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Lxtit uan
Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

43 a t 149


VOL. LXIX, No. 25S
Ciardi Gives View of Poet
In Symbolic 'Third Son'









"In art, progress is measured
with each new generation.
"The 'artist must ask his fun-
damental questions in newer and
more meaningful ways, only guid-
ed by the literature of the past."
Prof. John Ciardi of the Rut-
gers University English depart-
ment and Poetry Editor of "The
Saturday Review," told a Univer-
sity audience yesterday that art
was not cumulative in the real
sense, like science, but "a real
constant about human beings,
finding shape to their lives."
Art asks fundamental questions.
over the progressive questions of
y science, and could look back, "as

the poet looks back upon the
author of 'Hamlet'," only for
guidance in form and atmosphere.
Symbolic Son
"Adam and Eve and the Third
Son," given as a part of the "Mod-
ern Man Looks Forward" lectures
during the summer session, pro-
vided listeners with Prof. Ciardi's
view of the poet in the symbolic
third son.
"Cain and Abel, the first two
sons, represent opposing man, and
eventually, progressing man. But
there had to be a third son. He
became the perfector, the poet
with an interest in the poem as
an experience in form." "
"The poem provides the form

in a chaotic world," Prof. Ciardi
continued. "The subject matter
does not count. It is the perfec-
tion of form that brings the order,
and that brought John Keats ful-
fillment as he foresaw death and
wrote of it. Robert Frost has said:
'The poem is a momentary stay
against confusion.'
Words Powerful
"To trap a fact of the world, to
breathe suggestion into the lan-
guage, almost becomes a kind of
sacrament. Within words lie, the
ghost-like power of implication.
And language is one of the most'
fundamental parts of human be-
Prof. Ciardi talked of the "emo-
tional voltage" of a poem. He felt
that most people were not ready
or willing to submit themselves to
the "arresting form of human ex-
perience" that a poem can give.
They should realize that "the
poem provides experience all men
have in common, whether they
know it or not."
"The value of vicarious experi-
ence is never-ending. People are
born with the potential to enjoy
these "shared experiences given
form," if they would appreciate
the "economy package" with
which they are handed new
As a result of these two theories,
the aiming for perfection in form
and atmosphere, regardless of the
subject matter, and the realiza-
tion of art as a seeker of funda-
mental questions over science's
progressive questions, Prof. Ciardi
has given us a picture of the mod-
ern, unconcerned reader, un-
aware of the emotional impact
poetry provides.

LENINGRAD (MP)-The Russians
at first hesitated and then gave
United States Vice-Admiral Hy-
man Rickover a long close-up look
yesterday at their atomic ice-
breaker Lenin and its three re-
The crusty little admiral fathered
the American atomic submarine
and is probably the world's ace
pioneer in naval nuclear powering.
He is touring Russia as an official
in Vice-President Richard M. Nix-
on's party.
'Fine Job'
His appraisal of Russia's naval
nuclear showpiece:
"A fine job, a good job for the
purpose for which it was planned."
But it does not represent an

advance in the reactor art, he
The Lenin, scheduled to undergo
working tests next June, is the
Russians' secret weapon against
Arctic ice.
The Russians first gave Nixon a
one-hour view of the 16,000-ton
ship. But it was a quickie tour
that did not include the reactors,
the atomic engines which are sup-
Posed to develop 44,000 horse-
Admiral Rickover, with Nixon
on. the tour, protested that the
Americans were getting -the run-
"I want to see the inside," he
Nixon backed him up.

The shipyard master refused to
let the admiral go into the ship's
inner workings immediately. Ad-
miral Rickover was left fuming in
the officers' dining room while
local authorities took up the mat-
ter with higher officials.
Permission finally came through.
For two hours the slight, in-
quisitive engineer-admiral roved
about the ship and studied the
reactors, which were inactive. He
found the design slightly different
from those used in United States
He climbed and crawled .to the
furthermost crannies of the vessel
after advising a Soviet woman
translator to follow him if she
wanted to earn her money.

