1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MENDED BY AAA: ,1 Pan-Am Highway Presents'Challenge to Motorists By CHARLES STAFFORD Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer seeking new highways to con- quer, oh gallant Knight of the Overdrive? Well, the Pan-American High- 'way is Just the road to tame that adventurous spirit of yours. The Pan-Am is not recom- mended by the American Auto- mobile Assn., the Duncan Hines of the sparkplug and piston set. "The highway itself," says the AAA, "is in poor condition, ac- commodations and food service are inadequate, customs are still very annoying, and the points of i n t e r e s t, especially south of Guatemala, do not Justify the ef- fort and expense necessary." Expense? Two AAA representa- tives who drove from Mexico City to Panama City -- almost - in a 1958 model sedan listed these items on their expense accounts: overhaul transmission twice, five new tires, reline brakes, replace all shock absorbers twice, repair exhaust system twice, install new brake cylinders, weld muffler, weld manifold. It's a challenge. For Direct Classified Ad Service, from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday thru Friday, and Saturday 9:30'till 11:30 A.M Goes South The Pan American HighwayI Winds southward from Mexico City through southern Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Hon- duras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama to Panama City -- in theory. Actually, only half of the 1,100 miles is paved. The rest is dirt, gravel or stone. The 134-mile gap between San Isidro del General, Costa Rica, and Concepcion, Pan- ama, is still under construction and impassable. The Pan-American motorist - brave soul --had best brush up on his Spanish before crossing the Rio Grande. Customs at the various borders can be a trial. Mexico, for instaice, requires only a tourist card and proof of smallpox vaccination. But Nicar- agua insists on a passport with photograph, police and health certificates, plus lhe smallpox vaccination. In Honduras and Panama, you have to get permis- sion to leave the country. Need Papers It's best to obtain all the neces- nary documents before leaving the United States. And don't forget siesta. At the Ayutla crossing between Mexico and Guatemala, the Mexican bor- der station is open from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 3:30 to 6 p.m. Even if you get there at 12:30 p.m., you're not going any- where. For the Guatemalan sta- tion just across the border is open from 8 a.m. till noon and from 2 to 6 p.m..# Good hotels and restaurants are far apart. And gasoline stations are sometimes in short supply. Example: There isn't a single one SbetweenComita,. Mexico, and Huehuetenango, Guatemala, a distance of 105 miles. Now about the highway. Half Paved The Pan-Am is paved south of Mexico City to the border of. Guatemala. At Tehauantepec, Mexico, it is necessary to ask whether El Tapon, the mountain pass just over the border, is open. If it's nice, dry weather, it might be open. El Tapon is Spanish for "cork" or "stopper." The pass: has long been a Pan-Am bottleneck. It is a seven-mile stretch of rough gravel road winding through a narrow, steep-walled c a n y o n where landslides are frequent. There are seven bridges. Very little of the highway is paved in Guatemala, and that near Guatemala City, the capital. Roadsigns pointing the way out of Guatemala City are almost nil. Smooth Road The 190-mile paved highway through El Salvador is a beauti- ful lull before the storm- in Hon- duras, where the Pan-Am is un- paved and rough.' In Costa Rica, the highway is paved but the farther you gb,.the bigger the chuckholes. From Car- tago to the highway's end at San Isidro del General, the road is gravel and part of it quite rough. 