Sixty-Ninth Year
ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or .the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
7, 1959'
Out-State Students Add
Spice to'U' Flavor
CONOMICALLY speaking, the state and
the University collect a large profit from
numbers of out-of-state students who an-
ally trek to Ann Arbor for an education.
Phis view, offered in the current Michigan
imnus Quarterly Review, may act as a
thing balm to the Lansing legislators and
'-paying Michiganders who intermittently
k at the thought of state citizens paying
the education of "foreigners." Economics-
an extremely practical consideration that
; a tendency to hit home more accurately
,n 'cultural and academic considerations.
leaving the financial sphere behind, the
hor of the article warns that without this
King of students from all over the country
I the world, the possibility of a "cultural
dra' of a state looms darkly on the hori-
i. And it is this, aspect that is likely to send
idders up the backs of the scholars and stu-
its who, after all, are most- Involved in
NE OF THE greatnesses of the University,
from this student's point of view, is its di-
sity - both in curricula and student body.
Great deal can be learned by reading news-
ers and magazines and listening to a lec-
er delve into the causes and effects of the
Preme Court's decision jiemanding ntegra-
n in the south - nearly every college can
BĀ®orn LoSer
DOR Mr. Nixon. He can't do anything right.
If he had signed a treaty of peace with Mr.
rushchev, no doubt he would have been
used of doing it solely for partisan political
)r, if he would come out against sin, many
ght call it a "dirty political trick.".
Vo,, he'd better quit now while -he's ahead;
er all, the "liberals" haven't compared him
Hitler . . . yet.
give its students this - opportunity, to a greater
or lesser degree than is found here."
But to come face to face with someone from
Arkansas or Louisiana or any place in the
south, to confront him with the issue and to
hear him informally talk about the attitudes
of the people who are living with the decision,,
either combating or supporting it, "is quite
another thing.
If all of the 23,000 or so students inhabiting
the city were native Michiganders, no one
would have the opportunity to listen to an
incensed Puerto Rican give his personal and
candid reasons for not wanting his home coun-
try to be the 51st state, or learn the religious
beliefs of a Hindu, or..
Not all conversations among students, cer-
tainly, are held on such an intellectual or po-
litical plane, but listening to jazz or compar-
ing social customs with a fellow student from
as near as Chicago or as far as Miami can be
pretty enlightening to a citizen of the water
wonderland, too.
IT IS AS IF the giant melting pot that is
America were condensed, a dash of inter-
national flavor added and the slice of human-
ity served up to members of the University
community. The slice is of select, prime quality,
made up as it is of people in approximately the
same age and intelligence brackets, but the
variations are sometimes obvious, sometimes
4 subtle, always there.
What each student does with the oppor-
tunity to hash out his ideas with people of
varying backgrounds is an individual matter,
but he can't very well avoid rubbing shoulders
with them in class, seeing them on campus
and - absorbing at least a little of their atti-
As lone as the University continues to admit
students from outside the state, the melting'
pot will exist, the state will profit and alumni
may realize how many different people live in
this world and how many different approaches
there are to a common goal - a University
"Say, What Ever Happened to This Quiz Program?"
', 4- C,
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Ike Corn Program
May Be Successful
Associated Press Farin Writer
WASHINGTON - Is the Eisen-
hower Administration in a
position to crow about its new but
highly controversial. corn pro-
Administration leaders say it
is. Critics are not so sure. ,
A new program for the nation's
biggest crop - used mainly for
production of meats, poultry and
dairy products-scrapped all fed-
eral productio controls. Put into
effect this year for the first time,
it allows farmers complete free-
dom to grow this crop. All growers
are eligible for price supports.'
* * * '
CORN HAD BEEN in a class
with cotton, rice, tobacco, wheat
and peanuts-all subject to plant-
ing shares doled out by the gov-
But the administration, under
Alt Azhar
AIRO () -- Ahmed Sharif had
to escape fromi his native land
in order to study theology.
