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July 09, 1958 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1958-07-09

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Sixty-Eighth Year

Time To Clean Fp

n Opinions Are Free
ruth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Russell Report Shows Need
For Wider Support of Education
- u

OST LIKELY, anyone who sets foot in the State Theatre thle
week has a airly good idea of what is in store for him, It Is EvIa
Presley, guitar-strumming. lyric mumbling hero of the high school set.
Presley was only last monh made an honorary Doctor of F'nance
and Investments at MSU. a highly desirable honor which is awarded
occasionally to shrewd investors. In "K:ng Creole," Dr. Presley wanders
through a non-Inhibitory but profiable blot, singing and mumbling, to
the delight of his friends.
It must be said that "King Creole" has considerably more to it
than most films designed to exploit the Rock and Roll menace. Presley
does, to be sure, find at least ten opportunities to "sing," But we are
not spared the unlikely sight of five or six dozen teen-age extras spon-
taneously breaking into a primitive dance, to the accompaniment of
an offstage maniac.
Elvis plays a misunderstood young New Orleans fellow, who would

VORDS to the wise should be sufficient, it
is said.
In Michigan, the dismal picture of higher
.ueation's difficulties in maintaining good
laries is not by any means the result of a
,k of words.
The latest report of the Legislative Study
Dmmittee on Higher Education (Russell Re-
rt) shows that state colleges and univrsi-
s are fighting a losing battle in the compe-
tion for brains with business and industry.
But this information is hardly news. Uni-
rsity officials as well as administrators from
1 other higher educational institutions have
en saying the same thing for a long time.
st a year ago last spring, Vice-President and
can of Faculties Marvin Niehuss said the
nlversity's standing among American colleges
being threatened by an unprecedented wave
competition for its faculty members. The
>mpetition certainly hasn't lessened since
en and probably has intensified.
PROBABLY even more significant, Niehuss
.went on to say, "The recent offers (from
her schools) to University faculty members
%ve been all very substantially above our sal-
y levels." The latest Russell Report says that
lary levels are a major problem of higher
lucation which need immediate and colse at*'
The significance of "raids" on faculties, in
od part a result of low salaries, is the dam-
e caused by the loss of Just one or two key
en from a department. A single outstanding
gure can provide the impetus to make a
ood" department become an "excellent" de-.
rtment, even though he may be only one of
veral dozen well-known and competent men
the department. This man, and probably a
w others, often form the core of a depart-

Another obvious effect of poor salary scales
is the loss to business and industry of both
established, well-known educators and young-
er men who eventually would take their place.
The young men either cannot afford to stay
in the education field on the salaries they re-
ceive, in the face of industry's inducements or
they simply do not get offers of employment
from higher education because colleges have
no money to pay them even a nominal salary.
THIS SITUATION was highlighted this year
when the University's 1958-59 operating
budget was reduced by the State Legislature
to a millio ndollars under the figure appro-
priated this year. As one of many belt-tight-.
ening operations, the University has been
forced to eliminate some 200 faculty and staff
positions next fall.
The continually mounting array of evidence
is making it harder and harder to deny the
deficiency of university salary scales. But since
the Legislature, with its present composition,
probably will continue to deny it, the evidence
must be brought, as the Russell Report sug-
gests, to the attention "of philanthropic do-
nors, alumni, church groups, business, labor, or-
ganizations and all citizens interested in the
future welfare of their state."
If the state government, as is obviously the
case, cannot provide sufficient financial sup-
port to assure the best in educational institu-
tions, then these other groups and individuals,
who do and will continue to need college edu-
cated young men and women in greater and
greater numbers, must take upon themselves a
good part of the task of providing money for
the schools and colleges.

( r.b okIti 4ain
(Hrlc son aealiOil
U.S.-Canadian Talks' Overdue

Associated Press News Analyst
THE visit of President Dwight D.
Eisenhower and Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles to Cana-
da this week tends to wrap United
States-Canadian relations in an
atmosphere of crisis which is more
apparent than real.
There is no question that both
governmental relations and the
long feeling of friendship between
the two peoples have come under
a strain,
THIS was made clear when con-
servative party candidates began
playing on Canadian nationalis i
in the election campaigns which
ended the long-time Liberal ma-
jority last March. They made in-
dependence from United States
economic and political policies one
of their winning issues.
Candidate, now Prime Minister,
Diefenbaker made political hay
with general statements about
taking Canada back to greater
economic reliance on Great Britain
and less on the United States, a

