l Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 WANTS TO BE LIKED BY EVERYONE: Goldfine a Busy Man with a Large Ego "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: EDWARD GERULDSEN Freedom of Information Lacking in the Military THE UNITED STATES very soon may be The question has centered instead on wheth- embroiled in a war in the Middle East. If er nuclear war on a limited scale is possible, war does come, it will be a tragedy, the more because limited nuclear war does present seri- so because the United States will be caught ous technical problems. with its doctrinal pants down, having no clear- In the face of the serious technical prob- ly articulated strategic doctrine with which lems, the military apparently has done little to handle the Iraq-Lebanon crisis. to overcome them. Perhaps the most serious This means - the appearance of omnipo- objection is that the military has failed to tence the military wishes to give itself not make use of civilian experts, who were the withstanding - that hasty decisions will be earliest and most vociferous advocates of the made, and what started out as a comparatively concept, and, in fact, has failed to keep the American people informed on the developments small conflict might ,mushroom into a global in the field. atomic war, or, on the other hand, lead to a The army has a testing ground, scantily pro- disastrous retreat for fear of a nuclear war. vided for, to be sure, in a western state whei'e Although the situation in the Middle East problems encountered in fighting modern wars, is not the fault of the military, the failure to including limited nuclear wars, are worked out have a clearly spelled out strategic doctrine is, in war games. The public learns only that there for this not only makes the United States un- is such a place; the civilian experts learn little sure what it is going to do, but it makes the more. other countries involved unsure of our inten- tions. Consequently, both sides may make JT IS DIFFICULT to see any reasons for the blunders in a situation where just a slip is military not to release more of this type of enough. information. Certainly we are not far ahead One of the last official United States doc- of the Russians in technological developments, trines was massive retaliation, which clearly and given the progress of science, much infor- depended for its effectiveness on making our mation could be released without advantage to intent clear to other nations. Although whittled the Russians, and which would enable us to down and modified from Secretary of State use our independent thinkers. John Foster Dulles' original pronouncement, This reluctance of the military to release the doctrine clearly is not applicable in the information is even more difficult to com- present situation. prehend when it is known that one of the almost certain pre-requisites for a limited war, IN THE PAST YEAR or so, there has bean if it is to remain limited, is that the enemy considerable discussion of the concept of should know fairly well what is going to be limited war, especially limited nuclear war. done, and how. Except for a few die-hards, limited nuclear We would like to suggest, as a consequence, war has been seen to be a superior method of that the military loosen its hold on this type stopping Soviet aggression, as it doesn't para- of confidential material. It will do little harm, lyze the will with the certainty of total de- we would predict, and it might very well do struction for something less than total provo- a great deal of good. cation. -LANE VANDERSLICE Report Reassuring but Sinister THE FINDINGS of the recently released FIFTY-SIX per cent of the people interviewed Survey Research poll on "Consumer Atti- believe that a depression "like that of the tudes and Inclinations to Buy" are reassuring thirties" could not occur again. Sixty-nine per but also rather sinister. People have not lost cent of families with incomes of over $5000 confidence regarding purchases; this is reas- per year believe this. This is a sign of optim- suring. People are optimistic about the fu- ism, but it also starkly points out modeit ture of business conditions; the market for America's blind dependence on government. durable goods and housing is not saturated. Responsibility in any area, especially one as These, too, are favorable findings . important as the economic area, should not People, however, have shown naivete in one be given any government without questioning crucial area, that of the causes of recessions and checking. Only 14 per cent of these people, and their effects. Despite the recent economic however, had any doubts as to depression re- setback, which has hit many areas substantial- currence. ly, a large minority refuse to believe that in- Modern economic policy may well have con- flation and recession can occur simultaneously. quered severe depression; no test has yet been This attitude of ignorance, which can be wiped run. Even if policies would not work, a wide- out if people