f I
Sixty-Eighth Year
"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.
Challenges of Independence
Ignored by Government
', .. Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the con-
sent of the governed,. ." - Declaration of Independence.
One Of Those "Good Republican Cloth Coats" Nixon
Was Talking About?
- - -
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A Hick Does His Hitch
Amid Confusion Fun
ALTHOUGH not the "Funniest Picture of the Year" as it has been
billed, "No Time for Sergeants," just arrived at the Michigan
Theatre, is probably the most consistently funny comedy Hollywood
has produced in a long while.
Based on the long-running hit play of the same name, (see below)
"No Time for Sergeants" follows the adventures (or misadventures)
of simple, lovable Will Stockdale, a Georgia backwoods boy who sud-
denly finds himself in the Air Force, through no fault of his own.
His first day in camp, Will begins his climb through the ranks
with a promotion to P.L.O. (Permanent Latrine Orderly), an honor of
which he eagerly proves himself worthy by proudly producing the
cleanest latrine in the "whole danged Air Force."
Having taken his first giant step, Will goes on to greater and
funnier things. He soon finds his perfect complement in one Pvt. Whit-
fondness for re-creating the Fourth of
July as it was celebrated at the turn o the
century. Grass roots America finds red, white
and blue expression in the picture of a village
square crowded with families in their starched
summer best, and cluttered with little kids in
short pants or navy suits chasing each other,
dodging firecrackers or sucking lemons in front
of the struggling musicians in the town band.
Part of the appeal of the "good old days"
stems from the comparative leisurelyness of
the pre-automobile, pre-atomic age. '
But as indicated by attitudes expressed in
some areas of Congress, perhaps the greatest
appeal stems from fond recollections that, once
upon a time, America was able to follow George
Washington's Farewell Address advice against
entangling foreign alliances.
THE VILLAGE greens which have given way
to parking lots and alliances are as es-
sential today to America's retaining her inde-
pendence as aloofness and isolation were at
the end of the 18th century. But since 1776,
the challenge to achieve and maintain inde-
pence has changed only in form, not in serious-
This does not mean, as some have loudly
claimed in recent years, that the United States
is being undermined from within by a Com-
munist conspiracy. The real threat from with-
in the national borders comes, not from the ef-
forts of a few agents to destroy our "way of
life, but from the blindness and lack of adapta-
bility on the part of those who claim to be
defending it.
Externally, much of the threat is discour-
agingly familiar. Another nation intends to ex-
pand its influence and power and now, one
is in a position to reshape the world by what-
evet means it deems expedient to impose its
"way of life."
Evident to both sides is that man's civili-
zation has developed weapons that can de-
stroy civilization itself. This has made the
Russians aware that if war is no longer an
effective instrument of national policy, there
may be other ways of achieving the desired
ends. Since the 1955 Geneva Conference, Soviet
policy apparently has shifted the offensive to
a new front - economics. The code word is
BUT CAN WE co-exist? Attorney General
William Rogers said in a recent address,
"You hear a lot of talk these days about peace-
ful co-existence.' Maybe for the moment the
Soviet leaders do not believe that they can ac-
complish their objectives by involving the
world in war. Certainly we hope so. But there
is absolutely no reason to- believe that they
want to co-exist with us. They want to destroy
us. This is a time of 'total competition.' The
Soviet Union will use every source at its com-
mand to beat us And they are prepared to use
fair means or foul . .. whichever will better
serve their purpose.
The most spectacular means have,' of course,
been scientific. The 'Sputniks impressed the
world and depressed the United States to the
point where some outsiders say the country
has lost its self-confidence while other claim
no, the country never had any. At least super-
ficially, the country has been shocked into
looking at its educational system and perhaps
the challenge to "do something about it" will
be met, and maybe, there will be a new and
higher valuation attributed to intellectual con-
But the Soviet's less spectacular means of
beating the United States can be even more
dangerous. The Russian economic offensive
is working, and although loans and dams and
roads may be unspectacular, the effective
manipulation of them reflects imaginative
THIS NEW form of external challenge gives
rise to a new internal challenge ... whether
the United States can provide equally imagina-
tive action for both the improvement of the
world's backward areas, and also for its own
self defense.
Yet adapting to combat the Soviet ap-
proaches is not enough. If we fight fire with
fire and yet in the process consume the insti-
tutions and ideals that are now considered an
integral part of democracy, then we have lost,
The "consent of the governed" can be grait-
ed only with their knowledge of what the gov-
erning agencies are doing. Yet, the cloak of
"top secret" has been covering more and more
governmental activity. A United States con-
gressman recently charged that the Federal
attitude toward excessive security has gone so
far that State Department curbs now include
provisions that department news sources must
write memos of talks with newsmen at cock-
tail parties.
