"Your Office Seems To Be On Fire" Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN hen Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth wi lPrevail STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AbeAOP /CE T Sl ' FACULTY RECITAL: Frances Greer Matchless In Sumuter Concert A WARM RECEPTION greeted Frances Greer as she appeared in True- blood Auditorium last night for her summer recital. She amply re- paid her audience with a program of fine songs performed with beauty and devotion. Opening her program, Miss Greer sang three Italian arias, all of which showed to advantage her charming, light voice and her excellent interpretative abilities. The last of these was the well-known aria, "Batti. batti, o bel Masetto," from Mozart's Don Giovanni. Miss Greer performed this RDAY, JUNE 28, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: LANE VANDER SLICE Solution in Lebanon: Shut the Gates ATTEMPTING to solve the puzzle of what o do about the civil war in Lebanon, Amer- n diplomats are faced with a number of ernatives, none of which seems to offer a ar solution. )ne course of action, the one which United tions Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold ims to fear most for its possible conse- ences, is armed"intervention from the West. second alternative, one proposed by Lebanese emier Sami Solh at the close of Hammar- old's seven-day visit to the Middle East, is e creation of an armed United Nations se- :ity force to seal off the Lebanese-Syrian :der, to prevent the flow of arms and rein- 'cements from the United Arab Republic, and ow the situation to work itself out as a ictly internal affair. Yet a third "solution" is to continue the esent course of action, which is to do essen- Mly nothing except provide moral support the Chamoun government, let the United ,tions observors continue to observe, and it hope for the best. 'HE PROBLEM is vastly complicated by a thoroughly confused situation. In the first ace, in Lebanon there is no strictly "good" d "bad" side, as there was in Korea. Presi- Lt Chamoun's government is pro-Western, t the rebels are not Communists, nor do they ,ve any direct support from the Soviet Union, assian opposition to any form of Western in- :vention most likely stems from a desire to acourage any sort of situation which would. nd to. weaken Western influence in the area., There is, in the second place, no way of towing for sure whether or not survival of e Chamoun government would actually aintain U.S. influence in Lebanon. Opposi- P litieal Expedien T IS NOW becoming fashionable to call for the speedy resignation of the Assistant Cru. der, Cleaner of the Royal Hound's Tooth, nd Inspector of the Clean Plate Club, Sher- an Adams. It would seem, to an unskilled observer, that ae allegations against Adams, even if wholly ue, hardly disqualify him for his task. It ems instead remarkable that, with so many >portunities for making mistakes, Adams has .ade so few. JNFORTUNATELY, Adams iade, early in his political life, the tragic mistake of lopting a very high moral tone, and this zmply will not do. For, once Adams became nforcement officer for the Code of Official thics, he began accumulating political ene- zies who would be eager to pounce on the erest suspicion of an Adams mistake. That mistake has been, made at last. With n unexplainable lack of attention to his own thical requirements, Adams obtained some legal information for one of his friends. Adams, as boss of the so-called Executive )ffice of the President has been an extreme- y controversial figure, exercising great power, end according to some, usurping much of the uthority of the President. He has become in- ispensable by the President's own admission. 1hus, if one can believe the President, and tion to Chamoun extends far beyond that from UAR President Nasser and his agents and symphathizers. The rebels are Lebanese, and no small minority. They include religious groups, personal political rivals, and factions with a variety of reasons for wanting Chamoun out of power. Just how many Lebanese actively support Chamoun is unclear, but one indica- tion of a possibly general attitude may be the remarkable reluctance of his army to fight. IF THE CHAMOUN government is actually unpopular with the people, it would seem to the American best advantage to allow the crisis to settle itself internally. This would in- volve taking steps only to insure against for- eign intervention, preferably without the use of arms. The mechanics of the "insurance policy" should he worked out within the United Nations, as an extensior and modification of present policy. One possible arrangement of this sort might include an augmented UN observation team to detect and discourage foreign meddling, either from the UAR, which Chamoun charges with reinforcing the rebels, or from Jordan, Iraq and Turkey, which the rebels claim have in- tervened directly for the government, or from the greater powers (which would mean an end to U.S. arms shipments). It might also include provisions for an armed UN border guard, if necessary to enforce the embargo. Such a solution, if it actually is a solution, would involve a certain risk, in view of the increasingly strong possibility of rebel victory, of having to deal later with a less cooperative or even a hostile, rebel government, but it is a risk which appears the lesser of several evils, and-one which cannot be avoided. -EDWARD GERULDSEN cy in Adams se there seems no reason to doubt him, those who insist upon Adams' resignation would imperil the Executive office for purely political mo- tives. PERIODICALLY, some Congressional figure introduces a bill which would require Con- gressmen and high government officials to file annual reportes of sources of income, or in some other way indicate whether they are adhering to any ethical standards of conduct. These measures are invariably defeated. But after observing the horror and dismay with~ which certain members of Congress greet each" new revelation of Sherman Adams' indiscre- tions, it will be interesting to see how quickly a bill recently introduced by Senator Richard Neuberger (D-Oregon) is passed. Sen. Neuberger claims that Congressmen should be obliged to observe some of the same restraints currently applicable to members of executive agencies who are carefully super- vised in so-called "conflict of interest" situaw tions. But whatever the outcome of Neuberger's ill- fated proposals, and whatever the outcome of the Case of the Unhorsed Crusader, it should be remembered hereafter that it is dangerous to set one's ethical standards too far out of reach. -DAVID KESSEL with everything one could