SheSielcgzgn &ziIg Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN hen Opiniona Are Free UNDBR AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PULucATIONs Truth Win Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH.0 Phone No 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. - AT THE MICHIGAN: 'Hot Spell' Receives Rather Cool Reception HE FAMILY that prays together, stays together," Mamma Duv 1Shirley Booth) almost desperately tells her family during " Spell." But the family says its grace quickly, and just as quickly, memebrs go their own way as they have for years. Pappa Duval (Anthony Quinn) has a date with "the other womE The children know it, but they won't tell Mamma. MammA. know but she doesn't know the children know it and she won't even ad she knows it when the children tell her they know it. For in offering a look at an American family that has rear an advanced stage. of decomposition, "Hot Spell" shows Pe struggling with a good many half-realized realizations that t t, JULY 1, 1958- NIGHT-EDITOR: SUSAN HOLTZER Religion and Society Must Be Examined Together LIGION has played an increasingly small- r role in society. This might be reason for xamining religion, but it also might be on for examining society - the other part hat inseparable dichotomy. )ciety has asserted its right to question and et blind acceptance of religion. Perhaps answers provided by religion came "too "to be accepted by an increasing segment ociety. But after overthrowing blind accep- e of religion, most rationalists sacrificed r announced raison de ette, reason. They up free thinking for an easy answer, pounded of a "scientific" mixture of an- pology, geology and physics. 'ith their emphasis on objectivity and com- e proof for everything, they ignore the Welcome Alaska IE BABY soon to Join the union is no baby, at least in size. Alaska, whose statehood bill night passed ' the Senate after previous roval by the House of Representatives is ually in the Union; only President Eisen- ver's signature is necessary to complete the and this has already been promised. "hus the United States has , gained a new te, two and one-half times the size of Texas, i the flag-makers now have a problem-how put 49 stars on the blue field. After Alaska's year fight to enter the Union, flag-makers uld have prepared some new designs and one the largest of the new statehood problems solved. Che new state, rich in resources and poor in pulation, says it can afford the added expense state government. The Union, obviously, is ppy to welcome the newcomer. Everyone but Hawaiians, apparently, and a few southern nators, are pleased. HE1 SOUTHERN Senators, whose worries' probably stem from Alaska's racially differ- t Indian and Eskimo population rather than e expressed concern over state finances, iuld have no legitimate complaints over the ,tehood. The Hawaiians, after a long attempt statehood themselves, would and should ex- ct like treatment. New states are an experience. for all but a. all section of the population. In this case it ould be enjoyed, cheered and praised for ppening after years of delay. Let's drink a Klondike cocktail, eat baked Alaska, and ye a flag, a newly designed flag, of course. -ROBERT JUNKER fact that science itself is founded on an act of faith; that philosophically as much is re- quired to postulate a common sense automo-. bile as a common sense God. A SOCIETY ready to give up religion has ig- nored the accumulation of truth in religion for the accretion of error that can be found there, a choice for which not too much reason can be given. Science obviously has many accomplish- ments; but they are in limited, technical fields. Science and the methods of science can be de- fended in conventionally recognized scientific areas. But for some reason, a segment of so- ciety refuses to see the immense damage done by people who believed they had a substitute for religion., It is only recently that societies having a basis in someone's rational conception of what society should be rather than in God have had a chance to show what they can do. Hit- ler's Germany and Russia are the obvious,,un- subtle examples of how scientific notions can be so easily adopted to perpetrate worse auto- cracies than the over-emphasized Inquisition or religious wars. EVEN KINDLY old gentlemen like Adam Smith with his theory of laissez-faire econ- omy, the effects of which we are only lately recovering from, have caused much misery and suffering by their too-insistent use of ration- ality. Many scientists insist that the place of sci- ence is not In establishing values; and it must be admitted that rational efforts .in that di- rection outside the field of science have failed also. With neither theoretic justification nor practical applicability, the use of science or un- checked reason in the area of religion and mor- ality must be suspect.. Religion, undoubtedly does play a smaller. part in *oclety than it once did, and undoubt- edly colleges have played a; major part in the change. BUT A little education, common sense tells us, is a dangerous thing, and perhaps when confronted with such an awesome question as that of religion, any education is