!rn. Chiang A rrives,, Gets Awiard, Mak'es Fil By SUSAN ROLTZER understanding, and about US, the I I , .,.,..._x__._ ____ : l Madame Chiang Kai-shek es- Americanpeople,' terday arrived at Willow Run Air- "I am sure." MNme. Chiang re- port, received an award from an sponded, "you are not giving this Ann Arbor women's club and pre- award to me, but to all the Chinese pared a: television kinescope-ac- people who have fought shoulder companied at every step by news- to shoulder with the United States papermen, photographers and a during the last two wars, and who bevy of companions. are still doing so." Visiting the University to get The kinescoped television per- an honorary degree, Mine, Chiang formance, too, went smoothly - was the recipient of two additional Mine. Chiang, surrounded by tech- favors yesterday. A bouquet of nicians, calmly answered a series flowers awaited her at the airport, ; of prepared questions for a show to be released next fall. See related picture, page 4 The show, according to Mme. Chiang's secretary, was made at and an award from the -Business the request of the University. and Professional Women of Ann Arbor was presented at the Uni- T TOW' Campus versity television studio preceding And then Mine. Chiang was the kinescope. hurried away-in University cars The latter "token°" =waspr esena- that had to be resuminoned when' ed "as an expression of our ap- they unaccountably left after de- preciation for the message you livering the party to the TV studio. have carried back to your people Her latest visit to Ann Arbor- about our deep concern for human she was here in 1943, her secretary 'i > W 3 p 5{ t t Auditorium entitled "Shall We Exist on Sufferance?" Mme. Chiang's tour of campus will include visits to the Phoenix Memorial Project on North Cam- pus, and the Pediatrics Depart- ment of University Hospital, in which she expressed particular in- terest, She was anxious, she said, to see what is being done with children in this country, To Visit Chennault From here, Mime. Chiang will fly to New Orleans to visit Gen, Clare Chennault, who is extremely ill. General Chennault was com- mrander of the famed Flying Ti- gers, who supported the Chinese Army from the air during the early days of World War IL Earlier in her visit to the Unit- ed States, Mrne, Chiang had un- dergonea 'medical examination in a New York hospital, her secretary; mentioned. The medical report, he said, was "quite good." 41 . ,\ -Daly--Bruce Ba iey 'ROGRAM IN THE WORKS-Mme. Chiang waits patiently 4s niversity television technicians set up their equipment for the inescope telecast. The show will be ready for release sometime ext semester. * MME. CHIANG KAI-SHEK .., preparing kinescope said-will continue today with a grand tour of the University cam- pus, receipt of her degree and a speech at 8 p.m. in Rackham -Daily---ruce Bailey FLO WERY GREETING-Mine. Chiang Kai-shek (left) receives a bouquet of flowers from University student Lydia Woo of Formosa. Two other international students, also Chinese, were on hand to greet their first lady. MKE'S SPEECH M]ISSES POINT L Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom DaIIM THUNDER SHOWERS hSee Pate 2 VOL. LXVIII, No. I1S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAT, JULY 10, 1958 FIVE CENTS FOUR PA 3. S., Canada Hannon Offers Raeb'Trade Agreem~ent ,tt .OTI'AWA MA -- The United Sttsand Canada agreed yester- day, in top-level conversations, on greater cooperation in the eldsa ftrade with Communist China and safeguards against surprise attack, This tWo-fpld development grew out of a series of conversations between President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Prime Minister John G. Diefenbaker and confer- ences among Cabinet subordin- ates. A "United States embargo on grade with. Red China has been a sore point in United States- Canadian relations and the two governments now have agreed to consult one another on all cases in which their laws on such trade are out oa harmony. While spokesmen for the two countries left details fuzzy, it ap- peared the agreement will move, in the direction of perhaps per- nitting Canadian subsidiaries of' United States firms to sell non- strategic items to the Chinese Commzunists- On disarmament and particu- larly on safeguards against sur- prise attack, the President and the Prime Minister agreed to put experts