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July 21, 1959 - Image 1

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

Da ii,


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LIX No. 205




._ .. _ _ __ _ _ _

City Council
Turns Down

Urban Plan
Two Resolutions Fail
By Identical 7-3 Votesc
Federally-supported Urban Re-t
riewal for Ann Arbor became a
de Ad isueAt last night's Citys
Council meeting as two motions
failed by identical 7-3 votes.
They were Concilman A.. Nel-
son Dingle's resolution to modify'
and re-adopt the plan vetoed by
ayorCecil 9. Creal, and Coun-
cilman Richard Dennard's motion
to overridethe veto
%vDingle's resolution was brought
up in the same form as when ori-
ginally proposed last week. No
compromise had been reached at
. Saturday's closed, informal Coun-
cil meeting, and no amendments
iad been made to his resolution.
Leave Democrats
Three Republicans, who with
the Council's three Democrats
supported Urban Renewal, voted
against Dingle'sresolution. They
were Councilmen Florence R.,
Crane, James Brinkerhoff, and
Henry Aquinto.
They did so, according to a
statement by them read by Aquin-
to. in order to avoid more
"strained" relations in Council
and to free Council to get back
to "other important work" which
Urban Renewal has forced it to
let slide.
They are still in favor of' fed-
rally-suppor ed Urban Renewal,
they said, but it is a "dead issue"
at this time. Dingle's resolution
would probably pass Council if
they voted for it, but Creal might
veto it.
Ask Creal
After Dingle's and Dennard's
;motions failed, Councilmen Dingle
and Lloyd Ives asked Creal if he
would say any more about his
committee for voluntary rehabili-
tation. Creal proposed it when he
vetoed the federally-supported
plan, and Council approved it, but
its membership has only been
ap3rtialy -ammed;-Creu' 'did -not
adg to what he has said about
the committee.
Last week Creal outlined its
structure and announced that its
chairman would be Gordon Mac-
Donald, head of a local ice-cream
firm, and the head of a committee
of residents of the renewal area
would be Walter S. Wickliffe.
(Dingle's resolution would have
re-adopted Council's three June
15 resolutions advancing the re-
newal plan, all vetoed by Creal,
with three changes. Two of the
changes were designed to meet
pbjections Creal had raised.)
Kassem Calls
BEIRUT, Lebanon W)P - Iraq's
Premier Abdel Karim Kassem has
openly lashed out at the Iraqi
Communist Party as a seditious
He coupled this with a notice
that he is boss, and intends to
remain so.
Speaking Sunday to the congre-
gation at a Roman Catholic reli-
gious ceremony in Baghdad, Kas-
sem referred at least three times
to the Communists-without men-
tioning them by name-then de-
clared he is ready and able to
crush with military force any at-
tempt to unseat his year-old
The Comunists have sought and,
failed to attain political power in

Iraq through the usual popular
front tactic. Now it appears they
may well risk outright rebellion
to capture the country.
Kassem was jolted from his tol-
erance of the Communists by a
sudden outburst of violence last
week in Kerkuk, business trade
center of the northern oil sector.
It came while the nation was
celebrating the first anniversary
of the Iraqi Republic.
Bias Banned
By California
BERKELEY, Calif. (P) - Un!-

Threat in Cuba
By Reds 'Grave'
Communist infiltration is setting up a "very grave" situation in
Cuba, Rep. Alvin Bentley (R-Mich.), said last night.
,"The Communists are making real progress" in Cuba, he told
the Institute on Practical Partisan Politics.
Asked about charges that Fidel Castro is a Communist, Bentley
said the Cuban leader "can't be called a Communist, but I doubt that
the has the experience and popu-
lar support to keep the Commu-
nists out."


...discusses Cuba
Registrars f
Stay Away
TUSKEGEE, Ala. (A - An un-
determined number of Negroes
hopeful of being able to sign, up
as voters appeared at the Macon,
County courthouse yesterday but.
went away disappointed because
the newly-appointed registration'
board faildif to show up:
Alabama law sets aside the first
and third Mondays of each month'
for registrars to receive applica-
tions from prospective voters but
the new three-man board - the
first in seven months --failed to
put in, an appearance.
Nor was there any assurance
that voter registration machinery
in the country where Negroes out-
number white residents nearly 6
to 1 would start to function again
in the immediate future.
All three newly appointed board
members said they are undecided
as whether they will accept the
part-time jobs.
Chairman Howard Lynn of near-
by Notasulga Rt. 1 said he has
been busy gathering his cotton
crop and has had no time to con-
fer with the other members, J. H.
Sadler and John Sullivan of Tus-
William P. Mitchell, secretary
of the Tuskegee Civic Assn., which
has long campaigned for Negro
voter registration, said the efforts
will continue. He said the TCA
will ask state officials to appoint
a new board if Lynn, Sadler and
Sullivan fail to act.