To meet the external challenges of an atomic
age there must be a willingness to adopt new
approaches and drop old ones that have value
only as relics of the past, such as tariffs and
other trade barriers. But to meet the internal
challenges to our own versatility and imagina-
tion requires an immunity to soothing phrases
of self delusion that so often come from Wash-
ington and traveling Fourth of Julyorators. It
does require an imaginative, alert and honest
approach, both on the part of those giving and
those receiving the consent for government.
(Herblock Is on Vacation)
Naton SCapital a Cultural Sahara
Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - Culturally
W speaking, the nation's capital
is a Sahara. And some congress-
men think this has given us a low-
brow name the world over.
Nowhere in Washington is there
a cultural center adequate for
grand opera, ballet, symphonic
music and drama.
A Senate report glumly notes:
"All Americans are very proud
of their national capital, yet the
cultural facilities here are inferior
to all leading European capitals,
and numerous smaller European
"OUR CITIZENS are not with-
qut talent or interest in the arts,
and these faculties should be de-
veloped," it adds.,
So the Senate has passed a bill
to set up a national cultural cen-
ter with the federal government
furnishing the land and individual
contributors paying for the build-
It now is in the House, and
whether it will escape in this ses-
sion of Congress, no one can say.
Which gives us ample time to
consider a couple of questions.
EVEN IF minor league Euro-
pean cities have better facilities,
yhy is that cause for chagrin, or
even alarm, here?
Well, sponsors of the bill claim
this nation has been maturing
culturally, though many of us
seem unaware of it. Our big or-
chestras, and our young artists,
win acclaim abroad,
Yet there's no showplace, they
say, where this nation's finest
efforts can be displayed.
As a result, Senator J. W. Ful-
bright (D-Ark.) told his colleagues,
the international opinion is that
"we are a culturally barren people.
It is unfortunate that our nation,
as rich and powerful as it is, has
allowed such a picture to be form-
ed in the eyes of the world."
* * *
THEN, if we're looked on as such
cultural dunderheads, why wasn't
something done long ago?
You know how Congress is. It's
nice to love opera and ballet, and
many congressmen do, but it's
never looked upon as a sure-fire
vote getter. How many politicians
ever thought of campaigning with
a first-rate chamber music group?
No, the theory in many areas is
that the proper accompaniment
to a discussion of this nation's
problems is a hillbilly band featur-
ing a loud "git-tar."
** *
Congress probably was best sized
up a couple of years ago when a
House committee was considering
the national cultural center.
Rep, Michael Joseph Kirwan
(D-Ohio) saw no need forIsuch a
"You have to chloroform them
to get 500 to look at a ballet," Kir-
wan said. "Don't let anybody kid
you on that score. It takes a lot of
good courage to sit and watch
somebody go into a toe dance.
"I am like Oliver Wendell
Holmes. He said, 'Give me bur-
lesque,' He went to them until he
was 90."
BUT LOCAL promoters said Kir-
wan was wrong, that ballet not
only is good business here, but all
over the country.
And promoter Patrick Hayes
showed the way the cultural winds
are blowing.
"Ballet is doing nicely in this
town," he said. "It has been years,
though, since we've had a theater
showing live burlesque."
Mikado Begins Weak, Ends Strong
ridge, a scrawny, bespectacled
little man whose one driving am-
bition is to get transferred to the
infantry and follow in the glorious
footsteps of his six brothers
WHITRIDGE'S physique, his
serious approach to the many
problems of service life, and his
comparative sophistication pro-
vide an effective counterbalance
to brawny Will's perpetual good
nature and utter naivete.
And so Will, aided and abetted,
and sometimes frantically re-
strained by his bosom buddy, hap-
pily goes about making nervous
wrecks of Air Force brass, con-
centrating his devastatingeatten-
tions on the unfortunate Sgt.
King. The unhappy noncom is
well played by a properly confused
Nick Adams.
Sgt. King, a caricature of the
legendary Army top sergeant, is a
good-hearted soul who spends his
happiest hours lying in his bunk
listening to sentimental music
and gazing at a flowery wall
plaque inscribed simply "Mother."
