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July 11, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-07-11

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'When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

'firM-61all 743atj
Six y)-Eighth Year
1.1)1'1.) ANN A. D.- Y STUDI N[TS cOF TilL Uj.Vr}ftlr'S ITYOMI( iIIGAN
STUIENI Pum ATIONs hIPo. r AN\ AnioAtMI1ci.iPJone No 2-3241

A Business Investment-With No Hope
Of Ever Making A Profit?

Editorials printed in T :he Michigan Daily express the in diiidual op>inions of staf writers
or the editors. This ms he noted in all reprints.
Religious Myths, Invented by Man,
Need 20th Century Reformation

K 1

I The Barbaric 'Vikings'
Bellow and Battle
IE V KINGS." a' tale of high romance on the foggy poisonous
sea roars tween the North Country and rugged old England. It
as te usual plot of to boys chase girl. But one boy gets her, the
Kirk Douglas as the one-eyed son of the Viking chief acts his
u ual sneering self. Here grimaces an actor who has at least twenty-
ive vsion : of a sneer and he looks at home in this particular role.
Te.lcation .onful itheoviCeh s its rugged and beautiful aspects
enhanlll'(cd bycolorfu.'il phot1[ography11, a ide M-screen and1(Janlet Leigh. The
convncigly zu'aricbatle cnes addl considera;bly to the Confusion
andi excitet of the 1film. Tony%-Curtis wariTng the pommI~el Stonle of

AMERICANS are noted for being a pragmatic
. and practical people; thus there is little
surprise that theologian Richard Niebuhr in
his speech "Religion in Contemporary Amer-
ica" warned "Christianity faces the danger of
becoming a utilitarian faith - a faith that is
practiced for the sake of getting something
here and now."
But the threat is -nothing new to Christi-
anity, which became an officially recognized
religion after Constantine reportedly saw a
flaming cross and the legend "By this con-
quer," then won the battle of Milvian Bridge
(312) and subsequently converted. The threat
was even stronger when the Church, having
evolved from persecuted to persecutor, insti-
tuted the Inquisition which, especially in 13th
century Spain, led many to accept the faith
for the very utilitarian purpose of staying alive.
But beyond the material results gained "here
and now," religion, a system of faith and wor-
ship, has a deeper use that many now are be-
ginning to acknowledge. Prof. Niebuhr, of Yale
Divinity School cited in his talk six factors
that comprise the complex thing called reli-
gion: "1) a sense of the holy; 2) a sense of
wonder or of being, as it were, surprised by
joy; 3) the need to pray; 4) the need to identi-
fy ourselves with a Cause which transcends,
that endures when all passes; 5) obedience to
the requirements of that Cause and 6) an ul-
timate sense of orientation we have in the
world, or the role we play in the total drama
which is bein genacted."
YET ALL OF THESE, both the senses and the
needs, have the effect of satisfying, or at
least make the attempt to do so, man "here
and now," in this life. Religion when examined
for its effect upon men and their reason for
embracing it, can be readily seen as a method
of fulfilling a void, or the "sense of aloneness'
as Prof. Niebuhr put it.
As the world has painfully witnessed in the
past few decades, this need can be fulfilled
and the elements can be provided by the re-
ligions of Nazism, communism and nationals
ism. Particularly when observing American
Communists, one is struck by their sense of a
mission, identification with a cause, and the
religious faith by which they accept the dog-
trines in the scriptures of Marx and the inter-
pretations of Lenin and Stalin.
Reserving moral judgements, which are
shaped by one's own beliefs, one must admit
these religions, essentially the products of the
20th century, have taken unshakable holds
' upon millions of people in the 20th century.

