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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
W. S
VOL. LXII, No. 30S
Foreign Leaders
Approve Meeting
Gloom Still Heavy at Geneva Talks;
Ministers To Disband Wednesday
GENEVA (P)-Western leaders expressed hope yesterday that the
r exchange'of visits between President'Dwight D. Eisenhower and Nikita
S. Khrushchev will be the 'first step toward a long truce in the cold
The atmosphere of optimism created by the announced visits took
most of the gloom out of the deadlock at the foreign ministers
It fizzles out in probable failure Wednesday.
While many leaders throughout the world acclaimed the visits
World Peaee Ai
the foreign ministers sought
Call Visits
Congress said yesterday Nikit
Khrushchev's visit to the U
States may do some good by o
ing- the eyes to the true' stre
of this country and the unit
its people.
But many Senators and RT
sentatives - while applaudinE
news that President Dwight D
senhower and the Russian Pre
will swap visits-cautioned ag
any over-optimism that their
to-face meetings will bring
great thaw in the cold war.
Several warned President E
'ower to be on guard again
possible f4imflam.
Some Disapprove
Mixed in with the statemen
approval were some expressio
strong opposition to Khrush
coming here.
For one, Sen. Thomas J.
(D-Conn.) called President E
hower's invitation "a national
Democratic and Republican
ers were almost unanimous it
dorsing the exchange of visi
the leaders of the two mig]
antagonists. in the cold war.
Senate Democratic leader
don B. Johnson of Texas tole
Senate he believes "this is a
of exchange which could do r
for the whole world.",
Johnson Favors
"The Soviet premier will
an opportunity to see for hi:
what kind of people we are
what our true intentions are,"
Johnson said.
Senate Republican leader
ett M. Dirksen of Illinois sai
visit exchange, if successful,
"enshrine the President as
boldest and most determ
peacemaker in many generati
House Speaker Sam Ray
(D-Tex.) commented 'tersely:
all right with me if the Pres
wants him."
Halleck Supports
House Republican leader Ch
A. Halleck of Indiana sai
knows "of no better way to
press Mr. Khrushchev than
him see for himself our unity
strength and determination
" cur peaceful purposes."
On the other side of the
tion, douse Democratic 1
John W. McCormack of M
chusetts said President Eisent
had made a mistake by ins
A strong objection was er
by Sen. Homer E. Capehart
Ind.) who said "it looks like
again being taken in by the
signs . . . I see nothing the
sians have done to warrant
all out friendliness."
'Major Advance'
Rep. Walter Judd (R-Minx
member of the House Foreig:
fairs Committee, called the
pending Khrushchev visit "a
jor advance for him in his re
less political offensive to soft
the Wes' preparatory to the
Led by Chairman J. Willian
bright (D-Ark.), most memb
the Senate Foreign Relations
mittee lined -up in support c
Eisenhower-Khrushchev mov
merely a dignified way of ending their
10-week-old negotiations over So-
viet demands that United States,
British and French garrisons pull
out of West Berlin.
Prime Minister Harold Mac-
millan of Britain from his country
home in Sussex praised the ex-
change of visits.
He was the only leader of a big
Western European_ power to speak
up however. President Charles de
'rs of Gaulle of France is on a vacation
ta S. and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer
nited of West Germany is ill with a- cold.
ngth Sees Conference;
ty of Macmillan said he felt sure the
visits will lead to the East-West
epre- summit conference which. he has
g the long advocated as- the best way to
). Ei- settle cold war disputes.
mier Referring to last November's'
ainst Soviet challenge to West Berlin,'
face- Macmillan said: "We were talking
on a then about ultimatums. Today,
we're talking in terms of personal
isen- visits."
ist s British Labor Party leader Hugh.
Gaitskell - whpse preaure- has
been largely responsible for Mac-
its of millan's own summit enthusiasm-
ns of said he hoped the Visits would
ichev start "a new era of greater friend-
liness and cooperation between the
Dodd Soviet Union and the West."
1 dis- Bonn Favorable
In Bonn, the West german gov-
lead- ernment welcomed the prospective
n en- meetings.,
ts by In West Berlin, Deputy Mayor
htiest Franz Amrehn said if the visits
lessen some of the differences be-
Lyn- tween the Soviet Union and the
d ,theWest, "then something worth-
type while will also result from Berlin
much and Germany."
