Latest Victory in the Battle of the Budget Sixty-Ninth Year L.DITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNiVERSiTY OF MICHIGAN en Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ruth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3 241 ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This gust be noted inall reprints. AY, JULY 31, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS HAYDEN t.~' , t ' , . - ., ,, , i i " "y Y k f I6' wt = y - ' . 4 ;; i i + f :. . !Y { <<. . ' a a. R i i ; y .^ a f r.' . 1 x p . . ... . 1 r... Ar ( i. _ :;;a: 1F . r Nixo Loses Battle Of Flying Tongues ": , C ~, t' AT RACKHAM: Quartet's Nachtmusik' Appropriately Played f 'OR'S 'NOTE: Roger Seasonwein, '61, is a. of Student Government Council. He is as an editorial guest of The Michigan AME4,ICAN propaganda to the contrary, Vice-President Nixon's recent epoch-mak- ng . debate with Nikita Khrushchev bodes ill or the United States. Rational analysis leaves oom for little doubt that Vtr. Nixon, repre- enting both the American leadership and way f life, was bested by Russia's shrewdest prop-- gandist. Of course, Khrushchev had much working a his favor. To begin with, he was on home rounds and facing an audience not only sym- athetic to him but, for the most part, unable o understand Mr. Nixon. Furthermore,' the ussian position, because of its treacherous. ombination of rigid dogma and skillful bend- ng of fact, is an easier one to debate than ae American. Bearing all this in mind, the fact still re- gains that Mr. Khrushchev appeared far and. way the more skillful of the two debaters. .nd, more important, some of the arguments 'hich he sophistically advanced stand, never- heless, as valid criticisms of our American >ciety of plenty. In fact, they are in crude'° >rm some of the same criticisms advanced by any of our own red, white and blue social :itics. S AMERICANS we are most often tempted to disregard any of the Soviet boss's mouth- igs as fictions with little or no basis in fact. t best, we accept his claims about Russian :onomic advances with the quick counter: [r. Khrushchev may claim what he likes as gards Russia's surpassing the United States sonomically but one fact is still apparent: Ve are free; the Russian people are not. This is all very true. However, discounting ir justified prejudice against Mr. Khrush- hev, let us more closely analyze his exchange ith the Vice-President with an eye towards' >th its effect upon the rest of the world and s validity. Toward the debate's beginning, Khrushchev. luded to Captive Nations Week which we ave dedicated to prayerfor those people held r subjugation by the Soviet Union. Khrush-. hev wondered, "What happened?; (Why did Du ,do this?)" And then, wrapping his arm bout' a worker standing near him, he asked, )oes this man look Iike a slave?" the worker, ;tered not a word. Khrushchev, waving to e other Russians gathered there, continued, Vith men with such spirit how can we lose?" e men applauded and cheered. And what could the Vice-President of the nited States reply while the worker re- ained silent and the crowd cheered? Nothing. >r, under these conditions, no matter whatt SGoddess. Part I. ETA BETA TAU has taken the plunge. They will be the first fraternity to build a house the wilderness (which will one day be a radise -=- get your lots now while they last) lled North Campus. The "bank" is way out now; a little further n't hurt. After all, someone had to be first, so theory' has it. Hail to thee, etc. -R. J. basis our allegations concerning Russian dic- tatorship may have, our friend Khrushchev will be able to go right on negating our promise of freedom with one of his own. And he can add the promise of quick prosperity as a furth- er attraction to bolster propaganda. Truth he may not possess but his lies are effective when we do not combat them more artfully. NIXON, doing his best in a rough situation, politely ducked statement on much of Khrushchev's initial comment and instead at- tempted to call Khrushchev's democratic bluff by stating that what is needed is a real free exchange of ideas since ". . . you (Russians) do not know everything . . A good answer for democracy's representa- tive but Khrushchev met the challenge. He in- terrupted Nixon by claiming that while he may not know everything, ". . . you (Mr. Vice- President) don't know, anything about Com- mu'ism except to fear it." And what could Mr. Nixon reply to this? The spectre of Mc- Carthy is only recently passed and Mr. Nixon's own political flag waving and Red pointing is still fresh in our memories. What is Alger Hiss to say? What are the people of India to believe? Nixon, disregarding this comment, went on to more trouble as he claimed, "There are some instances where you may be ahead of us, for example, the development of the thrust of your rockets for the investigation of space; there may be some instances in which we are ahead of you - color television, for instance." We Americans should indeed be proud of this representative of our affluent society. While Khrushchev claims the \exploration of space, the Vice-President of the United States points to, of all the symbols of American gadgetry, color television. KHRUSHCHEV did not fail to follow up this blunder with a parry at our production of useless trinkets and emphasis on style change. 