GUST' 4. THE MICHIGAN DAILY PJ u ,~~T4~EMCIA AL MOWNW)" AXES BOG DOWN LEGISLATORS: 'Ho-HuMn Session Continues in Lansing' The Days Wane LANSING VP) - Michigan's 1959 gislators met 144 strong on Jan. [ They took the oath and settled own in ho-hum fashion to hear ov. Williams' "state of the state" essage the next day. Ho-hum? Sure. Everybody knew what the ig problems were-heading off a ienacing cash shortage in the ate treasury and voting new axes to prevent another financial )boggan. The newspapers had been full of . A month before, Rep. Rollo G. onlin, Republican tax expert, had ewed the situation with alarm. here was nothing partisan about he grim outlook. GOP Control When Republicans that day took ontrol of the House, fatefully di- ided 55-55, there was Democratic rumbling but-it didn't sound seri- us. The GOP had a 22-12 grip in he Senate. On Jan. 15, Williams dutifully aid about what was expected, ex- ept for one thing. He asked rpmpt "mort'gaging" of the state's 0-million-dollar Veterans Trust and to provide quick cash. Mort- aging rather~ than simply sale unded a little "gimmicky' to ome GOP ears. t there was little evidence two parties couldn't settle differences and get together e state's cash and tax prob- in reasonable time., other in Michigan's 132 years, andl it'll be 131 tonight. Today, the cash crisis has great- ly worsened. A payroll to 26,000 state employes temporarily was skipped May 7. The state stopped paying bills from builders, food suppliers and hospitals and some tried to get out of contracts. Pay-1 ments to universities, public schools and local governments fell far behind. Michigan's credit tarnished across the nation as word spread, some of it distorted, about her plight. How come? Policy Frozen A political spasm had suddenly racked the capitol, freezing the policy - making Legislature,. into paralysis. Like two wrestlers, each with a hammerlock, the political adver- saries struggled, groaning and sweating but unable to throw the other. It was' the six-ter, liberal Democratic governor with an eye on the White House versus a. tight-knit group of six or eight Republican senators of conserva- tive bent who rallied the GOP majority into rock-like unity. In the middle, the evenly split House' was tugged by both sides, never with enough Republican or Democratic votes to tilt the bal- ance. The roots of the bitter strife lay deep. For 10 years, the little knot of GOP senators had, frustrated many of the governor's aims. For Just as long, "Soapy' had made them his whipping boys, sinking in his political spurs. Year of Reckoning This, it soon developed, was to be the year of reckoning, the de- cisive battle in the "ten years war." There were debts to be paid for the scars of other years. , Both sides deny it, but the state and her people took a back seat as lawmakers fought over taxes and a record budget. Harsh words flew-like "black- jack," "blind Samsons," "the peo- ple are damned." Profanity. occa- sionally crept into debate. Pas- sions rose. Newsmen were accused of bias. In truth, political chicanery had a field day. Studied Problem A citizens tax study committee, a blue ribbon outfit, had surveyed the situation din depth and come to the central conclusion that an income tax was necessary. Some, of its other recommendations were received as cockeyed, though. The governor called for the poli- tically unpalatable income tax, urging a "phony" version exempt- ing more people than it hit. But It didn't happen that way. 27 Weeks Fly By Since then, 189 calendar days ave fled by-27 weeks, and more hian six months. The Legislature as met 130 days, more than any he stubbornly refused to put it in writing in lawmakers' hands, in-I stead dancing from one "honest" version to another. Republicans urged an April vote on a four-cent sales tax, but Wil- liams refused to allow a referen- dum. Republican seators, in turn, blocked any big scale borrowing without a sales tax boost and sat on trust fund. using it as a politi- cal lever. Boost Use Tax The Republicans came up with a device to get around the consti- tutional ceiling on the sales tax by boosting the use tax, a compli- mentary tax levied on items pur- chased out of state for use in Michigan. Twice the bill passedj the Senate and met defeat in the House.l Republicans, in turn, blocked! Democratic efforts to enact a ."piggyback" income tax based on the federal income tax. Through it all, some GOP sen- ators labeled the state's cash writhings as a "hoax" and "poli- tical fraud" and said the state needed no new taxes. Then they voted a 90-million-dollar budget increase while the state sank 95 millions in debt. Lobbyists Busy If, as it is said, United Auto Workers President Walter P. Reu-j ther's hand reached into the; House to bock a sales tax increase, some GOP senators jigged to an anti-corporation, tax tune called by auto company lobbyists. Increasingly, in late weeks, the $threat of criticism from back, home quickened, although some Lansing figures mistake the num- bed silence of constituents