PROF. NIEBUHR may not have had these
other forms in mind and may not have been
advocating fighting zeal with zeal, but he did
note that religious faith must be placed in the
concept of the twentieth century, and de-
mythologize" itself, changing those elements
which depend upon primitive conceptions of
the world.
Religion must be "re-mythologized" in 20th
century terms, and its doctrines made justifi-
able by modern concepts, he said.
However, religion's reluctance, hesitancy, in-
ability or in some forms, refusal to do so finds
reflection in Christianity's falling, through the
centuries, from the center of the individual's
everyday concern to the present position on
the periphery of his thoughts and actions. In-
dicated is religion's inability to completely fill,
with the myths of the pasts, modern man's
voids or needs in light of his changing concepts.
However, to reject the myths, or doctrines of
the past does not mean, as some would quickly
charge, the deification of science. It is quite
revealing that in "Inherit the Wind," which
relates the 1925 trial of John Scopes who
taught evolution, the final action shows de-
fense attorney Henry Drummond (Clarence
Darrpw) weigh the Bible in one hand and a
copy of Darwin's "Theory of Evolution" in
the other. He decides to take both.
WHILE religion in essence may be and al-
ways has been psychologically utilitarian,
fulfilling man's needs "here and now," science
is only an influence on his concept of the world
and does not answer his sense of aloneness. If
anything, it increases it.
But with man's concepts differing between
the centuries and various cultures, there is
also a variance in the doctrines that fit these
concepts and thus satisfy his needs.
Implied is, through the years, a need for
adaptability in religious doctrine. This should
not be difficult.
A line in "Inherit the Wind" reads "God
created man, and man, being a gentleman, re-
turned the compliment." In view of the mul-
titude of religious doctrines that claim to be
THE true divinely revealed faith, the line, be-
yond its sarcasm, sheds a good deal of insight
on how men develop their religions to fit their
conceptions of the world. De-mythification, as
suggested by Prof. Niebuhr, is not impossible if
men continually and honestly examine their

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(Ilerbo40I n actfn

Goy. WilliamsR ee

WASHINGTON-A lot of people
have been asking what it was
Goldfine's agents were discussing
on that Sunday night when their
room was bugged. Frankly, it was
a long way from any earth-shaking
It was a plan to make public
various thank - you letters from
governors who had received vicuna
cloth from Goldfine via Governor
Dwinell of New Hampshire during
the Governors' Conference in 1955.
The Goldfine crew shuffled
through the letters to pick the
most embarrassing ones and finally
selected those of Governor Leader
of Pennsylvania, Gov. Mennen
Williams of Michigan, and Ex-
Governor Lausche of Ohio, all
There was some discussion over
whether to withhold Lausche's let-
ter because he had now been elect-
ed to the Senate, and was never
considered a party - line senator
"This is a Democratic-controlled
committee," argued one Goldfiner,
"and our purpose is to embarrass
the Democrats,"
SOMEONE then proposed in-
cluding at least one RepublicaiV
and suggested releasing a letter
from J. Bracken Lee, the Ex-
Governor of Utah, because, though
a Republican, he was now defeated
and pretty much out of politics.
Apparently it was not realized that
Lee is now preparing to run for
the Senate.
The Bracken Lee idea, however,

was ruled out. It was finally de-
cided that Democrats only were to
be embarrassed. So the letters of
Governor Leader, who is running
for the Senate from Pennsylvania.
Governor Williams, who is running
for an unprecedented sixth term
in Michigan and is a presidential
candidate. and finally Ex-Gov-
ernor, now Senator, Lausche of
Ohio, were selected.
In brief. the so-called conspira-
tors laid an egg.
THITS WRITER, who for some
years has specialized on getting
the insde news from cobim t
meetings and smoked-filled roOmts.
has been the subject of consider-
able ribbing on havinu his ac\
sleuth caught in company with
the ace sleuth of the Harris Con-
gressional Committee. The ribbing
is justified.
Two wrongs don't make a right,
but the mistake Baron Shacklette,
the Harris Committee's chief in-
vestigator, made was in "buggin"
the room next to him in the Shera-
ton-Carlton Hotel instead of using
the Washington Police.
The Metropolitan Police re Lot
supposed to bug rooms or h wis
for either private individuals or
congressional committees. It is
strictly against the rules. How-
ever, they do it just the same.
It's become something of a habit
lately for big businessmen who are
under investigation and have
plenty of money to spend, to hire
detectives to probe congressmen.
Most congressmen are just as clean