93 miles of the 305 from Concep- cion to Panama City are paved. The zest 6s. heavy crush rock and very rough. From here, the motorist deter- mined to finish the trip must ship his car by coastal freighter from Puntarenas, Costa Rica, to Puerto Armuelles, Panama, then by rail- road 30 :miles-to Concepcion. That's it, friend. Lots of luck.7 SDAILY OFFICIAL YBULLETIN: (Continued from Page 4) Academic Notices, Physics-Mathematics Seminar: Wed., July 22, 11 a.m. in Rm. 3017 Angell Hall. Dr. Noel J. Hicks, "Classical Dy. namics in Modern Differential Geom- etry Language." Doctoral Examination for Mary Eliz- abeth §eaman Schultz, Botany;'thesis: "Incompatibility Relationships ,and Megaspore Competition in Certain Complex-Heterozygotes of Oenothera," Thurs., July 23, 1139 Nat. Sci. Bldg., at 8:00 a.m. Chairman, E. E. Steiner. .-+. Placement Notices The following schools have an- nounced teaching vacancies for the 1959-1960,school year. Aberdeen, Wash. - Elementary; JHS French; Jr. Coll. Girls, PE; Speech Therapist; Mentally Retarded. Aurora, Ill.. - Elementary. Barrington, Ill. - Elementary. Bay City, Mich. -- HS Math. Carroll, Iowa - iS: Math; English.' Cleveland, Ohio ( 1ayfeld Schools) - HS: Plane Geometry/Physics; Gen. Sci./Biol.; Elementary. Copley, Ohio - Physics/Chem.; Eng.; Math; Library; Elementary. Cottage Grove, Ore. - 4th grade; Re- medial Reading. Detroit, Mich. - Spanish; Girls Counselor. Elgn, Ill - Spanish/French. Deerfield, Mich. - Math/Physical Science.' Gouverneur, N. Y. - Library. Inkster, Mich. (Dearborn Dist. No. 8) -JHS: Eng.; Eng./Math; Math; Sci./ Math; HS: Girls PE/Hist.; Sci./Math; Eng.; French/Eng.; Eng./Speech/Journ; Eng./Latin; Elementary; Elem. Art; visiting Teacher; Diagnostician. Niagara, Wis. - Kindergarten; Li- brary. Richmond, Mich.. - Chem./Physics. Salt Lake City, Utah -"Spanish/ Latin or Spanish/Math. San Bernardino, Calif. - Elemen- tary; JHS: Core; Art/Mxisic; Ind. Arts; HS: Eng.; Physics/Math; School Nurse; Speech Therapist; Mentally Retarded. Tama, Iowa-elementary; Vocal Mu- sic; Kindergarten/Remedial Reading; HS: Eng./Dramatics; Commercial. For any additional information con-, tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. Personnel Requests: Armour Research. Foundation of the Illinois Institute, of VIechnology, Chi- cago, openinag in the ofllowing fields: Electrical Enggr., Physics and Chem- istry, Mathematics, Chemistry "and 'Chemical ,Engrg.,, Mechanical Engrg., Metallurgy and Administration. Con- tact the. Bureau for further informa- tion. Foster Wheeler Corp., N.Y.C., Project Technolgist within: their Process Plants Division. Either a graduate Phy- sicist, M.E. or C.E. with advahced edu- cational attainments in physics, me- chanical engrg., civil engrg., or ap-. plied math. Eastern Illinois University, Charles- ton, Ill. Social Director for the Univer- 'sity Union - prefer man with some ex- perience in this field. Food service ex- perience helpful but not essential. City of Detroit, Mich. Clinical Psy- chologist and for a Social Case Worker. Male. Tidewater Oil Co., Delaware City, Delaware, young man with a degree in metallurgy ,or chemical engrg. and up to 3 yrs. experience for the position of Engineer in their Delaware Refinery. Would be working on corrosion control and would be desirable if candidate had experience in this field, but this is not essential. American Viscose Corp., Philadelphia, Pa., Asst. Quality Control Supervisor for Technical Division in Meadville. College graduate,', arts and sciences, with sufficient courses in mathemati- cal statistics to include at least the use of analysis of variance techniques. Age: 21=30. Kellogg .Co.,Battle Creek, Mich., Market Research Dept., for a recent. college grad. with a major in Bus. Ad- min. Should have courses in statistics and a natural bent for chart and graph work. The