look at casts and employment spread belief that depression could not recur conditions, is unfortunate. may be enough to stop one. Yet it is a chronic Another disturbing factor in the survey was symptom of modern America that people be- that a large minority of people expect priceu lieve what they would like to believe, not really to fall in the coming months. Chances of this grasping the significance or problems of is- are slim, it would appear, from such financially sues. Campaign promises like "Peace, Prosper- stable factors as labor costs, and while prices ity, Progress" may win elections but they wont may fall, it will probably be by a small, in fact keep the wolf from the doors (common now in negligible, amount. most American homes.) -ROBERT JUNKER INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Soviets See U.S. Strengyth By SAUL PETT Associated Press Writer BOSTON-What kind of a man is Bernard Goldfine? He is a big man in textiles, a fast man with a buck or a name or a vicuna or case of whiskey. He is a busy man, always rush- ing, always late, always in crisis. Life in the Goldfine bowl is fre- netic and frequently complicated by the king fish stumbling over his own ego. For example, if you or I wanted a particular government pamphlet, we'd get it simply by writing to the Government Printing Office and enclosing 25 cents. Not Gold- fine. He'd call friends, a U.S. senator or a couple of congressmen. They'd have a secretary mail it to him and Goldfine, always grateful, al- ways generous, would send the secretary a case of 12-year-old whiskey. WHY THE roundabout way? Because Goldfine needs to be re- minded he has friends and one proof of friendship is a favor. Some men crave money; others, power; still others, fame. Goldfine may crave all three but the re- curring motif in this man, run- ning through his life in alternately comic and pathetic tones, is his need to be liked. Not just liked, but well liked. He wants the impossible. He wants to be liked by everyone- governors, presidential aides, sen- ators, congressmen, big and small people, bank presidents and their clerks, waiters, bellboys, chamber- maids. All of them get handsome gifts or tips. Goldfine's purpose may or may not be to gain special influence but it is true that among people he gives to there are many who couldn't help him fix a traffic ticket. You get this picture of Gold- fine's hungering ego by watching him in action and by talking to. his family, to his business associ- ates, vaious lawyers and friends. "You can't do business casually with Mr. G," says a Boston lawyer who likes him. "You must become his friend. You must have lunch or dinner or drinks with him. There must be an exchange of glowing tributes: you're a great fellow, he's a great fellow, we're all great fellows." EVER MINDFUL that he was born poor in Russia, that he be- longs to a minority group, that his father was a peddler, that his own education stopped early in high school, that he once shined shoes for a living, Bernard Goldfine will say to a lawyer whom he is paying IN RUSSIA: Religion Popular By ROY ESSOYAN Associated Press Writer MOSCOW-Religion is still at- tracting young and old in the Soviet Union. The reason, the Soviet press says, is that the nation's educa- tors and propagandists are falling down on the job of "countering religious propaganda with anti- religious propaganda." Two leading Moscow news- papers, Trud and Soviet Russia, recently assailed religion on the same day. Both demanded a step- ped-up, campaign to stop what Soviet Russia described as "the insidious spread of religious propaganda which is drawing young people into its net and poisoning their minds with wild prejudices." Trud published a letter from an 87-year-old Ukrainian Baptist who suggested timidly that as a general rule a believer was more kindly disposed that a nonbeliever and after all what harm could he do to Communism? * * * "THE teachings of Communism are incompatible with religion," Trud retorted. Soviet Russia said similar argu- ments are reported by readers throughout the country. Religion it said, will not die out by itself. It must be rooted out, and the struggle against it must be waged without letup. Sarcastically, the paper noted that some propaganda organiza- tions in the Soviet Union "seem to think that freedom of con- science (officially sanctioned by the Soviet constitution) "means freedom to believe and spread religious beliefs." "Determined educational work is needed to free the minds of the people of old attitudes," Soviet Russia said. "To disperse the fog of superstition, to raise the people to light and knowledge, to arm the masses with a materialistic out- look on the world as a noble and elevating task." TRUD ridiculed its meek Ukrain letter writer's suggestion that re- ligion is harmless. The Bible, it said, is fullof words like "destroy," annihilate," "smash" and "set afire." a fat fee: "You're a wonderful niiy and don't think I don't appreciate an educated man like you taking so much time