THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'rouble Nothing New to Iraq By ARTHUR EDSON Associated Press Staff writer was a flood like the one dscribed map was drawn. Alas, at about ASHINGTON-- So there is in Genesis. , the same time some cagey mer- He in Iraq,and so there a1- The word Iraq, unfortunately, chant invented installment buy- s in raqi and0 the rey ba- stirs few historical memories. You ing. has been, all the way back have to go back to the names it Seventeen hundred years before e, who harkened to .the ser- once was known by: Mesopota- Children Taught Geometry r here, according to tradition, mia Babylon; Assyria, in the Euclid, youngsters around Bagh- the Garden of Eden. And north; and Chaldea, in the south. dad were learning about the hy- h archaeologists haven't unj- History Varied Here potenuse of a right triangle. ed the garden yet, they have Anyone who has read the Bible Nights. This is the land of Sinbad i silt layers showing there is familiar with some of Iraq's the Sailor, who had his port on past. The National Geographic the Persian~ Gulf. Society has a map, "Lands of the Modern Iraq is bigger than Cal- A To Show Bible Today," which shows that ifornia, but much of its land is man got in some of his best, and flinty, scrub desert. Curiously, the some of his worst, licks in this rich valleys of the Tigris and I troubled area. Euphrates once supported many F 'Here Abraham was born. Here more than the five million who a1 s 111Nebuchadnezzar built one of the live in Iraq now. seven wonders of the world, the Irrigation System Destroyed .it of This World," a movie Hanging Gardens, all because his But neglect, warfare and nat- )well Thomas will be shown bride was homesick for Meia. ural catastrophes combined to de- >.m. and 9 p.m. Friday in the Here was Nineveh: "Woe to the stroy a complex irrigation system, tecture Auditorium. bloody city," Nahum said. And and a comparatively well-off peo- >nsored by the International here Belshazzar got his comeup- ple was reduced to poverty. nts Association, the movie pance from Cyrus. Although no When Aladdin rubbed his oil >e accompanied by a docu- one can prove it, it is believed that lamp, he must have wished for try, "Mahatma Gandhi." Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego more oil. For now 30 million tons kets may be bought at the got tossed into the fiery furnace of oil are produced each year in national Center or at the at a spot not too far from the Iraq, good for untold riches in western border, near what is now this industrial world. Iran. Good, too, for a source of trou- T I'Site of Oldest Village ble, especially because of Iraq's . To H Not too far from modern Mosul position. are the remains of the world's The United States Marines have oldest known village. More than landed in tiny Lebanon. And, ?,000 years ago man -- or his fe- though Syria is in between, it is males - got fed up with hunting only 150 miles to the Iraqi border. Annual International Stu- and fishing and settled down to Just as close to Iraq, to the north, Picnic will be held Sunday, agriculture. is .the southern tip of the Soviet' ding to Puthical Krishna- By 4000 B.C. the Mesopotamians Union. zy, Grad., International Stu- were building a temple, the old- No wonder President Dwight D. Association president. est known religious structure. By Eisenhower warned of possible d, transportation and enter- 3000 B.C. the Sumerians were serious consequences. With all ent will be provided for all making clay tablets and inventing that oil around, it doesn't take its who sign up in Rm. 18 of writing. much of a spark to set off a fear- Iternational Center. By 2500 B.C. the world's first some fire.r PROF. KETCHAM: Retarded "'Many present policies and practices for severely retarded children are socially and economi- cally unsound," Prof. Warren A. Ketcham, of the education school said recently. Society has been remarkably ef- fective in denying retarded chil- dren opportunities, he said. The emphasis has been on the pro- vision of institutional beds and preparation for dependence, Prof. Ketcham continued . The constant increase in indi- vidual differences has not been generally recognized among re- tarded children. As a result, the brighter children among the re- tarded have gone unrecognized because they are viewed as part of a homogeneous group which cannot learn," said Ketcham. The mental ages of 103 retard- ed children at the Coleman School in Detroit, studies by Prof. Ketcham, ranged from one-fourth to one-half their chronological ags. "The brightest child has a mental age of seven and one-half years at fifteen years of age," he said. If the child continues to grow mentally until he is twenty- two years old, he will have a men- tal age of eleven , years, Prof. Ketcham said. He won't be a complete adult, but, all other things equal, he need not be a completely depend- ent and socially useless person, he emphasized. Studying Forecast: Fair and Warmer -Daily-Bruce Bailey THE PAUSE THAT RELAXES-Summertime, and if the living isn't exactly easy, it's easier than during the regular school year. These two sudents lay their books aside for a momen's relaxation on what remains of the grass at the University. f USED BY ELECTRICITY: Cambridge Scientist R evives Old Theory of Tornadoes - --- -- - ------ balls of fire, or luminous clouds, or St. Elmo's fire. The point is-all saw tremen- dous electrical activity. Tornadoes are perhaps terrific electric winds, created by lightning