1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY i For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO .2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday thru Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'till 11:30 A.M. -- - - - " - -" """" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ILectures, Quartet Concert DAL FICA UL TfI U 1Ibfo__W A -hE _ ~"3 ' b 1 . 1 ! G G11 ~ZUILGU Vll ladIIlpU FOR RENT CAMPUS ROOM for graduate men. Linen furnished. NO 2-1958 after 5 and week-ends. C34 CENTRALLY located large, clean 5 room house. Unfurnished. Gas heat, in- cluding refrigerator, gas stove. $100 per month. Call Paul Eugene, NO 3-2550. C35 $45 FURNISHED APT. 3 blocks from State Theater. For summer. Call NO 2-7274. C36 ONE ROOM studio for bachelor girl, in lovely campus area, furnished, complete community kitchen. NO 2- 6987. C33 NEAR CAMPUS. Single rooms for male- students. Call after 4:30 P.M. NO 2-4049, 606 S. Division. C32 APARTMENT. Brand new furniture, five blocks south of campus. Large living room, good sized bedroom, separate kitchen, private bath. Avail- able now. $110 per month for year lease or reduced rent for summer. Call Oscar Spaley days, NO 3-0501; evenings, NO 2-5930. C28 DELUXE 3- room furnished apartment includes heat and water. Semi-private i- bath facilities. $90 a month., NO 2-9020. C27 ROOMS FOR RENT for girls. % block from campus. 1218 Washitenaw. NO 8-7942 for arrangements. C12 ONE BLOCK from campus, modern apts. 514 So. Forest. NO 8-7089 or 3-3280. Cl SUPREMACY in Hair Styling stands out predominantly when done Here. 715 North University MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES' LINES I DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .80 2.00 2.96 3 ..96 2.40 3.55 4 1.12 2.80 4.14 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily Phone NO 2-4786 TRANSPORTATION NEED RIDER for drive to Berkley, Calif. Aug. 17, Paul, NO 2-1604. 07 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES, NEW ATLAS TIRES "Gripsafe" in sets of 4; 4-670x15, $58.75; 750x14, $74.95; (plus recap- able tires and. tax). Other sizes comparably low. Tune-ups. Brake service.. HICKEY'S SERVICE STATION Cor. Main & Catherine NO 8-7717 .183 C-TED STANDARD SERVICE Fr~i eil service is our' business. Atlas tires, batteries and accessor- ies. Warranted & guaranteed. See us for the best price on new & used tires. Road service-mechanic on duty. "You expect more from Standard and you get it!" 1220 S. University at Forest NO 8-9168 82 WHITE'S AUTO PAINT SHOP Bumping and Painting 2007 South State NO 2-3350 S1 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS Try Hammond's new play time plan. Includes organ in your home for 30. days with 6 free lessons in our studio for only $25. Rent a Spinet piano of your own choice-$10 per month. GRINNELL'S NEW CARS English * A Ford Product * 14 models to choose from * Prices start $1474 * Up to 35 miles per gallon 0 Easy Parking and Driving SGood Trade-in Allowance F ITZGERALD, INC. LINCOLN-MERCURY EDSEL ENGLISH FORD 3345 Washtenow Phone NO 3-4197 .V1 USED CARS 1958 AUSTIN-HEALY, 6-cylinder, 4-seat, show-room condition. NO 2-1294. N30 '59 VOLVO. Station Wagon Mich. European Car Corp. Liberty at Ashley NO 5-5800 N29 KARMANN-GHIA, '58 VW sport coupe. Beige, corduroy upholstery. 17,000 miles and in top condition. Call NO 3-0105. N27 1957 RENAULT DAUPHINE. $1,000 or best offer. Call Milan, HE 9-2996. N24 FOR SALE DISPOSING of part of a large library at private sale. There are books on every subject among . thousands of books collected for 65 years. Show- ings at 617 Packard St. from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day except Sunday. Reasonable prices. Bi11 3 SIAMESE kittens, male and female, about 4 months old. Also stud service. Phone NO 2-9020. B12 322 s. Main NO 2-5667 X3 rWu Complete line of HiFi componentsj including kits; complete service on radio, phonographs and HiFi equip- ments. HI FI STUDIO 1317 South University 1 block east at Campus Theatre Phone NO 8-7942 PERSONAL' GIRLS: Lee and Bob's number for the3 day is 14,720. F27 PICK UP 90 CLAMS Easy. No strings. Check your wire- less, 1290 K.C., daily for clues. WOIA Missing Man Contest, man! F221 WANTED: One '59 Ensian, will pay reasonable price. NO 5-7447 or NO 3-6916. F25 BUSINESS SERVICES New coffee pot? Can openers? Dishes of all kinds- all this and more too at Ralph's Kitchen Hardware Department. RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard NO 2-3175 J8 BUY your typewriter RENT your typewriter and have your typewriters SERVICED Qt your typewriter store MORRI LL'S 314 S. State NO 3-2481 Giving Morrill support for over 50 years J12 