THE MICHIGAN DAILY nistic SignsBehind Steel Strike Detroiters Lack Interest In Partisan Activities By NORMAN WALKER NEW YORK (P) - Every cloud has a silver lining. And some good may come, too, from even the dark chaos of the steel strike. The nation has proved in the past it can bounce back fast from a crippling steel strike. The current shutdown will help clear a glutted metal market for an even greater steel demand later on. If things happen as they did after the last great steel strike - the 34-day walkout in 1956 - the nation's economy will surge back rapdily to an even higher plateau. Supply Responsible Some day, perhaps, a way will be found to regularize steel pro- duction so there 'won't be huge buildups of supplies, and work stoppages which drain them off. it seems clear that the steel supply situation is one of the fac- tors responsible for the present stoppage. Surveys -show there were approximately 20 million, tons of steel - a 60 to 90-day ,stockpile - on hand when the strike began last July 15. Experts say that because of overproduction in the first half of 1959 the industry would have had to slow down the mills' pace anyway this fall or early winter. Receive No Benefits ed in early August, the index for that month jumped right back. It hit 142, and quickly climbed to new records of 146 in September and 150 in October. Even the experts were amazed at the resiliency of the economy and the quick recovery from strike effects. Steel, although directly respon- sible for only a few percentage points of the nation's over-all in-' dustrial production, is such a key product that its availability is a prime factor in many other busi- nesses. The direct issues on which the walkout broke out were the steel- workers' insistence on higher pay rates and benefits and the indus- try's insistence on greater man- agement leeway in promoting production efficiency and savings. Industries Stand Firm The industry's dozen top steel firms, led by United States Steel 1 Corp., stuck fast to a position that any new pay boost or otherj labor cost increases would be in- flationary. In this, the industry had sup- port in President Dwight D. Eisen- hower's repeated entreaties to steelmakers and steel labor for wage-price moderation." The President said there should be no new steel contracts that. would result in price increases.- That bolstered the industry's own anti-inflation stand. Steel firms said the steelworkers union must at last learn that collective bargaining is a two-way street. They said they were tired of doing all the bargaining with the union doing all the collecting. 'Industry Can Afford It' The union maintained that in- dustry's soaring profits could pay for substantial pay and other gains without requiring another steel price bopst. The industry said if there were to be no'new price boosts, as Pres- ident Eisenhower asked, there could be no labor cost increases, either. 'I- That would have meant worker layoffs. The workers would have thus lost a certain amount of wages, anyway. It also, of course, would have meant lessi income to the mill owners. A difference for the workers is that if laid off, they would have been entitled to state unemploy- ment compensation benefits, plus industry-paid supplemental un- employment benefits. As strikers, they are barred from such pay- ments. A picture of how the market was cleared of steel in the 1956 strike is available in the govern- ment index of industrial produc- tion. The index stood at 141 in June 1956, or 141 per cent of produc- tion in the base period 1947-49. The strike began in early July and the index sagged to 128 for the month. When the five-week strike end- 'M' TV Series Gives. 'Dream' "Dreamhouse Revisited," will be presented by the University Tele- vision Series on Sunday, July 26 on WXYZ-TV at 9:30 a.m. The program tells the story of, the thousands of people who have purchased cheap mass developed houses. The story emphasizes the lack of privacy due to the sameness of surroundings, general lack of beauty and lack of ease of living in so many modern communities. LocalIShowt ,To Examine Eonomic Aid University television programs are featuring a wide variety of subject matter this week, includ- ing home-building and buying, Soviet and American economic aid and .the soon-to-open Dear- born Center. In the underdeveloped nations of the East, Soviet and American economic