and the electricity in thunder- storms, so that the thunderstorm becomes a tornado. The electric heating of the air could produce the winds whirling at 300 to 500 m.p.h. Vonnegut Revives Theory This electrical theory of tor- nadoes-championed more than a century ago but then abandoned-- is being revived by Bernard Von- negut, a physicist prominent in weather science. He surveyed many past pub- lished eyewitness accounts. Now-to prove or disprove thie theory-Vonnegut would like to hear from other witnesses of tor- nadoes, particularly as to whether; the saw any signs of electrical ac- tivity. Would Welcome Letters Being close to a tornado, Dr. Vonnegut grants, is not conducive to making careful, scientific obser- vations, but he'd still welcome letters about what people see. Vonnegut is well-known for his findingr that silver iodide smoke can be used as seeds in rainmak- ing experiments. His main research interest now is meteorology, the science of weather. Vonnegut disagrees with theor- ies that falling raindrops produce the electricity in clouds and light- ning. Experiments on Clouds Instead, he thinks the electricity well can come first, ar~d probably even help produce the rain. He's testing this idea by experiments ou clouds, and in the laboratory. Clouds could become electrified, he explains, because moist, warm air rises up, and carries along positive electrical charges that normally exist near the ground. The positive charges in the cloud then attract a current of small electric charges or ions from the ionosphere, and these negative charges attach themselves to par- ticles of moisture on the outside of the cloud. Positive Charges Carried Up Downdrafts carry the negative charges to lower levels. More posi- tive charges are attracted up from the earth, and are carried to the top of the cloud. The difference between electri- cal fields increases. The strong electrical field makes cloud drop- lets coalesce and fall earthward as rain. If the conviction current- or up-and-down movement of the air-continued, the electric field gets still stronger and produces lightning. Recent radar, balloon and other measurements indicate that this could be the read mechanism, for they slow that electrification be- gins before there is any detectable rain in the cloud, Vonnegut says. Storms Very Powerful There is no question but that some electrical storms can produce .more electrical energy than all the dynamos in the United States, he continues. Eyewitnesses right under or fairly near tornadoes tell-in ad- dition to electrical action - of hearing sounds like millions of bees, or smelling ozone odors like those from high-voltage wires, of hearing continuous radio static- and other signs of electrical ac- tivity.,. Certainly there has to be some source of energy capable of cre- ating the tornadic winds. This en- ergy could be electrical, like that in a violent thunderstorm. Could Cause Whirling Repeated lighting strokes, sev- eral a second along the same path, could heat a cylinder of air enough to start intense convection or whirling movement. Or the highly charged - air might be speeded up by a strong electrical field, Von- negut says. The lightning could form a chimney of very hot air within a cloud. This would rise rapidly, pulling new air behind it, and into the chimney so that the air rotates. With this rotation under way, air outside the vortex could be pre- vented from entering by the strong centrifugal force of the rotation. So air could only be sucked up through the bottom of the funnel. The hollow tube could finally grow until it touched the ground, sweep- ing along like a giant vacuum- cleaner hose over everything it touched. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) July 17, 303 W. Med. Bldg., 9:00 a.m. ing. Work or interest in biological sci- Chairman, S. A. Cain. ence is highly desirable, Ability in oral and written communication. Ability to of Mrs. Shata Ling, 2304 Vinewood. The Doctoral Examination for Joanne do writing and editorial work. Salary new initiates of the summer will be the Bennet Veroff, Psychology; thesis: "An open, guests. Exploratory Study of Parental Motives, S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc., Racine, Parental Attitudes, and Social Behavior Wisc., has openings for a Development of Children," Thurs., July 17, 7611 Chemist and a Research Chemist. B.S. Lectures Haven Hall, 3:00 p.m. Chairman, Fred- or M.S. in Chemistry. Some experience crick Wyatt, desirable. Astronomy Department Visitors Night Nashua Corporation, Nashua, N.H., Fri., July 18, 8:30 p.m., Rm. 2003 Angell Doctoral Examination for Edward -is looking for a man to work in the Hall. Dr. Hazel M. Losh will speak on Alexander Spiegel, Astronomy; thesis: Flexible Packing Sales. Recent graduate "The Summer Sky," After the lecture "The Onset of Thermal Convection in preferably with military service obli- the Student Observatory on the fifth a Radiating Atmosphere," Fri., Jly 18, gation behind. , him.Alsointerested in floor of Angell Hall will be open for 22 Observatory, 3:00 p.m. Co-Chairmen, finding a man 30-35, with some indus- inspection and for telescopic observa- Leo Goldberg and M. S. Uberoi. trial sales experience. tions of Jupiter and Saturn. Children University of California at Berkeley welcomed, but must be accompanied by . s announces an opening In its placement adults.711 m t esservice. The person to be appointed -----.