In blunt language, he summed
up his reaction to newsmen:
"It looks like a first-class job,
but since I don't have X-ray eyes,
.I can't look inside those reactors."
Rode Subway
After his own tour of the Lenin,
Nixon rode in a Leningrad sub-
way, inspected a metallurgical
plant, took a boat ride and wound
up attending the ballet with Dep-
uty Premier Frol R. Kozlov.
The Vice-President flew here at
the start of a five-day trip that
will take him to western Siberia.
A crowd of about 1,500 including
sailors and many young men and
women, welcemed him at the air-

-Daily-Robert Dennis
DISCUSSES MODERN ARTIST-Prof. John Ciardi of Rutgers
University yesterday called for a realization of form and atmos-
phere in poetry before a summer session lecture series audience.

Buttrick Notes Religious View of Life

"We are not praying in a schemet
of ions," George Buttrick, Preacherc
to the University at, Harvard, said
In his lecture, "Prayer and thet
Natural Law," he declared, "suchs
a purely scientific view of the
world is fragmentary."
There are several valid ways ofo
looking at life, all of which are
interfused, he maintained. Thev
scientific view regards man as an
object, but this purely scientific1
approach leaves out God in itss
reasonings, Buttrick asserted. 1
Trhis view sees man and the i
cosmos as objects, omitting the
fact that man is a subject as well,f
who views himself within thec
natural order.,
Cites Shortcoming
Another shortcoming of this
view, Buttrick said, is in the "prin-r
cipal of unpredictability," for evenp
in a play of electrons, scientists
World News
w~ s
By The Associated Presss
LANSING -- Gov. G. Mennen
Williams said yesterday Republi-v
can senators will be going back onc
more than a promise if they refuser
to quickly release the Veteranss
Trust Fund.r
"The oath they made to uphold
the constitution is stronger than
any promise they might have
made," the Governor told a news
Although the GOP Senate cau-
cus nearly three months ago
okayed trust fund use in the cash,
emergency, some senators said over
the weekend they saw no need for
sale of the 50 million dollars in
The caucus position was condi-
tioned on House acceptance of
their use (sales) tax increase pro-
gram. The House approved it, with
some changes, last Friday.
VIENNA - Police reported 13f
fistic street fights were waged be-
tween Communistsand anti-Com-
munists during the first full day
of the Red-sponsored World Youth
Festival here.
The anti - Communist fighters
were mostly Austrian youths who
ran into trouble yesterday while
distributing leaflets espousing
democracy to Communist delega-


are aware that there is movement'
that man's mind does not con-
The human freedom principle
of viewing life implies the "doc-
trine of responsibility." Even the
scientist who does not resolve his
previous view when a new truth is
revealed is acting by the principle
of human' °reedom, Buttrick
pointed out, and he is blame-
"It is impossible to disevolve
human freedom, since when we do
so, we assume that our denial, at
least, is free; thus giving proof of
its existence," Buttrick maintained.
Responsibility, inherent in human
freedom, is implied in every item
of praise, he continued, for to
call a man's act good implies that
it might have been bad. And un-
less we have this freedom, Butt-,
rick, said, nothing we did would
have meaning.
Views Fused
These two views are fused, he
continued, for man's choices are
limited by natural law; one may
leave a room through one of sev-
eral exits but not through the
wall. But both of these views are
subject to a third principle of
force, Buttrick said, which the
scientist often calls chance.
Coincidences imply a "web of
unpredictability" that the scientist
calls chance, whereas the religious
man calls this Providence, the
speaker maintained. We all have
many chances each day, Buttrick

continued, and to recognize the1
value of chance in life would be
far more scientific than to say
that the cosmos depends wholly
oa natural law or human freedom.
All three ways of viewing life
are interfused, Buttrick said, but;
the other two are subject to the'
third principle, God, who guides
us through our freedom "like a.
wise parent. It is through prayer+
that this third dimension is culti-
vated, and it is here that man is
truly free," he concluded.
Pact Sought'
In Germanly
GENEVA (YP)-The West German
government has agreed in principle
to propose a non-aggression pact
with Poland and Czechoslovakia,
West German officials said yes-
Authoritative German inform-
ants said the proposal will not be
made during the course of the Ge-
neva conference but indicated it
might be later this year. The pro-
posal was described as a first step
along the way toward normalizing
relations between Bonn and the
two Communist states to the east.
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's
government has no diplomatic re-
lations with any Communist coun-
try other than the Soviet Union.

