Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNnVERSTrY OF MICHIGAN 'hen Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth W111 Preval" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. "I Thought Men Didn't Go For That Sack Style" - " 1 1) "L kRlk 1 "" l ll.: Carthage-A 1 t That Knew No Peace By RELMAN MORIN Associated Press Staff Writer C ART H AGE, Tunisia-A modern army camp stands today amid the noble ruins of ancient Carthage. Tunisian riflemen look out across the terrain that recorded the footprints of innumerable armies through 3,000 years of warfare. Their brick blockhouse sits on top of an incredible layer-cake of vanished civilizations, each one built on the foundations of the old. Barbed wire fronts the beach where Roman and Vandal, Saracen and Crusader-and perhaps forgotten battallions before them-came Y, JULY 8, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN HOLTZER Mime.Chiang's Degree: >ned .. . H IS WEEKC the University will grant an honorary degree to one of the world's truly outstanding women, Mme. Chiang Kai-shek. |cept perhaps for Eleanor Roosevelt, no wom- n in the world today has more insight into he Communist-Free world struggle or knowl- dge of world affairs. Mme. Chiang has seen ommunism conquer her land, has been in the nner councils of Chinese and Formosan gov- rnment and generally is an expert in Far astern affairs. A woman who lives in the Far East is aware f the problems and policy of a strong power her'e and who is trained and perceptive in her wn right is one upon whom the University can e proud to confer a degree, Her statements of United States policy con- erning the Far East can be, and should be, stened to with much seriousness. Mme. Chiang tnows the area, and when she expresses concern hat United States aid to neutrals may cause econd thoughts for pro-Western nations, she in all probability correct. Thus her opinions bout cancelling foreign aid to neutrals should e seriously considered in this country, for she an "expert" of the first rank. Her talk about an invasion of the Chinese iainland by Formosan troops is probably orale-boosting propaganda, but the fact that he may be speaking Formosa's immediate olicy should not be discarded without some oisideration. The University has not only made a wise, but very fortunate choice in Mme. Chiang as a egree recipient. Her prestige, her ability and ower, her knowledge of world affairs and her Tinning personality make her a somewhat more eceptable asset to the list of University honor- ry degree holders. Mme. Chiang is, in fact, a 'niversity success in this year of' budget cuts nd other failures, one of the few bright spots z an otherwise hot, dull summer. --ROBERT JUNKER Condemned.. . MADAME CHIANG KAI-SHEK, diplomat-at- large and chief public relations agent for the Generalissimo's shaky "regime" on Formosa is coming to Ann Arbor this week to receive an honorary degree from the University, appar- ently in recognition of her dabblings in world politics. Mme. Chiang's latest political pronounce- ment came in the form of advice to the Free World to cease and desist from aiding neutrals, for fear of alienating allies actively engaged in the war against Communism. She apparently classes Nationalist China among those coun- tries actively engaged in fighting Communism, for to suggest that Formosa is a "neutral" cap- able of standing alone is unrealistic. Formosa, rather than being a material asset in the anti-Communist struggle, is a definite liability. Chiang's economy navigates on a sea of red ink, kept afloat only by American aid: His aging army, such as it is, is American- trained and equipped. And his very survival is owed to the presence of the U.S. Seventh Fleet between his little sanctuary and the mainland. Chiang Kai-shek's present untenable posi- tion-militarily, economically and politically- and his present and past heavy dependence on Amferican aid combined to make his and Mme. Chiang's advice to the Free World sound like a little boy trying to tell his Daddy how to run things, and his. oft-repeated "threat" to re- capture the mainland look like the same little boy hiding behind his daddy and shaking his fist at the big bully across the street. Mme. Chiang has -for years been making periodic trips to the United States, usually with the purpose of extracting further and bigger allowances from the -'old man." That this trip will be any difffrent is unlikely; that the Uni- versity should dignify what is essentially beg- ging by honoring the chief solicitor is regret- table. --EDWARD GERULDSEN 4(- 464 f (II erbLock is o& Vacation) WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Go