as Ike's provrbial "hound's tooth,"
and many of them are a lot clean-
er. But a ith evi the cletaest a
smart, investhit(or can sometines
dig up a skeleton which can hurt
in a tough election battle. Shack-
lette, the commnittee's ex-iinvestiga-
thr . was checking on tis counter-
espiona ge.
. ? lly
IT'S A SAl) Ira-esIv on life in
the nations ('afital that few hotel
voOims are 100 per cent saf e if you
van to disenu , matters highly
cciiiidem 1 Nor am e lp'i ae of-
1k s When you w nt into the of--
fice of I rmer f'ecn- ary of the
rsurv Hero Mor e Inthaum he
usually pushcd a secaet button on
his del wlnhIi tuined on a re-
cordiuc machin(. President Eisen-
hower. w he i comma uder of NATO,
could push a Iii te lever on his desk
Which rerorded the conversation
of vidsitr
I have nevr i-llac 'd a micro-
phone iin anyone's icom in my life
or taliped a telephouc awire, and
ne\ cr sli:t. lut when 11 don't want
to let e ither g mnment investiga-
tors or private gunishoes know
of myon ceit th grden o
talk in ani a utcmobile.
'1he New York Timle( recently
revealed that newsmen were being
5had~owed by a'p mts of the Eisen-
howx c AdmunustratiOn. This is
true, but it's an old story. I was
shadowed more under the Truman
administration. The chief reason
for lhe shadowing is to ascertain
a newsman's sources.

the sword requiter, a sort of a
sinin swrd paystie nabashed
hero to the hilt of his famous
~word stone,
Ernest Borgnine plays the chief
of the Viking horde with a beard
and barbaric bellow. And his lungs
lit. the part.
The dialogue is not.hing out of
the ordinary, interrupted only by
the r ,oars and groans of battle and
the yawling for the help of Oden,
the aarlike god of the Vikings.
"The Vikings" along with a
Btgs Bunny cartoon should prove
to be an evening of bloody enter-
tainIent. It also beats the heat
and that one eyed god, television,
for it offers one-eyed Kirk Douglas
for one hour and fifty minutes.
-Genny Leland
rof iterTs'
ROTErS IN LAW," is a
moderatly amusing British
comedy about a pair of friendly
youg layers and their misad-
ventures before the bar.
Produced by the Boulting Broth-
frs. who used many of the same
peoile to better advantage in
"Priivates' Pr-ogress." it offers sev-
e al entertaining courtroom scenes
and a comic interlude on the golf
ne as i mjor attractions.
Thes, pus he sual sturdy BEng-
ral chaciter aicting, notably by
Miles Mal-son as a bumbling suc-
cesful older ba-rister, and Terry
Thomas as a crook with a legal
ndyid, he'p buoy up the film nearly
et y time i.t appemrs determined
to s-nk.
Ian Carmichael plays the hero-
a ec-faced. wide-eyed young man
\ has just passed his ba- exm,.
le is obstinately clumsy, fright-
ened, and generally incompetent:
indleed, the film spends too much
time elaborating this ineptness,
and his irrational incredulity at
ec es jsetback. However, a
s;, 'in ! ,f:h±tc judge-, finally helps
lin gain confidence in himself
(which, from the evidence pre-
seuted, is hardly justified), and
he is on his way.
"Brothers In Law" runs a pre-
dictabit course, but is amiable and
unpretentious on the whole, and
can certainly be viewed without
- Bernhard Kendler