REWEAVING-Burns, tears, moth holes rewoven. Let us save your clothes. Weave-Bac Shop. 224 Nickels Arcade. NO 2-4647. J5 HELP WANTED STUDENTS: Extra money and easy come. Take subscriptions for easy-to- sell publication. Your commission is higher than you think. Every church family a likely prospect. Write Box 474, Ann Arbor. H22 FOR FALL and spring semesters, girl student to work in private home in exchange for room and board. NO 3-8810. H18 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Young woman 25-40 to train for assistant director in Home for 'teen-age school girls. Resident position. Non-smoker pre- ferred. Undergraduate considered. Write to:, Miss Esther Bain, 548 East Grand Blvd., Detroit 7, Michigan. H23 PART-TIME help for balance of sum- mer school and part-time in the fall. Apply in person after 1 P.M. Drakes' Sandwich Shop, 709 North University. H24 NEED MAN with first class engineering license in radio. Also for on the air part-time only, available at present. NO 3-0569. H21 MATURE WOMEN: Do you need extra money? Call NO 2-5274. H19 HOUSEWIVES: Would you like to add to your family income? Call NO 2- 5274. H20 SECRETARY Immediate opening for an admin- istrative secretary interested in a permanent position. Experienced typist with dictation experience and shorthand is preferred. Age 25-40 years. Liberal personnel bene- fits. Apply Personnel Office, Univ. Hosp., Mon.-Fri., 8-11 A.M., 1-3 P.M. H16 ASSISTANT CASHIER Vacancy in business office for male between 25 and 45 years with some college training. Desire a person with cashiering experience and able to supervise other employees. Aply Personnel Office, University Hos- pital, Monday-Friday, 8-11 A.M., 1-3 P.M. H17 We are interested in you IF You want excellent sales training and experience IF You need a good income IF You have ambition for advancement. We train you if you qualify. Ap- plicant must have automobile and be available immediately. Call Mr. Bryant at NO 5-6637. Leave name, address and phone number if he is not available. H15 (Continued from Page 2) Aug. 2, Ballroom of the Michigan Un- ion. Each degree candidate is entitled to a complementary ticket which may be secured at the Office of the Summer Session, 4507 Admin. Bldg., anytime be- fore 3:00 p.m. July 31. The Cerle Francais presents French film: "Le Colonel Chabert" based on the novel of the same name by Bal- zac, with French actors. French dia- logues, English subtitles. This Wed., July 29, 8 p.m. Multipurpose Rm., Un- dergrad Library. Admission 50 cents. Regents Meeting: Fri., Sept. 25. Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than Sept. 15. Foreign Visitors Following are the foreign visitors who will be on the campus this week on the dates indicated. Program ar- rangements are being made by the In- ternational Center: Mrs. Clifford R. Miller. Mr. Vladimir Serder, Prof. at Univer- sity of Zagreb, Statistics and Demo- graphy, Yugoslavia, June 21- Aug. 15. Mr. Anton A. Naber, Assist. Director of the Community Development Dept., Jordan Development Board, Amman, Jordan, July 19-Aug. 16.- Mr. Francis A. Boutros, Teacher of English, Egypt, July 27-Aug. 7. Mr. Chaudhry Mohammed All Khan, Honorary Principal of Peshawar Uni- versity Law College and Additional Ad- vocate General of Peshawar, Pakistan, July 28-Aug..5. - The following visitor will be on the campus this week on the dates indi- cated. Program arrangements are be- ing made by the English Department. Mr. Wolfgang Schmidt-Hidding, Uni- versity of Bonn, Germany, July 24-28. The following visitor will be on the campus on the dates indicated. Pro- gram arrangements are being made by Prof. Mabel Rugen, School of Public Health. Dr. David Sevlever, University of Santa Fe, Acting Dean of School of Public Health and Professor of Hy- giene, & Social Medicine, Argentina, July 27-Aug. 7. Lectures Forum Lecture, Tues., July 28, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. "The Study of Written Language." Henry A. Gleason, Jr., Assoc. Prof. of Linguistics, Hartford Seminary Foundation. Concerts Stanley Quartet: Gilbert Ross, vio- lin, Gustave Rosseels, violin, Robert Courte, viola, Paul Olefsky, cello, as- sisted by Clyde Thompson. double bass, Rackham Lecture Hall, July 29. 8:30 p.m. Carillon Concert: Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur, from the bell- tower of Burton Memorial Tower, Tues., July 28, 8:30 p.m. Academic Notices Computer Course: A short intensive course on the use of the IBM type 704 computer now installed in the Com- puting Center will begiven during the two-week period starting Aug. 3. The course will meet in Rm. 35 of Angell Hall from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. 