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July 25, 1959 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1959-07-25

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
























Tax War
Due Soon
Democrats Relent
On Income Tax Plan
LANSING (P) - A major break
came yesterday in a tax stalemate
that has rocked debt-ridden Mich-
igan for more than six months
and driven the Legislature to its
longest session in. history.
Democrats in the evenly-divided
House surrendered to Republican
demands for a compromise solu-
tion based on a penny increase in
the three-cents sales tax, prob-
ably with some new business taxes
thrown in.
For months, they had held out
for Gov. G. Mennen Williams'
demand for a new 140 million dol-
lar tax package keyed to income
taxes on individuals and corpora-
tions coupled with some business
tax relief.
The weary house, after wrangl-
ing past midnight Thursday, sent
the GOP-controlled Senate two
new tax plans.
One would jump the sales tax
to five per cent, at the same time'
exempting food.
The second, more likely a basis
for final settlement, coupled a
four per cent use (sales) tax with
a business activities tax revision
that would place a 44 million dol-
lar additional burden on corpor-
ation profits.
GOP Senate leaders received
both with skepticism and indi-
cated neither would be acceptable
in anything like its present form.
The Senate only yesterday em-
phatically rejected a 130 million
dollar income tax package some-
whatrresembling the views of the
Democratic Governor - just 18
hours after it squeezed through the
Both Democratic and Republi-
can party leaders ge1gerally agree
the state must have close to 140
million dollars in ,new revenue to
pay for record spending and re-
tire a debt that soared to 110 mil- .
lion dollars June 30.
A payroll to some 26,000 state
employes was skipped temporarily
May 7. By decree of Gov. Williams
and his cabinet, the state has since
doled out available cash on a
priority basis, with welfare recipi-
ents, dept service, state employes
and schools and universities get-
ting first attention.,
While the lawmakers tussledI
creditors by the t h ous a n d s
pressed for payment of overdue;
bills totalling more than six mil-
lion dollars.
The state has fallen far behind
in payments to public schools,'
state universities, local govern-
ments and others.

Dean Surveys European Trip

Faculty Salaries
Major Concern
Nearly Three Million Earmarked
For Boosts in 'U' Staff Wages
The largest operating budget in University history
totalling $42.7 million - was approved by the Board of R
gents yesterday.
Faculty salaries, repeatedly called the University's grea
est concern this spring, were raised on an average of almo
l 1per cent.
University Vice-President and Dean of Faculties Mary
L. Niehuss called the wage boosts a "real step toward resto
ing our comnpetitive position"T .

TWO YEARS: IAttract Industry
Regent Carl Brablec noted that
similar institutes in the East, par-
O lmoiay I~eiticularly .around Boston, have at-
tracted a .considerable amount"
of new industry to the- area.
SNiehuss said although no specific
'U CaIleIr plans for research have yet been
drawn, space? technology will prob-
A University calendar for the ably be a field of specialization for
years 1960-61 and 1961-62, with the new Institute. He said the'
only "minor changes" from the one executive committee which was
to be used this fall, was approved appointed by the Regents yester-
by theUniersty oar ofRegents day will decide the initial areas of
by the University Board of scientific study which the Insti-
yesterday. tt iletrti er
The biggest change in the calen- tute will enter this year.
dar is the lengthening by about Name Committee
four days of the period between Named to the Institute's ten-
the end of Christmas vacation and member executive committee for
the end of classes for the first one-year terms were Prof. Robert
semester. C. Bartels of the mathematics de-
p beenpartment, Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr.,
ca ed too shorin the ps of the public health school, Prof.
Paul McCracken of the business
much In the classroom, administration school and Prof.

Back from a vacation in Europe,
Dean of Women Deborah Bacon
has decided "seven languages,
seven capitals, seven currencies in
a month's time are too much --
at least for me."
Miss Bacon and Assistant Dean
of Women Elsie R. Fuller, were
the only participants in a music
tour planned by Gail W. Rector,
executive director of the Univer-
sity Musical 'Society.
Although "very glad to get
back," she did enjoy flying to Am-
sterdam, Vienna, Florence,. Rome,
the Riviera, Paris, London and.
Began in June
The. trip began. the day. after
Commencement, she said, in order
to see Europe "before they smash
it down again."
Two places she had never visit-
ed before, Vienna and Brussels,
topped Miss Bacon's list of favor-
ite foreign cities.
"To me the most beautiful, per-
fect, exquisite taste in artifacts-
anything that is made-is in Vi-
enna now, not Paris," she said in
recalling highlights of her tour.
Another of the delights of Vi-
enna for the dean was the per-'
formance of one of Hindemith's
choral concerts with the composer
directing the a capella choir. The
beauty of the music and singing
she described as "unbelievable,"
and the atmosphere of friendli-
ness among director, singers and
audience as "like a jam session."
Brussels Historic
As for Brussels, Miss Bacon
commented that it is the historic
city of Europe.
Rome, she noted, is "just too
much past."
She found the Italian city "very'
depressing," mainly because she;
doesn't like to be "so conspicuous-
ly reminded that I'm only one
unit in a coral atoll." The weight
of history found' in Rome makes
one "lose all confidence in the ini-
tiative and power of the individ-
ual," she continued.
For illustration, Miss Bacon
used the city's buildings in which
historical reminders frequently
resembled a "rabbit warren" in
Describes Floors
The floors often r e p r e s e n t
periods in history, she pointedt
out, with the basement made of'
red Etruscan bricks and the first7
floor indicating classic Rome, the
second the Renaissance and the
18th century and the top floor
built in the modern style.
By contrast, she said of Paris-
"the history is all there but the
attitude is so different."1
By-passing such complete em-+

