"Baghdad On The Subway" Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER 'AUTIIORITY. OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICA'T'IONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH * Phone NO 2-3241 nions Are Free Will Prevail" orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. x " 1 r . -,~ir ! ..-t f wt 7 Y, JULY 19, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: EDWARD GERULDSEN I Think Foreign Students. should Be Kept in The- Place' Negotiated Settlemen Necessary in Mideast By WALTER LIPPMANN THE MARINES have been landed at Beirut in the desperate h+ limiting the disaster which the Iraqi revolution has brought the Western position. It woul8 be a miracle, which is not lik happen, if the landing, which is now confined to Beirut and its a is anywhere nearly sufficient to stabilize the situation. The 1 are quite able to protect the capital of the Lebanon just by presence. But there is no assurance that they will bring the civ to an end. Moreover, Jordan, which is an artificial and fragile kingdon by a revolution similar to that in Iraq, has appealed to Brita military assistance and paratroop- ers have been sent in.aign as many Middle . Possibly, Saudi Arabia will be countries as can be persua able to get along without calling join, in a military alliancea for help, largely, to be sure, by a the Soviet Union. policy of neutrality which is in- . * . creasingly benevolent to Nasser. THIS IS an error'for twc It seems most probable that the reasons. One is that it is British will feel that they have to to suppose that a great pow land troops in the little sheikdoms Russia can be expluded f of the Persian Gulf, where they region which is as close to h are their mpain old holdings in the as important to her as is C Middle East. America to the United State other re son is that the in LL STARTED out very casually. A young went apartment hunting one day this er to find fall quarters for herself and usband-to-be. As a University student, iquired at the Office of Student Affairs. 'ing copied a list of "apartments for rent" the bulletin board, she set out armed automobile, map and hope. went through several apartments in ent parts of town, but didn't find quite' she was looking for. So she continued. Catherine Street, she stopped the car address on her list. She went in, intro- herself to the landlady- and followed p the stairs. THE WAY up she asked the landlady if ere were any married couples in her apartments. No, the 'landlady said, she have any other married folk, but she d she did. von't have- any single girls in my apart- , 'though," she continued garrulously . . any foreign students, neither. I think{ n students should be kept in their place," aiq. won't mix them with the Americans. I Americans are much happier without e young girl looked at the landlady rather isly, but said nothing. She, herself, had a ,member of the American Field Service ier Abroad program, and had lived with ropean family for over a month. they entered the apartment,-the landlady Led her attention to the features of the. .room place. She went on and on, extoll- s virtues, skipping over its defects. n she broke ihto a description of its his- how she had added new items, etc., There was a couple in here last fall," eported. "'They was a Jewish couple. I~ didn't know that when I let them have the apartment. When I found out two months later, well, they left." she said. The young girl looked intently at the wo- man for a moment; she paled and then a smile began to play around the corners of her mouth. "Thank you," she addressed the landlady, "but I don't think my fiance and I would be interested in your apartment. You see, we're Jewvish." AN UNUSUAL situation, perhaps, but evi- dently not infrequent in Ann Arbor. Student Government Council passed a reso- lution just last spring after receiving from its Human Relations committee a report of dis- crimination in off-campus housing., This resolution was sent to the Office of the, Dean of Men,'the Office of the Dean of Wo-. men, the Faculty Housing Office, the Michigan Union and The.Michigan Daily. It requested that landlords who practice discrimination in race and/or religion not be allowed to adver- tise through University facilities. The Council narrowly rejected a proposal, by an 8 to 7 vote asking the Ann Arbor City Council to consider legislation which would prohibit discrimination in rented houses. THE BEST thing the Council could have done would have been to make the proposal to the City Council. Now, until the issue comes up again, as it is bound to, the question will be left hanging in the air, for one person whoP voted nay instead of aye certainly does not resolve the question.g It is hoped that if the City Council ever re- ceives such a resolution from SGC, that it will take more notice than it appears the University has. Experience such as the one depicted here should not happen, particularly in a university community. -JUDITH DONER ain for Eastern ded to against o main absurd wer like, rom a her and Central es. The iterit of T (HerblockI~ s '04,ocoion), INTERPRETING THE 'NEWS:r TheProb.lem of Moras By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst HERE IS widespread uneasiness in the United States and the rest of the Allied world over the morality of Anglo-American ac- tions in the Middle East. The decision to intervene in Lebanon, came after long hesita- tion, although the policy of not letting the Chamoun government be ousted by force probably had been agreed upon some time ago. The sending of British troops to Jordan was a natural corollary. "Some elements' in