In the role of Will Stockdale,
"Deacon" Andy Griffith is a nat-
uarl. Griffith, who has made a
successful career of being a
bumbling hayseed, plays the part
to near perfection by simply doing
what comes naturally. Unhamp-
ered by audience memories of
previous dissimilar roles, Griffith's
Stockdale is convincing and en-
HIS SIDEKICK, Whitridge, is
played with equal aplomb by My-
ron McCormick, whose portrayal
of the serious would-be infantry-
man trailing his buddy through a
succession of humorous disasters
contributes significantly to Grif-
fith's success in his part.
One of the funniest scenes in
the movie comes near the end,
when Stockdale and Whitridge,
supposedly reduced to a handful
of dust and a pair of charred hel-
mets in an atomic blast, wander
on base just in time to see them-
selves awarded the Air Medal,
A happy combination of expert
acting, good writing and well-
done production makes "No Time
for Sergeants" a thoroughly
pleasing evening of entertain-
ment. This is one movie well
worth seeing.
--Edward Geruldsen
First Rate
"NO TIME For Sergeants" at
the revamped N o r t h l a n d
Playhouse is first rate summer
entertainment. After a few slow
opening moments the show pro-
voked nearly continuous laughter.
A seasoned cast of Broadway
actorsakeeps the quality of the
show at a high level.
Wynn Pearce portrays Will
Stockdale - an easy-going, back
woods lad who gets drafted into
the Air Force. Pearce is quick on
the drawl and before the play is
very old, is promoted to perman-
ent latrine orderly.
HE DOESN'T accomplish this
singlehandedly, however. It re-
quires the assistance of Sergeant
King. Despite the show's title, the
plot calls for only one sergeant,
but when that role is handled by
a skilled comic, like Rex Ever-
hart, one sergeant is sufficient.
Everhart owns the stage. He
doesn't have to say a word to get
laughs: faceful questions are
As Sergeant King, he has the
job of getting inductee Stockdales
classified for assignments. He
coaches Stockdale on the answers
to the verbal tests but Stockdale
has to fumble his own way
through the personality interview.
The show's funniest moment
comes when, in a test of manual
dexterity, Stockdale discovers a
newer and more direct method
for attacking the problem. He
passes the test but only after Ser-
geant Kingpromises to replace
the test equipment.
* * *
THE SHOW literally gets off
the ground in the second act when
Stockdale and associates take up.
an airplane on a training mission.
What follows disrupts military
routine to say the least.
Much of the show's effective-
ness stems from the superb sets
to the
Religion Gaining .,.
To the Editor:
M ICHAEL Kraft, your Co-Editor
has stated (Michigan Daily,
June 27, 1958) "As it exists today,
religion becomes increasingly diffi-
cult to accept as a valid part of
Contemporary Society." May I say
that it has been my happy experi-
ence, instead, to observe a growing
understanding and wider accept-
.ance "in Contemporary Society" of
the new-old truths found, for in-
stance, in the Bible, among other
great religious books.
Example: Theparable of the
Good Samaritan in the tenth
chapter of Luke's gospel has been,
and continues to be in our day, An
outstanding example of complete
and unselfed brotherly love, a
timeless quality. Indeed, I see
everyday more evidence of those
who are sincerely living their reli-
gion, the fruits of which are joy,
charity, intelligence and loving-
kindness toward all mankind.
--(Mrs.) Dorothy E. Legg
Expensive Sport ...
To the Editor:
IT'S football time 1958 ...so lets
go to the MSU-Michigan game.
Tickets? Well, two couples would
like to attend .. .Prices? Only $80
for the four seats. Of course that
ties in three other games also. But
. .. it's only money!
Let us face a large fact ...MStT
stadium cannot seat all of the
interested spectators for this an-
nual contest ... if we can't, why,
just for the sake of pride do we
move the game 70 miles north
where 30 thousand less will be
able to attend?
Now that we have eliminated 3
thousand paying fans, let's elimi-
nate some more by selling the
tickets on a combination basis.
Buy the season ticket or you can't
see the Michigan game.
* * *
WHAT was wrong with the lot-
tery system used for previous
Notre Dame games? Simply pull
them out of a hat, with a limit on
tickets purchased. Yes, there were
faults connected with this system
but at least one had the feeling
of sharing in an equal chance!
Perhaps you -have been mis-
guided by reports of economic suc-
cess achieved by all graduates ...
as for my circle of acquaintances,
$40 (we hate to go along) is one
large chunk out of a budget. Not
to mention the expenses of travel-
ing to and from each game each
weekend. And if you don't attend
every game, give the tickets awayI
Have you ever tried to give away a
ticket to a Kansas State game?
