . f . . J: r. {y. y.:. r? : i. :' ,,$$: .; ;fir.;: x : : JFr, r .r'' . _ ... lor t4e (/.ride Let us assist you with your plans for that all important wedding day. COME IN AND SEE OUR 'COMPLETE SELECTION OF- CRANE'S * INVITATIONS 0 *STATIONERY l4 I .:::: .. .. .....:. .. .;: .. : .w ::: ::: 1F - : e rx xnrxa xr r c