ipaneseSet New World Swim Mark
TOKYO (P) -- A Japane e re-
y team, with powerful, slow-t
,roking Ysuyoshi Y a m a n a k a,
wimming the anchor leg, smashedk
world record in the final event
esterday and gave Japan a 41-381
ictory over the United States inf
ue three-day trans-Pacific meet.
The quartet of Takezo Unemotb,
'atsuo Fujimoto, Makoto Fukui'
nd Yamanaka swam the 800-
ieter freestyle relay in 8 minutes
Won't Fight
n Swden
STOCKHOLM (A) - Ingemar
ohansson said yesterday there
ras no chance he would defend
is heavyweight boxing title in
weden unless a way was discov-
red to televise it in the -United
tates at the same time.
"The television question de-
ides big events of this kind," Jo-
zansson explained.
He made the remark after hediavsoEinAhqst
in dhis advsor, Edi hqit
iad conferred with Irving Kahn
Af New York.'Kahn is head of
he closed TV outfit which handled
he theater telecast of the June
6 Johanssno-Floyd Patterson
Also in attendance was Vincent
Velella, a financial expert. They
net in Linkoping, where Johans-
son completed an exhibition tour.
Bill Rosensohn, who promoted
he bout with Patterson in which
Johansson won the title, is ex-
pected Saturday from New York
o work out details of the return
ight. Tentatively, the second
bout is set for Sept. 22 in New
York's Yankee Stadium.
21.6 secdnds, two seconds faster Indianapolis bettered his own
than the listed world record made American record by winning in
by an Australian team in 1956. A 2:19.3.
crowd of 10,000, including Em-
peror Hirohito's sister-in-law, Im-1
perial Princess Chichibu, saw the
exciting finish of the meet.
Earlier Yamanaka had pushedI
Australia's Murray Rose to a 9:08.6
performance in the 800-meter
freestyle, beating the listed world
record that already has been brok-
en a couple of times.{
Australia's John Konrads holds.
the accepted 800-meter record Hof
9:14.5, but Rose swam the distance
in 9:13.5 last year and last Janu-
ary Konrads turned i' an amaz-
ing 8:59.6 for 880 yards - about a
foot longer than 800 meters - in
the New south Wales Champion-
Rose A Guest
Rose, a Southern California stu-
dent, competed in the meet as a
guest and his placings didn't score
points for the U. S. team.
The United States drew even
with Japan in the point scoring by
taking the first two places in the
200-meter backstroke just before
the final relay. Frank McKinney of
A light rain fell during the tie-
breaking relay. Alan Somers of In-
dianapolis led Unemoto by three
quarters of a length on the first
leg. Fujimoto overtook Jeff Far-
rell, a Navy man stationed at Yale,
with one lap to go and took a 11/2
length lead at the halfway point.
Fukui made in 21/2 lengths against
George Breen of Indianapolis.
Mike Troy of In dianap olis 1
chopped the water with a fantas-
tically fast stroke on .the anchor1
leg but couldn't gain on the rhyth-i
mic Yamanaka, who made it more
than three lengths at the finish.;
Five World 'Marks Broken
In all, five listed world records
were beaten in the three-day meet.
In addition to yesterday's two,
Troy bettered the accepted Inter-
national Swimming Federation
standard of 2:19 in the 200-meter
butterfly with a 2:17.2 time. He
has a 2:16.4 mark up for recogni-
tion. Yamanaka won the 200-
meter freestyle in 2:02.3 and the
U. S. 400-meter relay team made
a mark of 3:44.4.
Alan Somers of Indianapolis set
the pace for Rose and Yamanaka
for the first 500 meters of the 800-
meter race but faded to third place
at the finish with Eugene Lenz of
Santa Maria, Calif., fourth and
Breen fifth.
Machen TKO's Vargas in Sixth Round
PORTLAND, Ore. (M) - Eddie
Machen of Portland scored a
sixthround technical knockout
over Reuben Vargas of San Fran-
cisco in a heavyweight fight here
last night.