Flour" Corp., Whittier, Calif. Re- search Computer. Engrg. Experience Mech. Engrg. Chemical Engrg., or Ap- plied Physicist with good background in math. Computer experience desir- able, but not required. Prefer citizen. U. S. Civil Service Commission an- nounces that applications for Immi- gration Patrol Inspector will be sus- pended until further notice on July 27, 1959. State ofeMichigan announces the following examinations: Bridge De- signing Engrg., State Dept. Officers, (closing date:' Aug. 12), and State Po- lice Trooper (July 29). Also for the fol- lowing teaching positions: Blind School Teacher, Deaf School Teacher, and Special Education Teacher. For further information concerning any of the above positions, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin., Ext. 3371. FOR RENT NEAR CAMPUS. Single rooms for male students. Call after 4:30 P.M. NO 2-4049, 606 S. Division. C32 LARGE 3 bedroom house, fireplace, ap- pliances. $165 per month. NO 3-8677. C31 CLOSE TO CAMPUS Attractive, 3 rooms and private bath. Clean and nicely furnished. Phone NO 3-5372. C30 APARTMENT. Brand new furniture, five blocks south of campus. Large living room, good sized bedroom, separate kitchen, private bath. Avail- able now. $110 per month for year lease or reduced rent for summer. Call Oscar Spaley days, NO 3-0501; evenings, NO 2-5930. C28 DELUXE 3 room furnished apartment includes heat and water. Semi-private bath facilities. $90 a month. NO 2-9020. C27 4 ROOMS, first floor, across from Rack- ham. $100 a month. Unfurnished. Available August 1st. NO 3-2836. C26 ROOMS FOR RENT for girls. % block from campus. 1218 Washtenaw. NO 8-7942 for arrangements. C12 ROOMS FOR MEN: Quiet. Campus area. Linens furnished. Low rent. NO 3-4747. 015 ONE BLOCK from caripus, modern apts. 514 So. Forest. NO 8-7089 or 3-3280. Cl USED CARS AUSTIN A35, 1959, private owner. $1,390. Force sale, family increasing. NO 3- 4367. N23 1957 RENAULT DAUPHINE. $1,000 or best offer. Call Milan, HE 9-2996. N24 ,58 VW-2-dr. $1,545 Mich. European Car Corp. Liberty at Ashley NO 5-5800 N22 LOST AND FOUND $10 REWARD for girl's blue Humber, license 6278. Taken Sunday on Cam- bridge. NO 3-6558. A3 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS Try Hammond's new play time plan. Includes organ in your home for 30 days with 6 free lessons in our studio for only $25. Rent a Spinet piano of your own choice-$10 per month. GRINNELL'S CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES C-TED STANDARD SERVICE Friendly service is our business. Atlas tires, batteries and accessor- ies. Warranted & guaranteed. See us for the best price on new & used tires. Road service-mechanic on duty. "You expect more from Standard and you get it!" 1220 S. University at Forest NO 8-9168 821 LINES 2 3 4 I DAY .80 .96 1.12 WHITE'S AUTO PAINT SHOP Bumping and Painting 2007 South State NO 2-3350 81 BARGAIN CORNER MEN'S SKIP-dent short-sleeve sport shirts. $1.39, 2 for $2.50. Wash 'n Wear, sanforized, assorted colors. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. W1 FOR SALE IDEAL for young couple. 3 year old, 35 foot Mobile home in excellent condition onbeautiful private wooded lot. Including 35x8 concrete patio with aluminum awning, new carpet- ing. Lake and dock privileges, white wooden boat with new 3HP motor. Leaving town. Phone HI 9-4201.' B13 3 SIAMESE kittens, male and female] about 4 months old. Also stud service. Phone NO 2-9020. B12 FOR SALE: % ton quiet, automatic room air conditioner. Used 3 months. Call NO 3-0047 after 5. B8 TRANSPORTATION Rent A Car 514 E. Washington St. NO 3-4156 Fords and Other Fine Cars Rented by Hour, Day, or Week WEEKEND SPECIAL RATE from Friday 5 P.M. till Monday 9 A. M. $10.00 plus $.08 per mile Gas, oil'and insurance included 01 Phone NO' 2-4786 fnr rInScified Adlvertisinn 3 DAYS 2.00 2.40 2.80 6 DAYS 2.96 3.55 