for ap- proval. Most know it's time to get on, the' beam.' But aftre months of political excesses, a hangover lingers. The fine touch for true, compromise lost. Long Fight Frustrating HIeads must- clear, slowly. Both sides are fumbling for the right formula and both are weary and frustrated from the long fight., To keep up appearances, law- makers have gone on a kind of slowdown, retaining a fe* bills' to wrangle over. Some fear being written up as thumb twiddlers if getting together takes too. long. Others chafe at delay in get- ting home. Their pocketbooks are fiat, their savings depleted, their businesses suffering. Still others yearn to join their families at lakeside cottages. Bills Ignored What of the 1 000-plus bills with myriad goals that were dumped into the legislative hopper in the early months-the non-tax bills? So single-minded has been the focus, so tense the political strife, few important ones received seri- ous attention. Only taxes counted. it was felt. The governor's program got the, shortest shift ever, except for his executive reorganization plans. -David Gitrow TWO-The 101,001-seat Michigan Stadium sits dormant, waiting the cooler days and submersion of the two lonely fans into the cheering September masses. GENERAL MOTORS: Cancer StudyFinanced, NEW YORK - General Motors is considering financing a broad study of the possible link between auto exhaust fumes and lung cancer. And in a related move, GM re- portedly is developing a new filter that would cut fumes which con- tribute' to air pollution. The proposed cancer study. would be carried out by the Sloan- Kettering Institute for Cancer Research. It would be the first such project sponsored by a single auto manufacturer. In the last five years the in- dustry has allotted more than $6,000,000 for air-pollution re- search, primarily for smog control. Auto exhaust fumes have been described by medical scientists as a potential cause of lung and skin cancers and other diseases. How- ever, there has been no proof to support the premise. Fast month the auto industry was censored by the Air Pollution Control Association for assertedly dragging its feet in efforts to les- sen smog. The Association charged the in- dustry had reneged on pledges of efforts to reduce exhaust fumes. If four departments approve the the basic arrangement, a per-? manent plan will be established. The conference is scheduleda tentatively for Oct. 23-24 at Aller-' ton Park, Illinois. It will be financed by the Com-; mittee on Institutional Coopera- tion of the Council of Ten. The' University of Illinois Department of Geography will be host. In welcoming the move for the conference, Prof. Charles M. Da- vis, chairman of the University geography department, said, "The major geography departments in the country believe' field training is a necessary part of training in geography. Since the Big Ten schools have been leaders in ge- ography, it is logical, that they should try to provide more vitali- ty to the field training program. "This department has main- tained a field camp since the early 1920s. We have used the facilities of the Conservation Department. We think the idea of cooperative action is an excellent one. It will solve one of the more difficult problems in professional training." If successful, this would mean that students from all schools can go to one camp with adequate fa- cilities rather than to numerous, inadequate camps. The planning conference will consider costs, enrollment, staff, transfer of credits and other, problems involved in multiple sponsorship of educational pro- grams,. p Excessive cost has been a de- terrent to the establishment of permanent field stations by indi- vidual departments Universities Study Joint Field Plan The University and other Big Ten schools yesterday announced plans to study cooperative action in setting up field stations among geography departments. Representatives of geography departments in the group will meet to discuss the possible de- velopment of a cooperative field station program. Loans under the National De- fense Education Act are expected to attract nearly 121,000 college and university students during the coming academic year. The estimate was made by the Office of Education in the Depart- ment of Health, Education and Welfare on the basis of a prelini- nary review of loan fun applica-: tions already submitted to the Office. Students applying for loans un- der the Act represent about 5.5 per cent of the anticipated full- time enrollment totals for partici- pating institutions. The -average application for a loan is expected to be for about $500 to aid the student in continuing his educa- tion for the year, Arthur S. Flem+- ming, secretary of the department said. Program Expands The loan fund applications on which the, Office based' its esti- mates were sent in from 1,372 colleges and universities who plan to participate in the student loan program during the year. .The program, begun last May, will include 180 more institutions than last year and