One wonders if several of the
larger contributing organizations
in and around the Central Michi-
gan area will be forced to buy A
blockseason tickets to see the
"M" game! But of course they
contribute to the growth, develop-
ment, care, and feeding of ath-
letes so as usual those many ex-
ceptions must be made.
I'M SORRY that I cannot adopt
"all's right with whatever the old
school does" attitude that so many
(from both institutions) have to-
day. I feel that another bit of
honesty is down the drain for the
sake of "king football," and for
the sake of selling a record num-
ber of season tickets.
Well, there is only one thing
left . . , travel the hotel ticket
broker route, pay the extra, (not
as much as season tickets) and
help keep the world safe for hypo-
-Ben E. Keeler
(Continued from Page 3)
City of Detroit, Civil Service, an-
nounces continuing examinations for
the following. Junior Typists, Typists,
Stenographer, Technical Aid, Junior
Accountant, Public Aid Worker, Junior
Social Economist, City Planner, Civil
Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Me-
chanical Engineers, Structural Engi-
neers. Architectural Engineers, Sanitary
Engineer, Traffic Engineer, Nurses,
Electroencephalogrewph Tec hnician,
Physical Therapist, Anesthetist, Phar-
macist, Dentist, Dietitian, Nutritionist,
Medical Technologist, X-ray Techni-
ecan, Hygienist, Chemist, Health In-
spector, Veterinarian, Public Health
Against intervention
rROUGHOUT most of the first
act, the Music Circle Theater
tent production of Gilbert and Sul-
livan's "The Mikado" appeared to
be little more than a routine pre-
sentation of the famous operetta.
A stage with only a, minimum of
properties and decoration, and
those very drab and functional,
helped a not outstanding cast to
perform much of that first act
with something of a sense of
beauty. Even the loss of her wig
by one of the performers, Katisha,
did not help matters, although the
chorus was visibly shaken-with
Then, early in Act II, the princi-
pals (Yum-Yum, Nanki-Poo and
Koko) turned on the operetta it-
self and had some exhausting fun
spoof ing themselves. A pleasant
but very short number, "Here's a
howdy-doo!" was sung not once,
but six times, each time with grow-
ing resignation and surrender and
THERE is a certain vagueness, perhaps de-
liberate, in what President Chamoun of
Labanon has been allowed to let himself think
about American military commitments. He is
said to- think that if he asks' for British-
American armed intervention, having failed to
get United Nations armed intervention, we
are in honor bound to send in the Marines and
the paratroopers. It is very hard to believe that
London and Washington have really put them-
selves in a position where Mr. Chamoun can
decide to make us take part in the Lebanese
fighting. Such a delegation of authority to a
foreign politician, who is not even sure of the
loyalty of his own army, would be so imprudent
that one cannot imagine President Eisenhower
and Secretary Dulles making it.
If we had made such a promise, it would be
beyond anything ever contemplated in any of
our many pacts, doctrines, and declarations.
For in this case we would find ourselves com-
mitted to much more than the defense of a
country which is the victim of external aggres-
sion. We would be committed to a particular
individual in the internal affairs of that coun-
The Lebanese civil war broke out when Presi-
dent Chamoun started to amend the constitu-
tion in order to give himself another term of
office. While the rebellion has undoubtedly
been encouraged and helped from Syria and
Egypt, the basic fact is that if the Lebanese
army had been willing to act for Chamoun, it
could have suppressed the rebellion. Inasmuch
as President Chamoun cannot use effectively
his own army, there is on the face of it reason
to believe that the conflict is, as the United
Nations observers have indicated, primarily an
internal affair.
HAD WE promised Chamoun to intervene if
he called upon us, we would have committed
ourselvs to the personal fortunes of one Leban-
ese politician. There is no public evidence that
we have actually done this though it is true
that in his recent press conference, Mr. Dulles
did say that we might intervene.
As against this, we must assume that in
supporting Mr. Hammarskjold's efforts, we are
acting in good faith, not merely trying to take
back a promise that we wish wehad never given.
It is said that if Chamoun's administration is
overthrown and is replaced by one which is no
longer pro-Western but is pro-Nasser, there will
follow the collapse of the Western position in
the rest of the Arab, perhaps even in the rest
of the Moslem, world. Since this will happen if
we do not intervene to save Chamoun, we must
act or we must lose everything in the Middle
East and beyond.
T HE TROUBLE with this argument is that if
intervention is attempted, as at Suez in 1956,
and if the intervention fails, the Western posi-
tion in the Middle East and beyond will be
much worse than if in a negotiated settlement,
Chamoun gives up the three remaining months
of his constitutional term of office.