4.14' MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIlED ADVERTISING RATES BUSINESS SERVICES HAVING A PARTY? Come to Ralph's for all refreshment supplies. Open until 12 midnight. RAIPH'S MARKET 709 Packard NO 2-3 TYPING: Thesis, Term papers, rea able rates. Prompt service. NO 8- Figure 5 average words to a line. Call Classified between 1 :00 and 3:00 Mon. thru Fri. and 9:00 and 11:30 Saturday-- Phone NQ 2-4786 PERSONAL PICK UP 90 CLAMS Easy. No strings. Check your wire- less, 1290 K.C., daily for clues. WOIA Missing Man Contest, manl P22 WANTED: One '59 Ensian, will pay reasonable price. NO .5-7447. P25 HELP WANTED MEAL JOB available. Contact house manager at NO 2-8312. H14 SMOKERS Subjects who smoke cigarettes needed for behavioral study. $1.25 per hour, call NO 3-1531, Ext. 387 or sign up in the Personnel Office, Rm. 1020, Administration Bldg. H13 We are interested in you IF You want excellent sales training and experience IF You need a good income IF You have ambition for advancement. We train you if you ' qualify. Ap- plicant must have automobile and be available immediately. Call Mr. Bryant at NO 5-6637. Leave name, address andphone number if he is not available. , H15 Most frames replaced while you wait. Broken lenses duplicated FAST service on all repair 240 NICKELS ARCADI NO 2-9116 NO 8-6 COEDS:O It's summer hairstyles galore! * No appt.s needed 1 0 hairstylists 0 Air-Conditioned TH'E DASCOLA BARBER! Near the Michigan Theatre CAMPUS OPTICIANS Check Your Closci Piclk up your f riendts & neighb4 Hurr y right down to 322 S. Maint NO 2-5667 X3 Main Shop on Forest off S. U.j opposite Campus Theatre Separate and Sportswe at 1111 S. l 1 blocks fr main shop Complete line of HiFi components including kits; complete service on radio, ph-onographs and HiFi equip- ments. HI" Fl STUDIO 1317 South University; 1 block east at Campus Theatre Phone NO 8-7942 r r ISAVE, MONEY HELP WANTED HELP WANTED BARGAIN DAYS on Kodak Brownie Movie Cameras Req. SALE Electric Eye Scopesight f 1.9 lens 79.50 57.95 Brownie Turret f2.3 lens ...59.50 42.95 Brownie Single Lens 1.9 . . .39.95 28.95 Brownie Single Lens £2.3 . . 32.50 21.95 and PROJECTORS Brownie 300 .... . ... 69.50 49.50 Brownie 500 7....19.50 56.50 ALSO 50% OFF on Baskon 8mm Projector reg. 49.95 . . . NOW ONLY 24.95 1 SAVE TIME SUBJECTS NEEDED urn BEST SELECTIONS -m ." for psychological experiments at the Mental Health Re- search Institute. $1.00-$1.25 per hour. Applications are available in Rm. 1020 of the Ad- ministration Bldg., or call NO 3-1431, Ext. 387. )H2 All Spring and Summer at Suits All Wool Coats All SUMMER IAwenQ~DA '_ Huge group better dresses including evening.cocktail and many dark fall types Walking Shorts MAN RDIA3b A wide choice of JEWELRY priceoriginally prce10.95 to19 many for below SPECIALLY PRICED at 490 and 590 Reg. 7.95 and 8.95 Xtra Special Groups A large group of bermuda and jamaica shorts from one of our favorite resources in fabrics we have always sold at higher prices,... Dacron/Cotton, Poplin, Dark Stripe Army Twill and Paisley Chino. All wonderfully priced at 4.90... Pinfeather (75% Dacron, 25% Cotton) at 5.90. All spring-summer, many fall Hats 1.00 to 5.00 originally were to 16.95 Group JEWELRY- of all kinds including rings set with zircons NOW 1.00 to 5.00 Special Group Better Earrings and. Pins 49c 3 pairs for 1.00 ODDS & ENDS TABLE Bras, Girdles Scarfs, Gloves at 1/2 and below DRESSES in all groups sizes7-15 .10-44 tall and average shorter 121/2 to 241/2 SPECIAL GROUP DRESSES of all kinds including formals many were 5 and 6 tim their sale price of 50 sizes 7-46 Groups of SPORTSWEAR BLOUSES JACKETS SWEATERS BELTS V21/ Price SIZES 10 to 16 Many other photo items going at tremendous savings! FINAL CLEARANCE of all summer merchandise at greatly reduced prices... DRESSES 90 90 1 90 I II !I