of both the nations to work together in cooperation with those of other free world coun- tries concerned, to study the prob- lem. Primarily, the aim is to lay the groundwork for a conference with the Russians on the subject, along lies proposed in correspondence. between President Eisenhower aid Soviet Premier N i k i t a KXrushchev. World News Roundup By The Associated Press MOSCOW - The'Soviet Union complained last night that the United States refuses to say whether the current Geneva con- ference of nuclear experts should deal with suspension of nuclear tests. A Soviet; note accused the UnitedStatesngovernment of evading "a definite reply whether it agreed that the meeting of ex- perts should be devoted to solving the question of universal and in- stant suspension of nuclear wea- pon tests." WASHINGTON - Dr. Milton Eisehhower, the President's broth- er, was accused in the Senate yes- terday of "mooching on the gov- ernment for ,his personal vaca- tion pleasure" The White House denied it. At issue was the use of three i itary aitzraft to return Dr. Eisenhower and his 19-year-old daughter Ruth Tuesday from a Wisconsin fishing trip. The Pen- tagon estimated the cost at about $1,400. * * * NAPLES, Italy - Poet Ezra Pound returned to Italy yester- Aosr d ifh-iAnq hA 'ts w hnho MVouse Sent Up In Gold War Poicy By EDWA.PRD GERULDSEN Stuart L. Hannon, deputy program director for Radio Free Europe, yesterday defined the present status of the cold war between Fast and West as a "state of siege," a relentless propaganda struggle with the major purpose-from the Soviet point of view-of overthrowing parliamentarian government from without and within. "We are dealing," Hanrion said, "with an extraordinary dictatorial' apparatus-predatory and unaccountable-involved in a great con- spiracy."."To meet the threat, Hannon warned, we must wake up, alert ntercontinental Rebels Free NIEBUHR DECLARES: The ologian Says Faith Must C Money 'Lost' --Gol ine 'x WASHINGTON (M) - Bernard Goldfine and his financial secre- tary told House investigators yes- terday they have no idea what happened to $89,035 in guaran- teed bank checks bought by Gold- fine compandes in the early 1940s but never cashed. They refused to answer detailed questions about another $232,000 worth of checks bought over the last few years but all redeposited at one time last June 25, after the special House subcommittee's investigation' had turned to Gold- fine. Subcommittee members called all this "mysterious 'beyond belief." The millionaire Boton indus- trialist, gift-gIving friend of pres- idential assistant Sherman Adams, flushed with fury and cried "blackmail" to questions about an indictment - dropped without prosecution - 49 years ago. Rep. Peter F, Mack Jr. (D-1l.) said papers in the committee files show that such an indictment, on a charge of concealing assets in a bankruptcy case, was 'brought against Goldfine in 1909 and abandoned the following year, presumably for lack of evidence. Goldfine was 18 at the time, Goldfine has not yet filed his 1956 federal income tax return, Internal Revenue District Director Frank J. Kavanagh said yester- day. - ourselves to Soviet diplomaticl duplicities, and avoid letting our own words be used against us. Must Mobilize We must mobilize all peacefulA means to carry on the struggle effectively, mobilize public opinion, and develop a unified, vigorous GUANTANAMO, Cuba (,') - counter-propaganda campaign. Cuban rebels freed two more Speak ng in the second lecture American civilians yesterday but of a series presented under the still held all 30 kidnaped United auspices of the Summer Session States sailors and marines and a and the Committee on the Pro- lone Canadian. gram on Russian Studies, Hannon Five servicemen had been ex- presented a general view of the pected to turn up here. present status of the propaganda The United States Navy has be- w ar, pointed out the most im- come clearly impatient and indi- portant strengths and failings cated it might get tough with the American foreign policy, and rec- rebels. ommended a general course of ac- Adm. Jerauld Wright, com- tion for an -effective counter-prop- mander of the Atlantic Fleet and aganda campaign. Unrited States Atlantic Command, "The two greatest weapons we announced at Norfolk, Va., he is now have" he said, "are wealth flying here today to confer with and