___ tLLV.tI t flI' would specialize in the placement of A representative from the Detroit, graduates of the College of Engineer- Concerts Mich, Public Schools will be at the Bu- ing. He would work with employers re- reau of Appointments on Wed.. July 23 crusting technical graduates, counsel On Thurs., July 17, the U. of M. Sum- to interview for the 1958-59 school year. alumni, and work with faculty mem- mer Session Band under the direction There are openings in all fields except and refer engineering seniors and of Dr. William D. Revelli and the Lock- Social Studies, Boys Physical Education bers. Must have B.A. in any area. Tech- port Township Eigh School Band of and Band. For any additional informa- nical training would be an asset and Lockport, 111. under the direction of tion and appointments contact the a NA would be helpful. Colege place- Ernest Caneva will present a combined Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. ment work or industrial personnel exp. outdoor concert on the Diag near the Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. wound be desirable. Geneal Lbray at7:04p~m TrupetKellogg Company, Battle Creek, has virtuoso Don Jacoby will be featured Personnel Requests: an opening fora Chemist for routine with the bands as well as Don Mahler, Jefferson County, Brookville, Pa., has analysis in the testing laboratory, Will clarinetist and Hosea Taylor, alto saxo- an opening for a Social Service Work-b a worki g with fats an yfibeWrslDe s phone soloist. Warren Jaworski will be er. Will train .a woman with a B.A. de-. man with B.S. in Chemistry.Wil can- presented in a selection from '"South gree. Must have someone by July 23, petied all - requiraemets except physca Pacific" as a vocal soloist with the 1958.pltdalrqieesexpthycl bands. Nationally famous band con- Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Neenah, chemistry. ductors and composers such as Lucien Wisc. has an opening for an Export Company in Ann Arbor area are look- Cailliet, Frank Erickson, Ni1o Hovey, Sales Promotion Assistant. Must be a ing fr an experienced Technical Re- Merle Evans, and Howard Akers will college graduate or equivalent in exp. cruiter who will ga to clees, techni- also be featured with the bands, In Should have good knowledge of adver- cal meetings, and cities. Must have a case of rain, the concert will be held in tising and promotion, foreign trade, man. within next 2 weeks Man with Hill Aud, and basic economics. Must have fluent B.S. in Engineering orBusiness Ad- Spanish. Must be under 40, ministration. Must have some exn. Reynolds Metals Company, Rich- Wo~ild prefer a man with experience in'" , cademic oVtices mona., has a position available for recruiting Electrical Engineers, Physi- female Adminitrativ Assisant.Gists for weapon system work. a~u emal Admnisratie Asistat. Bill Knapp's Restaurant opening soon Doctoral Examination for Richard ust possess Bachelor'sedegree in Ge- in Ann Arbor, Need Hostesses, Cashiers, Lee JanesMetallurgical Engineering; ootgy, and should be over thirty, with Waitresses, Bus Boys, and Kitchen Help theis "AStdyof heInlueceoffive to ten years in related Work. Musttowrfulr part time. Nitrogen on the Creep-RupturenPro- be able to do cartographic work, Kemper Insurane. Chicago, Ill, has Fofuteinrmincnatth perties of a Nickel-Chromium Alloy an oening in the Industrial Hygiene Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Hardened with Titanium and Alumin- Division for a Woman Chemist or Bldg., ext. 3371. um," Thurs., July 17, 4219 E. Eng. Chemical Engineer for work in occu- Bldg. 2:00 p.m. Chairman, J. W. Free- pational disease and special hazard Summer Placement: man. control. Duties will include chemical National Music Camp at Interlochen laboratory analysis, report writing and is looking for a typist to work the re- Doctoral Examination for Andrew special research projects. Excellent op- mainder of summer. J. W. Scheffey, Conservation; thesis: portunities for growth and advance- For information on summer work; "Natural Resources and Government ment. Women interested must have a please contact Ward D. Peterson, 3528 Policy in Coahuila, Mexico," Thurs., B.S. in chemistry or chemical engineer- Admin. Bldg., ext. 3371. +sa C sid Trumpeter To Appear IAt Conference DO0N JACOBY ... trumpet soloist Don Jacoby, trumpet soloist, will appear at the second session of the 10th annual National Band Bonductors Conference, scheduled to start at 9 a.m. today in the Michigan Union Ballroom. The afternoon session, which will start at 3:50, will feature the summer session band. A band con- cert will also be held at 7 p.m. on the Diagonal. Jacoby will speak on the, teach- ing of the horn with a demon- stration in a musical workshop, A / ETRI3Sp n Cat - f.2.8 LENS $ coupled range finder * rapid winding lever * complete range of shutter speeds-from 1 sec to 1/300 sec. PERI formerly NO f28 $49.95 $ SAVE $15.00 .1R ......t.1 ... ....... 1...... ~f ... .... . *., ... as seen on TV pt panty briefs . ndrslcs,. \ sho ts. Swimnsuits ..~. .*.;*,Fit like a second skin for invisible control under a your most f orm-fitting slacks, shorts, swimsuits, & Makes you the girl with the slim waist, smooth hips, flat tummy. This fabulous little Playtex panty brief goes in and out of the water as gaily as your bathing suit. Dries in a wink. 9 Ploytex Living Panty Brief. $4.50 Playtex Magic Controller PANTY BRiEF -with magic "finger" paniels for extra turmmy control, and waist-whittling non-roll top. $6.95 SXS, S, M, L. White. 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