"Castro may be in over his head,
and in a position to be used,"
Bentley, a member of the House
Committee on Foreign Affairs,
Officials WorriedI
He said State Department offi-
cials are more worried about theI
Communist threat in Cuba nowt
than during the revolution that1
carried Castro's rebels to power4
last year.
Cuba has always been one of
the Latin American countries in
which the Communists have had
strength, he pointed out.
Questioned by the audience on
the Berlin crisis, Bentley said,
"German reunification is not go-.
ing to come about for a very long
period of time, a minimum of 10.
years." .
Returned from an April tour of
West Germany, Bentley saw "only
one possible set of conditions un-
der which Russia will agree to get
out of Germany - complete com-
Division Seen
"Now that East Germany has
been integrated into the Soviet
economic bloc, the division can go
on indefinitely, so far as the Rus-
sians are concerned," he said.
Turning to, the problems of
supporting the United Nations,
Bentley charged that many for-
eign countries "don't do their
share in paying expenses and de-
fense costs."
He suggested that some of these
countries, notably the Western
allies in Europe, could convert
some of their present industry to
defense production, and give more
aid -to underdeveloped countries,
"instead of leaving this job to the
American taxpayer."
GOP Policy
Rep. Alvin M. Bentley (R-Mich)
last night ,characterized Republi-
can, foreign policy as uncompro-
mising and as leaving "no would-
be aggressors under any mistaken
illusions as to our readiness and
ability to defend ourselves and our,
Bentley declared it "highly im-
portant" that the Russians "be
given every opportunity to see that
we mean what we say and that
we cannot and will not be bluffed
out of West Berlin."
The United States has made it
"very clear that we intend to fight,
if necessary to maintain our rights
and those Qf our allies in- West'
Berlin," he said.
He added that the real reason
for a summit conference would be
to give the top Russian leaders "the
most solemn assurances that we
mean just that.

Of Strike
No Nearer
NEW YORK (P) - Separate
peace talks with steel strike dis-
putants apparently accomplished
little yesterday.
The nation's top federal medi-
ator displayed no signs of optim-
Joseph P. Finnegan, head of
the federal mediation service, met
separately with the steel indus-
try and the striking United Steel
Workers in the first such talks in
five days.
He told newsmen s e p a r a t e
meetings would be arranged again
for today. But when he was asked
about the prospects of getting the
two sides together in joint nego-
tiations, Finnegan said:
"We haven't planned that far
The American Iron and Steel
Institute reported during the day
that production fell last week to
In Brief
By The Associated Press
IDLE-Some 500,000 striking
United Steelworkers employed
in the basic steel industry plus
about 40,000 other persons em-
ployed by railroads, coal mines,
shipping firms and other com-
panies whose business depends
on the steel industry. Strike
will be a week old at midnight
mediation chief Joseph P. Fin-
negan shows no sign of optim-
ism after meeting separately
with industry and union nego-
tiators in New York. Separate
sessionsuare planned again to-
day, but no joint talks are
MENTS-President Dwight D.
Eisenhower is given daily re-
ports on situation by labor sec-
retary James P. Mitchell,
LOSSES-Industry loses about
300,000 tons of ingot steel pro-
duction daily or about 300 mil-
lion dollars worth of business
weekly. Wage losses of strikers
is about 70 million dollars a
ISSUES - Union wants a
wage increase and better fringe
benefits. Industry balks on
grounds higher labor costs
would hike steel prices and in-
flate the nation's economy. In-
dustry also claims steelworkers
are adequately paid. The union
contends the industry can raise
wages without raising steel
And around we go!


Nixon To Report U.S. Stan


WASHINGTON (P)--Vice-Presi-
dent Richard M. Nixon is reported
ready to tell Russia's Premier
Nikita Khrushchev of United
States determination to stand un-
afraid in Berlin despite Soviet
Nixon is understood to be ready
to stress this in a face-to-face
meeting he has scheduled with the
Soviet leader in Moscow Sunday.
This private Nixon-Khrushchev
talk is expected to be the high
point in a 13-day goodwill tour, of
Russia Nixon is set to begin
Nixon, accompanied by some 60
newsmen and 30 government aides,
will take off tomorrow by jet air-
liner for his first visit to the
Soviet Union. President Dwight D.
Eisenhower assigned him to the
trip to open an American exhibi-
tion in Moscow.
Before leaving, Nixon is to meet
with President Eisenhower at the