aid are meeting head- on. The spectacle of two great opposing powers pouring money into the economic development of the same nation is a new one in world foreign affairs. Joseph S. Berliner, one of America's leading authorities on the Soviet economy, answers questions about the competing aid programs on "Aid From the So- viets," this week's program on the University television series, "Ac- cent.", On the program, which will- be broadcast Sunday at 9:15 a.m. on WXYZ-TV (Channel 7), Berliner will compare American and So- viet aid to the underdeveloped countries in terms of amount, kind and effect. He holds up the important dis- tinction that Soviet economic aid is given in "credits," which de-. mand repayment with a small in- terest charge. American aid, on the other hand, is largely com- posed of "grants." Berliner says that the Soviet "credits" may have a "psychologi- cal advantage, as it. makes it seem they are treating the recip- [ent country as an equal." , , , The industry did suggest it might be able to give 'the union some modest gains if manage- ment prerogatives were increased under the labor contracts to al- low more cost-cutting. Denies Featherbedding The companies said that if the unlon gave some ground on this score, a two-year contract provid- ing some pension-insurance gains for workers in the first year and a small pay boost in the second year might be negotiated. The union, denying there is loafing or featherbedding, re- fused to yield on that score. The best union offer was for a 15-cent per hour boost for each year in a one, two or three year contract. This is the same rate of in- crease as provided annually un- der the expiring three-year con- tracts. The industry rejected these terms as too steep. Two Direct Ciuses There are two direct causes of the strike: e 1) The industry's willingness to take a walkout to back up its in- sistence that steel should point the, way to stopping inflation.. 2) The union's equal insistence that, like labor groups in other industries this year, it should get another round of wage and bene- fit improvements for steelworkers. But the. supply situation-with such heavy steel consumers as the auto industry well stocked up on metal - made it easier to have a strike. Very few Detroiters take an ac- tive part in partisan politics, and many of those who do can see few differences between the Re- publican and Democratic parties, Prof. Samuel J. Eldersveld of the political science department said yesterday. Prof. Eldersveld's findings were based on a 1956 study of political organization and public attitudes toward politics in Wayne County. In his report to the Institute on Practical Partisan Politics, Prof. Eldersveld made the results of the study public for the first time. He went on to say that the "local party organization is still largely ineffective," offering as evidence to support his view these facts: 13 Per Cent Work for Party 1) Only 13 per cent of the adults living in Wayne County ever contributed to or worked for either party; only four per cent did so in the 1956 campaign. 2) Working through party channels, University researchers could not locate any precinct leader or delegate 10 per cent of the time; among the precinct leaders interviewed, one-third re- ported they had no workers at all, showing the large gaps in party organization. 3) More than half -the adult population could see no difference between Republicans and Demo- crats in 1956; among precinct leaders, more than one-third said they saw no differences between the parties. Lack Meaningful Concept "We really lack any meaning- ful concept of membership in the Republican or Democratic Party," Prof. Eldersveld commented. In 1956, he reported, 49 per cent of those interviewed identified them- selves as Democrats, while 30 /pre cent said they were Republicans. Only half this number identified themselves strongly with either party, however. Hard core party workers for both Republicans and Democrats are quite unrepresentative of the total population, Prof. Eldersveld noted. Among the Democratic party workers in Wayne county, 54 per cent were employed as la- borers or operatives, while only three per cent came from profes- sional and managerial fields. However, he continued, among the Republican party workers 60 per cent had a professional or managerial background and only 10 to 12 per cent were laborers or operatives. "It doesn't make sense for either party to get so far out in one direction," Prof. Elders- veld commented. Cites Weaknesses Going further in the analysis of party operation, he cited these signs of weakness in both parties' internal organizations: 1) One-third of the precinct leaders interviewed never had contact with their Congressional district chairman. 