sure sign of spreading popular dis-
Various troubles had been de-
veloping for some time.
Canada and the United States,
both big wheat exporters, had
found themselves in competition
soon after World War II at con-
ferences designed to regularize the
world wheat trade.'Itiore recently,
the United States adopted what
some Canadians and others have
called a "dumping" program for its.
wheat surplus in connection with
the foreign aid program,
[ NITER States policy on trade
with the Communist bloc was re-
stricting the outlets for burgeon-
ing new Canadian industry, vital in
a country whose population was
growing at the rate of 30 per cent
in 10 years,
The American business recession
interfered with Canadian exports,
and coincided with the elections,
Canada had made great conces-
sions to United States policy.
Perhaps the greatest of all was

the submission of Canadian de-
fense planning to a joint com.-
mand headed by an American, and
establishment of United States
military defenses on Canadian soil.
. , * *
CANADIANS worried about
United States domination of the
defense picture and possible war
situations, but went ahead with
old-time trust. Canada also ad-
hered. with some protest, to. Wash-
ington anti-Communist policy.
They now feel that they are not
receiving a proper return on this
investment of good faith. They are
asking in friendly fashion hat
joint problems be considered joint-
ly, instead of by unilateral at-
tempts at solution in Washington.
They want to be asked more
and told less.
The double-barreled Eisenhower-
Dulles visit represents an acknowl-
edgnment of this right, and a per-
haps overdue attempt to work out
better liaison and more real co-
It is not, however, recognition of
anything like an emergency. '

Ike Evades Moral Question

'HUS FAR, the defense of Sherman Adams,
as managed from the White House, has si-
iced the President on a moral issue about
ich it is his special and peculiar duty to
eak out and give the country a lead.
The crucial question about Gov. Adams is
t, in the field of statutory law. It does not
in on whether there was a corrupt relation-
p between Adams and Goldfine which could
dealt with in a court. The question posed
the hotel bills is in the field of manners -
at is to say, what conduct is becoming to it
atleman who sits at the right hand of the
esiden't of the United States.
[t is the special duty of any President to
swer such a question. And in view of all that
has had to say about leading a crusade to
an up Washington, it is the peculiar duty of
is President to answer the question. But
esident Dwight D. Eisenhower has evaded it.
matters stand after his public statements,
moral judgment is that it was imprudent of
ams to accept Goldfine's contributions to
s living expenses, but since there is no evi-
ace that any law has been violated, the inci-
at ought to be considered as closed. In ac-
pting Goldfine's money no serious offense'
s been committed, so we are asked to believe,
long as there is no legal proof that Adams.
aid Goldfine by obtaining special favors
m a government agency.
IS NOT possible to close the incident on
his point and at this level. For. that would
an that on the authority of the President
d with the consent of the country, the stand-
d of official conduct in the White House had
n greatly lowered and loosened. The rule
uld be that money can be accepted from in-
ested parties provided nothing is done to
>ay them. This is not good enough for the
esident in the White House, and it impairs
dignity of his office to have to discuss it
['he most compelling reason for refusing to
the incident be closed is the moral damage
ich is being done by the defense and the
)logies that are being inspired from the
aite House.
['he argument that money can be accepted
wided nothing is given in return is an at-
apt to befuddle the real issue. It conceals
main point, namely what 'is customary and
haps tolerable elsewhere may be intolerable
the close official family of the President.
those who are at the top, the country has
ight to demand a self-imposed standard of
Editorial Staff