'on Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., of both weeks. The material to be covered - in the order of presentation - is: 1. Organization and purpose of the Computing Center. 2. Description of the 704 Computer. 3. Brief description of the available programming methods. 4. The procedure for using the com- puter. 5. An extended description of the Symbolic Assembly Program (SAP). Interested persons are requested to contact Mrs. Brando at Ext. 2768. Dept. of Math. Seminar en Group Theory and Spherical Harmonics, Tues., July 28, 2:30 p.m., rm. 3017 Angell Hall, Dr. G. Rabson will speak. Doctoral Examination for Duncan Arthur McCarthy, Jr., Pharmacology; thesis: "Pharmacologic Analysis of Me- chanism in the Morphine-Dependent State," Wed., July 29, 6322 Medical Science Bldg., at 10:30 a.m. Chairman, M. H. Seevers. Doctoral Examination for James Buckley Crowley, History; thesis: "Ja- pan's China Policy, 1931-1938: A Study of the Role of the Military in the De- termination of Foreign Policy," Wed., July 29, 3609 Haven Hall, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, J. W. Hall. * onstration before the English Pl eme..n.t. N ot ics Adrian, Mich.-Commercial; Speech; Spanish; Ind Arts; Vocal Music; In- strumental Music. Ann Arbor, Mich.-Physical Sci.; Li- brary; Elementary; Mentally Retarded; Speech Corr.; Visiting Teacher; Diag- nostician; Vocal Music; Instrumental Music. Armada, Mich. - 5th grade; English; Girls PE/Science or Math or English. Camden, Mich.-Instr./Vocal. (Elem. and HS). Cement City, Mich. -- Ind. Arts. East Jackson, Mich. - Eng./Journ.; English. East Liverpool, Ohio - Elementary Strings. Elizabeth, N. J. - Director of a vo- cational and technical high school. Englewood, N. J.-Counselor (woman). Flint, Mich. (Beecher School)-Ele- mentary Vocal. Flint, Mich. (Kearsley Schools)-Kin- dergarten; French/Spanish; Speech Corr. Grand Rapids, Mich. (Godwin Heights PS) - English. (JHS & HS). Fostoria, Ohio - Director of Band. Livonia, Mich. - HS Math; Kdg.; Early Elem.; Speech Corr. Mount Pleasant, Mtcli. -- Physics/ Chemistry. North Lake, Ill. - HS Math. Rockvlle, Md. - Elementary Instru- mental. Standish, Mich. - JHS Engish/SS. Sutten Bay, Mich. - HS5 Math./ Physics (or straight Math). St. Clair Shores, Mich.HS English; JHS: Math; Science. Westmont, Ill. - Elem. General Mu- sic. (Vocal). For any additional information con- tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.: Personnel Interviews: The following company will inter- view at the Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin. For an interview appoint- ment, contact theBureau at Ext. 3371. Thurs., Aug. 6 Dept. of ArmyOrdnance Tank-Auto- motive Command, Detroit, Mich. U.S. citizens with BSin Chem., Physics, Math. ,Education or Architecture. Will be working on Bismac, large computer, on individual problems. Berrien County Republican Commit- tee. Executive Director. Must have had experience in Republican state and lo- cal politics. General Electric Co., Detroit, Mich., E x e c u t i v e Secretary. Given large amount of responsibility, work is in- teresting and varied. Woman with shorthand of 90 wpm minimum and typing. Must be experienced and sharp' looking. Age: 25-35. Organization in Chicago, Il. Some- one with a good grounding in adult education, parent deucation and child dveelopment. Would be sort of a Proj- ect Coordinator and would cooperate in various ways with institutes and study groups and organize groups. State of California. Jr. Civil Engrs. For further information, contact the Bureau. Federal Home Loan Bank Board an- nounces examination for Savings and Loan Examiner. Mechanical Handling Systems, Inc., and Subsidiaries, with offices in De- troit area; Windsor, Ontario; Fairfield, Iowa; and Clark, N. J. and throughout the country. Mech. and Industrial Engrs. interested in utilizing their edu- cation in a diversified engrg. field. Graduates will be trained for sales engrg., design and administrative engrg., and installation of engrg. sys- tems in the conveyor and general ma- terials handling and automation fields. For further information concerning any of the above positions, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin. Ext. 3371. PROF. ARTHUR CARR ... to give talk "Masterpieces of the Drama" and co-author of "A Summary of Practical English." Prof. Fred G. Walcott of the English department will introduce Playbill Adds Performance C7 The speech department has added a fifth performance to the schedule set for Verdi's "Rigolet- to," the final production of the summer playbill. The opera, being produced jointly by the department and the music school, will follow the regu- lar Wednesday