White House tomorrow morning
for a final review of the remarks
he plans to make to Khrushchev
during their confidential talk.
Nixon is reported bearing no
special message from President
Eisenhower, but is ready to turn

the Khrush
West issues
ment, atomi
During th
carefully bri
even been s


Cancels Trip
Nikita Khrushchev, blaming an
unfavorable atmosphere in Scan-
dinavia, has called off his sched-
uled three-week August visit to
four Nordic nations.
The Soviet Premier apparently
thought he was going to get a1
chilly- reception.
In notes delivered to the Swed-,
ish, Danish and Norwegian em-
bassies in Moscow Sunday, the
Soviet Government lashed out at
a host of Scandinavian politicians
and editors for leading what was
called a hostile "anti-Soviet cam-
Khrushchev had planned to give
his calls on his Scandinavian
neighbors a folksy touch by bring-
ing along his wife and two daugh-
ters. But he obviously hoped for
political results,' too.
He had his foreign ministry rap
the three Socialist-dominated
governments for not curbing his;
bad press and the opposition;
plans for demonstrations. He also
did not like the way they apolo-
gized fo inviting him.
In reply, Danish Premier H. C.
Hansen and Swedish Premier
Tage Erlander said they had no
power to gag the press in a free
Moscow called the change in
plans a postponement and said
the trip might be made in anoth-
er year in a more "suitable" at-
But Swedish foreign ministry
officials called it a cancellation.
Any further invitations to the
Soviet Premier after this last
Russian performance seemed un-

West lYield 's
In Test Ban,
GENEVA (AP)-The United States
and Britain took a step yesterday
toward a compromise with the
Soviet Union on the banning of
nuclear tests.
They offered to permit control
posts on. Soviet territory to be
staffed two-thirds by Communist-,
appointed personnel.
The. offer, described by United
States Ambassador James J.
Wadsworth as a milestone in the
eight-months-old conference, won
cautious praise from Soviet dele-
gate Semyon Tsarapkin. He said
it was a step forward, but indi-
cated it did not go far enough
toward the Soviet position,
No Further
Wadsworth and the British
delegate, Sir Michael Wright, told
Tsarapkin the Western offer is a
thus-far-and-no-further move to-
ward the original Soviet self-in-
spection proposals.
Tsarapkin's last position on this
long-disputed issue was thatall
but four ofrthe approximately 30
technicians and 20 auxiliary per-
sonnel on any nuclear ban control
post in the United States, Britain
or Russia should be citizens of the
host country.
The Western powers on the
other hand, maintained that all
but four of the technicians should
be foreigners. The dispute is one
of the key issues of the negotia-
tions, as the West is determined to'
resist efforts by the Soviet Union
t6 police its own territory for test
ban violations.
Offer Meaningful
The Western offer was mean-
ingful only with regard to control
posts on Soviet territory. It would
allow three times as many Com-
munist-appointe 4technicians to
participate in policing a test ban
inside Russia as the West has ever
found acceptable before.
The principle of the new West-
ern position would reduce the
number of Russian technicians
the West was willing to permit in
control posts in the United States
and Britain. But this seemingly
had little significance in the nego-
tiations, since Tsarapkin has con-
sistently shown a lack of interest
in havin'g any Russians at all man
control posts in the West.


As of now, he has no firm plans
for such a Geneva stopover but
he is leaving his schedule flexible
enough to arrange one if develop-
ments warrant.
Sen. Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.)
voiced hope yesterday that Nixon
may be able to ease East-West
tension through such a confiden-
tial "give and take" with Khrush-
Termed 'Overdue'
The senator said such informal
person-to-person diplomacy is long
overdue. He called it a sound
approach and added:
"In this way it will be possible
to avoid the propaganda glare of
publicity which has affected too
many United States visitors to the
Nixon is to meet with Khrush-
chev in the Soviet leader's Da-
chau, or summer home, on the
outskirts of Moscow. He has
scheduled no other activities for
the day, leaving the way open
for a marathon-type discussion of
the kind Sen. Hubert Humphrey
(D-Minn.) had with Khrushchev
last Dec. 1.
Sen. Humphrey set some find of
diplomatic record by talking for
eight hours with Khrushchev on
problems ranging from rockets to
the state of Russia's farm pro-
Seek Unified
Space Group,
is considering a plan. to ask the
joint chiefs of staff to create a new
unified military space command.
The proposal by a group of policy
and operational officials and ex-
perts may be passed on to the joint
chiefs organization sometime this
week, it was learned yesterday.
The JCS already has under study
another proposal, from the Air
Force, which would bying the
Navy's Polaris missile submarine
under combat direction of the Air
Force's Strategic Air Command
SAC now operates the medium
and long range strategic bombers
and is getting ready for operatio
of intercontinental and interme-
diate range ballistic missiles like
the Atlas, Titan, Thor and Jupiter
The Navy's proposed mlitary
space command eventually would
not only take in direction of spac
reconnaissance vehicles, like satel
lites and weapons of space bu
might eventually include contro
of ballistic missiles. Those missiles
travel into the edge of space dur
ing part of their high trajectory
A unified military space com
mand, as studied by the Navy
would be composed of deputie
from the Army, Navy and Ai
Force. The commander would b
chosen by rotation from each serv
ice. A deputy also would represen
the civilian agency, the Nationa
Aeronautics and Space Adminis
The Navy at present has littl
stake in space programs and i
only beginning to enter the fie
of strategic ballistic missile
through development of its 1,200
mile range Polaris solid fuel weap