Now, there is no certainty that intervention
would be successful, and I find it ominous that
no one who favors intervention has ever ven-
tured to say what the Marines and paratroopers
would be told to do when they landed in Leb-
anon, and how once in, they would be able to
come out again.
Presumably, the objective of the Marines and
the paratroopers would be to seal the Syrian
border, an operation which would require the
pacification of the rebel areas behind the bor-
der, which are at least one-third of the country.
This would amount to the military occupation
of the Lebanon.
There is no reason to suppose that the rebels
would lie down and surrender. There is every
reason to suppose that they would wage guer-
rilla war, and that the United States Marines
would find themselves in the same kind of un-
derground war which the French Army has
been fighting for several years in Algeria.
The true alternatives, so it seems to me. are
Scientists Must R ead
Millions of Articles
Associated Press Education Reporter
WASHINGTON - Do you have
a vague, uncomfortable feel-
ing that maybe you should read
more books, if only you had the
time? Or have you turned a maga-
zine salesman from the door be-
cause "I've got more now than I
can read?"
The American scientist is in the
same sad fix, only more so.
He can't take the time to read
the millions of scientific articles
that roll off the world's presses
every year. And yet, he can't af-
ford not to keep up with the latest
developments in his field.
But the scientist has one big
advantage over other readers.
With few exceptions, he has ab-
stracting and indexing services to
do his reading for him. They not
only read the articles, they ana-
lyze them, abstract them in con-
densed summaries, and then index
** ,*
FOR MANY years some of these
science information services have
been hurting for money. Now,
with this country in an open sci-
ence race with Russia, the pain
is becoming acute.
To keep American science even
with or ahead of Russia, it seems
certain that someone will have to
come up with financial help. In-
development in fields of science
not now covered. They also agreed
to try to devise some workable
government subsidy plan that will
leave their independence intact,
but still accomplish the job.
* * *
IF THEY can agree on such a
;ubsidy plan, governpent help
probably will be forthcoming.
Congress is well aware of What's
at stake.
It's no exaggeration to say that
American scientific progress is
tied directly to'the job being done
by the abstracting and indexing
Where the job is thorough - as
it is in chemistry - the American
scientist can keep abreast of
worldwide developments in his
field. Where the job is less than
thorough - as it is in most other
fields - the scientist is severely
Abstracting and indexing the
world's output of scientific litera-
ture is an expensive proposition.
The abstracting journals get little
if any revenue from advertising.
Most have to depend on subscrip-
tions and subsidies to finance
their publications.
Any expansion of the job
they're doing now is going to cost
The Russians, of course, have
no such financial headaches. They
the assurance that it would be
the last time.
AS THE SAME words and the
same dance pattern were repeated
again and again,' the characters,
more and more frustrated, seemed
to wonder, with the audience, just
what was going on-a delightful
indictmentdindeedtof all musical
comedy and operetta.
The second act also had the
most ambitious set design in re-
cent weeks. Designer Robert Mait-
lend came up with a raised court
garden that, although it limited
the important dancing of the Mi-
kado, helped the audience to see
better the context of the action
and placed fewer demands on the
Of the acting, the most uni-
formly excellent characteristic was
the ability of each person on stage
to sing and speak the often diffi-
cult to understand Gilbert and
Sullivan verses with clarity and
precision - a very welcomed trait,
too, for the arena tent theatre
where acoustics are rather bad.
* * *
AS KO-KO, the Lord High Exe-
cutioner, Joe Ross was very good
at 'times while at others he seemed
not to have developed his charac-
terization to its fullest extent. His
ward, Yum-Yum, who would rath-
er marry Nanki Poo, the wander-
ing minstrel and second trombone,
was excellent as performed by
Carolyn Maye.
Miss Maye and James Tushar,
the Nanki-Poo of the local pro-
duction, were best noted for their
singing voices, used to the credit
of the Sullivan music and the
Gilbert words.
Jane Connell, in spite of a tem-
porarily-missing wig, was a fine
Katisha - "the daughter-in-law
elect" of the Mikado (emperor of
Japan) who wants to marry Nan-
ki-Poo, in reality the Mikado's
son. Mrs. Connell never lost the
chance to be the ugly and despic-
able Katasha she was supposed
to be.
* S *
IN OTHER roles Robert Mes-
robian was a fine Pooh-Bah, Gor-
don Connell an adequate Pish-
Tush and Alex Palermo a dis-
tinguished but non-terpsichorean