Machen weighed 197, Vargas
Referee Ralph Gruman stopped
the scheduled 10-round heavy-
weight fight at 1:55 of the sixth
Champion Baltimore Colts
Op enFall Training Sessions
TOKYO (AP) - Several of the
Japanese swimmers, who defeated
the United States best 41-38 in a
three-day duel, got good results by
taking vitamin injections before
their races; American coach Willis
Casey of North Carolina State said
"The injections seem to be effec-
tive, at least' psychologically,"
Casey told a newsman. He said he
would like to get some of the fluid
for analysis and possible experi-
Japanese coach Mitsuo Ota con-
firmed the use of vitamin injec-
tions and said the Americans are
welcome to try some.
"The injections are vitamins
and only a few of our boys take
them, on a voluntary basis, one or
two hours before a race," said Ota.
He added, "The .results are mainly
Manabu Koga, Japanese free-
styler, said he had an injection
prior to placing third in Wednes-
day night's 100-meter freestyle
race behind two Americans. He
agreed with both coaches that the
result of the injection was "most-
ly psychological and to calm down
the nerves."
.sThe injection vials were labeled
as containing Vitamin B-1 and
Vitamin C.
Their use recalled reports that
Japanese took oxygen inhalations
prior to swimming in the 1932 Los
Angeles Olympics.
world champion Baltimore Colts
barely checked into camp for their
1959 training season yesterday be-
fore Coach Weeb Ewbank sent
guard Fred Thurston to the Green'
Bay Packers in exchange for line-
backer Mary Matuszak.
The deal., announced as Thurs-
ton and 35 other veterans arrived
at the Western Maryland College
training site, could go a long way
toward helping the Colts retain
the National Football League title
they won last December in that
sudden-death thriller with the
New York Giants.
Ewbank had tabbed linebacker
as the spot he'd like to strength-
en. In Matuszak the Colts,-picked
up a player who won all-league
honors at San Francisco and
Pittsburgh before going to Green
Bay in mid-1957. He's 6-2 and
plays best at about 235.
Thurston, formerly with the
Philadelphia Eagles, was signed
from the ranks of football's un-
employed during the 1958 season
after injuries forced Ewbank to
juggle his linemen in search of
a linebacker and offensive center.
"Never mind that championship
talk," the pint-sized Ewbank shook
his head as he was questioned
about the deal after a meeting
with his players.
"I've just told the boys the
honeymoon is over. They've been
,hampion from last December un-
til today. Now it's a new shuffle
and we're just looking for the best
35 players to make up .a football
With center Dick Szymanski re-
covered from the leg injury which
knocked him out of the last half
of the 1958 season, the entire 35-
man contingent which made the
team last year is back in the job
Among them are six who made
the all-league first team-quarter-
back Johnny Unitas, halfback
Lenny Moore, tackle Jim Parker
and end Raymond Berry' on of-
fense, and tackle Gene Lipscomb
and end Gino Marchetti on de-
One of the smallest group of
newcomers in any league training
camp,. 21 rookies, arrived last
Monday. Only four new men made
the grade last year, and even
fewer are expected to snag a spot
on this roster.
"This doesn't mean we're stand-
ing still," said Ewbank. "We can
still use a good, big lineman and
some strength at offensive half-
back and defensive halfback. Some
of our tackles are getting a little
age on them, too."
Ewbank admitted he had not
closed the door to possible trades
to fill any of these needs. He said
the New York Giants had turned
down his proposal 'to exchange
No. 2 quarterback George Shaw,
one of the league's best, but ob-
scured in. the shadow of Unitas
here, for all-pro linebacker Sam
round after Vargas went downt
once ard then lay almost help-
less on the ropes as Machen3
pressed the attack.
Vargas had been in trouble in
the third round, when the clever,
Machen hit him with lefts and
then followed with quick rights.
But Vargas weathered that storm'
and was not in serious trouble
again until the sixth.
A crowd 'of- 2,500 in the Centen-
nial Exposition Ar ena watched
the natinoally televised fight.
In the third round, thefight's
turning point, Machen pressed
the attack with left jabs but coul -
not connect with a: finishing
.Again at the end of the third
round Machen had Vargas in
trouble but couldn't finish him off.