2) Sixty per cent of the pre- cinct leaders never had contact with state party leaders. 3) About one-half the precinct leaders felt they did not have enough say within the party or- ganization. Cannot Name Leader 4) When asked to pick their party leader in Wayne County, only eight per cent of the Repub- licans named Mayor Cobo, while five per cent of the Democrats said Governor G. Mennen Wil- liams was their county leader. When asked what they would miss most if they had to leave their political post, about 20 per cent of the precinct leaders said "nothing." About 10 per cent said they'd miss the fun, excitement and sport of politics, he continued. However, Prof. Eldersveld not-a ed, only one in 10 indicated they would miss the opportunity to work for a cause, for political is- sues, or their personal beliefs. P rofessors Study Design Of Reaators College professors from the' United States, Puerto Rico and Italy are this summer attending an advanced institute in nuclear reactor operation and design at the University. Sponsored jointly by the Amer- ican Society for Engineering Edu- cation and the Atomic Energy Commission, the institute is the only one advanced reactor de-, sign given by any university. The group of 19 includes 17 from the United States and two from Italy and Puerto Rico. Most of the teaching is being done by members of the nuclear engineer- ing department, the largest de- partment of its kind in the na- tion. Guest lecturers are from indus- try, other universities and the AEC. A somewhat similar course was presented here last year. The University's Phoenix Proj- ect has the most powerful reac- tor in the educational field. The Project, now a decade old, is ded- icated to finding peacetime uses of atomic energy. Its one million- watt reactor is of the swimming pool type, a design especially adapted for teaching purposes. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING USED CARS '57 VOLvO $1,595 Mich. European Car Corp. Liberty at Ashley NO 5-5800 N26 KARMANN-GHIA, '58 vw sport coupe.; Beige, corduroy upholstery.1,000 miles and in top condition. Call NO 3-0105. N27 TRIUMPH, 1954 TR-2. Radioand heat- er. Excellent condition. Must sell. NO 3-7844. ' N28 1957 RENAULT !DAUPHINE. 1 $1,000 or best offer. Call Milan, HE 9-2996. N24 FOR SALE 3 SIAMESE kittens, male and female, about 4 months old. Also stud service. Phone NO 2-9020. B12 FOR SALE: % ton quiet, automatic room air conditioner. Used 3 months. Call NO 3-0047 after 5. 138 BUSINESS SERVICES 5-4-3-2-i10 PREPARE FOR THE BLAST-OFF THIS WEEKEND by purchasing your "fuel" at RALPH'S MARKET (Formerly Freeman's) 709 Packard NO 2-3115, "Just two doors from the Blue Front" J2 Phone NO 2-4786 for Michigan Daily Classified Ads BARGAIN CORNER MEN'S SKIP-dent short-sleeve sport shirts. $1.39, 2 for $2.50. Wash 'n Wear, sanforized, assorted colors. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. Wi MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS FOR RENT ONE ROOM studio for bachelor girl, in lovely campus area, furnished, complete community kitchen. NO,2- 6987. C33 NEAR CAMPUS. Single rooms for male students. Call after 4:30 P.M. NO 2-4049, 606 S. Division. C32 CLOSE TO CAMPUS Attractive, 3 rooms and private bath. Clean and nicely furnished. Phone NO 3-5372. C30 APARTMENT. Brand new furniture, five blocks south of campus. Large living room, good sized bedroom, separate kitchen, private bath. Avail- able now. $110 per month for year lease or reduced rent for summer. Call Oscar Spaley days, NO 3-0501; evenings, NO 2-5930. C28 DELUXE 3 room furnished apartment includes heat and water. Semi-private bath facilities. $90 a. month. NO 2-9020. C27 ROOMS FOR RENT for girls. % block from campus. 1218 Washtenaw. NO 8-7942 for arrangements. C12 ONE BLOCK from campus, modern apts. 514. So. Forest. NO 8-7089 or 3-3280. LINES 2 3 4 ONE-DAY .80 .96 1.12 Figure 5 average words to a line. Call Classified between 1:00 and 3:00 Mon. thru Fri. and 9:00 and 11:30 Saturday - Phone NO 2-4786 PICK UP 90 CLAMS Easy. No 'strings. Check your wire- less, 1290 K.C., daily for clues. WOIA Missing Man Contest, man ! F22 WANTED: One '59 Ensian, will pay reasonable price. NO 5-7447.'