Ahmed asked permission from
French authorities in 1952 to leave
his home in Senegal to study
theology abroad. The French re-
fused because the school Ahmed
had chosen was Al Azhar Univer-
sity in Cairo. The French appar-
ently feared he would become in-
doctrinated with niationalistic
After four years of trying Ah-
med slipped across the Senegal
frontier illegally. He hitch-hiked
to Cairo and enrolled in the thou-
sand-year-old Azhar, center of
Islamic learning.
As an Azhar student, Ahmed was
given a subsidy by the Egyptian
government. of' eight pounds
monthly (almost $24). Added to
some fees he picked up by giving
French lessons, this enabled him
to live and study.
AS A SHEIK; or learned man,
from Al Azhar, Ahmed will be one
of the most highly respected men
in his conservative Moslem com-
munity. His opinions will be
sought, not only on religion but
also on politics.
He is one of thousands from all
over the Asian-African world who
study at Al Azhar and then return
to their communities to take posi-
tions of influence and leadership.
Although primarily a religious
institution, Azhar tends to reflect
the political thinking of President
There are approximately 5,000
foreign students enrolled at Al
Azhar from points as distant as
Indonesia, West Africa and Af-
- *
THE NASSER regime shows its
appreciation of Al Azhar by the
financial aid it gives foreign stu-
The government recently has
completed a six million dollar
Azhar City where foreign students
can be housed. It comprises 4
buildings to be used as hostels.
the spearhead of Secretary of Ag-
riculture Ezra Taft Benson, de-
clared war on the corn program,
as it has on the wheat and some
other crop control programs., It
said the corn program was not
The Administration finally per-
suaded Congress' to approve legis-
lation which would allow growers
to decide at a referendum be-
tween the old program and a new
one eliminating controls find set-
ting up lower price supports.
Farmers voted for the latter.
Advocates of the philosophy
that agriculture must learn to live
under government crop adjust-
ment programs predicted a huge
surplus of corn would result.
* * *
THESE FOLKS voiced "I told
you so" comments when the fed-
eral crop reporting board fore.
cast, before planting time, that
this year's corn acreage would"go
up 12 per cent over last year,
Then came the crop board's first
forecast on the size of the corn
and other major crops on July 10.
This report predicted nearly 15
per cent more acres of corn would
be harvested this year than last
and' that the crop would top last
year's record by slightly more
than 10 per cent. For the first
time in history, a corn crop in
excess of four billion bushels was
At first glance, this seemed like
.a vindication for Benson's oppon-
But there was another side to
the story. While the corn crop was
up sharply, the prospective pro-
duction of all livestock feed grains
was slightly below that of last
year, when the old program was
in effect. Then farhers haq been
paid several hundred million dol-
lars to hold 9 per cent of their
corn land out of production under
a soil bank land retirement pro-
Administration leaders say that
if the oat, barley and 'grain son-
ghun crops turn out as indicated,
the 1959 feed grain prograrmls will
cost the government much less
than last year's programs. Too,
they say, the 1959 crops will add
much .less to surplus supplies than
did the old one.
to the
To-the Editor:
LIKE MUSIC, but I'm studying
for exams.
For the sake of silence,' how
much could I pay that fellow in the
-D. L. Anderson, 'OL
Bicycles0 .'
To the Editor:
WISH TO commend the Univer.
sity for their, action concerning
the bicycle problem in front of the
Undergraduate Library. I think the
'removal of the bikes is the only
measure which the students: can
understand and I hope this poliy
will be undertaken periodically in
the future.
-Robert 0. Barr, Jr., '61E
WITH PERFECT politeness and
genteel deference, Gov. Nel-
son Rockefeller of New York is
reaching for Vice-President Rich-
ard Nixon's Jugular vein.
Mr. Rockefeller's disclosure that
he will contest Mr. Nixon for the
Presidential nomination only if
the public opinion polls are kind
to him has hit the Nixon forces
hard-in their one vulnerable spot.
They had not been afraid of any
outright Rockefeller challenge in
the old-fashioned way -a frank
attempt to go out and grab pro-
Rockefeller delegates to next year's
GOP convention. They felt that
such an unhidden Rockefeller
thrust would shatter against Mr.