Vargas, pressing the attack to
Machen's body, was unable to do
much damage.:At one point, Ma-.
chen smiled at Vargas after a
series of punches landed on
Machen's side.
Vargas rocked Machen with a
right in the fifth round which
seemed to lift Machen off his
heels. But Machen was not hurt
and came back with solid left jabs
to put Vargas on the defensive.
Machen came out in the sixth
with left jabs and constantly fol-
lowed with rights to the head. It
once seemed that Vargas was go-
ing to come out of it, but Machen
unpopular decision with the
crowd constantly cheering the
aggressive Vargas and booing
when Machen held in the clinches.
Vargas closed strong but failed to
apply pressure in the middle
This was Machen's fourth start
since he was knocked out in one
round by Ingemar Johansson last
Sept. 14. That victory sent Jo-
hansson into his world title match
.and ultimate knockout over Floyd
Boxer Durelle
Returns Home
MONCTON, New Brunswick (A)
- Canadian light heavyweight
champion Yvon Durelle arrived
here from Montreal yesterday and
then left by car for his Baie Ste.
Anne, N.B. home.
He will remain there until early
next week when he returns here
to continue training for his world
title bout . against Archie Moore
Aug. 12 in Montreal.
Durelle had been working out in
Montreal for the match, scheduled
for Julf 29 but postponed Tuesday
because Moore's wife is ill in Sas
came back to
a nine-count.
When the
met May 20
Machen won
send him down for
two heavyweights
at San- Francisco,
a unanimous but
-NEAR CAMPUS. Single rooms for male
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Baseball Writers Favor White Sox
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your typewriter
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NEW YORK (M' - The baseballv
writers are doing a little second
guessing themselves on the out-
comes of the major league pennant
In a pre-season AssociatedPress
poll members* of the Baseball
Writers Association picked the
New York Yankees by a wide mar-
gin to win the American League
championship. They liked the Mil-
Waukee Braves to win the Nation-
al League pennant, although with
less enthusiasm.
At the half-way point in the
races the-league standings weren't
quite as expected, so the AP con-
ducted another poll of the writers
to see if they had changed their
They had. Now they still favor
the Braves, but by a very slim
margin. But the Yankees are out,
as far as the writers are concerned.
Of the 72 votes cast only 11 picked
the Yankees to win.
The concensus now favors the'
Chicago White Sox to take the
flag, with Cleveland second and
the New York club third choice.
The writers aren't the only ones
who have their earlier estimates
upset. The bookies also have re-
vised their opinions in view of de,
velopments, although their revi-
sions don't quite coincide with
that of the newspaper men.
Legalized bookmakers in Las
Vegas think the San Francisco
Giants and the Cleveland Indians
will meet in the World Series.
They have made San Francisco a
7-5 choice, Milwaukee 3-2 and Los
Angeles 9-5.
Their American League odds fa-
vor Cleveland 6-5, with New York
second choice at 2-1 and Chicago
third at 9-5.
In the writers' poll Cleveland got
iwo more first place votes than'
Chicago, but on the 8-7-6 point-
scoring basis the White Sox had
a 526-516 edge. Milwaukee got
nine more first place votes than
San Francisco, but led in points
by only 514 to 500.
Here is the way they were
ranked in the pre-season poll:
National League - Milwaukee,
San Francisco, Pittsburgh, Cincin-
nati, Los Angeles, St. Louis, Chi-
cago and Philadelphia.
American League - New York,
Detroit, Chicago, Boston, Cleve-
land, 'Baltimore, Kansas City,
Giving Morrill support for over 50 years
REWEAVING-Burns, tears, moth holes
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Women's Golf Tournament
Makes First.Opening Today
Tigers Wi on Lary's Performance
By The Associated Press
DETROIT-Frank Lary of the
Detroit Tigers worked on a one-
hitter for seven innings but re-
quired relief help from Ray Nar-
leski in a 6-2 triumph over the
Washington Senators yesterday.