Big Four,
To Redraft
GENEVA (P) - The Soviet and
Western foreign ministers agreed
yesterday to redraft their conflict-
ing views on a Berlin truce.
This decision was made in the
hope of saving the Big Four con-
ference from total breakdown.
After a flurry of secret negotia-
tions, the ministers called a one-
day recess of the conference to-
day to draw up fresh summaries of
the East and West versions of a
possible stop-gap agreement on
The ministers were expected to
meet again tomorrow to try to
'mergethe two drafts.
Shows Progress
British informants, habitually
the most optimistic among the
Westerners here, said the British
felt yesterday's agreement showed
a certain amount of headway.
Western officials reported there
will be some modifications but no
basic change in the proposals that
Secretary of State Christian A.
Herter and his British and French
colleagues presented Soviet For-
eign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko
June 16.
Informants said the new Soviet
draft will be based on proposals
made by Gromyko June 19, but
also with some modifications.
No Compromise
Despite the agreement to put
the respective positions in writing,
the discussions gave no indication
any compromise was in sight, the
informants said.
The Western proposals of June
16 included:
1) Permanent exclusion of So-
viet forces from East Berlin.
2) A freeze of the Western forces
in West Berlin at the present level
of 11,000 men.
3) A guarantee of free access to
West Berlin from West Germany
through East Germany, but ac-
ceptance of cointrol of access routes
by East German personnel.
4) A four-power commission to
discuss difficulties arising in the
West's right of access to Berlin.
5) Measures to prevent activities
likely to disturb public order in
both parts of Berlin.

---Daily-Allan Winder
PREPARING PRODUCTION-The speech department is readying Jean Anouilh's comedy, "Waltz
of the Toreadors" for presentation this week. The play contains humor which occasionally is almost
bitter. It will run tomorrow through Saturday at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. .
Toreaors To Explore Love

A "bit of farce about love" will
be on view when "Waltz of the
Toreadors" opens at 8 p.m. tomor-
row at Lydia Mendelssohn The-
Jean Anouilh's play, presented
as the fourth in the speech de-
partment's summer playbill, is
"one of his most typical," Prof.
Jean Carduner of the French de-
partment noted.
"The conflict between pure,I
ideal love and the bitter, dirty
reality of sex, not love," one of
Anouilh's recurring themes, is
"better exposed" in "Waltz of the
Toreadors" than in many of his
otherdplays, Prof. Carduner ex-
Pretends Paralysis
The play, which takes place in
1910, involves a retired general
whose wife, pretending to be
paralytic, constantly interrupts
him as he attempts to dictate his
The general's routine life is
suddenly interrupted with the ap-.
pearance of the woman he fell in
love with 17 years before at a
military school dance. She, his
ideal love, returns to tell him she
now has the proof he needs for a.

divorce - that they can now get
Anouilh has other plans for his
hero, and after the involvements
pile up, the general, a "big wolf,"
is "left with nothing but the
The "most popular and most
famous French playwright of to-
day," according to Prof. Carduner,
presents an "extremely pessimis-
tic view of life" in 4ihis play when
he "tries to destroy bitterly all the
romantic illusions about love."
Fine Technique
"Amazing technique - a tre-

tions" are among Anouilh's at-
tributes, he said.
Contrasting Anouilh to con-
temporaries like Sartre and Ca-
mus, Prof. Carduner described the
two types of theatres currently
existing in France. Anouilh be-
longs to the theatre which p1aral-
lels Broadway, he commented,
creating "theatre as a diversion."
The others form the literary
theatre, the avant garde whose
concern is more with philosophi-
cal expression than in writing for
the public taste, he continued.
Anouilh's insight into public
taste, he added, "accounts for his