Nixon's rocklike position with the
regular, organization Republicans.
The Vice-President himself for
months has known, and privately
said, that the one danger from
Rockefeller was by way of an ap-
peal not to the organization Re-
publicans but to the large, happy
public by way of a personal popu-
larity contest. For the vague fac-
tors of like and dislike-the way a
man smiles or combs his hair-
have immense effect on the polls.
This every politician knows, none
more keenly than the Vice-Presi-
dent. The, trouble is that he has,
surely, been "controversial"-and
Rockefeller surely has not been.
therefore, are striking at Mr. Nix-
on in an area where his powerful
position, and even his historic suc-
cess in his Russian mission, will
not necessarily arm him quite
They are-doing this, moreover,
in such a way as to skirt the risk
of candidly hitting Mr. Nixon over
the head. They have left them-
selves free to say that Mr. Nixon
is the finest possible fellow - and
maybe' even the ablest, too - but
isn't it too bad that the polls indi-
cate he "can't win"? They are go-
ing to the public over the heads of
the "politicians," just as the Vice-
President, with his bleak realism,
always suspected they would.
This blandly adroit Rockefeller
strategy is basically the same
strategy by which from 1940 on-
ward the professional Republicans
have been overcome at every na-
tional convention. The results have
[N DECIDING to go to Wester
fore Mr. Khrushchev comes to
he President is acknowledgingt
n a new course which needs to,
o his allies. While exchange ofI
ormal approval of Western Europf
hat only the British are pleased.:
nd Gen. de Gaulle cannot like w
ened, and they are bound to -;4
"hey will be anxious about the e
wo power talks on their own stat
vorld powers. They will be anxi<
he professional competence of th
ealizing all the implications of
alked about. By making a special
rn Europe the President'hope
On the crudest level, that he w
heir interests by making a deal
acks, no assurances of good fait
Che assurances will no doubt be
ur alliance it should not be nece
laim our good faith again and
ike expecting the Chief Justice to
ew months that he does not rob
f the United States. Indeed, thisc
e entitled to distrust an ally
nd questions our loyalty and go
'The real causes of anxiety in E
o easy to remove. That is becau
o-face talks will, unless they are
n untoward and unexpected ev
lifferent method of dealing betw
rn world and the Soviet Union.
aethod must subtly but substa
.ie influence of Paris and of Bon
WE HAVE BEEN negotiating a
Western powers, the' others
3ritain, France, and West Germa
ective form of negotiation has
othing could be talked about with
rhich did not have the previous
hie four Western allies. The allie
e united. This has meant that t
o be unanimous. This has mea
ad a veto on all the others. Th
losed to exploratory exchanges o
Editorial Staff
TheNew Course
n Europe be- ordinarily must precede negotiations. This was
Washington, in part because none of the Foreign Ministers,
that he is off and of course least of all Mr. Gromyko, had
be explained authority to talk freely. But it was also because
visits has the the rule of unanimity gave to Dr. Adenauer and
e, it is evident to Gen. de Gaulle a veto over Western policy.
Dr. Adenauer In the two-power talks, the President will not
#hat has hap- have authority to negotiate for the Western
iave anxieties. alliance. But he will have authority to talk
Affect of these about anything he sees fit to talk about. The
us among the veto on exploratory talks, which prevailed at
ous too about the level of the Foreign Ministers in Geneva,
o President in will not prevail in the Eisenhower-Khrushchev
what will be parleys. This marks a big change. It is brought
trip to-West- on by' the fact that these parleys will be bi-
s to reassure lateral and not multi-lateral and that they will
be conducted by the heads of the two most
will not betray powerful governments.'
behind their There is a report that after his visit to this
h are neede. country, Mr. K. will visit his Chinese ally in
given but in Peiping, If this is true it is very interesting.
essary to pro- For it would show that China' is very much.
decla anItiin the minds of the Soviet leaders,, and it may
are every indicate that the Eisenhower-Khrushchev par-
the Treasury leys will be global in scope, and not concen-
country would trated upon the details of a provisional ar-
who suspects rangement about West Berlin.
od faith.
If there is in the making, as there may be, a
urope are not truce' without a settlement, it will be due in
se these face- the main, of course, to a mutual recognition
broken off by that, as the President once said, there is no
vent, mean .a alternative to peace. Nuclear war is intolerable
een the West- to all, and s'o-called limited war in any vital
This different spot is bound to carry with it the risks of total
ntially reduce wan.
BUT THAT IS npt the whole of what is push-
s one of four' ing Moscow and Washington towards a
being Great truce. There is also a realization that as they
any. This col- concentrate all their energies and so much of
meant that their resources on hostility to one another,
z the Russians each is neglecting its interests elsewhere.
s approval of The Soviets are committed to a seven-year
s have had to plan of industrial development which would be
hey have had ruined by war, which is severely burdened by
nt that each the armaments and by the prospect of a still
he doors were greater and more costly competition in arms.
f views which What is more, the burden of the seven-year
plan plus the growing burden of armaments
prevent the Soviet Union from contributing to
China what is needed to nourish the Soviet-
Chinese alliance.
We, too, are finding the cold war increasingly
burdensome. President Eisenhower knows that
while his vetoes can be upheld this year, in the
BERT JUNKER years to come the welfare measures are certain
Co-editor to be voted. Moreover, we are beginning to
Colorful Colorado
Too Rich for TV
been the repeated selection of
Presidential nominees from among
the popular amateurs, like Wen-
dell Willkie and Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, and the nomination twice
of the master of that strategy,
Thomas E. Dewey of New York.
* * *
SOMETHING new, however, has
been added. For the Rockefeller,
approach - in which politicians
here clearly see the fine non-Ital-
ian hand of Dewey-has one new
strength. It is so prepared that the,
try can be made without drawing.
a visible sword 'against Nixon.
Thus,,the Rockefeller people are
trying to neutralize their greatest:
previous obstacle. This was the
disinclination of many-GOP politi-
cians to break with Nixon, like
him or not, lest theirs seem an act
of utter rebellion punishable if
Nixon should triumph after all.
But you can hardly convict a
man as a revolutionary if he is
not really "opposing" you - but
is only awaiting the word of "the
people" as to whom ought to be
nominated. That is not ugly revolt;
that is only "objectivity."
No one should now write off Mr.
Nixon; he remains the favorite by
a wide margin. Certainly this is so
"as of now"-a phrase increasingly
being used.
* * *
"AS OF NOW" is a hedge against
what those well-known polls may
be saying along in the late fall
The Rockefeller forces obviously
are going to be doing many things
to influence those polls. So-will the
Nixon forces. And the Nixon peo-'
ple will have the advantage of
operating with a tough and able
national figure-though not yet,
perhaps, a widely loved one.,
But their disadvantages, and the
Rockefeller advantages, will be
formidable. The national conven-
tion still is nearly a year away and
Nixon week by week will have to
take public positions on national
issues. Rockefeller will still be in
the honeymoon period at Albany,
simply running his own state shop
and not required to make many.
people angry. The headlines no
doubt will run higher and blacker
with the name "Nixon." But they
will inevitably run more amiably
with the name "Rockefeller."
(Copyright 1959, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
(Editor's Note: The Daily's Associate
City Editor, James Bow, is spending
his summer in the Rocky Mountain
DENVER - An open letter to
television producers: Dear Sirs,
Colorado celebrates its centen-
nial this year with a colorful his-
tory little glorified in movies or on
All those Western heroes who
gallop across the television screens
seem to have avoided the Cen-
tennial State. Wyatt Earp and
Matt Dillon, brave as they were,
never ventured west of Kansas.
Tombstone is buried in Arizona;
and "Have Gun Will Travel," that
first Western credit card, operates
from San Francisco.