to the
Religionl .
To the Editor:
X WAS INTERESTED in the letter
of Prof. Clark (July 8) in which.
he criticizes Michael Kraft's "su-
perficial" and "immature" edi-
torial concerning religion in con-
temporary society (June 27). The
"real" question of the superna-
tural nature of Jesus Christ, Prof.
Clark states, is to be decided for
each person, "as an act of pure
faith, having objectively examined
the evidence." This is an interest-
ing way to draw a conclusion.
Prof. Clark also says that "the
reason religion has lost Itsmean-
ing for much of society lies in the
rejection of its supernatural char-
acter." True enough. Many can-
not turn back to "first century
Christianity," as Prof. Clark so
aptly puts it-even if "value and
pertinence" are there. How can
one, with intellectual honesty,
create a belief in the supernatural
merely because there is a need to
- Illda E. Wenner, '57
Review *
To the Editor:
THE ANN ARBOR Club for the
Suppression of Reviewers Who
Are All Too Witty and Clever
would like to point out to David
Kessel, that the part of Hornbeck,
as played so well by Al Phillips in
the Speech Department's current
production of "Inherit the Wind"
is (actually H. L. Mencken, don't
you know, and NOT William Ran-
dolph Hearst, don't you know.)
-- Thomas Stebbins
nLuiA Sh
JEAN ANOUTILH (Five Plays). 340
pp. New York: Hill and Wang.
$3.95 (paperback, $1.75).
ONE OF FRANCE'S best-known
and most thought - provoking
dramatists is at last represented
by a collection, in English, of five
of his more outstanding plays in
this new volume, "Jean Anouilh."
Theatergoers in London and New
York have been familiar with the
drama of Anouilh through produc-
tions of "Antigone" and "Legend
of Lovers" (Eurydice), both of
which are represented in this
selection, and, more recently, "The
Lark," which was not only success-
ful in New York and throughout
the country on tour, but was pro-
duced on television as well.
In "Antigone, Anouilh creates
his own poetic, questioning version
of the famous Greek play. The
new "Antigone" has in some ways
been brought up to date by Anou-
ilh, but in other ways remains un-
changed, showing that, whether
the language be Greek or French
slang (1942 style), the eternal
questions are no different.
Anouilh builds on another Greek
legend in "Eurdice," but the setting
of this Orpheus story is entirely
modern French.
The three plays that complete
this Dramabook edition are "The
Ermine," "The Rehearsal," and
"Romeo and Jeannette," none of
which has been previously publish-
ed in this country before.
Together, the five plays com-

prise a representative cross-sec-
tion of Anouilh's work to date. The
English versions have been care-
fully and delicately rendered by
four translators and all that is im-
portant in the French has been
preserved in the English.
A pensive, questioning author
who stands for the time and age
in which he lives, Anouilh well de-
serves the new and renewed audi-
ence that this collection of his
plays should bring.
- Vernon Nahrgang
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan lDaily assumes no editor-
ial'responsibility. Notices should be





Should Reserve Opinion on Mall Plan

HE MALL Era may be upon us, architec-
turally speaking, of course.
It seems that everywhere you look nowadays,
Washington, D.C., Grand Haven and on the
bulletin board of the Ann Arbor Chamber of
Commerce, a mall is to be seen.
City officials are even contemplating con-
verting into a mall' a downtown section of
Woodward Avenue, Detroit's main street.
The mall depicted in the Ann Arbor Chamber
of Commerce office is the "idea" which the
City Planning Commission has proposed for
the South State Street business district, better
known in city circles as the Loop area.
The illustrated plan, a word which the head
of the traffic committee of the Chamber of
Commerce, John Paup, has been careful to
stay away from (it's still an idea to him),
would provide State Street with trees, benches
and best of all, remove traffic, as street pave-
ment gives way to a park-like area.
The artist has drawn people in various poses
along the mall. One would get the idea that

they are shoppers. It is a concept acceptable to
the State Street merchants.
At this point there can be no pro or con
about the proposed mall, The idea is still too
wet behind the ears for an opinion to be given.
There are too many details which still have to
be ironed out.
If the Regents will sell the corner of Uni-
versity property at State and North Univer-
sity to the city of Ann Arbor so that Thayer
and William can be joined . . . if a way to get
to the City Car Port is set up, so that the pros-
pective shopper doesn't have to go blocks out
of his way to park .. .
If traffic can be re-routed to avert the an-
ticipated bottle-neck of cars at State and
Washington . . . if a method to facilitate store
delivery' service can be found . .
At the moment, there are too many ifs.
Not until these ifs are resolved will it be
proper to assign the ayes and nays to the mall