ld fine Sleuths Get Report By DREW PEARSON kidnappings Require Tough Policy WASHINGTON - While public attention was focused on the Madison Avenue techniques of Bernard Goldfine, the private concentration of both sides has been on out-investigating each other. Both sides in the Goldfine- Sherman Adams case have been playing cops 'and robbers with pri- vate detectives and wire taps. Private sleuths have been checking up on members of the congressional committee to retali- ate for its previous investigation of Adams and Goldfine. Members of the Harris Commit- tee are certain that their wires are tapped, while one detective imported from New York has been definitely probing Rep. Morgan Moulder, (D-Mo.) who first pre- sided over the hearings and quit in disgust after Rep. Oren Harris (D-Arkansas) insisted on firingr counsel Bernard Schwartz. The allegations of Schwartz and Rep.: Moulder have now been substanti- ated almost 100 per cent. One at- torney fors the Harris Committee has also been under private in- vestigation. 4, * * SO FAR the private sleuthing done by the Go l d f i n e forces doesn't seem to have developed much -except for obtaining a copy of the committee's draft report on the Federal Trade Commission. Staff members of the Harris Com- mittee had prepared a report, la- ter to be issued by the committee itself, showing how Goldfine's company, Northfield Mills, had received preferential treatment after Sherman Adams called FTC Chairman Ed Howrey, The draft report is seven pages long, and the Goldfine forces were d e 1i g h t e d when their sleuths smuggled a copy from the com- mittee. They '"ere not so delight- ed when they read the report.. This column has now had a look at the copy which Goldfine's sleuths euchred fron the Harris Committee and can state that it shows C h a i r man Howrey is charged with a misdemeanor in giving information to Sherman Adams for Goldfine. It also shows that Goldfine got extremely f a- vorable treatment following the Adams call. "Northfield Mills got by without giving the information which might have disclosed other viola- tions," said the Harris Commit- tee's draft report, "MOREOVER," continued the Committee report, "the commis- Sion took no steps to follow up this mnatter and check on the con- cern's fabrics until the fall of 1954, when it received a complaint of othervilations, The investiga- tions prompted by this subsequent complaint yielded evidence of nu- merous and serious violations of the act. "Many of the most serious vio- lations involved fabrics alleged to contain high proportions of Guanaco fiber, which in fact con- tained very little of that." Following this, Goldline and his son called at the Federal Trade Commission, after Sherman Adams arranged an appointment, and at the end of the meeting, called Adams in front of FTC of- ficials to thank him. But imme- diately thereafter, Goldfine kept on violating the Wool Labeling Act. "Subsequent investigation dis- closed that they , . continued to mislabel fabrics," read the draft report which Goldfine's represen- tatives managed to smuggle from the committee. The report then told how Charles Canavan sub- mitted a 37-page memo recoin- mending that "because of the magnitude of the deception and the fact that the violation had been premeditated and willful," the matter be sent TO thel Justice Department for criminal prose- cution, ** *~ 4 DISCUSSING the importance of Trade Commission secrecy, the committee's report points out that confidential information can be released only after application "in writing, under oath" and, that "it is the commission, , and not a single commissioner, who must consider and act upon such a re- quest." Then te draft committee re- port proceeds to make Chairman Howrey not only- a liar but a. Vio- lator of the law, firstaby pointing out that he said his memo to Sherman Adams was not official, though it was written under his letterhead as Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission; sec- ond by showing that Howrey re- vealed confidential information. "It would appear," says the committee report, "that the in- formation contained in the last paragraph of Howrey's memo to Adams disclosed confidential in- formation derived from the files of the Federal Trade Commission . in effect, the Jan. 4 memor- andum (of Howrey to Adams) ad- vised Goldfine that Northfield Mills would not have to supply the information requested by the FTC in its Dec. 4, 1953 letter." (Copyright 1958 by Bel Syndicate, Inc.) ashore to seize the glittering city, Moloch's statue, the fiery god to whom babies were sacrificed,. In the