. P25 for psychological experiments search Institute. $1.00-$1.25 DIAL NO 2-2513 * ENDING TONIGHT JAMES STEWART LEE REMICK BEN GAZZARA, ARTHUR O'CONNELL EVE ARDEN KATHRYN GRANT Cie And JoSE., N. WELCH as Judge Weaver a Columbia release "UNANIMOUSLY ACCLAIMED BY EVERY NEW YORK CRITIC" Shows at 12:30 3:10 6;03 8:56 I A DIAL NO 2-3136 IN DYAULSCOPE "The Dearborn Center arose to meet the carefully surveyed .need for college-trained manpower to staff the business and industries of Southeastern Michigan," Vice- President William Stirton, direc- tor of the Center, said. "Adventure in Education," a special program honoring the September, 1959 opening of the Center, will be broadcast Sunday at 5 p.m. on WWJ-TV (Channel 4). "The Center marks the first major venture of the University into cooperative education," Stir- ton explained. At the Center, stu- dents will alternate three months of study with three months of on-the-job training in nearby business and industry. On "The Custom House," to be shown Sunday at 1 p.m. on WWJ- TV Channel 4), Robert Metcalf of the architecture college is shown with a young couple in the process of planning a custom- built house.' Prof. Metcalf will interview the couple to show how a "program" listing the needs and desires of the family as well as the budget and land restrictions are finally organized into tie concept of a house in which they can live hap- pily. Also shown are the results of hundreds of hours of work in which the architect builds the house mentally and then puts the conception down on paper in a complete set of working drawings. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN y ''' l ', 'C"" . i', "{ ."::{:?V F: J' :.. ' ...".1. ~..w 1,rl',.Yyi r'"'' V .A.. . ..YV y {W :"t:gy.r{ "O" "/" .V y ~r".'p+ ':LS RL rSi i1~i'' " 'VYi.:'.{ r{}:." .21*" 1.' r/'S S:a'.'--ftlAMLWt.La4 il i.. .+".'' A', Ca.r.1 iNSyl1 JA 1"YXs4 'bs M }w Y"Y.P+ht.{....XM (Continued from Page 2) 1 4 p.m. Angeln Hall, Aud. C. (Postponed from July 27, 4 p.m.) Academic Notices Astronomical Colloquium. Mon., July 27, 3:30 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. R. A. Lyttleton of St. John's College, Cam- bridge, England. "A New Elecrtic Uni- verse." Doctoral Examination for George Austin Colligan, Metallurgical Engi- neering; thesis: "Iron Silica Sand In- terface Reactions," Fri., July 24, 4219 E. Engrg. Bldg., 2:00 p.m. Chairman, L. H. Vanviack. Doctoral Examination for John Al- fred-Fagerstrom, Geology; thesis: "The Age, Stratigraphic R e 1 a t i o n s, and Fauna of the Middle Devonian Formosa Reef Limestone of Southwestern On- tario," Fri., July 24, 4065 Natural Sci- ence Bldg., 2:00 p.m. Chairman, E. C. Stumm. Doctoral Examination for William virgil Caldwell, Mathematics; thesis: "vector Spaces of Light Interior Orien- tation-Preserving C' Functions," Fri., July 24, 3010 Angell Hall, 2:00 p.m. Co-Cchaimen, C. J. Titus and G. S. Young. Doctoral Examniation for Charles Weyland Heitsch, Chemistry; thesis: "Dihydridodiammineboron (III) Iodide and Trihydridobistrimethylaminealum- inum (III)", Mon., July 27, 3003 Chem. Bldg., at 2:30 p.m. Chairman, R. W. Parry. Doctoral Examination for John Ben- jamin Haney, Speech; thesis: "A Study of Public Attitudes toward Tax-Sup- port for Educational Television Activi- ties in the Detroit Metropolitan Area," Sat., July 25, E. Council Rm., Rack- ham Bldg., at 9:00 p.m. Chairman, Ed- ward Stasheff. Doctoral Examination for Joe Cur- tis Woosley, Public Health Statistics; thesis: "A Study of Repeated Hospital Admissions among Michigan Blue Cross Members," Mon., July 27, 3012 School of Public Health, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, F. M. Hemphill. Doctoral Examination for ' Jung- Chao Liu, Econ., thesis: "An Econ- ometric Model of the Rice Market in' the Japanese Empire, 1910-1937," Tues., July 28, 105 Econ. Bldg., at 1:00 p.m. Chairman, D. B. Suits. Placement Notices Personnel Reqdests: 'The J. L. Hudson Co., Detroit, Mich., 22 young women and 12 young men to fill Executive Trainee positions lead- ing to Asst. Buyerships in their Mer- chandising Divisions. Prefer young people who have their Bachelor's de- gree in the Business or Liberal Arts areas. Sulphite Pulp Mfg. Research