freedom." Our wealth bears United States diplomats and Navy heavily on foreign policy and prop- officials on negotiations for re- aganda, but is not used adequately. lease of the men. And, Hannon said, the freedom Admiral Wright plans to fl* associated with the United States back to Norfolk in the afternoon has great influence, but an influ- and, if necessary, to confer with ence based more on the past than Washington top officials tomor- the present. row. Recommends Policy Rear Adm. R. B. Ellis-, com- To make the best use of our mander of the Guantanamo naval strength, Hannon recommended a base, told reporters wearily last dynamic foreign policy, one which night: "Park Wollam - United takes advantage- of Soviet diplo- States consul negotiating with the matic 'blunders, which siezes the rebels - advised me he fully ex- initiative in the war against the pected five sailors to be released institution of war, which exploits today. Soviet initiative, rather than mere- "The delay is due purely to ly reacting to it, which refuses to transportation troubles." compromise principles for policy, The civilians released during, and which demands reciprocal the day and brought here by recognition of law and order in all United States Navy helicopter the moves in the search for peace., were kidnaped June 26 from the The struggle for peace, Hannon j Moa Bay Mining Co. camp where concluded, may require a new they worked as engineers., breed of men and new sinews of Nineteen civilians thus have democracy to deal with the crises been returned in the past week and tests of the years to come, from captivity. By LANE VANDERSLICE Religious faith must be -placed in the context of the twentieth century, Prof. Richard Niebuhr Names Difficulty said yesterday. One difficulty: "We haven't The noted theologian said the caught up" with the 20th century task facing religion is to "de- ourselves, he noted, in terms of mythologize" itself, c h a n g i n g understanding our history, our those elements which depend on future, the depths "and possibly, primitive c o n c e p t i o n s of the the heights" in ourselves. world. Speaking before an overflow "How can religion be justified, crowd, Prof. Niebuhr said religion when nothing can be justified in in America was distinguished by the same sense as the ancients its personal quality, its populari- thought it could be?" Prof. Nieb- -ation and, in recent ygais, its in- uhr asked. tegration. Personalization means imme- ip l C r diacy in the life of the individual, Prof. Niebuhr said. "Sometimes personalization is like mono- II ~ grainmed stationary," he com- pee s s A tio mented, being personalized, but . t g a i n only formally so. ntReligion Has Adjusted "Religion has adjusted itself 40 almost "every nook and cranny" ST. LOUIS (k - The United of American civilzation, he de- States.Court of Appeals acted yes- clared. Prof. Niebuhr said this terday to assure an early ruling phenomenon of adjustment was on whether the Little Rock, Ark., unique to American civilization., school board must proceed in Sep- Some of the less sophisticated tember with racial integration at forms of religion have been ac- Central High School. companied by a slight feeling of Three judges were named by distaste on the part of some col- Chief Judge Archibald K. Gard- lege graduates, he said. Some ner to hear an appeal from an forms are vulgar, he noted, "but order by District Judge Harry J. so are a lot of the Amnerican Lemley at Little Rock blocking in- people." tegraton there for 30 months. There has been integation in. The judges. without committing recent years, as America became. themselves to a date, indicated one land, according to Prof.. they expect to rule on the case Niebuhr. "But it is also a story of before the fall school term begins. integration in the way of think-, They invited both sides - the ing in America," he insisted. Little Rock School Board and the American Modes National Association for the Ad- Distinctively American modes of vancement of Colored People - thought are "a form of activism," to petition for an early hearing. individualism, and a "concern Religion must be "re-mytholo- gized" in 20th century terms, he said. First Rocket Air Fore inge Seeking Its Return Alive CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., ) - The Air Force shot a mouse in1 space last night and hoped 1 bring