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July 01, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-07-01

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Seer Page 2

Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom CLomDY, WARM

L. LXVIII, No. 6,s






Arctic Ficean Point
Borrow Beraul fort
AndyFAIRBANKS , Dawson
//Andlora * )Whitehorse
#O/ er ng Sea SkagwayV una

Cuban Rebels Hold 41 Americans



. 9lD'.




W STATE - Map of Alaska, soon to be the 49th state in the Union, shows close proximity to
ssia, one of the points of discussion during Senate debate. Some Senators objected to statehood
the grounds that Alaska was too close to the Soviet Union, constituted a national defense hazard,
empts to send the statehood bill to the Armeed Services Committee failed.

HAVANA (A) - Fidel Castro's
rebels kidnaped two more Ameri-
cans yesterday, bringing the total
held by the insurgents in eastern"
Cuba to 41 Am1ericans and three
With the seizure of the two
men, there are now at least 65{
Americans being held against theirt
will in various parts of the world.
Rebels Near
Capital City c
BEIRUT, Lebanon UP) - Gov-
ernment forces and mountain
tribesmen fought a see-saw battle
in the hills overlooking Beirut
yesterday after the rebels drove
closer to the capital tlan ever
Followers of young rebel leader,
Kamal Jumblatt made a. surprise
dawn push , into hills between
Chemlan and Kayfoun, only five
miles for Beirut International
Government forces counterat-
tacked with Jet planes, armored
cars and artillery, The rebels fell
back from two hills.
Driven Back
Rebels on another hill swept
across the valley in an attempt to
relieve their comrades. They were
driven back.
Irregulars helping the security
forces blocked roads and ap-
proaches to Kayfound and Chem-
lan to choke off the rebel advance.
Security forces claimed they
suffered no casualties. They said
many rebels were killed. The size
of the attacking force was not
Cantrols Large Area
Jumblatt, leader of the Progres-
sive Socialist political organiza-
tior;, controls a large area south
and east of Beirut. His followers
are largely Druse tribesmen.
The rebels fired only small arms.
They were too far away to fire on
the airport.
An Arab studies center, oper-
ated in Chemlan by the British
Foreign Office, was evacuated. A
British Embassy spokesman said
Jumblatt had warned he planned
to attack the town.

Castro's rebels have 41 of the
prisoners, according to the latest
State Department figures.
Communists Hold Rest
The other 22 are being detained
in Communist countries - nine
each in Soviet Armenia and East
German and four in Red China.
The latest strike in Castro's,
campaign to draw attention to his
sputtering rebellion was carried
out by eight rebels, the United
States Embassy said.
United States Consul Park Wol-
lam was in contact with the rebels.
Castro's campaign of kidnapings
served to put him back before the'
eyes of the world, after the col-
lapse of his big offensive to topple
President Fulgencio Batista last
Charge Bombing
Specifically, they charge that
Cuban warplanes bombing their
Oriente province hideouts were us-
ing Guantanamo as a fueling base.
The United States government has
denied this.
Sen. Styles Bridges (R-N.H.),
who introduced a resolution a

week ago asking Congress to pro-
test against the detention of the
nine United States airmen forced
down in East Germany June 7, told
the Senate yesterday, "An example
of what happens when we display
weakness is the kidnapping- of
American citizens by the Cuban
In addition to the nine United
States airmen held in East Ger-
many, another crew of nine was
forced down in a transport plane
in Soviet Armenia Friday. Am-
bassador Llewellyn E. Thompson
Jr. yesterday asked the Soviet
foreign ministry in Moscow that
they be released immediately.
The United States has been ne-
gotiating for years for the release
of the four Americans in Com-
munist China.
Yesterday, Washington rejected
what it described as an ultimatum
by Red China that the United
States name an ambassador with-
talks, or break them off. The
in 15 days for resumption of the
negotiations, held in Geneva, were
suspended last Dec. 12.