'When Nixon praised our push toward new vogues and sung of the progress inherent in change, Khrushchev first answered simply that "this theory does not hold water." And then went on to exclaim against the American sys- tem: which ,wastes its productive efforts on gadgets which are interesting but ". . . are not necessary to our way of life." How the Madison Avenue creators of planned obsolescence and the moguls of De- troit should have squirmed in their seats at that one. But Khrushchev is not the only one to reduce these men to squeamishness. John Galbraith has ,written a book deriding much of the same useless production that Mr. Khrushchev did. In his Affluent Society he had considerably more time to exPand on the feeling that much of the American theory of production simply does not "hold water." Admittedly Khrushchev argues merely to destroy and not to build; his words are to impress rather than accomplish. One cannot deny the validity of our basic goals; they can- not be tossed away merely because they are not being applied. perfectly. Still it is both shocking and disheartening to see a man who we consider the arch-villain of Communism able to put forth an argument which can so easily be swallowed by many of the uncom- mitted nations and, what is worse, has much basis in 'fact. And most distressing of all is the fact that the man who he would so vocif- erously seem to.outrant hopes that his Rus- sian trip will work towards making him the next President of the United States. -ROGER SEASONWEIN 4 1 Ali t t FNl IT MUST have been a night just as summery as Wednesday night was when Mozart's "ine Kleine Nachtmusik" was first performed. In any event, the music sounded perfectly appropriate in its per- formance by the Stanley Quartet Wednesday at Rackham. Joined by Prof. Clyde Thompson ont the bass viol, the group played the serenade with loving attention to detail. We generally hear it played by a full string orchestra, but this performance made a strong case for not doubling the parts. The soft passages were warm and per- sonal, while the loud passages were free from the harshness which too often accompanies mass strings. After the salute to summer, the quartet went to work in earnest with the F major Quartet of Ra- vel and the Quartet Number 6 of Bartok. There seem to be two pos- sible attitudes to take: either that the Ravel Quartet is a master- piece, and the Bartok does-not be- long on the same program with it, or that the Bartok is a master- piece, and the Ravel does not be- long on the same program. H* * ALTHOUGH the sampling. from which these opinions were taken cannot be called significant, I think they have some validity. Both quartets are what is loosely called "modern," but they repre- sent quite different points of view, and not everyone can accommo- date them both in his musical thinking. I I 4 :- >,s.- 51w ti ul 6-_ rj "No - n i E T - G4 CARIBBEAN CAROUSEL: Visit. to Haiti-Povertyx, Voodoo and Beauty By THOMAS TURNER PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti-Beg- gars,' pimps and petty trades- men line the streets of Haiti's capital. "You got five cents? You got dollar?" "Hey Joe, what you going?" "You want buy this head? Ma- hogany. I'm. showing you. I give him you for three dollars." Cars pull over to the curb as the tourists' walk by, and the drivers offer their services as taxi- drivers. They will drive you to your immediate destination, take you up over the mountains to Cap Haitien and Henri-Christophe's Citadelle, or best of all give you a package deal, acting as your driv- er for your stay, throwing a voo- doo dance. "How much you give me?" the driver asks, presenting a business card. I had been warned to expect poverty here -- an Indian friend said he didn't like Haiti because it was "too much like India" - but seeing it was still a shock. HAITI IS a Negro republic, oc- cupying the western one-third of the island of Hispaniola. Three and one-half million people live here, compared to two and one- half million in the neighboring Domincian