amphitheater, the blood of Christian martyrs flowed and their persecutors shouted, "Behold they are baptized." This was Carthage. +S S IT IS ONE of the most beautiful places in the world, covering gen- tle hills on the edge of the sky- colored Mediterranean -- and doomed through the ages to know no peace. Today, once again, armed men are stationed there. This is the reason: Two years ago, Tunisia wot in- dependence from France, But French troops remain on Tunisian soil. The nationalist rebellion in neighboring Algeria makes it nec- essary, they say. Tnnisians confined the French to their barracks. To prevent them from coming out-or at least to make It a serious international in- cident if they did-roadblocks dot the highways and vulnerable shore points are guarded. Hence, the Tunisian camp at Carthage, and the barbed wire bristling on the seashore. So history repeats itself. * , S THIS IS the newest chapter in the story of ancient Carthage, a story that began long before Cato, the Roman censor, cried out "Car- thago'delenda est" - "Carthage must be destroyed." And it continued long after the Roman legion destroyed the city and sowed the ground with salt to make it forever barren. Even the name is mysterious. Scholars surmise that "Carthage" was the Roman way of pronounc- ing "Kast Hadracht," meaning "New Town." Was this the new city, founded by Elissa, Princess of Tyre--the Dido immortalized In Virgil's "Aeneid"? Why did she come to this spot, bringing the wealth of her native city? Who were the people already living here? * , S CARTHAGE'S ships are believed to have gone as far as Iceland, and perhaps even to the shores of Sentries patrol near the site of America, 15 centuries or more be- fore Columbus. Imperial Rome in three terrible wars shattered the power of Car- thage and left the site of the city almost a desert, It was in these Punic wars the great Carthaginian general Hannibal showed his tac- tical genius in years of fighting in Spain and Italy. To battle the Roman army he marched his troops and elephant, across the Alps. But Hannibal did not win the war, and the victor: dictated severe terms. Yet Carthage rose again, and the agony and glory of Carthago went on to modern times, Waves of invasion swept the city in century after century ,- Romans, Vandals, Byzantines, Saracents, Crusaders, the armies of Barbarossa, the Turks, Span- iards and French. Each held the city for a time and then gave wayr to the next, Secrecy A PATTERN of news manage- ment is being practiced by the State and Defense Departments. Rep. John E. Moss (D-Calif.) charged at the 20th annual Edi- tors Conference of the California Newspaper Publishers Association held recently at Stanford Univer- New moves indicate a pattern so deeply entrenched that the people's right to know will continue to be ignored until there is a change in, the entire Federal attitude toward excessive secrecy, he said. State Department curbs now in- clude provisions that department news sources must write memos of talks with newsmen met at a cock- tail party, but Defense restrictions have gone even further, he ad- vised, Testimony and documentary evi- dence compiled by the House gov- ernment informaion subcommit- tee which Rep. Moss heads now show Defense "already is resort. ing to censorship of non-security information originating within the military establishment." SEditor and Publisher FHE NUMBER of Americans being held abroad seems to have dipped slightly, due to be nine Americans released yesterday by the Armenians, and the trickle being released by ?astro. It is probably just a temporary dip in he captured American trade, however, a trade hat has shown Uncle Sam to be the number ne punching bag for any leader of any country n the world. At first glance, the problem would seem to e downright laughable. Imagine, if you can, a nob of hot-headed students from a country erhaps one-one hundredth -of the size and ower of the United States and dissidents ston- ng a vice-president of the United States. No need to imagine it, of course-it happened. Simil r items have occurred in East Ger- many, n the Dominican Republic, in Japan nd throughout the Middle East. The smaller nations are now in a position rhere no matter, what they do, they have the asurance that the United States government vill worry over them like an anxious hen. The damaging effects of this mothering are wo: Not only is the irresponsibility of the mailer nations allowed to go unchecked but respect for the United States drops-for what- ever her other qualities are, a hen isn't very dignified, The United States should let the smaller nations of the world feel