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July 03, 1958 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1958-07-03

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Ilackinac Bridge: Long a Dream, Now a R~


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OLD AND NEW-The Straits of Mackinac ferry, the Vacationland, is shown last year making one of its final trips between St. Ignace and Mackinaw City. It
passe close to the Mackinae Bridge in order to give passengers a better look at the world's longest suspension bridge. The deluxe auto ferry made a similar
"last Irip" November 1 *&m ghundreds of townsfolk from the two communities. As a final salute the veftel passed under the bridge before tying up at
Mackilnaw CiVr.

FINAL TOUJCH-Workmnen were photographed just prior to the opening of the
November welding steel bridge flooring sections tog ether. The two inner lanes
steel flooring while outer two lanes are concrete filled and topped with asphalt.

five-mile bridge l]s
are of open I-beam

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CLOSE LOOK-Left over from the marnmoth parades of~ last week is Mackinaw City's float, a, model
of the Mackinac Bridge. Although the real thing was only a few blocks away, these youngsters
were intensely interested in the milnute detail of the scale model. The float was built last year, and
iU on permanent display in Mackinaw City.

,.dedication drewa

UNITS STATE -- Long a dream, the Mackinac Bridge became
a formal reality last Sunday with the dedication ceremonies high
above the blue w aters of the Straits of Mackinac. Wilbur M.
Brucker, Secretary of the Army, described the span as one of the
great engineering accomplishments of our time.



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