Republic, twice as big. And all the island's mountains seem to be on this end. My brother and I flew here" from San Juan, with a 20-minute stopover in Ciudad Trujillo., At the airport, we were turned over by the porter to a driver named Planes Joachin. He took us to the hotel, offering a package deal en route. We put him off by saying a Haitian friend would take care of us. Then we ate lunch, taking- the menu suggestion, an omelet. The only other table occupied held three American businessmen and one Haitian, whose business suit contrasted sharply with his com- panions' sports shirts. The Amer- icans had ordered steak and lob- ster, neither on the menu, and were berating the impassive wait- er for the delay. We made our way'through the. city to the office of our friend, importer Georges Sicard: On the way, we were offered hats, wooden knives, sunglasses and "nice girls." SICARD took us in his car on a trip out of Port-au-Prince through the foothills to a mountain town named Kenscoff. Outside Port-au- Prince we saw a sign, commemor- ating "Dieu" who created Haiti, "Dessalines" who freed it, and "Duvalier," who is making the new Haiti. Nearby was the coun- try's only drive-in theatre, and a little housing development. The road up the mountains to Kenscoff is twisitng, narrow and dangerous. At one point a Haitian lay beside the road, dead. A crowd of people had gathered, then just stood there. Kenscoff was 30 degrees cooler than Port-au-Prince, only a few .miles (14)daway. Pines grew there, instead oftpalms. We sat down at a worn old re- sort hotel with Sicard, who told us about Haiti. * * * "WHEN THE COFFEE crop is good," he said, "everything is good in Haiti." This year's crop, he conceded, is not good. Haiti's crop is never more than a fraction of that of Brazil, he explained, but certain countries- Belgium and Italy, for example- prefer to buy Haitian coffee. Haiti is wooing industry through a,= tax-holiday like Puerto Rioo's, Sicard said. He listed an enamel- ware factory, a lawn-mower fac- tory and a show factory. Much of what these produce is for domes- tic consumption though, except the lawn mowers. Leaving Kenscoff, we stopped at a mountan restaurant. Look- ing out from the terrace, we saw the whole city of Port-au-Prince stretched below us. The streets were all lined with green, the buildings were white and tiny. At the dock we could see a little ship-a freighter, and a littler one, an American de- stroyer. Sicard pointed out the Execu- tive Mansion (Palais National,) the cathedral and the airport. All in all, it was a lovely view. But going outdto the car, we were brought down to earth. Three vendors of carved goods ac- costed us, and after 10 minutes of haggling I emerged poorer by $2.25, richer by one carved black mask. The thing is so ugly, I laugh every time 'I think about it. * * * THE HAITI HERALD, a local English weekly, carried an article telling of a plane which arrived here with one passenger - a New York businessman. Other businessmen and tourists who would have come, this Amer- ican said, were scared off by re- ports of a Cuban air-sea invasion. He came, the lone businessman was reported as saying, because he knew how peaceful it is here. The same article deplored an item in Dorothy Kilgallen's col- umn which read: "What president of a small Caribbean republic is being slowly poisoned by members of his palace guard whom he trusts?" Irresponsible reporting like this, the Herald concluded, hurt the tourist trade which means so much to their country. OUR SECOND DAY here we left the hotel to go for a walk and promptly acquired two guides. One, a young fellow, was telling us of the virtues 'of Kyona Beach, when an older fellow came up and offered to drive us to Petionville, in the foothills, to the big hotels.' "They went there yesterday," the young fellow told him prompt- ly. "Don't you talk English to me," the old one replied. And a talking contest began. "These people don't want to ride," the old man said. "It's too hot to walk," "Look at me, look at all these people," his young adyersary came back. "They all walking. Are they dead? Are they dying?" "They poor people," the old man said. "You' never see rich, people walking'" The old fellow challenged him to show his taxi-license, produc- ing his own. The young fellow claimed he'd left it in his car. * * * FINALLY we said we didn't want to go for a ride ad walked off. The younger fellow came along, leaving behind ' the old driver and a boy, who had been trying to sell me a carved head. Our companion introduced him- self as "Jean." His last name is Loland or Roland - at any rate, it's pronounced "Wolan." When we said we were from Puerto Rico, he