RETURNS FROM TOUR-Dean of Women Deborah Bacon visited
seven European capitals, seeing the Continent before "they smash
it down again."

phasis on the past, she explained,
it "bounces you into the future
with a very acid wit" and the 'at-
titude of "eh, bien, why not?"
Roman Culture
As for the culture of ancient
Rome, Miss Bacon expressed the
opinion that 'there is only one
modern society, the United States'
Western technology, which can
and does compare with it.
Defining culture as "the use of
typical artifacts," Miss Bacon said
in ancient times one could see the
Of Two Units,
Set To Begin
Contracts for the construction
of a pharmacy research laboratory
and first set of buildings for the
University'si new botanical gardens
were awarded A. Z. Shima &
Sons, Birmingham, by the Board
of Regents yesterday.
The Regents approved a project
budget of $950,000 in private funds
for the pharmacy laboratory. The
building will be ready for use on
central campus by 1961.

stamp of Greek or Roman culture
in parts of nearly every outpost
of civilization from southern
France to northern Africa, just as
one, finds indications of Ameri-
canization and western technolo-
gy throughout the modern world.
Their culture "'was transport-
able and we are doing the same
thing whether we like it or not."
American Culture
American culture is transport-
able to the- extent that "we can
box it up into a little exhibit and
fair and ship it to Moscow, send-
ing Vice-President Nixop along,"
she emphasized.
Pericles, leader of Athens dur-
ing its golden age, did the same
thing, she insisted, when he
shipped thousands of pottery jars
to all parts of the world as Amer-
ica does when it sends millions of
"shiny new Frigidaires" overseas.
Final Reflection
Reflecting on her tour as a
whole, Miss Bacon had but three
items she would have liked to
bring home with her: "two crip-
pled women from the Louvre -
one poor lady has no head and
the other has no arms"--and the
Christ Church College Chapel
from-the University of Cambridge
-"for my money, the most beau-
tiful building in Europe."'

among American universities.
Faculty Increases
Approximately $2.8 million of
the total will provide faculty and
non-faculty salary, increases.
In general, the lower faculty
members, particularly instructors
and assistant professors, received
the most substantial increases,
Niehuss said.
The departments of the Uni-
versity seem' "reasonably well sat-
isfied" with their allocations, he
Largest Budget
The budget, providing funds for
the Ann Arbor, Flint and Dear-
born campuses of the University,
is $3,278,275 greater than the
budget for the 1958-59 year. Sup-
plementing the figure is $500,000
from the state for an Institute of
Science and Technology, also ap-
proved by the Regents.
Provisions were made in the op-
erating budget for the opening of
Dearborn Center with a faculty
of 13, an administrative" staff of
four and related service person-
The Center's budget, described
as "minimal" by Vice-President
and Center Director "William Stir-
ton, allows $350,000 for opera-
Two Buildings Open
Due to the minimal budget,
only two of four buildings at the
Center will be opened for students
in the fall, Stirton said. "But
there is room enough for all the
students" vin the two buildings
opening: the engineering labor-
atories building an'd student serv-
ices building.'-,
The Regents also allotted ad-
ditional funds to the 'University's
libraries, approving $100,000. for
the purchase of books, $20,000
for additional personnel, and $5,-
000 for non-salary accounts. The
libraries hadbeen held on an aus-
terity budget during the past
A total of $140,000 was- added
for the maintenance of buildings
and operations in the plant de-
partment, which received a net'
reduction of $107,000 in its oper-
ating appropriation last year"-
Niehuss noted that the amount'
given the plant department' was
one of the very few non-academic
increases made. He indicated Im-
provments will soon be needed in
non-academic areas.s.
The budget received from the
Legislature is six million dollars'
less than the $39.2 million ori-
ginally requested by the Univer-
sity last fall.
Governor"Williams had aked
the Legislature to appropriate the'
University $34.3 million.
The final sum of $33.4 million
was passed by the Legislature last"
month as it spent a record $100.9
million on higher education in the'
C rdi* Ready
For Lecture
John Ciardi, Rutgers University.
professor of English, will lecture
on "Adam and Eve and the Third
Son" at 4:30 p.m. Monday in Aud.
A, Angell Hall
Ciardi, poetry editor of The
Saturday Review, received his
masters' degree at the Tnivrsiy

