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July 17, 1959 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1959-07-17

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Booed in

Court Loss

Johansson-Patterson Rematch Set


blasted the new Wimbledon
champion 6-2, 6-1, 6-0.
Segal played smoothly, but Alex
beat himself.
Disqualified From Doubles
Tournament officials promptly
disqualified O l m e d o and his
doubles partner, Earl Buchholz
Jr., of St. Louis from further
competition in the tournament.

Tournament chairman C. P.
Hennessy issued a statement say-
"Olmedo has been defaulted by
us in interest of better tennis for
the spectators and players. Dr.
James Beatty, official referee, has
okayed this. An official protest
will be filed as soon as possible to
the U. S. Lawn Tennis Assn."
Dr. Perry Jones, captain of the
U. S. Davis Cup team, attributed
Olmedo's actions to "accumulated
mental fatigue" resulting from
his long trip here from Eurdpe
and the recent acclaim he has re-
ceived for his tennis successes.
Renee Schuurman of South
Africa pulled an unexpected but
nowhere near as spectacular up-
set, eliminating defending three-
time-women's champion, Mrs.
Dorothy Head Knode of Forest
Hills, N. Y., in the quarterfirials,
7-5, 8-6.

match, the crowd began to boo
after each point and when it was
over, they loosed an angry bar-
rage of booing and whistling at
the top-seeded star.
Olmedo told newsmen, "Don't
talk to me now."
Segal, the" third-seeded foreign
player in the tournament, stalked
off the court and slumped before
his locker. Someone consoled him,.
"Don't feel bad. It's not your
Major Lea gue
W L Pet. GB'
Chicago 49 37 .570-
Cleveland 47 37 .560 1
Baltimore 45 42 .517 4%
New York 44 43 .506 53J
Washington 42 44 .488 7
Detroit 42: 47 .472 8 J
Boston 39 47 .453 10
Kansas City 37 48 .435 11

NEW YORK (f)-Promoter Bill
Rosensohn, who took a $40,000 loss
on the first fight, yesterday figured;
the Ingemar Johansson-Floyd Pat-
terson heavyweight title encore
would gross an overall $3,500,000!
in September.3
He said Sept. 22 at Yankee Sta-I
dium was the likely time and place'
for the return meeting that could
bring each fighter over a million
dollars if the rosy dreams ma-
Just back from a vacation in
Los Angeles, the 39-year-old New
Yorker said he intended to run the
entire promotion himself and that
included theater-television.a
Talk to Johansson
"I'll have to see what Ingemar
has to say and I'll see him in Swe-
den soon," said Rosensohn. "I'm
going over there July 24 to talk to
him. He's easy to get along with
and wants to fight where there's

the most money. I'll announce the cast, the fighters could earn a
site about Aug. 3. record $1,050,000 each.
"Alnost certainly that has to Heavyweight champion Gene
Tu nney earned boxing's record fee
be New York. I think it's the only of $990,445 for his second fight
city where you can get a $100 top with Jack Dempsey at Soldiers
price for seats. I think we can draw Field in Chicago.
60,000 spectators and $2,000,000 at
the gate although I'll scale the
stadium for 80,000 and $3,000,000. Sailng Contest
"I intend to handle the theater-
television myself. I feel strongly
that we can draw upwards of $2,- ) Start
000,000 in the theaters. The pro-
motion's end of this would be half CHICAGO W -) - The annual
-- a million dollars. Radio and 333-mile Chicago to Mackinac
movies should add at least $500,- Island Race, one of America's
000. That would make upwards of premier sailing events, will start
$3,500,000 for the fighters to share Saturday with a fleet of about 80
in." craft competing.
Fighters Get 30 Per Cent Early entries for the fresh
Each fighter has contracted to water classic on Lake Michigan,
receive 30 per cent of everything first sailed in 1898, indicate the
for the return fight. If the receipts fleet may match or surpass last
hit the boy promoter's rosy fore- year's record entry of 82.

just finished his second year at
dental school.
"I've won the Olymp;ic cham-
pionship. (25-84), so there's
nothing else to try for but Owens'
Bell is going to clash head-to-
head with a 21-year-old Russian
who is being touted as a potential
record breaker behind the Iron
His name is Igor Ter-Ovanes-
yan, and he got off a jump of
26J3:V2 three months ago. That
was the first 26-foot-plus jump
ever by a non-American. Now the
jubilant Russians are talking in
terms of 26-10.
"Well," said Bell, "we shall see
just how good he is. I do think
he's a comer, though. He seems
to be very consistent. I have a
vague recollection of him in the
Olympics in 1956. He fouled out,
and that's too bad. But he was
young and the pressure probably
got him.
"I don't know if I'll be able to
beat him in the meet. You know,
at 29, I'm an old man in this busi-
ness. Since being in dental school
I've been out of training, and, in
fact, I've been working out for
only a couple :of weeks."

NEW YORK M) - Tony Kubek
of -the New York Yankees suffered
a slight concussion yesterday in a
collision with teammate Gil Mc-
The mishap occurred in the
first game of a doubleheader with
Cleveland as Kubek, playing left
field, and McDougald, playing
shortstop, converged on Rocky
Colavito's pop fly In the eighth





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