conduct which is much higher than the laws
against bribery and graft. That was in essence
the principle on which Gen. Eisenhower ran
for President in 1952.
The ultimate power of the state cannot be
entrusted to men whose conception of public
virtue is that their integrity is adequate it
they cannot be convicted of crime. It is not
asking too much that in the highest places men
must be an example of what ought to be the
general practice. They cannot excuse them-
selves by saying that in fact they have done
only as many others have done.
IT IS A VERY demoralizing argument, which
has been urged since the disclosures, that
everybody is doing it, and so why set up a
hypo-critical Qutcry because one more official
is found to be doing it. This cynical apology is
not in fact true. Everybody in the government
is not doing it. In politics and in business there
is, as we all know, a big trade in influence, and
a great deal of loose conduct. But once we
adopt the view that loose conduct can be tol-
erated by the President in the White House, we
have surrendered and we have quit in the un-
ending struggle for good government.
The line taken by the defense is a greater
injury to the country than the original offense
itself - than the hotel bills and the telephone
calls. Gov. Adams, having confessed to impru-
dence, to what is undeniably loose conduct, can
only be retained in the White House by tear-
ing down the higher standards of conduct.
Such a defense, if it prevailed, would be a
moral disaster.
1958 New York Herald Tribune Inc.
New Books at the Library
Barr, Strngfellow-Purely Academic; N.Y.,
Simon and Schuster, 1.958.,
Carraty, John A.-The Nature of Biography;
N:Y., Knopf, 1957.
Fassett, Agatha-The Naked Face of Genius:
Bela Bartok's American Years; Boston, Hough-
ton Miffin, 1958.
Halle, Louis J.-Choice for Survival; N.Y.,
Harper, 1958.
Hanson, Lawrence and Elisabeth-Verlaine.
Fool of God; N.Y., Random House, 19,57,
Lapp, Ralph E.-The Voyage of the Lucky
Dragon; N.Y., Harper, 1958.
Morison, Samuel Eliot-Strategy and Com-.
promise; Boston, Little, Brown, 1958.
Ross, Ishbel-First Lady of the South: The
Life of Mrs. Jefferson Davis; N.Y., Harper, 1958.
Sinclair, Mary C. - Southern Belle; N.Y.,
Crown, 1957.
Tansill, Charles C.-America and the Fight
for Irish Freedom, 1866-1922; N.Y., Devin-
Adair, 1957.
Teller, Edward and Latter, Albert L.-Our
Nuclear Future; N.Y., Criterion Books; 1958.
Rouche, Barton-The Incurable Wound and
Further Narratives of Medical Detection; Bos-
ton, Little, Brown, 1958,
Samuel, Edwin-A Cottage in Galilee; NY,
Abelard-Schuman, 1958.
Swarthout, Glendon-They Came to Cordura;
?lrY Randoam.19743.

yLebanon Sinks ke's Pledge

from Damascus is a winding high-
way that loops around hills and
threads its way through country-
side resembling New Mexico. Fast-
driving Arab chauffeurs and plod-
ding camel caravans make the trip
in anywhere from four hours to
four days; while a little railroad,
which now chiefly carries freight,
chugs once a day from Beirut and
the sea up to Damascus and Syria.
Once it was part of the famed
Berlin to Baghdad Railway with
which the Kaiser dreamed of con-
necting his would-be empire.
Almost 'every boulder along the
roads leading to Damascus is
steeped in history. Back and forth.
along this highway battled Chris-
tian crusaders and Moslem de-
fenders. And today, history which
upsets the Eisenhower Doctrine
as disastrously as the armies of
Mohammed upset the armies of
the crusaders is being made along
that winding stretch of road be-
tween Damascus and Lebanon.
THERE, thousands of rifles,
machine guns, t o g e t h e r with
guerilla fighters, are''being
smuggled into half-Christian Leb-
anon from Moslem Syria, arms
originating in part from the huge
store Russia has poured into the
United Arab Republic in order to
bring Lebanon into the Nasser-
Soviet orbit and in order to show
up the Eisenhower pledge of aid
to pro-West nations as a phony.
So far it has succeeded. The
Eisenhower pledge of aid to any
pro-West nation asking for aid
has about as much authority as
Adlai Stevenson's hopes for vic-
tory in 1956. American prestige in
the Near East has sunk to a new
* * *,
ALSO at a new low is the word
of UN Secretary General Dag
Hammarskjold, who recently an-
nounced there was no real evi-
dence of Nasser-Syrian infiltra-
tion of the Lebanese border. Both
sides know the real extent of Nas-
ser infiltration ,and either Ham-
marskjold was blind to the facts
or didn't want to admit them.
From unimpeachable intelli-
gence sources, this column has
been able to secure the facts on
the manner in which the Leban-
ese border has been made a literal
sieve. And although the facts are
to numerous to rmumerate in

person a. letter to a Syrian agent
with instructions for the bombing
of three main streets in Beirut
and the President's palace.,
Syrian Ammunition Truck-On
May 28 a truck was caught near
Tripoli coming from Syria. It con-
tained 88 BERTHA mortars, one
anti-tank gun, 60 cases of hand
grenades, 22 rifles marked "Syrian
Army" and 28 boxes of BERTHA
ammunition marked "Egyptian
Syrians Cross Border - On May
3, 200 Syrian army conscripts
crossed the border and occupied
the village of Kafar Shouba.
When driven out by the Lebanese,
they entrenched themselves in the
hills and fired continuously.
* * *
THIS IS Just a small part of
the evidence available to Dag
Hammarskjold, despite which he -