Promotions for 193 memberso
the University faculty were a
proved by the Regents yesterda
The action was part of the a
proval of the 1959-60 Gener
Funds Budget. Normal procedeu
on budget items involves a wat
ing period of two weeks followir
action by the Regents.
This waiting period was waive
this year because the Regen
could not take action on ti
budget until after the fiscal, yet
had started.
Actually there were 196 prom
tions but. three members of t
faculty, Prof. Frederick T. a
dock, Jr., Prof. Paul D. Cart
and Bernice I. Cooper, receive
promotions in two different unit
There "were 54 promotions I
the rank of professor 74 to ti
rank of associate professor, one i
the rank of. supervisor in physice
education which is the equvale
to an associate professorship, a
67 to the rank of assistant pr(
The list of promotions with t
faculty member's field of specia
ization in parenthesis follows:
Literature, Science and the Ar
Reeve M. Bailey (zoology), Ge
ald S. Blum (psychology), Den
ing B. Brown (Slavic languag
and literatures), Donald A. Da
ling (mathematics), CharlesX
Dolph (mathematics), Francis C
Evans (zoology), Sidney i
(history),'rederick T. Haddoc
Jr. (astronomy).
John W. Hall (history), Er-ne
Katz (physics), Robert V. Keslir
(geology), Harold W. Levinso
(economics),,Robert J. Low
(botany), Roger C. L y n d o
(mathematics), William W. M
Cormick (physics), N. Edd Mille
Jr. (speech) James Olds (psy
Howard- H. Peckham (history
Maxwell O. Reade (mathematics
Peter A. S Smith (chemistry
Warren L.' Smith (economics
Daniel B. Suits (economics), G
E. Swanson (sociology), Wyrna
R. Vaughan (chemistry.
Harry B. Benford (naval arch
tecture and marine), Richard H
Brown (electrical), Samuel I
Clark, (engineering mechanics
James A. Gage (industrial), Fe
erick T. Haddock, Jr. (electrica
Gabriel Isakson (aeronautical
Richard K. Osborn (nuclear
Joseph E. Shigley (mechanical
Mahinder S. Uberoi (aeronaut
cal), Edwin H. Young (chemic
and metallurgical).
Medical School
Dr. Murray R Abell (pathol
gy), Dr. William H. Beierwalti
(internal medicine), Dr. Fred
Davenport (internal medicine
Dr. Harold F. Falls (ophthalmo
Philipp Gerhardt (bacteriology
Dr. Bruce D. Graham (pediatrics
See REGENTS, Page 3
House Group
PfairtQ A A mf

,The new provision allows the
second semester schedule- to run
about one week later than the
schedule for the 1959-60 year.
The calendars will be as follows:
First Semester, 1960-61
Orientation begins Sept. 12
Registration: Sept. 14 to Sept. 17
Classes begin (law school): Sept.
Classes begin (other units):
Sept. 19
Thanksgiving recess: Nov. 23-27
Christmas recess; Dec. 17-Jan;
Classes End: Jan. 21
Examination period: Jan. 23-
Feb. 2
Midyear graduation: Jain. 28
Semester ends: Feb. 4
Second 'Semester, 1960-6 1
Orientation begins Feb. 6
Registration : Feb. 8-Feb. 11
Classes begin (law school): Feb.
Classes begin (other units):
Feb. 13
Spring recess: April 1-9,
Classes end: May 31.
Examination period: June 2-
June 13
Commencement: June 17
The 1961-62 calendar follows a
similar order, although each event
is scheduled one day earlier, and
spring vacation runs from April 7
through 16.
Reds Reject'.
Western Bid

Robert W. Perry of the chemistry
Three deans were appointed for
two-year terms: Stephen S. Att-
wood of the engineering college,
Roger W. Heyns of the literary col-
lege and Ralph A. Sawyer of the
graduate school. .
Appointed for three-year terms
were Prof. H. R. Crane of the
physics department, Prof. Leo
Goldberg of the astronomy depart-
ment and Prof. Wilbur C. Nelson
of the aeronautical engineering

Nixon, Khrushchev Trade Political Arguments

MOSCOW (A') - Richard M. Nixon and Nikita S. Khrushchev
clashed yesterday in a hot duel of words while gaping Russians and
Americans looked on at the United States exhibition.
The Vice-President said the premier filibustered like a senator.
Khrushchev accused Nixon of threatening him.
It was the most astounding public exchange between such world
figures that reporters in Moscow ever have been able to listen in on.
Argue Merit of Weapons
Khrushchev declared the Soviet Union has means at its disposal-
meaning rockets and nuclear weapons-that "are better than yours."
Nixon said the United States has good weapons too.
Words and tempers exploded on such issues as the Geneva Con-
ference and ultimatums in international relations.
The unexpected debate erupted as the two toured the grounds of
the exhibition a few hours before Nixon formally opened the fair last
There were such remarks as these:
Khrushchev: "We too are giants. If you want to threaten we will
.m zr~r hr .a uri . th o1

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