Netherlands Is Going Places, Doi Things

Ike's Canadian Talk

Associated Press Foreign News Analyst
PRESIDENT Dwight D. Eisenhower took per-
suasion to Ottawa and left the butter tub
at home.
By his very presence, and that of Secre-
tary of State John Foster Dulles, he expressed
concern aver policy differences in the economic
field which have divided the two governments.
By his words he promised and asked a rea-
sonable approach to specific problems.'
In general he told the Canadiiins that, at
some points, everybody had to be willing to
take it on the chin in order to present the
strongest possible general front against Com-
munist expansion.
One of his strong points was that Canada, in
her trade relations with the United States and
Editorial Staff
Co-Editor Co-Editor
ROBERT JUNKER N.................. t Editor
EDWARD GERULDSEN................. Night Editor
SUSAN HOLTZER .....Night Editor
LANE VANDERSLICE------------- Ni!?ht Editor

the world as a whole, isn't doing too badly.
Imbalance at some points, and American in-
vestment control in certain fields, nevertheless
leaves Canada with a general profit, the Presi-
dent pointed out. He cited the premium Amer-
icans pay for Canadian dollars as proof.
President Eisenhower thinks foreign aid
shipment of American farm surpluses abroad,
especially wheat, may interfere with Canadian
exports, but is partially balanced by removing
the threat to world prices poised by bursting
WITH HIS REMARK that the trade imbal-
ance between the two countries was due to
what Canadians wanted to buy, he came very
close to inviting them to impose import quotas
if they wished or dared, although he probably
didn't intend that.
With regard to the power of American-owned
industries in the Canadian economy, he said
Canada had the power of law over their acti-
vities, implying she could use it if she wished
or dared take chances with the development
which has resulted.
Then, the President agreed that all such
matters needed more careful joint considera-
tion and would receive it.

(John weicher. Daily City Editor. is touring Europe this Burner. Taa
the first of a series of articles describing countries, their people and events.)
Special to The Daily
AMSTERDAM--Holland is a good place for an American visitor to
begin a trip through Europe. It preserves a special quality of its
own, while at the same time approaching American levels of anima-
tion, particularly in its cities.
Prices of goods in store windows are roughly comparable to those
in the United States-a 17-inch table model television set. for instance,
costs the equivalent of $220, and men's suits sell for $40 in depart-
ment stores. How much of the average Hollander's income this repre-
sents is another question.
More people do not have cars, apparently-bicycles and motor-
cycles are more common in the cities, and the highways have a special
lane on one side for these vehicles. This suggests a somewhat lower
standards of living than the American, but distances are extremely
short in Holland, and bicycles will serve most purposese as well as cars,
AMERICAN popular culture has made its way into Holland-
among the movies here are "The Ten Commandments" and "The King
and I" with subtitles. Unfortunately, these are counterbalanced with
an assortment of B-grade and worse films.
"Teen-age problem" films and low-calibre Westerns dot the mar-
quees here-all with Dutch subtitles. The impression of America
these films must give the Dutch burghers disturbs the United States
Books from America are also found in .abundance here-some in
English, some translated. Among the latter may be found works of
such authors as Daphne du Maurier, Mickey Spillane and Earl Stan-
ley Gardner-perhaps not the most prepossessing writets who could
be translated. \
* * *
AMERICAN political writings seem to attract little attention here
-the only one noted was a work of Sumner Welles available for the
equivalent of 25 cents in a close-out sale at one store. In literature,
Dutch taste tends more to classics, apparently-several translations
of Homer and numerous works on the Bible were prominently fea-
tured, both in book stores and in the book sections of large depart-
ment stores.
It is, however, in music that the United States has made the
biggest splash over here. Charlie Parker, Gerry Mulligan, Chet Baker
and .of course, Louis Armstrong (whose popularity is amazing. are
all leading sellers here as are several English jazz musicians. All kinds
of jazz seems popular, from Dixieland to the worst modern. Some
musical shows are selling well here also-"Li'l Abner," for example.
a ' A
SPEAKING GENERALLY, the Dutch seem to like Americans
very much-remembering the part the United States played in two

IT 1 DyFER T in Rotterdam, which of course suffered far
more in 1940-apartment housing of the larger modern slum-clear-
ance sort is common-but there, even, some of these new buildings
have the sne, time-tested construction of the older houses. It is a
remarkably flexible style-useful even in windmills.
No one moves slowly in Holland. The Dutch are a nation of taxi-
drivers, even when on bicycles or on foot-and no one stops until a
red light forces him to. The same holds true at work-the qualities of
industry for which the eountiy has always been noted are still present.
A garan1uan recla!ation p'o.ect is now under way on the Zuider
Zee that will make Hoover Dam and similar American projects look
like small potatoes. The Netherlands is going places and doing things.

" '



* :.



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