a dangerous thing, if it leads to the belief that answers to important questions have been provided, when in fact they have not been. It is encouraging to see a university, whose t predecessors for many centuries played such a large part in turning the minds of men away from God, take steps to re-evaluate religion and perhaps place it again in the position it should occupy. -LANE VANDERSLICE s' He's Got the Whole World in His Hand . To the Editor: THE arguments used by Michael Kraft in support of his point about religion tend to weaken, rather' than strengthen what is actually a sound point. After read- ing the editorial, I gather that what he actually wants to say is summarized in the last paragraph, where he says that religion as it exists today "becomes increasingly difficult to accept as a valid part of contemporary society." But in explaining his views, Mr. Kraft seems to contradict himself. In the last paragraph, he says that religion,by constantly chang- ing, no longer offers people an everlasting quality. But through- out the editorial, he criticizes reli- gion because it has not changed enough. He says that in the present day, the Bible cannot be used as anything but a symbol. He then goes on to say that the Bible is no good as a symbol because it loses this everlasting quality. In other words, the Bible is just no good. If this is what he wanted to say. I wish he had said it a great deal more clearly, because this is some- thing that needs saying. In any case his arguments, such as they were, were completely ridiculous. While I agree (I think) with hiscconclusion, what leads up to it can be summed up in one word: e-echh! -Judith Sklar, '60 SLP: Savior . . To the Editor: I AM SORRY not to have heard the lecture by President Harlan Hatcher at the Campus Confer- ence on Religion. From the report of the lecture given by The Daily, President Hatcher appears to have credited the' Soviet bloc with adapting the materialist concepts of the capitalist west. He then seems to have used the failure of Soviet material goals to advance the goodness and morality of the ;eople to indict materialism. Whether in Soviet PRussia or capitalist United States, the "ma- terialist philosophy" works to the advantage of a privileged class or classes. The inequitable distribu- tion of social wealth under both systems and the dog eat dog com- ,petitive nature of both systems can in no way "advance the good- ness and morality of the people." MATERIALIST societies based on motivating forces which com- pel adherence to the principles of doing the other fellow before he does y-ou in cantot provide suit- able climates for the kind of hu- man behaviour which is advocated by most religions. It isn't materialism, itself, which is responsible for moral and spiritual decadence. It is the sor- did purpose and motivation be- hind both capitalist and Soviet materialism that/ makes both social orders inpedinmkents to gen- eral economic and cultural well being. When, as under genuine social- ism acdvocated by the Socialist Labor Party, production for use becomes the nlotivaiting force in societyand cooperation replaces competition, materialism will then promote general economic well be- ing and also the self respect and mutual esteem which are the foundations for a healthy, moral, and happy people. -Ralph W. Muncy SLP:- Harmless *,* To the Editor: I HAVE just read with interest and amusement a pamphlet dis- tributed on this campus by the Socialist Labor Party. It contained such information as this: "Think of the paradise we can create on earth when we have got rid of this outmoded and despotic capitalist system." Outside of the poor grammar and the thinly veiled utopian non- sense, this quotation expresses in essence what American Socialists have been saying for years. Adopt the Socialist system, throw out the capitalist despots, and all will be heaven. This sounds very little different from "Workers of the world. unite. Throw off your chains." One of the tragedies of men like Norman Thomas is that these individuals continue to be chained to Marxist doctrine. ANYONE who heard Mr. Thomas would have to admit that some of his ideas on disarmament were quite worth while. But as long as men like Mr. Thomas and parties like the Socialist Labor Party con- tinue to adhere to Marxist doc- trine, they will make little head- way in America. There has been little or no at- tempt on the part of these groups to adopt their views' to th a Ameri- can scene. Out of fear of "comPro- mising their conscience," they have remained outside of major American political parties, and have berated politicians and labor leaders alike. As long as the Socialists do not channel their efforts into the mainstream of American life, and as long as they cling to Marxist { doctrines which cannot be applied in the United States, the American people will continue to think of the Socialists as a bunch of harm- less crackpots. -Richard Parmelee, '61, (Herblock Is on Vacation) LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Religious A rguments 'Ridiculous' have trouble admitting to them- selv"e;. "Time heals everything," Mam- ma Duval says as she dips into her ample stock of soothing