the action are comparable to the World War II bombings of French towns and French industries to prevent their use by the Germans. Or the atom- bombing of Japan to prevent even greater losses, especially American losses, in ending ,the war there. * , * YOU CAN argue 4from the ab- straction that the United States and 3ritain have no business mix- ing in the Middle East. But the world has no business being in the fix it's in, either. From the Western standpoint, its culture, its humanity, its altru- ism even if only partly developed, are important to the world and must be protected from collapse even at the eipense of permitting lesser evils. One ever-present factor is that the West is engaged in a type of. war with the Soviet Union, and that defense in such a war fre- quently leaves morals to be con- sidered later. * C * s THAT MAY not be good, but the questions of who is going to be left to consider morals is tran- scendent. The Soviets have re- nounced such consideration in favor of materialism. Aside from the matter of morals, there is an argument against the intervention on the grounds of practicality. As a stopgap, it may work. As a step toward ultimate settlements, it shows little prom- ise. The United States and Britain could hardly defend their action if it were directly solely against Arab 'nationalism and the Arab desire, clearly demonstrated, to be free of outside domination. The more they attempt to keep the lid on that, the more the pres- sure will rise within the pot. BUT to defend the Arabs against theirlown haste, to save them from an exploitation worse than the exploitation they have already ex- perienced, until such time as they can move ahead safely, is another matter. However much it may be true, the West has not demonstrated to the people most interested that this is the major objective. Its decisions are too closely asso- ciated with Europe's need of oil. There are a thousand and one arguments. One of themis whether a little immorality is better than. a lot. THUS, there is a 'grim prospect that the British and the Americans will find themselves holding on to beachheads on the fringes of the .Arab countries'of the Middle East. In no Arab country, except the Lebanon which is about half Christian, does the West have any strong friends. As the cards now lie, t4abest that President Eisen- hower can hoe for is that the big- ger Arab nations can~be contained by a holding, operation at the shores of the Eastern Mediter- ranean and of the Persian Gulf. The decision to send in the Marines was, as we all realize, a tragic choice between two evils. After the Iraqi revolution, it was a virtual certainty that the Leb- anon, Jordan, and the Persian Gulf'states would fall too, if they were riot supported from the out- side. That was the evil the Presi- dent decided to resist. THE OTHER evil, which he had, therefore to enbr'ace, was that we are now in military opposition to the Arab revolution, and that in the Middle East the alignment is increasingly sharp and spectacu- lar between the Moslem Arabs and the Western powers with their client states. The President's speech on Tues- day evening took the ,unfortunate line of identifying Nasser both with Hitler and with Stalin, and in declaring what amounts to be an' ideological war against him. * My owi 'Vew is that the agon- izing dilemma in which the Presi- dent found himself on Monday morning is due to a fundamental error, which many have pointed out, in the conception and design of ou; Middle Eastern policy. The error is in believing that the way to stabilize the Middle East is to the Arabs iIs not to be aligned with. us or with the Soviet Union, but to be neutral and to profit by, dealing with both sides, The policies, based on this mis- conception, have. blown up and are in ruin. They were based.,on theories which are contrary to the facts of life, and'they were certain to fail. This is not mere' post mortem., For it is most probable, it seems to me, that we shall not be able to reach any solution as long as the principle, or rather the ghost; of the old policy continues to domi- miate the thinking of the White House and of the State Depart- ment. That is to say, a policy of the military containment of Nas- ser, which is what we are now Involvedin, has no promise of any kind of settlement and is a great threat of far reaching complica- tions. * * Veapons No Answer to Nasserism THE ALTERNATIVE is to pra pose a settlement-in the M4ideas based on the principle of neutral ity. This is what Egypt -professe and probably wants. And for the little states, lik Lebanon and Israel, the principl of neutralization guaranteed b all the great powers and by thi United Nations offers the greates promise, The essential point is that w should not merely begin on th beaches and then accept as th best that is possible an indefinitel prolonged indirect and ideologics war with the Arab revolution. We should seek a settlement b negotiation, recognizing that bot the Soviet Union and the Unite Arab Republic are powers an have interests with which we mus reach an accommodation. i958 New York Herald Tribune Inc. E UNITED STATES' actions in the Middle last are more than steps to halt an indirect ession, disguised only because those carry- )ut the aims of the United Arab Republic ot wear uniforms. essence, what the United States is trying em in the Middle East is the rising force of erism. There are those, however, including of the Arab students on campus, who con- that the United States attempts to sup-. not Nasser, but Arab nationalism: at nationalism is one of the most powerful ences in today's world scene