In a short airport speech, Nixon
illuded to his six-hour talk with
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush-
hev's summer home outside Mos-
ow Sunday. He said they had
lifferences which they were un-
able to settle. but had agreed on
:me thing-that world problems
must be settled at the conference
able and not on the battlefield."
At the Leningrad shipyard,
where the 16,000-ton Lenin is be-
ing built, Nixon told cheering
workers the United States was
building an atomic merchant ship
and the Soviet Union was build-
ing an atomic icebreaker and that
this symbolized the wishes of both
peoples to use atomic power for
Dewey, Singer Say
Visits Aid Knowledge
"Chances for a peaceful meeting
across the conference table are
probably enhanced by the mutual
visits between representatives of
the United States and the USSR,"
Prof. Horace Dewey of the Slavic
languages department said last
"For example, I think that Vice-
President Nixon and Premier
Khrushchev have come to know
each other, and not just through
their speeches. Nixon is now com-
pletely in favor of Khrushchev's
visiting the United States.
"I don't think that any harm
can come from this visit; in fact,
what worries me more is having
the head of a state as powerful
as Russia make all his decisiona
regarding the United States with-
out having any first-hand knowl-
edge of this country or its people.
Visit Good
"So, I think that a visit by
Khrushchev to this country would
be a very good thing. It would
probably give him an entirely dif-
ferent perspective on us. Nixo's
trip has probably also given him
a new perspective on Russia and
Khrushchev, although I don't
know how he'll use it," Prof.
Dewey commented.
Prof. J. David Singer of the
political science department of-
fered the opinion that the impact
on the people who see the exhibits,
such as the present United States
exhibition at Sokolniki Park in
Moscow, as well as the "exchange"
visitors, is "not terribly impressive.
"These people may get the idea
that the Americans (or the Rus-
sians) are not so different from
themselves, but as soon as they
have left the exhibit, or the coun-
try concerned, they are immedi-
ately subjected to their own anti-
American (or anti-Russian) prop-
aganda, and the effect of these
'people - to - people' programs is
Need Propaganda
Part of the necessity for this
propaganda, he continued, is due
to the fact that "as long as there
is a chance of either side com-
mitting aggression, each side must
keep a certain level of tension in
its own people, to keep the pre-
paredness programs going."
Prof. Dewey said the exchanges
of "unofficial ambassadors," such
as Kozlov and Nixon, are "terribly
important in themselves, and the
effect on the peoples of the coun-
tries concerned of secondary im-
As far as other countries are
concerned, Prof. Dewey continued,
"as long as their own interests

aren't directly involved, they prob-
ably regard these mutual visits
with only curiosity."
Lessens Differences
Prof. Singer felt that the effect
on neutralist countries would be
to "strengthen the conviction in
their camp that the differences
between the United States and the
USSR are not as great as the two
countries seem to imply.
"This conviction may play hob
with the Western allies, though it
tends to weaken them in their
conviction that the USSR is their
implacable enemy."



mendous gift for lively dialogue extreme success but is also his
and a sense for dramatic situa- limitation."
Farm Crisis Congress'
Fault, Paarlberg Claims
Don Paarlberg, special assistant to President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, last night criticized Congress for its failure to pass "constructive
legislation" to deal with the farm problem.
In an interview held at the Institute for Practical Partisan Politics
the former assistant secretary of agriculture declared, "The public is
growing a little weary of mounting surpluses. This is a legislative and
not an administrative problem. The' Democratic Party controls Con-
-- ress and could enact changes if


Parked Bicycles o e mpOUnded
Illegally parked bicycles will be subject to impounding by the
Office of Student Affairs.
The new policy, announced in a statement by the Bicycle Control
Program Subcommittee of the University Safety Committee, goes into
effect immediately.
Implementation of the plan, mapped early in July, was delayed in.
an attempt to remedy the parking situation by voluntary means, but a
recent survey by committee members showed 56 bicycles and one motor
bike crowding the entrance to the Undergraduate Library.
Marshall Issues Complaint
In addition, the state fire marshall has issued a complaint to thea
University concerning the blocking of entrances, exits and terraces
by bicycles, motor bikes, scooters and motorcycles.
"The University has no alternative under the circumstances except
to impose a more rigorous system of control. Bicycles parked in such
a way as to impede entrances or exits to buildings and bicycles on
terraces and sidewalks have to be impounded," according to the sub-
; committee's statement.
In the procedure, bicycles, after identification and tagging, will be

it desired to do so. But this has
not been done."
Paarlberg predicted consumer
prices will remain fairly stable for
the rest of 1959. He foresaw "con-
tinued strength" in the cost of
services and manufactured goods,
accompanied by "fairly soft" farm
Addressing the Institute yester-
day, Paarlberg said the labels, "re-
actionary," as applied to Republi-
cans, and "Liberal," as applied to
Democrats, are in error.
Paarlberg said it was "unfortun-
ate mislabeling" that led to the
Republican viewpoint being called
"The Republican view is, in fact,
forward-looking," he pointed out.
"The future has always belonged
to those with a high regard for the
worth of the individual."
"By some equally unfortunate
mislabeling," he continued, "the
Democratic view has become
known as 'liberal.' It is not liberal
because it does not stand for

' k'

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