said he had seen a newsreel and knew Puerto Rico is under the American flag. And Japan, too, is under the American flag, isit not? he asked. "No, no," I said. "Not after the atomic bombs?" "No," I assured him. "Ah, and did you give the Ger- mans back their flag too?" I told him we gave half of Germany back its flag, but the Russians kept the other half. THE MUSEE des Beaux Arts and Musee du Peuple Haitien, which we had seen on our. city map, were in rather a poor state 'of repair. Jean explained that they were built for the Exposition in 1949. They. were 'break" now, but the President was going "to repair this position." "What is the President going to do?" I asked. Jean replied in a lowered voice that he could say nothing about this because he would be put in jail. (I think he meant it.) Ahead lay the Garuege, where cockfights are held. Jean showed us the inside, a circular pit 20 feet across, surrounded by seats on different levels. "Up there, the white men sit. "Down here, some black men _ Haitians - sit." We walked through die ceme- tery, in which many of the tombs are above ground (as in San Juan or New Orleans). Men were sleep- ing in the shade these tombs af- forded, while a perspiring grave- digger was battling with the rocks the size of grapefruit which lie' just under the ground here. THE ROAD back to our hotel went through a residential sec- tion. Crowds were coming out of church,rwearing their best clothes. The old men were wearing the The Stanley Quartet differen- tiated nicely between them, mak- ing the Ravel a succession of moods, tied together with the ut- most deftness, and the Bartok a most poignant appeal to- man's conscience. Perhaps a comparison is un- fair, since the Ravel Quartet came early, and the Bartok late, in their composers' careers. At any rate, the Bartok is not primarily in the harsh style which we as- sociate with its composers, but rather expresses Bartok's sorrow and terror at the coming of war as he was preparing to leave his native Hungary for the last time. * * * THE performance portrayed both these feelings and the mag- nificent formal skill with which Bartok expresses them. I would only suggest that the two middle movements might have been given a little more drive. -John Denton VACATION- TheGreat A duvItur By ARTHUR EDSON Associated Press Newsfeatures Write TO A landfaring man, the long- est days of the year come just before a vacation. What Christmas is to a child, what a wedding date is to an ag- ing maid, what a naive cashier is to a check kiter, a vacation is to me. For days I've been restless, nickering uneasily ,at each pass- ing auto, eager to be away and running. Sure, Washington is a lovely, interesting town. Anyone with a sense of history.,enjoys' its co- stant' reminders of this nation's past, and is grateful that asnew history is :made he's right on a front row seat. But it's change that counts with a landfaring man. Fellow. says, "No, I didn't go anywhere this year. Just loafed around in the back yard, watch-' ing the crabgrass grow. Most rest- ful vacation I ever had." a Rest in peace, friend. That's no vacation at all. ** * MANY CAN'T be happy unless they're toted somewhere, by boat, by train, by plane, by bus, 'Irue, hpguagoJ te ast- er, and leave many w be- hind them. But does this present enough of a challenge? Isn't it the cow- ard's way out? A vacation, if it's to mean any- thing, should give one the sense of a mission accomplished - and this best can be going out on the highways .of America and fending for oneself. ' To get the most from a vaca- tion, one must begin weeks ahead. That's the time for serious con- sultations with roadmaps. Those remarkable paintings In the National Gallery' of Art are exhilarating, even for those of us who don't know much about art. But fo' beauty that sets your imagination awhirl, a roadmap is hard to beat. * * * YOU TRACE your course, and your mind comes alive. Every- thing looks perfect, inviting, de- lightful. You run your finger along the map. 1Thenroadlhas been refinished, but naturally this was long enough ago for the tar to be dry now. and puffing up some endless hill. As you breeze along, a constant, cool, refreshing breeze comes in the window. (Editor's note: .This kid is really off his trolley: He's heading for Florida, and how will he get those constant, cool breezes when he is going south In 'the summer? What he needs is a long vacation). the little car purrs contentedly. The three youngsters n e v e r bicker, and rest stops are kept ot a minimum. * * * WHFW YOU plan to picnic, a nice, shaded table shows up at the precise moment you want It - and your wife warns you in time, not 300 feet after you have passed it. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Dahy Official Bulletin is an Sofficial publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Dailyaassumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to 'V Hi rI I r I' INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Nixon*Gettng CAPITAL COMMENTARY: .Gloom ove By WILLI SForeign Aid rali s. WHITE By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst SOMETHING has happened between the minimum protocol welcome accorded Vice- President Nixon in Moscow and the warmth which surrounded him in traditionally frigid Siberia. Somehow or other, one is inclined to con- nect the applauding crowd which greeted him at Novosibirsk with revived discussion in the American party of the possibility of a summit conference. Crowds which applaud foreigners don't just happen in Soviet Russia, any more than the anti-Western demonstrations in Moscow last year. Things began- warming up for Nixon after his last and presumably non-shouting con- ference with Khrushchev. Nixon said neither side changed any of the other's convictions. BUT DEPUTY Premier Kozlov, who recently visited the United States, suddenly made the gesture of accompanying Nixon to Lenin- grad, Kozlov's home territory. THere was no overwhelming public demonstration on arriva but, far more than occurred in Moscow. Then, at Novosibirsk; an estimated 20,00 people turned out and applauded. In the meantime, the possibility that Nix would join Averell Harriman in recommendin a summit meeting and a trip to the Unit States for Khrushchev was under discussion, the Vice-President's entourage. One suggestion was for a conference in Que bec after which the Soviet Premier could mak something less than a full state visit to th United States. This " recalled that Winsto Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt had give Quebec some standing as an internation meeting place during the war. THE WHITE HOUSE did not throw down th Quebec suggestion, merely making no com ment except that the foreign ministersa Geneva were empowered to set a time an place for a summit conference if they cou. reach certain minimum areas of agreement. President Eisenhower has expressed doub whether Khrushchev is still really intereste in a summit conference. The Premier seeme +~n ha A 11--rc-ie- f snh nna- th n. - THOUGH it may sound like a an stuck needle on a dull phono- ng graph record, it is necessary to ed report it again: The guts of Amer- in ican foreign policy, the one true sources of American and Allied strength in this world, is in peril e- of wasting away. ke This is what is commonly called he the foreign aid program; more n exactly, it'is the Mutual Security an Program by which alone the West al has been kept in some kind of collective economic and military health. Most of the West, and in a way he the United States most of all, - seems determined to cling fran- at tically to the pleasant fiction that id talking will bring us safely Id through with the Russians. Talk- ing, that is, in missions to and bt from Moscow, and in endless for- d eign ministers' conferences. d * THI SKIn ofrtking m rilA lions to carry foreign aid forward for another year. It is not a good bill. This the foreign policy lead- ers of both parties - and, in- deed, the Eisenhower State De- partment - well know. It is, at best, a tolerable bill - and at best tolerable only for the short run. Inadequate as it is, it yet must race another obstacle course: The Congressional Appropriations Committees in due time will bring out an entirely separate measure to provide whatever actual money is to be provided. THE STORY of action thus far on this matter - and "this mat- ter" is nothing less than the muscle rather than the endlessly talking voice of the West - is a sad one. It is sad to all who be- lieve that while balanced budgets are fine, collective security is even hetter - Is sa + on m,wn, for the kind of long-term legis- lation he himself first proposed two years ago. He did this at the insistence of his budget advisers, to "hold the line" against spending and infla- tion. Now, ironically, the Presi- dent's own special- Foreign Aid Advisory Commission has again recommended to him just the kind of long-range financing he has refused to support. * * * BUT THERE have been other failures, too. The Foreign Aid Ad- ministration has refused in the past to face up to plain facts. These are that the program has been far from perfectly run, that there is waste in it, and that it will do nobody any good to go on denying it and refusing to help clean up the situation. The ComptrollersGeneral of the United States, Joseph Campbell, is surely not anti-foreign aid, and b4