can be denised by those who are so blinded by the threat immunism that they fail'to see factors of national events that would exist no matter ideology was held by Russia's leaders. Nor me who believes in a people's right for self- 'mination or' self pride deny the validity of nalism, "One Arab nation" has been de- ed as the dream of "all Arabs." t what' presents the problem for the West b desires peace is not the dream itself, not orce itself, but that Nasser has harnessed orces of nationalism for his or Egypt's own Although his power may be a product of nalism, he is not merely riding its. crests. channeling it. ds is apparent in his attacks on other Arab ins, his influence in the Lebanese situation, ifluence against the late King of Iraq. And particularly flagrant in his attempts, to at King Hussain of Jordan through Radio a attacks and continual agitation of the tinian refugees camped within Jordan's ers. [S IS most apparent in his attacks on other rab nations. Over 100 incidents of Leba- Equality SEEMS that fine organization known as e Delta Gamma sorority is building a new e, a $240,000 structure no less.'And prob- just to be different, if that's legal among affiliated group, the 'girls have decided to private balconies for seniors on the house. all, as the saying almost goes, "All sisters equal, but some are more equal than nese border violations and incidents of aggres- sion have been discovered and were itemized in a United States Intelligence, report presented to Congressmen this week by Under Secretary of State Christian Herter. Nasser's hand was seen in the Iraq revolution. And he has been particularly flagrant in his substitution of Nasserism for Arab Brotherhood in attempts to unseat Jordan's King Hussein. through vicious Radio Cairo attacks and con- tinual agitation of the Palestinian refugeesA within Jordan's borders. 'Like the dream of Arab unity and national- ism, the danger lies not so much in the force of Nasserism itself, but who controls it. There have been others who thought they control and, use their relationships with the Communists and discovered too late that they were on the wrong end of the leash. The West sees in Nasser, and the Mid-Eastern situation of the past few years, the danger that the Egyptian President and the Arab nationalism will eventually be the means for another Soviet gain. YET NASSER no more wants domination from the East than he does' from the West. He has shown himself, at times, to be quite cool towards the Soviets. But the danger is that Western nations, in exaggerating this fear, will act such as to push him in an Easterly direction which he might not otherwise have chosen. His trip to Moscow yesterday may be a result. The present United States show of strength undoubtedly is necessary and part of a need toj check, as we failed to do at Munich, Nasserism itself, regardless of any communist' attachments that may or may not be present. But military force leaves unsolved the basic problem of coping with the growing demands of an Arab people who are just emerging into the modern industrial world. Dealing with an area where violence can be' made to order for destruction of a refinery or deposition of a king, even enlightened ones such as Iraq's Faisal, is a frustrating experience until order can be made to prevail. But it is less so than the continual frustrations and slippage of influences that will continue to plague the West if it declines to make sincere attempts towards understanding the Arabs, their drive for nationalism, and their pressing economic needs. -MICHAEL KRAFT Co-Editor AT KELSEY MUSEUM: ' Exhibition on Egypt Exceptional THE KELSEY Museum has just completed installation of an. exhibition dealing with evidences. of early Christianity in Egypt. The materials for the exhibit come largely from the Univer- sity's excavations at Karanis (a site in the Fayum, 35 miles south of the great pyramid and some 25 miles west of the Nile) carried out between 1924 and 1935 under the supervision of Enoch E. Peterson, Kelsey Museum director. This in- stallation is the lategt of a series of exhibits dealing with the find- ings at Karanis. On first entering the exhibition rooms the frugality of materials shown (historical museums are notorious for trying to show ev- erything th~ey own 'at one time) and the' extreme simplicity with which they are presented is excit- ing and refreshing. Certain ideas have been chosen as worthy of exposition, and with this end clearly in mind, the dis- plays have been set up with an economy of effort and minimum of distraction that is as admirable as it is, unfortunately, rare. THE ABSENCE of pretentious- ness in the' display makes the viewer strikingly aware of the ob- jects themselves not only' as things of a certaii historical in- terest, aesthetic merit and techni- cal skill, but also and perhaps most exciting, as objects of hu- mane and useful purpose. These qualities are largely in the physi- cal being of the objects (especially, the glass and ceramics), but these AT NORTHLAND: Cat n o in Rool .. atHighly , Unsuccessful' TH E NORTHLAND Playhouse production of "Cat on a Hot Tin Roi attains only a minimum of success mainly because of tepid acti on the part of the male lead and overheated acting on the part of supporting female character. Diana Barrymore, in the part of Maggie, gives a superb perforr ance. She is consistently good in her role and outshines the remaini of the cast. In act one she tells us that she feels "like a cat on a h tin roof" and there is no doubt that she does throughout the pl ,Ier transition from a violent and frustrated character to a