the- political conse- quences of their actions, especially if the actions are directed toward the United States. More than a stiff note should have been sent to Venezuela, for example. Granted that until the rest of the world realizes the changed United States attitude, some modification of the "just desserts" policy may .be in order, BUT ALTHOUGH complexities of application will have to be admitted, the guiding prin- cipal should remain the same, that is, treat the smaller nations without the kid gloves treat- ment. The United States may find that respect 'gained by this method is more important than friendship in many of the other nations of the world. But most of all, the smaller nations must be taught that their acts may have serious conse- quences, before the spread of nuclear tech- nology makes serious consequences disastrous. -LANE VANDERSLICE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Rneaders Take Issue. with Editorials, TODAY AND TOMORROW: Tyhe Captared Americans By ''ALTER LIPPMANN FHE SOME SIXTY Americans being detained in four different countries are a sharp re- inder that American ,power and prestige are o longer what they were in the days when, if mericans were held prisoner in time of peace, iere -would have been a thundering demand r their release. What we have at the present time is a loud eclaration that we will not pay blackmail for em combined with the silent admission that e .shall not force their release. In each case the Americans are being held in -der to induce the United States to make a )litical concession. For the nine members of the crew of the elicopter which strayed into East Germany, e Soviet government and the Pankow govern- ent are asking us to label our negotiations as plomatic agents of the United States govern- ent. Though this would be, the merest for- ality, carrying with it no real -diplomatic lationship, the form of the credentials of our rents is supposed to be very important. The 1:41 zu a Dall Communists put a high value on the formula and we, or prehaps Dr. Adenauer, also put a high value on the formula. In the meantime, the Americans are detained while four govern- ments, at Moscow, at Pankow, at Bonn and at Washington, quarrel about the metaphysical problem of "recognition.", Four Americans are captives in Red China, and they have been there a long time. They are pawns in the °negotiations which, until they were suspended, were being carried on in Geneva between an American Ambassador and a Red Chinese Ambassador. These negotiations may be resumed. But no one seems to know what is the real price for the release of the imprisoned Americans. The price is probably high since the Americans have been, so it is said, convicted of crimes under Chinese law. HE CUBAN AFFAIR is in many ways the most significant because of the light it throws upon the realities and the limitations of military power in this age. Here is a small guerrilla army operating in the mountains of Eastern Cuba. It has no common frontier with a Communist state. It is part of an island in waters under the absolute naval control of the United States. Moreover, the United States has long had a military base right next to the rebel territory. And yet the rebels dare to kidnap over forty North Americans, including American soldiers, and to hold them for ransom. Yet here we are with our nuclear weapons, our Air Force, our Navy and our Army, some- how inhibited from using them even in Cuba, even in the inner regions of our sphere of influence. What does this mean? It means, I To the Editor: 1N MICHAEL KRAFT'S editorial concerning religion in contem- porary society (June 27, 1958) he does not indicate what he means by "religion." He suggests a mul- titude of Protestant interpreta- tions, which certainly exist, but in my opinion he greatly exag- gerates the basic lack of unity in fundamental do ct r in e among them. If he were to conduct more than a superficial study I believe ht would find the significant differ- ence among the predominant western religious sects was one of a belief or disbelief in a super- natural, revealed religion, For the vast majority of Christendom, the real question, in my opinion, fo- cuses on the nature of Jesus Christ: supernatural, savior and eternal Lord or a benevolent lead- er and philosopher of his time. And on this question no formal proof can ever be offered to es- tablisli the point. A great quan- tity of evidence certainly is avail- able to render the affirmative stand a perfectly reasonablepone, but it does. not constitute a proof in a normal sense. On this pivotal question each individual must decide for him- self as an