with a man like r:e."' And this is the lawyer's cue to tell Goldfine what a fine, self- made man Goldfine is. Friend and benefactor apparent- ly by compulsion, the same chem-. istry makes Goldfine a marathon handshaker. Coming into a room full of people he doesn't know or may never see again, he must shake each by the hand. Leaving 10 minutes later, he must shake each hand again. Leaving, he in- variably notes what "nice fellows you are." Should he return in only half an hour. he would again shake all hands. In 10 minutes of a relation- ship, he begins to refer to you as "my friend." He evidently needs to think so. * * * EXCEPT AT HIS morning walks --and he walks two or three miles a day at a good clip around a reservoir near his home-Goldfine seems always to need people around him. He can't even enjoy watching television alone, say his sons Solomon and Horace Max- well. He seems to like people but there are those who have know him long who are certain that Bernard Goldfine trusts no one completely, that he cannot bring himself to confide in any one completely. "He's confidential up to a point," says a friend, "and then he seems to back off, always holding some- thing in reserve." At 67, Bernard Goldfine looks young and healthy-red-cheeked, verge of some imagined hurt. He is a man of fascinating contradic- tion. He dresses conservatively. He lives quietly in a house of about 10 rooms, big, ivy-colored, com- fortable-looking. But there are others in the neighborhood, Chest- nut Hill, which are bigger and more pretentious. The Goldfine staff includes two maids and a chauffeur who drives the master in a black, '49 Cadillac. i# M + 1 .1 wisps of white on a bald deep dark eyes that appear or Keep Your Nose On The Trail, Rover 4...r vim' °"'p lD-E F/N 3L dead, GOLDFINE, his sons report, n the frequently like to lecture them on the need for economy in business. And in the next breath, he will pick up the phone and place a conference call with five people at five different places around the country and talk for an hour. Goldfine's office reports that its phone bill runs as high as $3.000 a month most of it run up by the boss himself and much of it not exactly essential. His home phone bill runs to $500 and $600 a month. If Goldfine has a friend traveling in Europe, he thinks nothing of calling him and talking an hour. Goldfine himself does not travel except for business. In business, he is everywhere at once. He hires the key personnel, arranges finan- cing, handles his own tabor rela- tions which are good and still handles sales to his older eustom- ers. "Goldfine," said an admirer, "could go uptown with only a newspaper under his arm and come back with a big order for fine fabrics." Nobody has ever seen Goldfine relax much. He reads little. He takes no vacations as such. The last time he took one, his sons re- port, was 20 years ago. He and Mrs. Goldfine started out on a three-week auto trip to Canada. After three days, he came home, impatient to get back to business. SEN. WILEY SAYS: j I -I . J. , iILWAVKKE (Ilerbiock is on Vacation (Il WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: F. Soviet Timetable on Schedule By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - The Kremlin timetable for the Near East is running right on schedule. Last October, after talks with Arab leaders, this writer reported Nas- ser's plan to unite Syria and Egypt, and Moscow's plan to work with Nasser in gradually taking over all the Arab states through subversion and revolution. The Kremlin timetable, as then reported, was three months to take over the desert kingdom of Jordan; six months to take Saudi Arabia; nine months to take Leb- anon; and 12 months to take Iraq. The timetable is late in one re- spect, early in another. Jordan did not fall in three months. Tough little King Hussein, backed by American arms and the British- trained Bedouins of the Arab Le- gion, resisted all attempts to un- dermine his regime. Instead, the timetable was speeded up for Iraq. This coun- try, supposed stronghold of the West, was scheduled to become Nasserized in 12 months. Instead, it fell in nine months. ** * e HERE IS how both timetable and the doctrine are working: Saudi Arabia - King Saud's glamor visit to the U.S.A. seems to have been for naught. The old king is sick, a virtual prisoner in his own palace, surrounded by wives, children, and medical pre- scriptions. His brother, Prince Faisal, a friend of Nasser's, has been running the country. Saud has sent a hurry-up call to the State Department to send an American doctor to his desert capital. After the doctor's arrival, it's expected Saud will go to Switzerland for medical treatment and remain there indefinitely. There is already unrest in Saudi Arabia and a definite tie-up with Egypt is expected shortly after Faisal assumes the throne. Lebanon-Handsome, pro-West President Chamoun, a Catholic surrounded by Moslems, is, bitter against the United States. For weeks he has been pressing Sec- retary Dulles informally for aid