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July 08, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-07-08

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SALic iAn



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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

"LXVII.No. s



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Soldfine Probe Explodes,
With 'Gestapo' Accusation
VASHINGTON (P)-The top In-
tigator of the House commit-
investigating Bernard Goldfine
his job late yesterday after a
irlwind of sensational develop-
nts which all but obscured the
be of the Boston industrialist.
3aron I. Shacklette, 48, quit un-t
fire after the committee a'
ongly and unanimously con-
nned his tactics as eavesdrop-
g-"a most regrettable act that
committee does not condone."
ihacklette's departure came af-

By Soviets





Schools W arned of Loss in Faculty

1) Shacklette, a government In-
vestigator for 18 years, and Jack
Anderson, a legman for columnist
Drew Pearson, were found at the
other end of a microphone planted
under the hotel room door of Gold-
fine aide Jack Lotto.
Documents Stolen
2) Mildred Paperman, Goldfine's
secretary, reported some of his
bank records, correspondence and
other documents were stolen from
her room in the same hotel.
3) Goldfine charged "gestapo
tactics" in the use of the planted
4) Goldfine attorney Roger Robb
charged Shacklette occupied the
hotel room adjoining Goldfine's
from June 29 through July 3 and
mrade recordings of confidential
Asks Postponement
5) Robb asked the committee for
a postponement of .ooldfne's
scheduled appearance before it
Tuesday for a third day of testi
tnony. He said Goldfine was upset
by the weekend ransacing of his
papers and was exhausted.
The inquiry into Goldfine's rela-
tions with presidential aide Sher-
man Adams was suddenly turned
Into an investigation by the spe-
ial ,house committee of tactics
used by its staff.
Late in the day, Robb sent the
committee a letter addressed to
Chairman Oren Harris (D-Ark.).
The attorney said he had docu-
nentary proof that Shacklette oc-
cupied the room next to Goldfine'
for the five days last week and
"we' have reason to believe .
eavesdropped on and recorded con-
fidental communicat ons."
When the commttek unanimous-
ly accepted Shacklette's resigna-
tion from his $16,300-a-year job,
It said he swore he did not take
part in the reported theft of the
Ooldflne papers.
The committee, in a five-hour
special closed session, called on
the FBI, the Justice Department
and local police to look into the
series of developments that piled
up through the day.
History Play,
hInherit Wind,'
To Open Here
The speech department will
present a play taken from history
when "Inherit the Wind" by Jer-
ome Lawrence and Robert R Lee
is staged at 8 p.m. tomorrow
through Friday at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
The play is based on the famous
Scopes trial of 1925 known as the
"monkey trial," which pitted
Clarence Darrow against William
Jennings Bryan in the battle of
God against Darwin.
Howard Green, Grad., will play
Mathew Harrison Brady who rep-
resents William Jennings Bryan
in the play, and Joseph Ombry,
Grad., will play Clarence Darrow,
Henry Drummond in the play,
Harris Liechti, Grad., will por-
tray John T. Scopes, in the play
Bertram Cates, who dared to
teach the Darwinian theory of
evolution to his students in vio-
lation of Tennessee state law.
Prof. Hugh Z. Norton of the
speech department will direct the
Far East Talk
To Be Given
Prof. Arthur F. Wright of the
history department at Stanford
University will, deliver the fifth
lecture of the summer series on
"Religion in Contemporary Soci-

ety" at 4:15 today in Aud. A, An-
gP1l Hall.
As an expert in the field of the
Far East, he will speak on the "FarI
Eastern Religions and the West."
Prof. Wright took his Ph.D.I

GOLDFINE TESTIFIES-Bernard Goldfine (right) and lawyer
Roger Robb appear before the House subcommittee investigating
Goldfine's relations with presidential assistant Sherman Adams.
Hearings today -centered around hidden microphones and "Ges-
tapo tactics."
Cuban Rebels Free Three,
Still Hold 30 Prisoners
GUATANAMO, Cuba (X-)-Fidel Castro's rebels freed three more
United States civilians yesterday, but still held on to 30 kidnapped
American servicemen, three civilians and a Canadian.'
Oflicials at the United States Navy base here had hoped the heli-
copter carrying the three businessmen to freedom would also bring
out a few of the servicemen. There was an outburst of anger among
many sailors and marines at the base when the 'copter landed without
them. Stepping out of the helicopter were Sherman Avery White of