French officials here also ex-
have pressed approval of the visits, but
mself their comments appeared marked-
and cooler than those of the other
Sen. Western Allies.
A spokesman for French Foreign.
Ever- Minister Maurice Couve de Mur-
d the ville expressed the hope that the
could Khrushchev visit to the United
the States "will have, a good effect in
ined relaxing international tension."
ions." The first high-level Communist
yburn reaction in Geneva came from
"It's East German Foreign Minister
ident Lothar Bolz, adviser at the Ge-
neva conference-.
He said the meetings will re,-
arles -move the "dangers resulting from
d he West German rearmament and
im- the West Berlin occupation re-
to let gime" and mark a step toward
y, our disarmament and a ban on wea-
and pons of mass destruction.
Hears News
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Thomas Turn-
er, 185-60 Daily -Editor, lives in.
Puerto Rico where the American
Governors Conference is now in
)AN JUAN, P. R. - The big-
gest news at the 51st annual Gov-
ernors' Conference yesterday was
the announcement that President
Dwight D. Eisenhower will trade
visits with Soviet Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev.
The governors., here agreed the
exchange visits are generally a
sound idea.
Gov John Patterson, of Ala-
bama. compared the value of Ike
knowing Khrushchev to that of a
governor being able to phone oth-
er governors over an interstate
problem using the first name.
Lavish Parley
Families of the nation's gov-
ernors have been arriving since
Wednesday for this lavish con-
Independista pickets staged a
demonstration Sunday in front of
the San Juan Intercontinental
Hotel, the site of the conference.
Cars were forced to move slow-
ly through the crowd while pick-
ets shouted "Yankee Go Home"
and spat or -ars. The governors
questioned agreed that status is
something for the Puerto Ricans
to decide.
Politicking is going on con-
stantly here - on the surface and
behind the scenes.
Political Discussions
New York Gov. Nelson Rocke-
feller is the subject of the great-
est speculation. He told reporters
Sunday "under no circumstances"
is he a vice-presidential candi-
He added he is not now a pres-
idential candidate, but "circum-
stances might change his mind."
The consensus here is that
Rockefeller must act soon, since
Vice-President Richard M. Nix-
on's trip to Russia is giving the
Vice-President a head start to-
wards theRepublican presiden-
tial nomination.
Senate Group
Studies Rights
Bill Changes
" WASHINGTON (A) -- Advo-
cates of civil rights legislation
succeeded yesterday in getting a
bill up for consideration in the
4Senate judiciary committee.
I The vote was 10-5.
The motion, as Chairman James
0 . Eastland (D-Miss.), had ob-
served several weeks ago, was sub-
ject to unlimited debate.
Given Check
Due in Julv
State Pays Other
Creditors with Funds
LANSING (A) -Majority Re-
publicans last night pushed
through the Senate their use tax
increase bill. .
A vote of 20-11 sent the bill
back to the House which was ex-
pected to throw it into an inter-
chamber conference to adjust
All favorable votes came from
One Republican, Sen. John T.
Smeekens of Coldwater, joined
Democrats in opposing it.
The bill, which would, in ef-
fect, increase the present three,
per cent, sales tax to four per
cent, represents the heart of the
Republican Senate's revenue
Besides raising the use tax, it
would apply the higher levy to
hotels and motel rooms, tele-
phone bills and sales of con-
struction materials used in fed-
eral projects.
Supporters before last night
had estimated its yield in new
revenue for the present fiscal
year at 116 million dollars.
Last night, the revenue fore-
cast was raised to 127 millions,
chiefly because of a sharp rise
in sales tax collections during
July reported earlier in the day.
by the revenue department.
Of Both Chiefs
Communist Head May Arrive
In America by Mid-September
WASHINGTON ( - In an historic step pointed towa:
world peace, President Dwight D. Eisenhower announced ye
terday he is going to visit Russia and Soviet Premier Nikita
Khrushchev is coming -to America.
President Eisenhower officially broke the news - unpin
cedented in some respects and carrying potentialities th
can only be guessed at-to a hurriedly called news conferern
Moscow Radio, in a rare example of East-We'st cooper
tion, already was telling the world the same thing.