under the Eisenhower Doctrine; and for an equal number of weeks, Dulles has been working through the United States ambassador to head off any formal request for aid. Only this week did the desper- ate Chamoun lay it on the line with the formal invocation of the Eisenhower Doctrine. Up until then, Dulles had pointed out that the United Nations found no evi- dence of foreign intervention. * *. * IRAQ - Instead of cooperating with Dag Hammarskjold as prom- ised, Nasser's agents in Baghdad dealt the West one of the most deadly blows so far received in the Near East. The United States had not the slightest inkling that re- volt was coming. Israel - When I reported the Kremlin timetable to Premier Gurion last fall, he kept repeating, "This is a problem for President Eisenhower." What he meant was that the plan to solidify the Arab states in a Nasserized anti-West confederation was too big for Is- rael. He was right. Since then, Ben-Gurion has been warning the State Depart- ment that unless Egyptian-Syrian intervention was stopped in Leb- anon, the jig was up for American influence in the oil-rich Near East. Dulles, however, refused to listen. (Copyright 1958 by BML Syndicate, Inc.) U.S. Senate .Needs a PA By ARTHUR EDSON Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON-Sen. Alexander Wiley (R-Wis) is a persistent man. Senatorial issues come, go and are often soon forgotten, but Sen. Wiley'steadily carries on a cam- paign almost all his own. He's dedicated to the proposition that, after almost 20 years in the Sen- ate, he's entitled to hear what goes on there. It seems strange in this elec- tronic age, when even our least politicians come equipped with microphone and loud speaker, that the Senate resists all attempt at amplification. The House long has been wired for sound. 'resident Dwight D. Eisenhower and the reporters questioning him use a public ad- dress system at news conferences. * * * BUT WHAT'S good enough for the President of the United States and the 435 representatives isn't necessarily good enough for the Senate, to the continuing disgust of Sen. Alexander Wiley. Sen. Wiley now is back with a plan he hopes will make senators audible to each other, visitors and newsmen trying to report what, if anything, is going on on the Sen- ate floor. In effect, under this plan drawn up by the Capitol architect, sena- tors would swap their sand shakers for microphones. In the days before blotters, each senator had a sand shaker, and sprinkled white sand over his writing to dry surplus ink. Well, blotters 'came along - heaven knows how long the sand shaker bloc fought this modernization. Senatorial desks have been sand- less for years. THE ARCHITECT figures the plugs could be placed there, and' that page boys could plug a sen- ator in whenever he wished to speak. The installation cost: $25,000. Annual operating cost, to keep senatorial volume adjusted, $11,- 400. A check with the Senate Rules Committee shows that the Senate still is fairly evenly divided on the question to hear or not to hear. The committee questioned each senator, and got a surprisingly large reply. All but 14 responded. Some of the objections: Don't want gadgets in the Senate; might destroy the dignity of the old place; what if a microphone were left on and an indiscreet comment went on the air? * 6 * BUT SOME reserved judgment until they had a chance to look at a specific plan, so possibly Wiley may yet hear what's going on around him. Sen. Wiley, by the way, is not an offender. His oratorical style might be called an amiable bellow. His main difficulty. Sen. Wiley says, is in hearing Sen. Lyndon Johnson (D-Tex), who calls the t "I1 By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst Y FLYING troops into Turkey, the United States does more than merely set up a re- serve force to meet possible needs in Lebanon or elsewhere in the area. She also establishes a deterrent against So- viet military reaction in one more area, just as she has done for 10 years by maintaining the thin line 4- her troops across the center of Europe. With the British in Jordan ready to move. into Iraq if that seems required, with the Iran- ian army on the alert, with a fine and deter- mined Turkish army reinforced by Americans, with the nuclear bombers hovering, the Soviet Union has been sternly informed that she can have war if she makes a break. The best judgment in Washington, based on intelligence estimates, is that she is not likely to take chances. HAT IS, of course, the situation President Eisenhower sought to produce when he alerted American forces of all types throughout the world in diplomatic-military support of the Lebanon landings. Editorial Staff MICHAEL KRAFT DAVID TARR Co-Editor Co-Editor ROBERT JUNKER.....................Night Editor EDWARD GERULDSEN............. Night Editor SUS N HOLTZER ....... ........Night Editor LANE VANDERSLICE................Night Editor RICHARD MINTZ............... ,. sports Editor FRED SHIPPEY................. Chief Photographer Business Staff Indeed, it