State colleges and universities,
were warned yesterday that they
were fighting a losing battle in the
contest for top quality tnen with
business, industry, law and medi-
The Russell Committee report
on faculties at Michigan colleges
and universities said that efforts
of financial support "will have to
be intensified and increased sub-h
stantially" if the present "high '
levies" of quality education were
to be even maintained. It noted
with alarm the decreasing number
of doctorates being graduated
from the state's institutions of
higher learning, and the decreas-
ing number of new faculty mem-
bers nationally who have doctor-
Salaries Lag
Michigan colleges and univer-
sities are lagging behind in the
salary level of the two upper fac-
ulty ranks, professor and associate
professor, the report said. Special
attention is needed for the adjust-;
ment of salaries in these two
ranks, the report said, "if the1
Michigan institutions can expect
to compete for staff with the bet-a
ter institutions of the country.",
The study was the tenth in a
series of 12 on higher education in
Ike Requests,
U.S Power
ver travel

the state of Michigan by the staff
of the Michigan Legislative study
Data for the study was obtained
from 56 colleges and universities
in the state. The study covered
7,540 faculty members.
Purchasing Power Down
It pointed out that the purchas-'
ing power of the faculty salary
dollar has "lagged deplorably" be-
hind the nation's gain in pur-
chasing power as a whole. The
L en)
In Lbanon C
Slows Down t,%
BEIRUT, Lebanon (f1-')- Cracks
are appearing in the rebel front'
fighting Lebanese President Ca-
7pille Chamoun, but the rebels
may be winning the war while
losing the battles.
Fighting in Beirut yesterday
was sporadic, scattered and dis-
organized, as it has been on most
days of the two-month-old civil
war. The government continued
to have the upper hand, but basi-
cally it was a stalemate.
The casualties were light, as
usual, But although they might
seem of little consequence in anyl
organized warfare, they may mean
more in the strange revolt that is
shaking Lebanon.
This Is indicated by thie appar-
ent weariness of the rebels. Their
leaders are cautiously beginningj
i dJ a t h theAO. blU4 d,,iIeI I'..4h d

World News
By The Associated Pres,,;
HELSINKI- The Communist
made sharp gaixis in Finland',
general 'elections to emerge todan
as the second largest party in the
A preliminary count of the vote
from Sunday and yesterday's bal
loting showed the Communist
won 50 seats of the 200-member
Parliament, a gain of 7.
The rightest Conservative Unior
party also moved ahead, boosting
"Its Parliament seat total from 24
to 28

KNew York, general manager of a
United States-built nickle plant;
J. Andrew Poll of Grand Rapids,
Mich., the assistant general man-
ager, and James P. Stephens Jr.
of Edmond, Okla., a United Fruit
Co. omcial.
White and Poll were kidnaped
June 30 and Stephens July 1.
Their release brought to 16 the
s number of North Americans freed
s since last Wednesday-,
Castro is reported to have or-
e dered the release of all North
Americans taken captive by his
e men in northeastern Oriente Prov-
ince. But the releases have been
s slow and come only in small
r groups.

gain by the University and four
other state universities - which
the committee said was selected
because of their exceptionally
good salary situations - was only
nine per cent compared with 79
per cent nationally.
Michigan's privately controlled
institutions were the cause of
some concern by the committee,
especially in the area of faculty
salaries. The committee said that
salaries in private institutions de-
serve ' "immediate, active and vig-
orous" support by public groups.
The average salary in private in-
stitutions was $4,643.
The University was far out in
front of other state institutions
I level of faculty salaries. The
average of University faculty sal-
aries was $8,508, nearly $1,000
ahea dof the nearest private
school, which the survey did not
name, and over $1,000 mnore than
the average of salaries at Wayne
State University, the nearest
state-controlled institution.
'U' Leads Others
The University leads all state
schools and colleges in percentage
of faculty that have obtained doc-
torates, with 58.3 per cent. The
state-controlled institutions of
Michigan, with 45.3 per cent of
their faculties holding the doc-
torate degree, are well above the
national average of 40 per cent.
The committee report showed
that 43.1 per cent of the Univer-
sity faculty received their high-
est degree at the University over
15 per cent above the Wayne
State University, the next highest.
Greek Cypriot
Mayrois Uroe
Brit.i o Hal
NICOSIA (AW)-The Greek Cy-
priot mayors of Cyprus' six main
towns urged British Gov. Sir Hugh
Foot yesterday not to go ahead
with Britain's new plan for gov-
erning this Mediterranean island.
The mayors met with Foot at his
invitation to discuss what they
called the existing serious situa-
tion on the island.
Britain recently propdsed that
Greece and Turkey join in admin-
istration of Cyprus for seven years
and in holding sovereignty there-
after. Greece and Turkey rejected
the plan.
The mayors told Foot the pro-
gram would lead to partition of
the island into Greek and Turkish
Cypriot sectors and cause contin-
ued communal enmity and clashes.
Cyprus has about 400,000 residents
of Greek descent and about 100,000
of Turkish extraction.
In a statement from Govern-
ment House, Foot declared it was
his firm personal conviction that
the British plan is correct and the
only one that could save the island
from catastrophe.


* * *
Richard M. Nixon said yesterday
he may have been saved from
assassination in Venezuela- only
because of 12 Secret Service agents
who used their bare hands to pro-
tect him from a mob.
Vice-President and Mrs. Nixon
took part in a special ceremony at
which eight of the agents received
the Treasury Department's excep-
tional civilian service award from
Treasury Secretary Anderson,
MEXICO CITY -. Mexicans
hailed Adolfo Lopez Mateos yes-I
terday as their new president, but
they won't know until next week
how many votes he got.
The public waited in a post-
election calm for the official count'
to begin next Sunday so they can
find out how big a score LopezT
Mateos ran up over textile man-
ufacturer Luis Hector Alvarez.
There was never any doubt the
48-year-old Lopez Mateos was the
victor. He was backed by the,
party of Revolutionary Institution,
which has not lost an election in
three decades.
With women voting for presi-
;dent for the first time this year,!
the registration totaled 10,422,000.
A big turnout was reported in mo'st
Lopez Mateos will succeed Adol-I
fo Ruiz Cortinez for a six-year
term beginning next Dec. 1.
* * *
Labor-Management Rackets Com-
mittee has developed information
which it believes may throw new
light on the mystery of the long
missing Greenlease kidnap-ransom
House Passes

Statehood Bill
Gets Approval
WASHINGTON (W) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
signed legislation to make Alaska
the 49th state, and took the occa-
sion to urge statehood for Hawaii.
Shortly after he signed the Alas-
ka statehood bill, President Eisen-
hower issued a statement once
more calling upon Congress to
admit Hawaii as a state during
this session of Congress.
"I personally believe that Ha-
waii is qualified for statehood
equally with Alaska," President
Eisenhower said.
President Eisenhower signed the
Alaska statehood bill before a
group of newsmen and photo-

WASHINGTON (k') - President can provide no solution forthe
Dwight D. Eisenhower called upon pro dfcng the
Congress yesterday for quick legis- problems facing the country. Gov-
lation to give the government au- nincleaders also are comin
thority to deny passports in the to an increased awareness of this.
interest of United States foreign The revolt seems to have passed
relations and national security. beyond the control of those wxho
He asked the legislation to off- began it. It is unlikely that there
He akedthelegslaionto ff-is any one man in the whole rebel
set a 5-4 Supreme Court decision movement capable of stopping the'
June 16 holding that the State De- violence,
partment under present law lacks ____en__-_
authority to deny passports on the
basis of inquiry Into the beliefs M m .C a g
and associations of applicant,.' '
Each day and week that passes To JI *
without legislation, President Ei- TTOUII IHereI
senhower said in a special melsage,
"exposes us to great danger." Mie. Chiang Kai-shek will ar-
President Eisenhower recalled rive at the University tomorrow
that in recent years the secretary to receive an honorary degree and
of state has based his limitation tour the campus.
on passports on two general She will arrive at Willow Run
grounds: airport at 10:30 a.m. with her
That an applicant's travel, usu- party, and an hour later will hold
ally to a specific country or coun- a press conference. She will also
tries, was inimical to this country's visit the University television stu-
foreign relations, and the applicant dio to make a kinescope.
was a member of the Communist Thursday Mme. Chiang will
party, or under its discipline, or tour the campus, and will speak
was going abroad to aid the inter- at 8 p.m. in Rackham Lecture
national Communist movement. Hall. Following that she will hold
Since June 24 the State Depart- a reception for Chinese students
ment has been issuing passports and administrators at the home
in accordance with the Supreme of University President Harlan
Court ruling. I Hatcher.

... dies Saturday
Durfee Dies
On Saturday
Prof. Emeritus Edgar Noble Dur-
fee of the law school died late
Saturday at his home.
He was 76 yearsold,
Prior to his retirement in 1952,,
Prof. Durfee had served 41 years
as a member of the law faculty.
His specialty was the law of equity
When Prof. Durfee retired, the
Regents adopted a memoir, read-
ing in part as follows:
"As the author of four case
books, brilliantly annotated, he
has implemented the teaching of
law .. His classes have been ably
conducted and his personal qual-!
ities of integrity; fairness, loyalty'
and cheerful friendliness havej
made his presence on our campus
welcome alike to students, alumni,
and his faculty associates."
Born on May 19, 1882, in Detroit,
Prof. Durfee graduated from Uni-
versity of Detroit High School in
1900. He received his Bachelor of
Arts from Harvard in 1904, at-
tended the law school and received
his Juris Doctor degree from the.
University of Chicago law school
in 1908.
He joined the law school faculty
in 1911 after teaching at the Uni-
versity of Idaho.
Prof. Durfee is survived by his
wife, the former Amy Eleanor Sav-
age, their daughter Elizabeth (Mrs.
Paul Oberst) and five grandchil-
dren. One son, George, died in
1928; another, Paul, was killed in
action in 1943.
For Holiday
Totals 650
By The A caed ]Press