claimed there was no real evidence
of Syrian-Egyptian penetration of
Lebanon. This is also part of the
evidence which caused John Fos-
ter Dulles to send battle-equipped
U.S. Marines to the 6th fleet, and
which also induced him to per-
suade the British to send 17,000
extra men to Cyprus, most of
them paratroopers.
The British, who were sere as
blazes at the Eisenhower Admin-
istration for stopping their attack
on Suez, were not enthusiastic
about making plans for further
intervention in the Near East, but
finally yielded to Dulles' request.
They now find themselves in, the
position of having marched up the
hill once again, only to march
down the hill once again - all
thanks to the vacillating foreign
policy of the United States.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, ;e.),

rather sing than kiss and vice versa
whose mob apparently consists of
three sophomores and a bookie.
Elvis romps through the city
slums, singing at a night club
conveniently 'named the "King
Creole." Occasionally, he meets
this ;ocal hoodlum, or, better yet,
his moll, a misunderstood P1 Phi
from Maine who couldn't find a
student leader to marry. And then
there's a good girl, who works be-
hind the soda fountain at Woo-
worths, changing the gas bottles.
* * *
AFTER finding fame and for-
tune at the King Creole, Elvis
finds the mob wants to sign him
up to sing at a rival Joint. And so
he does, once the pressure is on.
But soon, Elvis finds it neces-
sary to bean the mob leader. After
a few more songs, he encounters
the three sophomores and the
bookie, whom he is obliged to ex-
punge. Suffering a minor stab in
the left lung, he is rescued by the
Pi Phi, and they make for her
shack in the swamp
After a few quick shootings,
there is peace again. The mob
leader and the Pi Phi are killed,
the police never show up, and
Elvis is last seen singing merrily if
incoherently, at the King Creole,
And what does Elvis' girl think of
all this?,
"He is impossible," she says,
changing gas bottles, "But I need
--David Kessel
'King and I'
Polish ed1
THE RODGERS and Hammer-
stein "formula" so successful
in "Oklahoma", "Carousel", and
"South Pacific" , has more re-
cently found difficulties in trying
to maintain the high standards
set by those earlier musicals.
In the "King and I" that for-
mula's tried mixture of lo.ve, hu
mor, ethics and religion provides
audiences with many pleasing mo-
ments but fails to accomplish very
significant or unified drama, even
with the aid of song and dance.
At the hands, however, of the
talented Music Circle Theatre cast
-in this week's production under
the tent in Farmington, Just, west
of Detroit - those "pleasing mo-
ments" are made to substitute for
much of what the play itself
While abiding the many rapid
changes in scene, the awkward
passages in time and the melange
of emotions and unfinished ac-
tions of the "King and I," the
Music Circle players have polished
their characterizations, their mu-
sical numbers and many humor-
ous lines, offering a rather enjoy-
able evening's entertainment.
In the cast, Byrne Piven as the
unbending King of Siam domi-
nates the musical. Although his
solo performance ("A puzzle-'
ment") lacks strength ,he was at
other times a commanding, high-
stepping figure asking and receiv-
ing the audience's understanding
and respect,
Off to a shakier start than her
role required, Joan Fagan as
Anna, thekBritish lady who goes
to Bangkok to teach the king's
children, gained confidence and
greater feeling through the play,
reaching a peak in her musical
duet with the King, "Shall We
Dance?" one of the production's
most pleasant moments.
Carolyn Maye and James Tush-
ar, the young lovers TIuptim and
Lun Tha, play their brief roman-
tic roles well. The audience in
.turn, wishes to see and learn more
of the lovers, but. the play is at

fault for the omission.
In supporting roles, John Bay-
lis and Faye Elizabeth are stern
memebrs of the palace royalty
whose maturity balances the
flightiness of Anna and the oth-g
ers. Gorden Connell and Robert
Mesroban are very good indeed in
character parts.
Heading a large cast of younger
actors and actresses, Philip Tor-
rey and David Knight displayed
polish as Anna's son Louis and
the crown prince. The Siamese
children, all well rehearsed, are
worth many humorous incidents.
The ballet, "The Small House
of Uncle Thomas," is the success
of the evening. Here, as through-
out the production, the costum-
ing special effects are the most
Aoutsnndingr fea',ture from thle