gentle a understanding one in the last scene is handled as only someone w -Daily-Al Erbe ON DISPLAY-Sensitively turned bowls and platters from the early Christian erain Egypt are on display at the Kelsey Museum. qualities are pointed up and made explicit by the deft and under- standing manner in which they are 'treated. The exhibits now on display at the Museum will undoubtedly puzzle many viewers whose no- tions of Egypt are restricted to mummies, obelisks, and perhaps, tomb paintings: the courtly mani- festations of the culture. The objects shown here are the unpretentious,, everyday impedi- mentia of living and are con- cerned with practical use, econ- omical production, and homely enjoyment. -D.R.T. THE CERAMICS are particular- ly noteworthy. Their inclusion In the present show is due to their ornamentation by means 'of im- pressions or brushed slip 'of vari- ous elements of Christian icon- ography: various forms of the cross, frogs, rabbits, fish, doves. The impressed decoration pieces are primarily bowl-type vessels of a rich red, fine-grained body. These show a'high sensitivity for proportion, craftsmanship, and use (without being precious) that is often found in' folk productions of high cultures and have an ele- gant simplfcity that makes them particularly appealing. The fact that most of these look as brand new as similar pieces on sale in shops or in use in our homes today gives an added sense of identification and intimacy. C * * THE SLIP decorated pieces - of a coarser body and generally urn-shaped - are perhaps less immediately identified with, parto ly it would seem, because of their intended use (which is not con- sistent with our modes of living and housekeeping) and partly from the style of decoration. All the ceramic pieces, as well as the glass, have the vitality and feeling of serene inevitability that comes when good craftsmen work in concert with their ma- Fterials' to fulfill the basic needs Miss Barrymore's experience can. The Pulitzer-prize winning play is a psychological drama. It deals with love lost, loVe found, and al- coholism,. and is filled to the brim with sex in myriad shapes and forms. The story revolves around Brick Pollitt and his wife, Maggie. Brick has been an alcoholic since the death of his friend and fel- low football hero, Skipper. MAGGIE hints at a homosexual relationship between the two men. When Skipper tries to disprove her accusation by having an af- fair with her, his plan boomer- angs and -aggie seems to.be right. Brick blaznes Maggie for Skip- per's destruction' and ultimate death and his love for her abates when his friend dies. Maggie puts forth a violent effort to regain Brick's love and by the end of the play succeeds in doing so. In an angry dialogue between Brick and. his father, Big Daddy, dealing with lying, several truths are unveiled for the two men. Brick learns that it was himself rather than Maggie who was re- sponsible for the destruction of Skipper and Big Daddy learns that he is dying of cancer. Brick's older brother, Gooper and wife, Mae, visit the Pollid es- tate in an attempt to inherit it when Big Daddy dies.. They play on his sympathy but Big Daddy has other intentions about his will. He wants to leave his fortune to Brick who is the' only member of the family that has'been honest with him.. "CAT On a Hot Tin Roof" has a message - a very weak one. In the jargon of'the, play, it is about "mendacity:" Lying to oth- ers is terrible, but lying to one- self is even worse than that. Reeday Talton, as Brick, per- haps overacts his part. He is sup- posed to remain aloof;and de- tached from the cast due to the effect of alcohol. However, his lack of contact with the cast ex- tends beyond the stage onto the audience. Instead of portraying a weak individual, Taylor appears to be weak in his portrayal. Clifton James, and Muriel Kirk. land do exceptionally fine inter- pretations of Big Daddy and Big Mommy and their appearances af- ford the show some of its better moments. Liz Elkin Weiss gives an exag- gerated performance. Her talk is too blatant and her actions to. gross. The scenery of the play is flim- sy and the sound effects fall short of even that. Skimpy scenry can sometimes be justified if there are many sets required but in this play all of the action takes place in the same room. -Fred Steingold J.S. Should Arrange Troop Pullout UNITED STATES should begin nego- bions tomorrow for the withdrawal of can troops in Lebanon. now appears that this country will be L in an increasingly untenable situation >anon, as possibly three-quarters of the on parliament is in opposition to the es landing in Lebanon. While we were by Chamoun, it might be better to be- >w to start'to arrange for the withdrawal erican troops. vill demonstrate to the Lebanese that nited States is acting in their best in- However, negotiations, conducted with oun, could be slowed up if the situation in protecting Lebanon, and preventing the spread of the Iraq crisis to other parts of the Middle East. Offering to begin consideration of troop withdrawal will serve, however, to. make our eventual withdrawal seem less a rep; treat from a no longer tenable position and more like retirement after the job is finished, IT IS INTERESTING to note, in addition that America yesterday finally received a reason to vent her frustrations, when 100,000 Russians stoned the American embassy in Mos- cow. It is wondered if enough Americans around our capitol are actively patriotic enough to give DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I "I R*ha T14i o flffiniyl i tittstin #a sw '....* 'Ra . A Am.... 'Twn a . 4"..: