PA RASITOLOGIST LEAVES UNIVERSITY: Woodhead To Retire After 34 Years on Faculty Prof. Woodhead said, "we can has been nearly alone in his stand, only do so much in one lifetime." In his own lifetime, Prof. Wood- head numbers among his accom- plishments the tracing of the life cycle of the giant kidney worm, a parasite that can cause death to numerous animals. Found Germ Cell Cycle Another discovery credited to Prof. Woodhead is the controver- sial germ cell cycle in the trema-1 toda - a species of parasite that causes such diseases as swimmers' itch and the human blood fluke. Prof. Woodhead announced his germ cell cycle theory almost 30 ears ago, but until recently hie. However, he said, "whether they go along with my thinking or not, I know I'm right." In 1929 Prof. Woodhead, as an amateur photographer, developed "an inexpensive micro-movie ap- paratus to study the method of penetration of parasites into their hosts." Graduate of Clark Prof. Woodhead received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Clark University in Worcester, Mass., In 1914, and came to the University as an instructor in zo- ology ten years later. Here he re- ceived his Master of Arts degree, in 1926, and two years later gained his doctorate. He became an asso- ciate professor in 1937, Prior to that, Prof. Woodhead taugh+ at various institutions, in- cluding six years at West Mary- land College. Besides being the author of nu- merous scientific articles, Prof. Woodheadi is a member of the American Society of Parisitolo- gists, the American Microscopic Society and the University's Sci- ence Research Club. As a teacher, his career spans directing field studies and teaching a course in parasitology in the medical school. I !! , EG I I I ~I in everySL