To the Editor:
("continuously funny," "Well
acted") in Thursday's review of
"No Time for Sergeants" were
both unexpected and incompre'
hensible. Insmuch as The Daily
is generally hypercritical of even
the best pictures, it is surprising
that it should endorse one of Hol-
lywood's most unsuccessful at-
tempts at reproducing the cream
of a Broadway hit.
The intimacy between the audi-
ence and the characters which is
so necessary to the stage is miss-
ing from the film: this is usually
true, but not always, with stage
hits gone Hollywood. In the ab-
sence of this intimacy, the por-
trayals must be reworked in or.
der to make "them even more
convincing than those in the
plays. Stage humor is not neces-
sarily screeh humor, even when
the cast is essentially the same.
As TIME so aptly put it, ", .eJI
too often under Mervyn LeRoy's
dull-as-drill direction, the gailus
humor does not snap, the slap.
stick does not slap." For example,
the sergeant's overacting (Jump-
ing off the floor when surprised,
etc.), though effective for the
stage, ranks with Abbott-Costel-
los and Laurel-Hardys on the
What the stage presented as
hilarious comedy the screen has
translated into nonsensical,sill
attempts at humor, with the ex-
ception of a few scenes. It Is ex.
cellent child's fare.
The Daily should also be tin
formed that Myron McCorik'
played the sergeant -and Nick
Adams was Griffith's pal, not vice
versa as reported.
--Stephen A. Zefi
Fencing . .
To the Editor:
IF WE were all "fence-thinkers
as Judy Doner thinks Mr. Coss
tello's talk should have been ,
"fence-sitter," then what would
be the value of asking any on-the.
scene observer to appear before
a group such as heard hii talk onM
co-existence? This was just an ex-
ample of interpretive reporting. I
think Miss Doner was wrong in
criticizing Mr. Costello"s talk as
-Pamela Marh
The Daily Official Bulletin Is
official publication of the Uni yer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m., the day preced-
ing publication.
VOL. LXVI, NO. 10-5
General Notices
Classical studies Coffee Hour: The
faculty, students, and friends of the
Department of'Clfacal studies are
cordially invited to a Coffee Hour at
the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology O
Thurs., July 10, 4:15 p.m.
University Community Square Dances
Tnonsore by the Departments of Phys
Edue. and Summer Session. Callers are.
all members of the Ann Arbor Square
Dance Leaders Ateoc. Thurs., July 1,
8:00-10:00 p.m., Palmer Field.
Music Education-Guest Lecturer: Dr.
William Sur, on the faculty of Mich.
state Univ., will be presented In the
second of the series of lectures and
demonstrations sponsored by the Dept,
of Music Educ., Wed, July a, "4:00 pm.,
Aud. D. Angell Hall. Dr. Sur, who is
president of the North Central Confer-


He runs afoul of a local hoodlum

ne, Chiang
To the Editor:
SAW recently that Mme.
Chiang Kai-shek is in this
country to receive an honorary
degree from the University of
Michigan July 10. As a Michigan
graduate I personally am ashamed
of this. I hope that The Daily
has protested this actIon.
Simon Silver, '37



No Ful . * *

to the



Intervention Unlikely
By The Associated Press
IN THE TWO WEEKS since United Nations Secretary General Ham-
marskjold went.to Lebanon the situation there has boiled down into
a hazy mush which may have averted a military crisis.
Hammarskjold's position which is backed by a vague report by the
UN observations group, is that the shooting there is primarily an in-
ternal matter which must be settled by the Lebanese themselves.
The United States and Britain think the observations group may
be technically correct in failing to find massive foreign infiltration
into the rebel ranks, but wIong in issuing a report playing down such
interference from Syria as there is.
Since the two powers can hardly Justify intrventlon as long as
the UN does not overrule Hammarskjold, they have been given an out
with the Lebanese government which may be more welcome than is
admitted publicly.
Expressed doubts as to Beirut's claims may also have served to
forestall the expected Lebanese request for a UN police force or for
U. S.-British aid under the mutual defense provisions of the UN charter,
ONE DAMPER on outside action to aid the Chamoun government
has been its reluctance to throw its own army into what it has tried
to mae appear as an outside invasion from the Syrian section of the
United Arab Republic.
The government apparently has feared the effects of division with-
in the army itself, and the army leaders apparently prefer a middle
course until the ultimate political victor is determined.
There was -a report at the UN Monday that Chamoun was con-
sidering an offer to the rebels to resign when Parliament meets lateI
this month, remaining only as caretaker until the September election,1
The report 'was discounted by many who failed to see Just what it
would mean to a compromise, since he has promised to get out in
September anyw~ay, and since there is no evidence of central authority
-- t. - ~~1



Co-Editor Co-Editor
'T JUNKER ...,,.,.,.. ih Editor
LRD GEM-LJLDSEN,,,,..r.,f.Ni 'ht Editor
N HOLTZER Night Editor
VANDERSLICE ,.,...,.,..,. Ngcht Editor
ARD MINTZ ....... ,.... Sports Editor
SHIPPEY ,........,.... Chief Photographer
Business Staff

' J ti1^iAb'tlb J"'ffr'A..RTA7 < " r... .a ®.._.... t s a. v .. .. ,....

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