THEREFORE, gentlemen, we
give you Colorado. You may wish
to try a series on one of the min-
ing towns--Central City, Leadville
or Georgetown. You might at-
tempt a fur trapping Western, a
mountain - climbing Western or
even a skiing Western. You would
still have to add your touch to
make Colorado Western truly adult
-the cowboys, the 'Indians and
the psychologists.
But be careful. There is some
material which must be reserved
for Westerners alone, some dubi-
ous sidelights which improve with
Iage and good liquor.
One such subject is a gentleman
named Ogilvy. Colonel Ogilvy was
a renouwned horseman and a re-
porter for the Denver Post, a leg-
eni in itself The Cnnnel workIr
ace's hospitality with a somewhat
crude gesture. On a bet that he
could clear the hotel of all guests
at 2 a.m., Colonel Ogilvy sent a
horde of rats, followed by yelping
hounds, through the inner cham-
bers. He won the bet.
The grand finale-in every sense
--was the Colonel's funeral. Unlike
most such occasions, the corpse
was alive. The Colonel placed his
funeral notice in the Post, rented
a coffin and climbed in. His pur-
pose was to determine how many
mourners would come to his last
rites when the inevitable really
did happen.
As the license plates say, Colo-
rado is Colorful. But, gentlemen
of Hollywood, -we suspect that the
vivid hues of the state's history
are too bright even for color TV.
Willie's Words .. .
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The,
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
'be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Noices
To All students having Library Books:;
1. Students having in their possession
books:borrowed from the General Li-
brary 'or its branches are notified that
such books are due Mon., Aug. 10. ,
2. Students having special needs for
certain bookshbetween Aug. '10 and
Aug. 14 may retain such books for that
period by renewing them.. ;
3. The names of all .students who
have not cleared their records. at the
Library by Friday, Aug. 14 will be sent
to the Cashier's Office and their cred-
its and grades will be withheld until
such time as said records are cleared in
compliance with the regulations of the
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to, recommend tentative Aug. graduates
from the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, and the School of Edu-
cation for departmental honors (or
high honorq in the College of L.S.&A.
should recommend such students in
a letter delivered to the Office of Regis-
tainand Records, Rin. 1513 Admin.
Bldg., before Aug. 20.
Dal . ral . Poi- 0 . rNlniian.-
Doctoral Examintion for Donald
Thomas Shanower, Speech; thesis: "A
Comparative and .Descriptive Study of
Three Opera Houses in Southern Mich-
igan, 1880-1900," Sat., Aug. 8, 2020
Frieze Bldg., 1:00 p.m. Chairman, W. P.
Doctoral Examination for James The-
odore Tedeschi, Jr., Psychology; thesis:
"Infantile Btimulation in Rats and the
Genesis of the Disposition to Emotion
ality," Fri., Aug." 7, 7611 Haven" Hall,
3:00 p.m. Chairman, J. W. Atkinson.
Doctoral Examination for Elford
Samuel Dudley, Jr.; Speech; thesis: "A.
History and Analysis of the Public
Speaking of United World Federalists,
Incorporated, 1947-1P57," Fri., Aug. 7,
2020 Frieze Bldg., 2:00 P.m. Chairman,
W. M. Sattler.
Doctoral Examinatioh fo. Lawrence
Russell Dawson, Jr., English Language
& Literature; thesis: "Charles Williams
as Reviewer and Reviewed," Sat., Aug.
8, 2601 Haven Hail, 9:00 a.m. Chair-
man, W. G. Rice.
Doctoral Examination for Marjorie
Marie Smith, Speech; thesis: "Expres-
sionism in Twentieth Century Stage
Design,". Mon., Aug.; 10, 1050 Frieze
Bldg., 4:00 p.m. Chairman, W. P. Hal-
Placement Notices
Personnel Bequests.
Cutler-Hammer, Inr., Milwaukee,
Wis., Electrical Engineers. BSEE or
MSEE with or without experience in
electrical engrg. Work: in Engrg. dept.
to design electric motor control.
Delavan Mfg. Co., W. Des Moines, Ia.
One Asst. Project and/or Project Engr.
and one Research Engr.
The Atlantic Refining Co., Philadel-
_: K
. ' .