sreat Land,

Once Russian,

High Court Voiees RefusalI
To Rule on Appeal
WASHINGTON (M)-The Supreme Court refused yesterday to
shortcut usual procedures and rule directly and promptly on an
appeal from an order suspending desegregation in Little Rock.
But in so doing, the court said it was sure the United States Court
of Appeals in St. Louis would act on the appeals "in ample time to
permit arrangements to be made for the next school year."
In another unanimous action yesterday, the Court struck down
a $100,000 fine levied against the National Association for the Advance-

eveloped a. U.S. Property

I 4,


JUNEAU, Alaska ( -P - Here's
capsule look at Alaska, now
eared for admission to the Union
the 49th state:
Alaska, which means "The Great
and," was discovered in 1741 by
ussian explorers, who founded!
e towns of Kodiak; Sitka and
rangell and established the
ea's first industry-fur trading.
The original inhabitants, whose
scendents now number about
000 United States citizens, were
dians, Aleuts and Eskimos. They
e believed to have migrated
ross an extinct land bridge from
beria and Asia.
Purchased from Russia I
The United States purchased
aska from Russia in 1867 for
2 million dollars. The great
laska salmon and gold mining in-
astries developed under United
Cates possession.
Alaska covers 886,400 squareI
Wles and is 2% times as large as

Texas. Its coastline of 33,904 miles
exceeds the combined coastline of{
the entire United States.
The 2,000-mile-long Yukon is
Alaska's greatest river, and its
tallest mountain is Mt. McKinley,
at 20,300 feet, the highest in North
America. Glaciers cover 18,000
square miles, and the biggest-the
Malispina Glacier off the Gulf of
Alaska near Yakutat-is said to be
the largest in the world.
Not All Ice
Alaska is not a land of ice and
snow, although there are plenty
of both in the big territory. The
climate in the southeastern pan-
handle is mild, both winter and
At Juneau, the capital, tempera-'
tures usually are in the 20s in
winter and in the 70s in summer,
with rainfall averaging about 90
.inches a year.
At Anchorage, the largest city,
winters. compare with Chicago,
and summers usually are dry with
temperatures in the high, 70s or
low 80s:
Temperature Varies
Fairbanks, the northern - most
metropolis, has weather ecXtremes
-with the mercury dipping to 60!
and 70 degrees- below zero during
the long winter and temperatures
up-to 95 degrees during short, hot
The territorial government was
established in 1884. A nonvoting
delegate to Congress was approved
in 1906. The first territorial legis-
lature met in 1913. Major growth
began during World- War II as1
World New
By The Asso

the military began to capitalize'
on Alaska's strategic location.
The first bill calling for admis-
sion of Alaska as a state was in-I
troduced in Congress by Alaska
Del. James Wickersham in 1916.
Statehood, became a continuing
effort on the part of most Alaskans]
in 1946'
Constitution Drafted
A proposed constitution for the
anew state was drafted in a ter-
ritorywide convention in 1955-56,
and approved by the voters of,
Alaska April 24, 1956, with 17,073
for, 8,060 against.
The present population is es-
timated at between 205,000 and
220,000, including 50,000 military
servicemen and dependents. The
population has increased rapidly
and steadily in khe past decade,
but unemployment has been, a

ment of Colored People by an
Alabama judge.
Found in Contempt
Circuit Judge Walter B. Jones
imposed the fine in Montgomery
June 1, 1956, on the ground the
NAACP was in contempt of court
for failing to comply with an
order for production of a list of
its members. The judge also barred]
the NAACP from doing business in
Speaking for the Court, Judge
Harlan said the order for produc-
tion of the membership list "must
be regarded as entailing a sub-]
stantial restraint upon the exer-
cise by petitioner's NAACP mem-
bers of their right to freedom of
The order suspending desegre-
gation in Little Rock for 21/2 years
--until January 1961-was issued
June 21 by United States District
Judge Harry J. Lemley.
Other, Action
Among other actions yesterday,
the Court:
Upheld firing of a, Philadelphia
teacher who refused to answer a
question about Communist party
Denied New York gambler Frank
Costello a reviewv of his 1954 in-
come tax evasion conyiction.
Refused to review an arrange-
ment under which Girard College
of Philadelphia has -continued as
a school for white orphans only.
Stephen Girard, Colonial merchant
prince who provided for the school
in his 1830 will, specified the school
was to be for white boys only.