Lary retired the first 13 batters
before giving up a walk to Jim
Lemon. For seven innings, the only
hit off the veteran hurler was a
scratch single by Billy Consolo in
the sixth inning.
Roy Sievers led off the eighth
inning with his 14th home run,
and Lary again walked Lemon
and yielded a double to Faye.
Tiger manager Jimmie Dykes
called in Narleski, who pitched
hitless ball over the last two inn-
ings and preserved Lary's 11th
Lary socked his first home run
with a mate aboard in the seventh
inning after Frank Bolling hit a
solo home run in the fifth. Both
blows came off Washington starter
Pedro Ramos, who was lifted after
seven innings.
The Tigers scored on an un-
earned run off Ramos in the
fourth when second baseman Ken
Aspromonte committed two errors.
Bolling made it 2-0 with his
seventh home run and Lary's
cago White Sox a 5-4 triumph
over the Boston Red Sox yesterday
in a game marked by quaint
White Sox base running.
The victory gave Chicago a
momentary hold on first place,
pending the outcome of last
night's Cleveland-New York game.
Lollar's single sent Nellie Fox
scampering across from second
with, the winning run, hanging the
defeat on Leo Kiely, third of four
Boston pitchers.
Boston starter Jerry Casale and.
Ted Williams each hit solo hom-
Winning pitcher for Chicago
was Turk Lown, now 6-2, who re-
placed starter Early Wynn at the
start of the eighth.
Wynn failed in his bid to be-
come the American League's win-
ningest pitcher .with 13 triumphs,
but averted his possible seventh
Five times, the White Sox made
base-running miscues, rookie Jim
McAnany twice getting pegged out
at the plate. Jim Landis was
nailed trying for third after a
third inning double.
Norm Cash was picked off sec-
ond in the scoreless Sox eighth in
which McAnany later was speared
at thp nate for the second time.
out twice, lofted to center and,
walked, stealing second, in four
appearances. He replaced the ail-
ing Pete Runnels at second.
Green, center of a controversy
when Boston shipped him to Min-
neapolis just before the season
started, performed well afiield,
handling three chances faultlessly.
Mlajor League'
The richest tournament in wo-
men's pro golf history, the $20,000
Mount Prospect Open, makes its
debut today with 32 players shoot-
ing for the $6,400 top prize.
The 72-hole medal play meet,
concluding Sunday, will be played
at Mount Prospect Country Club,
a rolling 6,421-yard course with a
feminine par of 37-37-74.
The tourney was originated this
year by Richard W. Hauff, 26-
year-old president and owner of
the suburban course northwest of
Hauff has hopes next year of
also landing the Chicago Open, an
event awarded by the PGA the
past two years to Gleneagles
Country Club.
The top-flight field has only two
notable absentees, Mrs. Jackie
Pung and Wiffi Smith, both recov-
ering from recent operations.
Power-hitting Mickey Wright
and Betsy Rawls are rated the gals
to beat, having won 10 of the 18
tourneys thus far played on the
1959 Ladies' Professional Golf
Assn. circuit. Betsy has won six
and Mickey four.
The previous top prize for a wo-
man pro was the $6,000 check
handed by Tam O'Shanter's
George S. May to Patty Berg for
her victory in the 1957 "world"
-That's just about as much
money as Miss Wright has won in
prizes to date this year, and some
$4,000 less than Miss Rawls' top
winnings of $10,000.
Other contenders include Miss
Berg, Marlene Hagge, Beverly
Hansoon, Marilynn Smith, Peggy
Bell, Louise Suggs, Joyce Ciske,
Barbara Romack, Kathy Corne-
lius, Betty Jameson, Betty Hicks,
Betty Jameson, Fay Crocker, Mary
Lena Falk and Ruth Jessen.
While not especially long, Mount
Prospect is studded with some 70
odd traps and has small, tight
greens which will place a premium
on a good short game.
for psychological experiments at the Mental Health Re-
search Institute. $J/.00-$1.25 per hour.
Applications are available in Rm. 1020 of the Ad-
ministration Bldg., or call NO 3-1431, Ext. 387.
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