"This is a personal visit," President Eisenhower said'
his mission to Moscow, "with the hope that it will do som(
thing to promote understanding and possibly progress towa
peace in the world.' He spoke,'
too, of his hope to "melt a
little bit of the ice that seems
to freeze our relationships.'
No dates were set, but Vice-
President Richard M. Nixon,
homeward bound from Russia,
said at Warsaw he expects the -
Red premier to arrive in the Unit-
ed States around Sept. 15. -
rePresidentv Eisnhwe pans t
PeietEsnoeplntoreturn the visit later in the fall. 5
The President disclosed in pass-
ing that early in July he started
the correspondence which led to
this morning's announcement,
and didn't tell Nixon about it un-
til the day the Vice-President left
for Russia.
One hundred and thirty-nine
reporters hurried to the White
House news conference room in
the old State Department build-
ing on getting the word President PRESIENT EISENHOWER
Eisenhower had something to say h storic decision
1to them. Twice or more that num-
ber would have been there, given
more time.nFear Riots
The President gave his news in
a casual manner, businesslike
without being abrupt.
In something of an understate- On EXChang
ment ,he said:
"I think there may be enough WASHINGTON (P) -- Sec
special interest in the matter as Service officials yesterday' refu
to justify you people taking your to discuss the problems sure
time to come here this morning." arises in arranging for the saf
He read the joint statement of of President Dwight D. Eisenhov
the two governments, which had and Nikita Khrushchev dur
this as its crowning paragraph: their exchange of visits this yea
"Both governments express the "
hope that the forthcoming visits We have no comment at
to m kim - nn this LmXJ bji e c
FINISHES SOVIET TO'UR-Vice-President Richard M. Nixon,
shown at dinner with Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev, will
see the Communist leader again this fall.
NiXon Cheered in Poland
A sT-wo-WveeTrip Ends
WARSAW (P)-Vice-President Richard M. Nixon, cheered by the
Polish people at every turn, wof the applause of Polish officials and
foreign diplomats last night with a toast to peace.
The scene was thegreat hall of the palace of Poland's cabinet.
The occasion was President Aleksandr Zawadzki's official recep-
tion for the Vice-President and Mrs. Nixon. The reception came at
the end of a day in which Nixon
hower's brother, Dr. Milton Eisen-'e
hower, sat across a table from
Poland's government and Com-
munist Party leaders and talked
for five hours and 20 minutes,
largely about their differences on
international questions.
In offering a toast to Nixon,
Zawadzki said the United States
and Poland together had fought
German militarism.
He charged that "forces of re-
venge" still exist in West Ger-
Nixon recalled that President
Eisenhower had seenthe war de-
struction in Poland 14 years ago
and that the Vice-President had3
seen Warsaw's reconstruction.
Nixon reported that during the1
day's talks there were many dif-j
ferences frankly discussed, then1
"There was complete agreement
on this one issue : what happened
to Warsaw, what happened to
Poland in the last war, to Poland
that suffered in two wars, must
not happen again either to Poland
or any other country on earth.",
The crowded hall burst into ap-
plause as his remark went home.
Nixon went on: "And statesmen
who disagree on economic and
foreign policies can and will find a
way to settle their differences
without the resort to force." I
and President Dwight D. Eisen-
Labor Bill
WASHINGTON () - Speaker
of the House Sam Rayburn (D-
Tex.), yesterday threw his power-
ful support behind the much-buf-
feted labor bill put together by
the House Labor Committee.
The bill, denounced by theI
Eisenhower .Administration as too
weak and by organized labor as
too strong, is stuck in the House
Rules Committee, where it is due
to be considered today.
Rayburn, in his first public
comment on the subject, praised
the labor committee for doing
what he called a splendid job.
The committee was badly split.
When it voted 16-14 to clear the
bill only five members actually
favored it.
The rest said they approved it
only to .get it out where the House
Forty-three Democrats have,
prepared another substitute that,
would remove most of the objec-
tions raised by union leaders.
LANSING M)-Nearly 15 million'
dollars in cash receipts hit Michi-
gan's bare statetreasury yesterday
and immediately was divvied up
among state creditors, some of
them long-suffering.