Nine Fliers
Turned Over
To Iranians
Men Then Returned
To U.S. Air Force
Europe Headquarters
TEHRAN, Iran () - Nine
American airmen were freed by
the Russians at the Iranian border
yesterday after being held 11 days
on charges of violating Soviet air
They were brought to Tehran
by car and plane for a brief rest,
bath and dinner before taking off
for Wiesbaden, Germany. There
they will report directly to United
States Air Force European head-
The nine men, seized when their
plane was forced down in Soviet
Armenia, were turned over to Ir-
anian authorities at the ~aspan
seaside town of Astara in north-
west Iran near Soviet Azerbaijan
Cars immediately took them to
Rasht, where a waiting Unite.
States Air Force plane flew theni
to Tehran.
The Russians had charged that
the Air Force men were flying ,
snooping mission for the United-
States Strategic Air Command
June 27 when their C11 military
transport was intercepted 102
miles inside Soviet Armenia by So-
viet jets. The Soviet announce-
ment of the interception and
seizure of the men said the plane
burned after it landed.
It was not clear whether the
burning was due to Soviet jet ac-
tion or whether the United State
airmen burned it purposely to de'
stroy military equipment.
The United States, demanding
the quick release of the airmen,
said the plane did not deliberate'
ly cross into Soviet territory but
flew off course due to navigation-
al error in overcast weather.
Navy Plannng
To Conplete
Robot Device
WASHINGTON () - The Navy
announced yesterday it is well on
the road to developing an elec-
tronic robot that could think.
It suggested that such devices
might be important to the defense
of the western world.
The Office of Naval Research
said one of its contract scientist
had proved the feasibilty of a pro-
jected robot called the Perceptron
- a machine the Navy believes
would have original ideas
The research scientists predicted
that the first pilot model would be
completed in about a year.
When fully developed the ma-

Storm Climaxes City's 'Rainy Season'

The current Ann Arbor "rainy
season" reached a violent climax
Saturday afternoon when a sid-
den thunderstorm, driven by 75-
nile-an-hour winds, swept
through town, leaving behind a
number of fallen trees and power
lines, and causing scattered pro-
perty damage,
The Detroit Edison Co. report-
ed that a total of 235 customers
were without power temporarily
when power lines were knocked
down by some of the 25 trees and
large limbs toppled by the storm,
Some city streets were blocked
by the fallen timber and broken
lines, and police were kept busy
rerouting traffic and warning
pedestrians away from the danger
A large fallen tree and three

Observance of the three - day chine is expected
July 4th weekend cost the lives of perceive, recognize
more than 650 persons, 370 of them 'It surroundings w
traffic victims. nian training or co
Afinal tabulation on the na- While the robot
tion's holiday dead showed yester- built, ONR said, i
day that fatalities from traffic concept have been
mishaps, always the major cause Thlaboratoryd
of holiday death, fell short of theoperate in much
National Safety Council's pre-hol- that the human e
iday estimate of 410. thatntheahumankel
There were 192 drownings and, brain areas work t.
93 diedin miscellaneous accidents vide the human fun
over the Fourth, both categories nitio ns
Dr. Frank Rosen
exceeding the Memorial Day to- pchologlst at th
tals of 132 and 88, respectively, snauticalLabor stator tth
The fact that the traffic death i N.Y., who develop
toll was less than the pre-holiday. tron concept, stage
prediction was attributed to ex- tion for reporters.
tremely cautious driving by home-
ward bound motorists and strict
traffic enforcement across the na- Senate A
Traffic fatalities mounted rapid-
ly at the start of the holiday, giv- Racket
ing safety experts reason to believe
a new July 4th holiday record WASHINGTON
would be set. Saturday afternoon, rackets proberss
however, the death rate com- they will explor
menced to slacken and continued sheytwilltedayoi
at a slower pace until the end of d-marked plot b
the 78-hour period.ederkedth
The safety council credited en- eteers to extend the
ergetic traffic enforcement and the Dallas, Tex., and
shock of the skyrocketing toll dur- The old unsoly

to be able to
e, and identify
ithout any hu-
has yet to be
s principle and
proved in the
be designed to
the same way
eye and certain
ogether to pro-
nction of recog-
nblatt, research
e Cornell Aero-
ry, Inc,, Buffalo.
ed the Percep-
d a demonstra-


(A) -- Sen,
said yesterd
e in hearii
Bence of a mi
y Chicago ray
eir power out
San Francis
ved slaying

l"C13133< ii3 1




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