act of pure faith, hav- ing objectively examined the evi- dence. Certainly science has noth- . ing to say on this point, except to state that no scientific records exist and no experiment has ever been conducted demonstrating a supernatural occurance. It is im- portant to note this does not con- stitute a disproof of the existence of the supernatural from the sci- entific viewnoint. We mwiht nnso tion of its supernatural character Almost by definition "naturalism" must be temporal and transient. So far as need is concerned I per- sonally see nothing in science (or other modern developments) that negates the value and pertinence of first century Christianity to us today. There appear many good reasons to suspect an even great- er need today than existed then, not least of which are those aris- ing from mankind's use of the fruits of modern science. I think a more thoughtful conclusion is that science has made more clear the finite nature of man and his dependence on a supernatural God for guidance in his relations with his fellow man. I frankly am puzzled how Mr. Kraft feels that "scientific analy- sis" has "debunked" a religious (in my concept) approach to life, A supernatural God, for exampie, cannot be approached through "analysis," which is a deductive process, but must be approached inductively, In this latter process, the results of science have pro- vided nothing of a "debunking" nature but on the contrary have lent support to such essentially theological questions as the unity of man and the origin of the uni- verse. Mr. Kraft's examples of Eve's rib and the six (24 hour) day creation as being untenable are trivial when viewed in rela- tion with the total backdrop of Christian philosophy. These are not cornerstones of the Christian faith and never have been. Mr. Kraft's editorial is a super- ficial and immature analysis of a subject which is much larger than he admit. Annarenthr he iston Degree To the Editor: N REGARD to the editorial titled "Mme. Chiang Comes for Degree; Should Stay for Political Education" reflects the inade- quate knowledge concerning Far Eastern affairs as for that matter, world affairs' Borrowing Mr. Tarr's term, "putting one's foot in one's mouth," I sincerely believe that he not only has stuck his foot in his mouth but part of his leg as well, when criticizing the Univer- sity's decision in awarding Mme, Chiang an honorary degree. It seems higrhly doubtful' as to whether Mr.yTar's judgement is better than that of the Board of Regents in their decision to con- fer the degree. It is one thing to criticize one's political conviction but entirely another matter to criticize the University for conferring the de- gree. It is fortunate that The Daily has only a limited circula- tion, otherwise, such an editorial might have caused serious reper- cussions in that it fails to dispute the childish notion that just be- cause a nation receives aid from the United States it consequently must abide by the dictates of the United States as a satellite na- tion. Furthermore, any criticism of the United States by an aid- receiving nation would result in either criticism by readers of Washington for its foreign aid policy or the ungrateful wretches who dare to criticize the United States. The idea of the "Great White Father" is certainly being carried too far. Of course I am in no way inferring that Mr. Tarr r-rf -ca +nn nhnrn n. ^ .1W The Daily Official Bulletin ig an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Micigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m., the day preced- ing publication. TUESDAY, JULY R, 1958 VOL. LXVIII, NO 9-5 . General Notices Open House: Basement Acoustics Lab, Frieze Bldg., Tues., July 8, 7:30 p.m. Students who are enrolled in the Uni- versity under Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) or Public Law 634 (Orphans' Bill) must bring tuition receipt for the Summer Session to the Office of Veter- ans' Affairs, 555 Admin. Bldg. if they have not already done so. The office will be open for this purpose between 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. only. Lectures Public Lecture Foreign Language Pro- gram: "TV-A New Dimension in Lan- guage Teaching," by Professor Gordon Farrell, Univ. of Detroit. The lecture will be given in the Romance Languages Lounge, 3050 Frieze, 4:10 p.m. Thurs., July 10. La Socledad Hlispan~ica of Dept. of Romance Languages will hold its third summer meeting on Wed., July 9, 7:30 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge, Rm. 3050, Frieze Bldg. The speaker will be Mr, Russell Campbell, who has traveled ex- tensively in Latin America, now on the