Counting a few hundred thou-
sand dollars on hand over the
weekend, a total of 151/2 million
dollars was distributed at a special
state administrative board meet-
ing as follows:
1) Six million dollars to com-
plete payment of July appropria-
tion installments to the University
($3,000,000), Michigan State' ($2,-
300,000) and Wayne State ($700,-
2) About $4,100,000 due Wayne
for the fiscal year ended last June
3) Two million dollars to state
contractors and suppliers, includ-
ing a few contractors who have
been waiting for their money since
last December.
4) About $3,200,000 was trans-
ferred to be applied against cur-
rent obligations for the to-called
welfare categorical aid programs,
covering monthly checks to the
aged, disabled, blind and depend-
ent children.
Of the sum set aside for ven-
dors, half will be applied to sup-,
port release of 5,000 state war-
rants (checks) held by Aud. Gen.
Frank S. Szymanski for amounts
of under $50,000.
That will cut Szymanski's back-
log down to about 23,000 warrants
totaling five million dollars.
The other half was alibcated for
larger past- due obligations, chiefly
for payment of contractors on the
Boys Vocational School project at
Whitmore Lake, the Plynouth
State Home and Training School
and an expansion of the state
power plant at Kalamazoo.
Vietnamese .Aid
Chargaes Called
Speech Department Pt 'Rtt'
MOSCOW (A) - The diplo-
matic corps in Moscow was
caught by surprise yesterday
when the announcement came
from the foreign ministry that
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev
and President Dwight D, Eisen-
hower will exchange visits this
"It has been in the air for
some time but I didn't expect
it to happen until the Geneva
talks were over", said *one
chief of mission.'
The announcement was read
out to a group of correspond-
ents summoned to the foreign
office at 5:30 p.m.;
The' foreign office statement
was read rapidly in Russian by
a deputy press chief and trans-
lated equally rapidly by an in-
terpreter who immediately an-
nounced the conference is
The correspondents bolted
for the door grabbing copies of
the text passed out to them by
a secretary.
will help create better under-,
standing between the United
States and the Union of Soviet
Socialistic Republics and will pro-
mote the cause of peace."
The statement said Khrushchev
will visit Washington two or,
three days, having informal talks
with President Eisenhower, and
will also spend ten days or so
traveling about the country.
The two leaders have met once
before: at the inconclusive sum-
mit meeting at Geneva in 1955.
The State Department, besieged
by inquiries as to what-'cities the1
GO ma e on G1s15 5U U, bu
secret service inspector Micha
He did say he expects the Sti
Department, rather than t
Secret Service, to arrange prote
tion for Khrushchev during I
Soviet Premieer's visit here in Se
At his special news conferen
this morning President Else
hower was. asked if the Russia
had been informed of the pos
bility that refugee groups a
others might try to provoke in
dents during Khrushchev's visi
President Eisenhower said Am
ican officials have not failed
point out this fact to Russi
representatives. -
He said there is always a poi
bility of incidents in this coun
and -that it is for this reason ti
standing arrangements are mi
for the protection of the Presidi
and his family.
State department security o
cers normally protect visit
heads of government.
Tornia said they would do
in the case of Khrushchev unl
there is a departure from us
Asked if there was any indic
tion the secret service might
given a bigger role in this ca
he said he know of none now.
When Khrushchev and Eise
hower are together, Torina sa
secret service' and state depa3
ment agents will cooperate in p
viding protection for both.
Steel Industry
ees Support
From Pubic
The tragic court jester, "Rigo-
letto," will prance onto the stage
of Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at
8 p.m. tomorrow in the last pro-
duction of the speech department's
summer playbill.
Verdi's opera is being directed by
Prof. Jack E. Norton of the depart-
ment and Prof. Joseph Blatt of
the music school.
Rigoletto, hunch - backed court
jester for the duke, and his beauti-
ful daughter find nothing but grief
when the duke notices the daugh-
ter's charms and vows to have her
for himself.
A member of the duke's court,
thinking the daughter is actually
PDiPrnIPaf rn'C, Inver-,' oadiM'., hnp the
WASHINGTON (,')-An admin-
istration spokesman told House in-
vestigators yesterday that pub-
lished charges criticizing the
United States foreign aid program
in Viet Na.m were inaccrate± and
.' ~