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September 15, 1959 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1959-09-15

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(Continued from Page 7)
thinking about it, repeated the
But realism accepted Canada's
present dependency on the United
States as Bob explained his coun-
try's policy-making process.
not formed as it is in the
United States, hewn out of con-
troversy under a blazing spotlight
of publicity. For Canadians recog-
nize the fact that their interests
lie generally parallel to those of
the United States and Great Brit-
Consequently, Canadian policy
becomes often a matter of evalu-
ating the policies of others, ac-
cepting what they can, pressing
for changes when they disagree,
standing alone only when they
have exhausted all other possi-
In some ways, this interdepend-
ency works in Canada's favor. She
has, for instance, let-ier two allies
fret over atomic weapons while
she herself channels her scientific
energies toward peaceful atomic
projects. The result is atomic

power plants; reactors for further
research-and continued protec-
tion by American and British
But it is a delicate matter, this
coordination of one nation's pol-
icies to another's, and it becomes
even more so when only one coun-
try is willing to do any coordinat-
ing. Such is the position in which
Canada, at least, feels she has been
In the manner of a nation find-
ing herself for the first time, Ca-
nada feels strongly the sense of
being taken for granted. 'Flexing
her muscles and feeling their
strength, she looks for recognition
of her power and is disturbed when
she fails to find it.
THE PICTURE of Canada and
the United States as the two
dominant nations of the West puts
forward also a picture of the two
in competition with each other.
"Canada will be seriously com-
peting with the United States in
the very near future," Bob warned.
"They will be seeking the same
international position, and the
same foreign markets.
"When this happens, there will
have to be a tremendous amount
of understanding between them.
They will have to appreciate each
other's viewpoints, and needs,
much more than they do now."

601 S. FOREST, Cor. S. University NO 3-4119
Drugs - Cosmetics - Baby Supplies
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We carry high quality yarns in all weights
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and Italy as well as domestic yarns. Also pat-
tern books from all the leading yarn com-
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He was not quite sure that the
United States would be able to
accept a level of equality. But he
was convinced that such will one
day be the relationship.
The Canadian view of the United
States is a subtle mixture of an-
noyance and tolerance, the con-
viction of American hypocrisy
coupled with the realization of
American virtues. It holds the
promise of full understanding even
as it lashes angrily at our faults,
real and imagined.
Certainly Canada receives more
than her share of the American
influence. Through radio, televi-
sion, books, magazines and mo-
tion pictures, Canadians, even if
against their will at times, become
acquainted with American life.
And most of it they accept, pass-
ing over what they dislike with
the feeling that "well, those are
the Yanks. That's the way they
Bob's strongest words were di-
rected at America's "political hy-
pocrisy," even as he approved her
actual motives.
"The United States just wants
something out of the countries
she's helping" he protested. "She
talks about her high ideals, but
she's getting more out of those
countries than she puts into them.
"Not that this is bad," he went
on. "We don't have any objection
to her getting more out of some-
thing than she puts into it. After
all, she has to look out for herself.
"But why," he asked, "won't she
get down off her high horse and
admit it?"
THERE WERE, of course, other
complaints, and once opened,
Bob's box of protests spilled forth
a creditable array of contents. But
each new item carried with it an
extenuating circumstance, a polite
excuse for some boorish act. One
got the impression that he was not
merely being polite; in some way,
this was the manner in which most
Canadians often excuse all Ameri-
can errors.
Quiet, reserved, tolerant. And
also proud. Content, yet at the
same time impatient for fulfill-
ment. Slowly and conservatively
preparing herself for world leader-
ship, trying to make sure she will
be qualified for the position she
has set out to attain. Canada, the
gentle juggernaut, presses quietly
(Continued from Page 4)
physical sciences to the accom-
plishment of combat surveillance,
the development of breadboard
models to verify new techniques,
and the testing of experimental
models to ascertain technical
capabilities summarizes the work
of Project MICHIGAN. Although
the Project isn't all that Willow
Run Laboratories is doing, it does
represent its major output.
When asked how this was done,
one of the scientists answered,
"Most.of this work is hard core,
solid engineering and. research.
Breakthroughs are not the result
of accidents. They come from
hours of drudgery and sweat." It's
just that kind of sweat that there
seems to be plenty of at Willow
Run Laboratories,