it back alive after the fir; intercontinental flight of a Unite States ballistic weapon. Fifteen minutes after a might Thor-Able rocket blasted out c a great pool of exhaust fire in1 a. starry night sky, the Air Fori said the two-stage vehicle ai peared to perform satisfactoril The mouse was in a secre highly advanced nose cone of th rocket, which was aimed for target area 6,000 miles down tI south Atlantic test range. Big Question Bruce Bailey If the tiny rider survived th -IEBUHR flight through the thin outi eligion reaches of space and the red-hi plunge back into the earth's dens order of atmosphere, man will have take r said. anothex big step toward his owe Puritan an- first venture toward the stars ar cterized now planets. 'wanting as An attempt was to be made 1 lie said, recoved the nose cone and its litt S passe-ner. gion is in Thor-Able is comrposed of a utilitarian standard Thor fni-le topped 1 etting some- a radically modified stcond stag a, faith that of the Vanguard satellite rocket he said, So fars United States rocket eN pointed out peris have been unable to breE has been through the intercontirental ba: that eases rir w th a ballistic ;eapon. for mental to keep the Snark Slow POSSIBLE 'SHOPPERS' PAR ADISE': State Street Mall Plan Now Under Discussion -Daly-$ PROF. RICHARD N « . . American n with the temporal things," Prof, Niebuh In contrast to our3 cestors, "we are chara by having a mania of much as we can get,":'1 Contemporary reli danger of becominga faith - a faith for ge thing now and not a can stick to a cause, As examnples, heI that religion today boosted as something fears and thus good health or a device t family together. Harvard vs. I A Harvard professor a book on how to get lieving in God, theN gian noted. However, there is a maint a in "non-uti Prof. Niebuhr observed trying the middle wa: The main ingredient, ligious faith have been in America by the bi tion, he said. Evenf declared, often have h sons for denial of org gion. According to Prof. biblical tradition appea forms because it was numerous societies of-1 The two most pow( of religion in the m are nationalism-a Christianity, Prof. N The two senses shou separate, he said. Cancer 11 By JUDITH DONER State Street may be turned into a "Shopper's Paradise." If present plans, which are only in the idea stage, according to John Paup, chairman of the traffic committee of the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce, are ever made more than hypothetical, a mall such as the one depicted in the accompanying picture may result. First proposed by the traffic committee, the project has been Gemporarily turned over to the City Planning Commission to work out construction details, On State Street As the "idea" stands at present, the mall would run the length and breadth of State Street between E. William and E. Washington Sts. Its path. however, would be interrupted at the corner of State and North University Ave. where it would jut sideways and continue along North University to Thayer St. This would involve, consequently, the closing off of North Univer- sity between State and Thaver. , y Yale r even wrote rich by be- Yale theolo- tstruggle to ilitarianism" d, with most y. is In any re- isynthesized blical tradi- atheists, he biblical rea- ganized reli- Niebuhr, the' ars in varied molded by the -past. 'erful senses odern world and Judeao- iebuhr said. uld be kept rug f* The Snark, a jet-propelled craft, has traveled 6,000 miles but not through space. It moves only 600 miles an hour - a snail's pace in comparison with the speed of the ballistic missiles. A nose cone launched into space last May 18 by' the Army's Jupi- ter rocket survived a 9,000 m.p.h, plunge back to earth and was re- covered intact from the ocean. The flight, however, 'was over an intermediate range of only about 1,600 miles, So accurate was the Jupiter shot that ships near the predeter- mined target area saw the nose cone hit the sea. Visible Three Minutes The Thor-Able jumped out o1 a spectacular pool of fire at 9:49 p.m. and was visible about three minutes as it raced across the Florida sky. The first stage appeared to burna out about 2 minutes and 40 4ec- onds after the blastoff and the second stage seemed to ignite ae planned. A team of aero-medical special- ists was standing by awaiting news of how the mouse - nick- named "Mia II" for "Mouse in J