League, Appleton, Wis., Exceptional man with a technical education, preferably with a B. S. in the field of physical or or- ganic Chem., or in Chem. Engrg., and who has also gone on for a graduate study in the field of marketing and market research. Position is that of Asst. Director for Product Develop- ment. Autonetics, Div. of North American Aviation, Inc., Downey, Calif., Chief of Research (Solid State) available, in their new Advanced Engrg. Dept. Ph.D. in Physics is required plus 10 yrs. in- dustrial experience in creative re- search in the solid state field or close- ly alied fields. Also need a Design Engrg. with degree and exp. or equiva- lent. Hitchen's Drug Store, Marshall, Mich. Regisetred pharmacist or a student 'who has graduated from a college of pharmacy and is looking for internship work. Would be permanent on a full time or part-time basis. B. F. Goodrich Co., Avon Lake, Ohio. Chem. Engrs., Physical Chemists, and Organic Chemists of all degree levels, for openings in process and product depts. Akron, Ohio plant has openings for people with: Mech. Engrg. degree, a Chem. Engrg. degree and 5 yrs. exp., and also for M.E. or I.E. degrees. An experienced Structural Engr. is needed for design and construction. Executive Manpower Corp. Consult. ing firm: Manager of Marketing. Exper- ience intangible sales and marketing, team worker, and ability to develop subordinates. American Friends Service Committee is placihg many college graduates in secretarial positions. Often need per-I sons for office positions in Philadel-i phia, New York and Wash., D. C. Ford Motor Co., Mt. Clemens, Mich., is constantly searching for qualified technical personnel for present and future openings. Most requests re- quire a B.S. in Chem. or Chem. Engrg. The Star-Beacon, Ashtabula, Ohio. General Assignment Reporter. Man with B. A. in Journalism. Dana Corp., Toledo. Ohio, has need of an Internal Auditor (Junior). Man with B.B.A. or M.B.A. and excellent scholastic record. Firm in Ann Arbor for Industrial Engineers. Men with B.A. in Indus. Engrg. Home for Problem Girls in the Ann - Arbor area. Houseparents. Will em- ploy a couple, but only want the wo- man for full time work. Must be 25 and mature. State Farm Mutual Insurance, Mar- shall, Mich., Claims Examiners for Sag- inaw, Flint, Marshall and Grand Rap- ids, Mich. and also Southern Indiana. Man with LLB or some legal training and a B.A. Must be service exempt. Moore Business Forms, Inc., Detroit, Mich., Sales Positions in this company which designs and sells business forms and systems. Man with B.A. in any field so long as they are interested in sales field and a good opportunity. Organization in Ann Arbor of Two Social Workers. Men or women with M.A. in Social Work. Standard Register Co., Detroit, Mich., Sales Trainees. Man with B.A. In Bus! Admin. or Economics. City of Flint, Mich. Medical Social Worker to assist patients in a 700 bed hospital. Woman with M.A. in Social Work and preferably 2 yrs. experience in case work. Pitman Moore Co., Indianapolis, Ind., Quality Control Bacteriologists with Tissue Culture or virology training needed. Miniature Precision Bearings, Inc., Keene, N. H. Applications Engr. with degree in Elec. or Mech. Engrg. and at least 2 yrs. in the precision instru- ment or bearings field or in the design and development of rotating electro- mech, or servo-mech. equipment. State of Connecticut: Supervising Psychiatric Social Worker, Psychiatric Social Worker, Probation Officer, and Field Representative - Apprentice Training. For further information concerning any of the above positions, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin., Ext. 3371. Try Hammond's new play time plan. Includes organ in your home for 30 days with 6 free lessons in our studio for only $25. Rent a Spinet piano of your own choice-$10 per month. GRINNELL'S 322 S. Main NO 2-5687 X3 Complete line of HiFi components including kits; complete service on radio, phonographs and HiFi equip- ments. HI FI STUDIO 1317 South University 1 block east at Campus Theatre Phone NO 8-7942 X2 t i For RESULTS I' COLLEGIATE HAIRSTYLING ! for all the family, "?11 BARBERS * AIR-CONDITIONED The Dascola Barbers: Near Michigan Theatre I'}~ S *yi> i#, Before you leave Ann Arbor and the University, you will want to see the authentic Michigan Pottern of Wedaewood China. F4 : ; ' n . )... . " { .vv j: t l ' ;: .. 11