' w

(Continued from Page 2)
MRS. ROSS had her own phobia,
and that was money - she
could never adjust herself to the
extravagant (to her) prices of
everything in New York, and
whenever she visited him, he had
to take thorough elaborate pre-
cautions in restaurants and hotels
to prevent her from discovering
the price of the meals she ate. Of
course, Ross never let her know
how much money he lost - or
even wagered and won - at his
favorite hobby, gambling. He was
an inveterate gambler, and al-
though he was never hard up for
money because of his sport, his
carelessness with it did help to
hurt him later in his career when
he was in the process of being
swindled out of a total of $71,000
by his private secretary, Harold
Winney. An entire chapter in the
book is devoted to the fantastic
tale of the man who took the
money literally out of Ross' pockets
and with his consent.
THIS CARELESS attitude with
money did not carry over into
his work on the magazine, though,
and he assiduously checked each
story, each piece for "Talk of the
Town" department, each cartoon,
for what he considered the "bath-
room and bederoom" references,
which he held untenable in his
magazine. If he ever okayed a
cartoon with a double meaning
for publication, he would groan
about it for weeks afterward; he
got in the habit of not okaying
any cartoon he did not fully under-
stand to be "clean."
The same attitude toward car-
toons and other magazine material
he carried over into the office and
staff relationships; he was con-
stantly swearing that he was go-
ing to "keep sex, by God, out of
this office," then adding, "Sex is
an incident." By sex, he included
handholding, goo-goo eyes, forni-
cation, adultery, the consumma-
tion of marriage and legal inter-

The New Yorker Editor.

course. He would fly into conster-
nation if he discovered one of his
male staff members having coffee
or coke with a female, staff meni-
ber or otherwise; the incident
would be magnified in Ross' eyes
to the point where the male staff-
er was "spending all his time chas-
ing women." It takes two or more
women to surround the average
man, but "Harold Ross could look
as beleaguered as Custer in the
presence of one."
ROSS HAD three wives, but his
real - and the only lasting -
marriage was to the New Yorker.
One of his closest friends for a
time was Alexander Woollcott, who
introduced Ross to Jane Grant in
Paris, the woman who shortly
thereafter became his first wife.
Woollcott, Hawley Truax, and the
Rosses lived in a cooperative house
from well before the New Yorker
started until 1928.
Ross and Woollcott had a stormy
friendship. However, partially be-
cause of basic differences in per-
sonality and outlook, their friend-
ship eventually turned into a
rather intense and famous feud,
which alternated from one prac-
tical joke to another.
The feud, which was not resolved
during their lifetime, perhaps re-
mained to-worry Ross after Wooll-
cott died in 1943. In any event,
he said nothing to indicate that
he had ever changed his mind
about who was right and who was
wrong. Ross himself died in De-
cember, 1951.
(Concluded on Page 12)
1000 HEADS
be they square, flat or rounded
for that crew-cut
The Daseola Barbers
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S. Main at W. Madison . . . 4 Blocks West of Campus . .. NO 8-7187
Page Ten

" We are looking for students who are interested in the
world outside of the classrooms, the dorms,
the fraternity and sorority houses, and the
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* We are looking for students who are concerned about
National and international affairs
Economic developments
Scientific developments
Reports about medical achievements
Progress in sociology, psychology
Important events in sports
Reviews of art, literature, TV, radio
Personalities-the names in the headlines
And other significant matters in the forth-
coming year.
* We are looking for students who wish to be well-in-
formed but who must be careful about their
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I Newsweek 3.50 yr. 7.00 yr.
I New Yorker 3.00 8 mo. 7.50 yr. I
* The Reporter 4.50 yr. 7.00 yr.I
l would like to have the checked magazine(s) sent to me at theI
I below address and I understand that 1lam not to pay until l am I
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Mail to Student Periodical Agency, Box 2006, Ann Arbor, Mich.,
or phone your order to NO 2-3061, 9 A.M. - 9 P.M.
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