phrases. But, somewhat frumpy rafter more than 25 years of mar- riage, she can't find the wit or courage to face the passage of time. Pappa can't face it either, and he takes his youngest son to one of the New Orleans pool halls in an attempt to explain things. (He feels more comfortable there.) He tries to explain that a man has an obligation to himself and goes off to keep a date with a' 'homeless and helpless" 19-year- old brunet. * * * . THE GIRL is about his daugh- ter's age, but daughter Virginia (Shirley McClain) haF her own problems. Pappa won't let her and boy friend sit on the porch glider when the front door is closed and Pappa questions the young man's intentions. Mamma considers Pappa as her little child and although time and her girlish figure have faded, she thinks everything will be solved if the family returns to a farm at New Paris where they were young and happy together. Shirley Booth is at her best in her dreamy recollections of her early life with Pappa and other- wise effectively portrays a New Orleans housewife who is gushing- ly tender to everything but per- ceptive to nothing, including the need to face herself. Anthony Quinn adequately handles the forms of a voluble owner of an employment agency, but only in rare moments does he do more than fill out the rather standard- ized lines. WITH ITS stereotyped conflict between father and oldest son (Earl Holliman) who wants to strike oltt on his own, "Hot Spell" shows with almost uncomfortably realistic detail what might be the family next door who forgets to close the windows during argu- ments. Here, in its recognizable Z i t u a t i o n s, lies "Hot Spell's" strength and appeal, Mamma is especially worth re- membering, especially during a delightfully satirical scene when, in an attempt to become a 'new woman," she tries to master the gestures for sexy smoking and drinking. The movie itself is a fairly in- teresting peek at the neighbors, but thanks to an ending as gushy as Mamma, "Hot Spell," like the heat wave encompassing its ac- tion, passes quickly and will be easily forgotten. -Michael Kraft Daily Co-Editor AT THE CAMPUS: 'AfHair' Nondescript "A NOVEI4 AFFAIR," the offIering at the Campus isa very frail and tiresome English comedy, bolstered by two agree- able performances from its stars, Sir Ralph Richardson and Mar- garet Leighton. Miss Leighton plays a fashion- able novelist of small talent who casts herself, her crippled hus- band,. and their handsome new chauffeur as characters in her latest romance: a triangle affair involving adultery, illegitimacy, and murder. The chauffeur hap- pens to read her manuscript, and consequently gets all sorts of de- lusions about the nature of his employer's feelings toward him- self. This occasions a number of predictable complications includ- ing declarations of love and bI lets-doux from the servant, and general confusion in the house- hold. In the end, things turn out all right, of course: the chauffeur settles for the sweet little family maid, Sir Ralph is on the verge of walking again, and Miss Leigh- ton is joyous. The tone of the film is hardly consistent. Bland domestic come- dy, anemic satire, and a core of sentimentality which is thinly veiled by wan humor, are all heaped together and the result is, as one would expect, a blur. * * * ALSO present to muddle things further is that device typical of nearly all English comedy, and particularly noticeable in the in- ferior variety - the device of pre- senting the situation with i straight face, and then rapidly al- tering it by overstatement and distortion, so as to bring it at last to the doorstep of the farcical There it is dropped with a de. ening thud, and the picture movei on to a tew scene, to do much thi same with it. "A Novel Affair" then is mild stuff. Much of it is devoted to s tongue-in-cheek presentation o: the lady's sirupy and trashy novel But this again is not done broad- ly enough to qualify as eithe: farce or burlesque, and clearly lacks the bite to be effective satire. It is, in short, like the movie as a whole - harmless bu nondescript. --Bernard Kendler TODAY AND T(.MORROW: In Defense of de Gaulle .,_ VHAT HAS happened in France il a truth which I first came upon Y a history of the French revolution.: regime, an established order, is rar Town by a revolutionary movement regime collapses of its own weaki7 rruption and then a revolutionary m ters among the ruins and takesc wers that have, become vacant. Thus it is simply not true as some a at a democratic and free system of ent was overthrown by a conspiracyo s and extremists ,connived at by Gen ht wing politicians, among them aarles de Gaulle himself. The Alger hich has been a military failure a: uelties is a disgrace to the good ance, was presided over by a Social an who owed his appointment to a ime Minister. A% respects North Africa the authori ench government in Paris had collar fore the insurrection broke out las i early as February, after the bon e Tunisian village of Sakiet-Sidi was wvs plain as the nose on one'sf e Paris government was impotent t T IS FALSE, therefore, to look upon aulleas the man who overthrew, or the overthrow of, the parliamentar ent. He came