the major deadlocks now clouding
East-West relations.
May Report
Nixon might fly to Geneva af-
terward to give Secretary of State
Christian A. Herter a first-hand
report if Khrushchev indicates
any readiness to offer concessions
which might hasten a Berlin set-

at Geneva
Fir ' .East=West
I iT Conference
chev meeting into a
review of such East-
as Berlin, disarma-
c testing and trade. Foreign Ministers
e past month, he has ..
iefed, himself-he has Maintain Positions
tudying Russian -on On Reunification

GENEVA (P) - The Western
powers yesterday denounced Rus-
sia's German plan as "totally un-
acceptable" and brought in a
counter-plan of their own.
The Russians promptly rejected
As the eighth week of the Ge-
neva foreign minister conference
on Germany began, East and West
were as deadlocked as ever.
It boiled down to this:
The West insisted that German
unification must be brought about
by the Big Four powers.
Hold Positions
The Soviet Union on its part in-
sisted that reunification must be
worked out by the Germans them-
these were positions that have
been held for years. Andrew H.
Berding, assistant United States
secretary of state, summed up by
saying ,the West found "nothing
encouraging" in what Soviet For'.
eign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko
had to say yesterday.
It was a busy day for the min-
isters - Gromyko, Selwyn Lloyd
of Britain, Maurice Couve de Mur-
vile of France and Christian A.
Herter of the United States. They
met at private lunch for 2% hours
and then in a semi-public plenary
session for three more hours,
Herter Speaks
Herter was the main speaker
yesterday. He scorned as totally
unacceptable Gromyko's demand
for creation of a pan - German
committee to draft plans for re-
unification and a German peace
treaty during an interim truce over
Berlin of 18 months or longer,
He said "the purpose of the So-
viets in putting forward the pro-
posal is all too clearly to perpetuate
the partition of Germany."
As a counter he introduced a new
Western plan, labeling it "a sen-
sible and business like way of con-
tinuing a common search for the
road to reunification and a peace
settlement with Germany."
Plan Revealed
The Western plan embodied
these points:
1) The Geneva conference of
foreign ministers would stay in
business indefinitely "for the pur-
pose of considering the German
problem as a whole."
2) It would meet at agreed times
and places to "consider questions
relating to the extension and de-
velopment of contacts between the
two parts of Germany."
3) It could also "make special
arrangements for the considera-
tion of particular questions."
Gromyko replied that the West-
ern plan appeared to bar direct
negotiations between delegates of
1the two Germanys. Any such bar,
he said, is unacceptable.
v World War II
SLeader Leahy
S Dead at 84
William D. Leahy, former chief of
- Naval operations, diplomat and
, wartime chief of staff to President
s Franklin D. Roosevelt, died yester-
r day.
e He was 84 years old.
Admiral Leahy, who topped the
t seniority list of the five-star gen-
l erals and admirals created 'toward
- the end of World War II, died of
a brain hemorrhage at the Naval
e Medical Center in suburban Be-
s thesda, Md.
d President Dwight D. Eisenhower
s said the nation has lost an out-
- standing American and "I have
- lost a close friend."
As a Naval officer and a dip-
lomat," President Eisenhower's
taminm z:+M "Arlmil . kh

1,097,000 tons, less than half of
the previous week's figure and the
lowest since the last steel strike
in 1956.
The Institute predicted that
this week, the first full week of
the strike, production would drop
to about 374,000 net tons, or ab'out
13.2 per cent of capacity.
The steelworkers union struck
for a wage increase and improved
fringe benefits. Pre-strike wages
averaged $2.10 an hour.

Temple-Like Angell Hall Dominates Evening

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