would not be surprising now if ar- rangements were afoot to make the point in Iran as well. The Soviet Union is making military gestures on the border of Iran, which stands between the Soviet Union and the trouble centers to the southwest. A token American force there would emphasize that the Red troops now maneuver- ing near Turkey and Iran face not only two comparatively weak countries, but also the full strength of the West. This policy of physical presence to ensure that the Soviets will.not mistake American in- tentions goes back to the world catastrophe which resulted from Hitler's belief that the West, especially Britain and the United States, would not fight for central Europe. INDEED, the only outright war sponsored by the Soviet Union since World War II may have resulted at least in part from the failure of Dean Acheson to include South Korea in a speech delineating the American defense line in the Far East. Russia has a treaty with Iran, many parts of which have been so breached or strained as to make it almost inoperative from the Iran- ian viewpoint, which permits her to enter Iran if faced by unfriendly forces there. However, knowing as they must that they will not be attacked by the United States without a most outrageous provocation, the Soviet Union would hardly conceive the game to be worth the candle. New Books at the Library Djilas, Milovan - Land Without Justice; N.Y., Harcourt, Brace, 1958. Faison, Negley - The Lost World of the 'ALL ACES' WORTH READING: latest Mysteries Vary in Quality 1. THE HUSBAND. By Vera Caspary. Harper & Brothers. LIKE MUCH of the fiction being written today in the mystery and detective field, The Husband is not at all a formal problem in detection nor is it a "whodunit." There is no murder in Vera Cas- pary's new book, very little mys- tery, and less crime. The book is instead a "novel of suspense," a narrative that prom- ises a good deal -of tenseness and excitement for the reader. When wealthy Californian Jean McVeigh takes a husband in England, all attention is on her promoter- spouse's million-dollar business deal with Arabian oil interests and a Swiss financier. Many tense hours pass in wait- ing for this deal to go through, but the minutes become downright terrifying when the husband's lust for money makes him look quite differently at his suddenly suicidal wife. That The Husband is well writ- ten is perhaps the best that can be said for the novel. The lonely wife of Jean McVeigh Howell is one that many people will be able to sympathize with and appreciate as Vera Caspary relates it. In its lack of real mystery and simpleness of plot, however, The Husband is, right down to the macabre surprise ending, like one of those half-hour dramatic pres- years in this new novel by Brett Halliday. For the fast-talking, fast-working Shayne, the case is a pushover. A small town banker is shot down in the street on the night before he plans to see Shayne on business. A note of the appoint- ment in the dead man's wallet sends ever-impetuous Peter Paint- er of homicide after Shayne on suspicion of almost everything. Shayne nanages - barely - to keep a few steps ahead of the police and, in a whirlwind twenty- four hours, indulges in a gunfight, makes the usual passionate love, consumes the usual amounts of cognac, and solves a murder. Much less exciting than most of his early cases (The Uncomplain- ing Corpses, Tickets for Death, Murder is My Business), Murder and the Wanton Bride is one of the most straightforward and least complicated of Shayne's adven- tures. Unlike those Halliday novels of theearly 1940's, this one can be read in one breath. * * .* SLOW BURNER. By 0iliam Hag- gard. Little, Brown & Co. Slow Burner is the newest de- velopment in atomic power and is being used commercially in Eng- land in a few limited plants - when instruments suddenly show that, in one otherwise innocent to the end of the book-taking Slow Burner out of the mystery class and making it rather a novel of English class society. Slow Burner's misfortune is that it tries to study too many charac- ters at once, all in light of "the classes," and succeeds with none of them. The happenings are often puzzling and not too well pre- pared. But- Slow Burner does have its surprises as well as many amusing moments. The ending is, of course, explosive. ALL ACES: A Negro Wolfe Omni- bus. By Rex Stout. Viking Press. ANOTHER in a fast-growing series of three-novels-in-one mystery reprints, All Aces includes ar early Wolfe novel, Some Buried Caesar; a late novel, Too Many Women; and an even later collec- tion of three novelettes, Trouble in Triplicate. The second Wolfe omnibus, All Aces is perhaps most representa- tive of the orchid-growing detec- tive's career. Some Buried Caesar is one of the best novels about Wolfe and is certainly typical in its lack of complications. Too Many Women is equally uncompli- cated and just as welcome to the modern taste. More honest than the novels, however, are the novelettes. Rex Stout's writings seem confined to