the totals rep- resent nearly 88 per cent of the entire full-time college; enrollment in this country. The institutions applying for loans have submitted an estimate that about $60.5 mil- lion will be required for student loans. Of the $30.5 million distributed last year, the institutions have retained about $15 million so the additional requirement will amount to approximately $45.5 million for the year, 'Flemming said. Institutions Contribute. Contributions of one-tenth of the the total 'student loans must be provided by the participating institutions under the plan estab- lished by the National Defense Education Act, he added. Taking this into consideration, the federal government would be required to contribute $41 million during the year to take care of all applicants but the pending appro- priation is $30 - million. A deficit of $11 million is thus possible. Flemming pointed out that at applications have not yet beer processed for "reasonableness" anc "our experience so far would Indi- cate that the actual need foi loans will be less than the. esti- mated demands." Sees Sufficient Funds With this in mind, he contin- ued, "I am confident that th pending appropriation will meet or come"close to meeting, the ac- tual needs of students for' thi 'coming academic year.' The actual demand and its re- lation to available funds will prob. ably not be estimated with and certainty until later in the calen. dar year, Flemming noted. If the demand for loans durini Student Demand Ineres For Government Loan's the first semester exceeds expects tions, he said, "we will conside submitting, a request for a supple mental appropriation at the be ginning of the next session c Congress." Initiate New Plan A new processing procedure "de signed to improve distribution within the state" in which a num ber of institutions apply for fund has been initiated this year. States are allotted funds on th basis of their share of the totf college enrollment and institutior within each state are provide with funds on the basis of propo: tional individual requests. "An amount equal to $20 fc each full-time student enrolle has been adopted as a guide f( determining the reasonableness applications" submitted by ind vidual institutions, Flemming e: platined. Require Justifications "Detailed justificatioins" are r quired from institutions reques ing funds above this amount wit the statements to be "examinE critically by a recently appoint( panel of college administrators. 'With the completion of these ri views, "funds will be prorat state's total allocation." within each state against tl The colleges and universities a minister 'the loans individual with high school graduates ar college students applying direct to the institution they are enroil in. Repay after Graduation One year after the student h completed his formal educatio the loan repayment period begli with an interest rate of three p cent to unpaid balances over ten-year period. Public elementary and secon ary school teachers who have be student borrowers are eligible I "cancellation of up to 50 per ce of the loan if they teach full tir 1 for five years or more," Flemmi said. The cancellation, he explain{ is compounded at the rate of per cent per year "based upon I amount of, the loan outstandi when they begin teaching." Students with "superior ac demic backgrounds who intend teach in elementary or secondE schools or those whose acader backgrounds indicate superior c pacity or' preparation in scien mathematics, engineering or modern foreign language" may - given special consideration unt e the terms of the Act. ower Set 3Give Talk Bach's "Well-Tempered Clavier" ill be the subject of a lecture- cital at 8:30 p.m. -today at Aud. Angell Hall. Prof. John Flower of the music hool will compare the perform- ice of the fugues in the work on piano with that on a harpsi- xord. FIAL.NO 8-6416 1ENDS TONIGHT "MOST WONDERFUL MOMENT" * STARTS WEDNESDAY FENAN DEL "The WilId Oat" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN a. "r wr " .. 'f rr ? :. rti } i f a... ..""r ;;..;; ".r arxntbiS;: K;".-' a7 r.w: . ti ". q, r, p"9 . '3ds',e3 n -.°E!}v : } « n' .,r '!:v. }.?X . "fr'::a.. se)Ctin ' vs:Rek '! a;. . Fall's fashion landscape . . . good earth colors, deeper textures. Lanz answer is shagbark, novelty weaves, french knot cottons; wool basket or mohair loop weaves; herringbones, plaids, and tweeds in wool. and many more excitingly rich textures. See our collection soon. (Continued from Page 2)e ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.- TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1959 1 VOL. LXIX, NO. 30-S95 General Notices Clasical Studies Coffee Hour: Tues., Aug. 4, Rm. 2009 Angell Hall, 4 p.m. Prof. Dunlap, "Latin Inscriptions in Michigan." Speech Lab. Open House, Tues., Aug. 4, Frieze Bldg., Basement.r Applications for The University of Michigan . Research Institute Fellow- ships to be awarded for the fall semes- ter, 1959-60, are now being accepted in the office of the Graduate School. The stipend is $1,175 per semester. Applica- tion forms are available from the Graduate School. Only applicants who have been employed by the Institute for at least one year on at least a half time basis are eligible and preference will be given to applicants who have completed the equivalent of at least one full semester of graduate work at the time of application. Applications and supporting material are due in the office of the Graduate School not later than 4:06 p.m., Fri., Aug. 21., Foreign Visitors Following are the foreign visitors who will be on the campus this week on the dates indicated. Program arrangements are being made by the International Center: Mrs. Clifford R. Miller. Mr. Vladimir Serdar, Prof. at Univer- sity of Zagreb, Statistics and Demo- graphy, Yugoslavia, June 21-Aug. 15. Mr. Anton A. Naber, Ass't. Director of the Community Development Dept., Jordan Development Board, Amman, Jordan, July 19-Aug. 16. Mr. Francis A. Bouros,Teacher of English, Egypt, July 28-Aug. 7. Mr. Daniel Alphonse, Supervisor of Schools, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, Aug. 2-15. Mr. Roger Delmas, Principal of Ap- plication School, Norman School of Damien, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, Aug. 2-15. Lectures University Lecture, Prof. Gunnar Erdtman, Univ. of Stockholm, "Cur- rent Research on Pollen and Spores," Tues., Aug. 4, 4:15 p.m., Aud. B, An- gell Hall. Sponsored by Dept. of Botany The Cercie Francais. Mr. Martinet, prof. of Linguistics at the Sorbonne, and presently at the Summer Linguis- tics Institute. "Les Variations de la Prononciation Francaise Contempor- aine", Wed., Aug. 5, 8 p.m. Rm. 3050 (Lounge) Frieze Bldg. Concerts Faculty Lecture-Recital: John Flow- er, pianist, Bach's "Well-Tempered Clavier," Tues., Aug. 4, 8:30 p.m. Aud. A, Angell Hall. Academic Notices Mathematics Colloquium: Prof. Paul Erdos, "Some Problems in Combina- torial Set Theory," Tues., Aug. 4, 4:10 p.m. In 3011 Angell Hall. Coffee at 3:30 in Commons Rm. Group Seminar. Dr. John S. Griffin, Jr., "Some Remarks on a Paper of Vil- enkin," Tues., Aug. 4, 2:30 p.m., Rm. 3017 Angell Hall. Doctoral Examination for Ilene Tova Olken, Romance Languages & Liter- atures: French; thesis: "Colette: As- pects of Imagery," Tues., Aug. 4, 2072 Frieze Bldg.,° at 4:00 p.m.. Chairman, R. J. Niess. Doctoral Examination' for John Rich- ard Metz, Psych.; thesis: "An Initial' Step in the Development of a Method for Measuring Aspects of Ego Strength," Tues., Aug. 4, 7611 Haven Hall, 4:00 p.m. Chairman, J. B. Adelson. Doctoral Examination for Donald Adam DaDeppo, Civil Enginereing; the- sis: "An Analysis ofTruss Displace- ments," Wed., Aug. 5, 30'? W. Engrg. Bldg., 3:00 p.m. Chairman, B. G. Johnston. Doctoral Examination for Peter Hor- wath, Germanic Languages and Liter- atures; thesis: "Literatur in Rahmen des oesterreichischen Kulturkampfs, 1780-1920," Wed., Aug. 5, 1080 Frieze Bldg., 2:00 p.m. Chairman, O. G. Graf. Placement Notices Personnel Requests: Kalamazoo Vegetable Parehmnet Co., Kalamazoo, Mich., Men with B.S. in Chemistry, Chemical Engrg. or Electri- cal Engrg. For Sales openings in the near future: Degrees in Bus. Admin. or Economics. The following companies need enWA neers: International Packings Corp., Detroit office: Sales Engrs. with B.S.E. or M.S.E. Diamond Gardner Corp., Middletown, Onio: Mechanical Engrg. - Grad. Engr. with 0-5 ys. exp. in any " industry Chemical Engrg. - Grad. Engr. with 0-3 yrs. exp. in industry; and Account- ant Trainees (3) recent grads.' who ma- jored in acct. or finance. Youngstown Sheet & Tube, Youngs- town, Ohio: Mech. Engrs., Electrical Engrs., Chemical Engrs., Metallurgical Engrs. and General Engrs. For further information concerning any of the above positions, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin., Ext. 3371. DIAL NO 2-3136 ANTHONYOUINN Im~'rHAL WALLIS' ftI4ILLM , ~ )) , Group Plans Dance Class' Square dance classes will start at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at Lane Hall. All interested students and resi- dents of Ann Arbor have been invited to attend the sessions which will be held each Wednes- day for the next four weeks. The classes are being organized by a group of students including many interantional students and those studying on Fulbright schol- arships. In The Daily $ A41 MMd' 'U , say %," , ' _ _. .,r w nw : Pf.L " t . C" 1! -F- r -W i f- r " / . I t T -7_" 1 F !IW 4WM AW 'MWAW NOMMM p / l_ :o :._ -,Ooo- You'll "oh" and "ah" at the sensational savings if you shop before you leave Ann Arbor You Saw Dresses, Coats, Suits,, Jewelry, Handbags, Bras Gloves, Girdles, Blouses, Sportswear (At Campus Toggeryl111 1 So. University) AND MORE 50%. OFF ti. :C:. 4." II Lanz from' $29.98. Lanz circle,. Main floor. 500=700 Dresses-all kinds Special Group Sizes 7-15 10-44 12-/2-261/2 Jewelry 49c sale priced 3 pc. 100 198 BLOUSES SHORTS BELTS SKIRTS (any 3 items 5.00) coats-suits originally 25.00 to 59.95 OFF 6( V I *SHOWINGMICHIGAN 200 DRESSES Specially Priced for Clearance 148-1 000. i V ,V . U I I