through Saturday calendar Aug. 5-8 with the extra presentation slated for 8 p.m. Monday, Aug. 10. Heavy ticket sales for the past three presentations in the play- bill led the department to expand its production schedule for "Rigo- letto" to meet the expected de- mand for tickets, Dick Lutz, of the playbill staff, explained. Tickets for the opera and this week's performance of Anouilh's "Waltz of the Toreadors" are now available at the Lydia Mendels- sohn box office. Doctoral Examination for Julian Carr Burroughs, Jr., Speech; thesis: "The Effectiveness of Television Criticism in influencing Viewers' Judgments of Programs in an Educational Television Series," Wed., July 29, 1050 Frieze Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, E. E. Willis. Prof. Arthur J. Carr of the Eng- lish department will present a demonstration class on "Teach- ing the Poem" at 4 p.m. today in Aud. C, Angell Hall. Prof. Carr will deliver his dem- Teachers Conference. He is the author of "Victorian Poetry: Clough to Kipling," co-author of Prof. Carr. This will mark the last in the six-lecture series 'of summer lectures for teachers of English. * * * "Frontiers in Music" will be the topic of the Summer Session lec- ture to be presented at 8 p.m. to- day in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Prof. H. Wiley Hitchcock of the music school will deliver the talk as part of the series, "Modern Man Looks Forward." - This lecture was re-scheduled from July 7. * * *. The Stanley Quartet will pre- sent the final concert of their summer season at 8:30 p.m. to- morrow in Rackham Lecture Hall. Open to the public without charge, this will mark the third Quartet concert of the summer. The program will include the "Serenade in G major, K. 525" (Eine kleine Nachtmusik) by Mo- zart; the "Quartet in F' major" by Ravel; and the Bartok "Quar- tet No. 6". Prof. Clyde Thompson of the music school, double bass, will join the regular members of the Quartet in performing the ori- ginal version of the Mozart "Ser- enade" for string quintet. Early in the fall the Stanley Quartet will play a series of quar- tet-exchange concerts in five uni- versities and colleges in the mid- west and east. This series of con- certs will be sponsored by the Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foun- dation in the Library of Congress. Additional activities of the Stanley Quartet during the fall semester will include the regular series of public concerts in Ann Arbor and in Detroit, as well as several concerts throughout the state, Prof. Gilbert Ross, violinist with the Quartet, announced. Other members of the group are Gustave Rosseels, violin, Prof. Robert Courte, viola, and Paul Olefsky, cello. Square Dance Set This Week A square dance open to all will be held on the southwest tennis courts at Palmer Field or in the case of rain at Waterman Gym- nasium Thursday from 8 to 10 p.m. Sponsored by the Office of Summer Session and the physical education departments for men and women, the dance will be free of charge. Callers for the dance will be members of the Ann Arbor Square Dance Leaders As- sociation. DIAL NO 2-3136 MONTH-END Read Daily Classifieds SAVE MONEY! SAVE TIME Check your Closet- Pick up your friends and neighbors .. HURRY right down to 1 r. It a 1 I F ESTI'AL STATE FAIR GROUNDS BAND SHELL AUGUST 14, 15, 16 Executive Producer Ed Sarkesian LEONARD FEATHER, M.C. Tickets on sale at Bob Marshall's Book Store 209 S. State St. Music Center 300 S. Thayer St. Box Seats $6.00 Reserved Sec. $4.75 $3.75 $2.75 $1.75 Please enclose self-addressed stamped envelope for mail orders. FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 " Max Roach Quintet " Dave Brubeck Quartet with Paul Desmond * Maynard Ferguson & Orch. " Thelonious Monk Quartet " Dukes of Dixieland SATURDAY, AUGUST 14 " Chico Hamilton Quint. * Chris Connor " Andre Previn Trio " Newport Jazz All-Stars with George Wein, Buck Clayton, Pee Wee Russell, Vic Dickinson, Jimmy Rushing " Duke Ellington & Orch. SUNDAY, AUGUST 16 * Jack Teagarden " Ahmad Jamal Trio * Gene Krupa Quartet * OscarFPeterson Trio * Four Freshmen " Stan Kenton & Orch, MAIN SHOP on So. Forest off So. University SEPARATES and SPORTSWEAR at . * 1111 So. Univ. 1 32 blocks from main shop Group of Better Dresses and Handbags Sale 7.00 I r Sportswear groups and separates, slacks, jackets, blouses, skirts, sweaters at 2off and below I :;; r, ", s: ',;;; '$i? li 4 y h f; : . .' . } J r " 1: " [i Y GG .{. : i V' 4{j t r Group of Dresses including all kinds Hats, orig. 10.95-16.95 Handbags, Better Jewelry Long Bras, Better Blouses Sale 5.00 i Odds and Ends Table - Items at98c Park at rear of main shop on Forest i I _ _