to power because tha ent could no longer pretend that it govern. It has been said by some that while aulle himself is not a Fascist, hei an, liJe Hindenburg in Germany, w nility will make way for a French B can say is that, having seen him 1y IALTER LIPPMANN lustrates he did not seem in the least senile to me: he rears ago was then, as he has always been, a man of ex- It is that traordinary historical insight and imagination, ely over. in this respect second only, I would say, if not Susually equal to Churchill. ness and There is in Gen. de Gaulle no trace of the novement modern vulgar dictator, of the Hitler, Musso- over the lini, Peron or Nasser, and he has shown in his books that his mind is profound and that his style - since he uses no ghost writer - Is re saying a true expression of his mind. govern- of Colon- There has never been any doubt, it has erals and seemed to me, that he is an authentic bearer General of the central traditions of the Western so- lan war, ciety. He does not use its values as stereotypes nd in its and slogans, as the battered catch phrases that name of political orators have made of them. His mys- ist politi- tery, which communicates itself to the French Socialist when they are in trouble, is that, being authen- tic and not time-serving, he? touches those chords of memory which bind aunation to- ity of the gether. psed long t month. N INTERESTING book could be written rbing of i-Youssef, about the bad relations which existed dur- -face ,at ing the- war between President Franklin D.- face that Roosevelt and Gen. de Gaulle. I do not pretend. o govern. to know the whole story but as a newspaper- man in Washington and in Londonl, I 'knew n Gen. de about significant bits and pieces of the story. connived Their bad relations began originally because at y govern- the beginning of the war, after the fall of t govern- France in 1940, there were two French govern- was able ments. There was one inside France at Vichy under Marshal Petain which was of course, e Gen. de dominated by Hitler and the victorious Nazi is an old armies. The other French government was in ho in his exile in London, and it was under Gen. de Hitler. All Gaulle. recently, It was our official policy, for which there were very good reasons of expediency, to main- tain diplomatic relations with Petaiifs gov- S#eminent in Vichy and in North Africa. Our good reasons were that we intended to invade North Africa and hoped for the collaboration AT ALUMNI HALL, LIBRARY: Richness of.Materials Evident inArt Exhibitions ART EXHIBITIONS mounted by the University Museum of Art in connection with the Summer School special program, "Religion .in Contemporary Society," opened last night at Alumni Hall and the Un- dergraduate Library. In the library is a sizable collection of European prints, largely 15th and 16th century works, dealing with events in the life of Jesus. The collection, selected from the Lessing J. Rosenwald collection, is well hung in the exhibition area between the two public entrances. The - area is broken up into a series of areas (perhaps somewhat unimagina- tively in the mechanical repetition of space) which provide an intimate atmosphere so necessary to th~e viewing of prints. Ideally, prints should be looked at individually while seated. As this is not feasible in a public exhibition, the presentation there is an excellent solution. The religious art exhibition in Alumni consists of a group of mo- saics. The austere and rigid concepts of design so typical of 'modern art in the immediate past, typified by the Bauhaus school and Mon- drian paintings, and so expressive of the spare atmosphere of the de- pression and war years, has in recent years given way to a delight in richness that closely approaches opulence. * * * ONE OF THE MOST exciting aspects of this present delight in richness is the revived interest in mosaics. Suddenly hot dog stands, luxury hotels, private homes and air line terminals are enlivened by colorful, glittering mosaics of glass, stone, metal and ceramics as rich as any fabricated by Romans or Byzantines. Tie examples of mosaic currently on display come from two sys- tems of parochial schools. Those from the Jewish Parochial Schools in, New York City are done largely by groups of children aged 6 to 13 and show a sophistication of design (especially the large "Noah's Ark" constructed of shells, and the equally large "Spies," which combines such a dizzying wealth of materials as to necessitate seeing to be be- lieved), as well as an intriguing approach to materials. THE SECOND GROUP comes from Immaculate Heart College in Los Angeles and is the work of the college students and staff. The technical facility and level of sophistication is high but, with few ex- ceptions, the concept has been quite obviously directed by the faculty so that the results, while admittedly gorgeous, are rather less fresh and personalized than one could hope. It is a delight to see the (to some) frivolous inclusion of bits of junk jewelry and beads, of pieces of broken Spanish or Mexican pot- tery, and of broken bottles among the more prosaic tesseral. The various materials are used effectively to create a varied and, ::.