Summer Staff of the English Language Institute. His topic ill be: "La Ar- gentina Contemporanea." Illustrated with slides. There will also be Spanish music. Open to the public. Music Education-Guest Lecturer: Dr. William Sur, on the faculty of Mich, State Univ., will be presented in the second of the series of lectures and demonstrations sponsored by the Dept, of Music Educ,, Wed., July 9, 4:00 p.m. Aud. D, Angell Hall. Dr. Sur, who i president of the North Central Confer- ence, M.E.N.C., will speak on "Meeting the Curriculum Problems of 1958." Open to the general public without charge. Concerts Student Recital: Nolan Huizenga, who studies piano w;ith Henning Dexter, will be presented in a recital on Wed., July 9, 8:30 p.m., Rackham .Assembly Hall, Mr. Huizenga will perform compositions by Haydn, J. S, Bach, Beethoven and Chopin, and his recital, which is pre- sented in partial fulfillment of the of Musical Arts, will be open to the general public, Academic Notices Geometry Seminar: First meeting will be on Tues., July 8 at 3:00 p.m. in Rm, 3010 Anehl Hall, Prof. K. B. Leisenring will speak on "A Theorem on Non-Loxo- dromic Mobius Transformations." La Sociedad Hispanica of the Dept. of Romance Languages will have its week- ly Tertulia, for practicing the use of the diploma applications can be accepte4 after Wed., July 9, "Law School Admission Test' Appli. cation blanks for the Law School Ad. xnissioxi Test to be held Aug. 2 are available at 122 Rackham Bldg. Applica- tions for this test must be received 1R Princeton, N, J., on July 19, 1958," The language examination for the M.A. in History will be given July 18, 4-5 pm., Rm. 429 Mason Hall. Students who wish to take the examination should sign the list posted in the office of the Dept. of History, 3602 Haven Hall, Dictionaries may be used, Placement Notices PERSONNEL REQUESTS: New York State Civil Service an. flounces examinations to be held Sept. 13, 1958 for the following; Engineering Electrical Work Maintenance, Veter- inarians, Social Work and Education, Library Science, and Photography, Ap- plications accepted up to Aug. 15, 19 Himberly-Clark Corp., Neenah, Wis., have openings for the following: Pro- cess Problem Engineer, Development Engineer, Manufacturing - Production Trainee, Fluid Mechanics Engineer, -Or- ganic Chemist, Chemical Engineer, Pro- duction Planning Training, Research Analyst, Survey Analyst, Psychologist Clinical, Psychometrist. Try-City Messenger, Royal, Oak, Mich., are looking for a good Circulation Mar to work on the newspaper. Central Soya Co., inc., Fort Wayne, Id., are looking for an vertisi Assistant. Prefer a college degree in journalism or allied majors with exp. in Writing brochures, circulars or news stories, Training and exp. In agricul- ture or animal husbandry are desirable. Must, be between 23-33 years of age, Stewart-Warner Corp., Indianapolis, Ind., are looking for a Project Engineer, Degree in Mechanical Engineering and minimum of 4 years exp. on heat ex- changer designs and calculations are necessary. Age between 30-45. For further information contact the Buireau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 3371. SUMMER PLACEMENT: Full or part time job working for the University. For information con- cerning this job, contact the Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 3371, The following schools have listed teaching vacancies with the Bureau of Appointments for the 1958-59 school year, They will not be here to inter- view at this time, Algonac, Mich. - JHS Reading/Arith- metic/'Social Studies (woman), Bakersfield, Calif. - Elementary; Vie- Inentary Ant; Homemnaking; Woodshop: Music; English; Industrial Arts; Li- brarian; Mathematics; Instrumental Music; Vocal Music; Girls Physical Edu- cation; Psychology: Science; Speech Correction; Visually Handicapped; Spe- cial Education. Barrington, Iii, - Boys' Counselor/ Social Studies; Girls' Physical Educa- tion: English: Girls' Counselor. Hillsdale, Mich. - Art (Elementary/ JHS) ; Speech. Howe, Ind. (Howe Military SchOOl) - English/Coach Dramatics; Commercial (Includes Typing, Bisiness Law, do General Math) ; 6-8th Social Science (also to assist in the JHS athletic pro- gram); 6-8th Science (also assist in the JHS at.hletic program.) Imperial, Calif.-- Early Elementary; Later Eemnentar (Menwho a -e ter- I Editorial Staff ICHAEL KAFT DAVID TARR Co-Editor Co-Editor DRT JUNKER...............Night Editor RD GERUTLDSEN ..,...j........N.ight Editor N HOLTZER .......... Night Editor VANDERSLICE ..,..... . Night Editor ARD MINTZ...«........ .... Sports Editor SHIPPEY................ Chief Photographer Business Staff