TO Operate
WASHINGTON (A-Federal tax
collectors are preparing a new
crackdown on businessmen who
pocket taxes withheld from their
employes' pay.
Starting today, any employer
who ignores the withholding tax
laws will be liable to ,a sentence
of up to a year in jail and a $5,000
Heretofore the Internal; Reve-
nue Service has been able only to
attack business assets to satisfy
claims for delinquent withholding
Of 4.4 million businesses' that
withhold taxes for the government,
377,253 were delinquent to the
extent of nearly 301 million dollars
in 1957. This was an increase from
356,748 in 1956, when delinquen-
cies totaled 279 million dollars.
Officials said almost all delin-
quents were small businessmen.
They said few if any really large
firms run afoul of the withholding
tax regulations,
In addition to providing criminal
penalties, the new law provides
that a businessmen who ignores
warnings can be required to de-
posit taxes within two banking
days after withholding them.



al Rises

The turnof _the fiscal year at
idnight yesterday found Uncle
am with his income down, his
ending up and his total debt
caded toward the highest figure
More and bigger deficit spend-I
,g. loomed ahead for fiscal 1959,,
1nging with it new inflationary
essure and damaging prospects
r a substantial tax relief next
mr or soon thereafter.I
I a few weeks, the administra-
n will ask Congress to boost the
,deral debt ceiling for the' second
ne this session. Some officials
dicated a new temporary ceiling
290 billioi dollars may be
The earlier five billion dollar
>ost brought it to 280 billion.
The widening gap between In-
me and outgo in the, new fiscal
ar-now 'estimated at around 11
Ilion dollars, or possibly even
ose to 12 billion-makes substan-
al new Treasury borrowing in-
Some believe the deficit won't
that large, but nevertheless the
deral debt is considered certain'
pass the high water mark of
80,821,000,000.reached in Decem-
r, 1955. p

Aide Accused of Libel
By Business Promoter
WASHINGTON W) - Business promoter John Fox casually an-
nounced yesterday he is starting a million dollar libel suit against
Presidential Assistant Sherman Adams - who has- charged him with
malicious accusations.
Fox also promised million-dollar suits against others who have
been criticizing him.
This sudden development came just before Fox concluded three
days of testimony to a House subcommittee. Presidential Press Sec-
'retary James C. Hagerty told re-
porters: "Mr. Adams will have no
comment on that. How silly can
Roundup this whole thing get"
f ]Involves Adams
The Fox testimony exploded
sensations and uproars, accusa-
ciated Press tions and denials, involving
gent for the Federal Narcotics Bu- Adams, his wealthy Boston friend
rious gathering last fall of racke- and benefactor, Bernard Goldfine,
rkus gaherig la fallf rack- and the Boston Herald and Trav-
nnarks of a Mafia black hand con- eler and their publisher, Robert
rtin F. Pera, a 10-year veteran of Fox said he has instructed his
te Rackets Investigating Commit- lawyers to file suits for a million
n alleged crime syndicate operat- dollars each against Choate, the
Herald-Traveler Corp., its attor-
-ed the Mafia pattern," Pera said. ney, William 'J. Dempsey, and
* Goldfine's attorneys, Roger Robb
Irish have done it again, and Samuel Sears.
s-born widow, slight, graying Mrs. He didn't spell out the grounds
Mayor, for the suits. But he said after
* the hearing:
Hits Newspapers
am G. Bray (R-Ind.) rapped the "All the individuals and the
mitting the surplus farm products newspapers made t h o r o u g h I y
scurrilous and libelous statements
nceded that the extension .f the about me in writing."
of surplus farm commodities will Yelling and gavel b a n g i n g

Quartet To Play,

WASHINGTON -A secret ag
reau testified yesterday the myste
teers at Apalachin, N.Y., bore earn
The testimony came from Ma
the Narcotics Bureau, as the Sena
tee launched public hearings on a
'ng in this country.
"The Apalachin meeting follow
* *4
DUBLIN -, The unpredictable
Last night they elected a Scot
Catherine Byrne, as Dublin's Lord
* 4
House's knuckles yesterday for per
disposal act to die at midnight.
Bray, in a House speech, cor
act providing for disposal abroad

mr _ a



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