desire- style, splendidinterpretation, and beauty of tone. If all this had the quality of introductory material, it could be explained by the fact that many were waiting for the Debussy cycle which was to follow. This group of three songs entitled "Trois chan- sons de Bilitis" was performed by this artist inher recital last fall. For those who heard it then, it was a most welcome repeat. Too often, singers capture the delicacy of Debussy's music, but never seem to grasp the idea that this delicacy must be supported by intensity and quiet strength. It is delicate, but not fragile. Miss Greer has worked with this music for some time and it is obvious that she knows its every hidden depth. Last fall she sang this group beautifully. It was even better this time. TO CLOSE the first half of the program, the artist sang three other French songs in which she displayed strong top tones and some very lovely soft singing. After the intermission, Miss Greer returned to perform a group of folk songs from various coun- tries. All of these songs were ar- ranged for performance by various, composers, but only the Niles ar- rangement of "10,000 Miles" re- tained the folk quality through- out. If there is any fault in Miss Greer's performance, it might be found in these folk songs. A born interpreter who never misses an emotion or idea in her music, she at times over - interprets these pieces. Folk songs are simple, the emotions contained in them are simple. They really should not be interpreted. The final group on the program was a cycle by Ginastera, "Cinco canciones populares Argentinas," also featured at her last recital. Miss Greer never stops working on her music and it was obvious that this group had become even more a part of her than it had been. The second song "Triste" with its wailing sorrow was beautifully contrasted with the third "Zamba" which wept its sadness. Miss Greer was assisted at the piano by Eugene Bossart. As he has demonstrated in every one of his many appearances here, this splendid pianist is an accompanist of the highest quality. It was a real experience to hear the match- less union of singer, pianist, and music. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Israel Calle Last Outpost By DREW PEARSON I 1 i J s' s: C 9 a n ti R t t t t I t s t t 1 j 1 WASHINGTON - "Lightning and will have to make peace with Joe" Collins, the combat general the Algerian nationalists. If he who took Cherbourg with such doesn't he'll have a guerrilla war speed during the Normandy Inva- on his hands for years. sion and who later became Army "You and I know," General Col- Chief of Staff, believes the United lins reminded his Army buddies, States will lose the entire Near "what it means to fight a guerilla East - except for Israel. war. You just can't win." General Collins was talking to a The White House used to be group of his Army-Navy cronies much more careful about receiv- at the Army and Navy Club al- ing gifts - at least, certain kinds most simultaneous with John Fos- of gifts. When Professor Alexand- ter Dulles' worries over sending er Mac Beath of Dublin Univer- Marines into Lebanon to rescue sity wrote a treatise on "Plea for that country from pro-Nasser, Heretics" it was pri n t ed in pro-Soviet Arabs. pamphlet form by John G. Moore Collins expressed the belief that of Pasadena, Calif., and sent to the United States could not block leaders of American public opin- the tide of Arab nationalism and ion, and among others to Presi- that in war we could not use Near dent Eisenhower. East oil anyway. The waterways The pamphlet was returned by through the Red Sea and Suez the White House, together with a are too narrow, can be too easily note which read: "The White bombed or patrolled by sub- House regretfully returns this as marines. Furthermore, the Rus- we can accept no gifts." Signed sians have airfields only 400 miles "Sherman Adams." away and could bomb oil installa- tions in a few minutes. By using oil from Canada, ON THE SAME day Jim Hager- Venezuela and the United States, ty admitted President Eisenhower opined General Collins, the West had received vicuna cloth from could get along without Arabian Bernard Goldfine but claimed he oil anyway. had given it away to an_ unre- In time of peace the Arabs want membered friend, an interesting to sell their oil to the West just package appeared at the Wash- as much as Western Europe wants ington Airport to be put aboard to buy it. an Airlines flight to New York. * # The package was marked "From "THE ISRAELI army is one of the White House" and addressed the toughest and most modern in to "Mollie Parnis, 530 Seventh the world," said one of the tough- Avenue, New York." The package est combat commanders of World was taken to the plane by a spe- War II. "As long as they are cial airport official and handed helped by American Jewry, Israel to the captain with the instruc- can survive as the one friendly tion, "This is a very valuable coat outpost in the Near East." from the White House." General Collins thinls General "A vicuna coat?" cracked the Charles do Gaulle will be able to captain. save Algerian oil for France if "Could be," replied the airline he plays it smart. He will have to official. "There'll be a messenger keep out American oil companies waiting for it in New York," he added. "Be sure that it's delivered only to him." The flight arrived promptly at 12:43 at La Guardia airport and a messenger was waiting for the coat - or package - or whatever it was. Mollie Parnis is a well-known dress designer. When this writer queried her about receipt of the package she said: "I don't know anything about it. We didn't re- ceive a package from the White House on Tuesday, June 17." She did admit that she handled Mrs. Eisenhower's clothes from time to time. The airlines confirmed the fact that the package was put aboard the flight which left Washington at 11:25. They did not know what was in the package. Jim Hagerty's 'statement that the President re- ceived some vicuna cloth from Bernard Goldfine was made at about 9:30 a.m. the same day. (Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) RELIGION: Listens To Skeptics By GEORGE W. CORNELL Associated Press Religion Writer S OLEMN and reverent tones fill the churches today, but outside flow the voices of the skeptics. Both environments are, to an extent, absorbed in themselves, But should they be? Should a $s servant of the Lord listen to the believers or to the scoffers? Unusual as it may seem, one of America's foremost ministers makes a point of keeping his ears inclined toward the conversations of doubt, the sounds of the bitter, the cynical, the angry and the lost. "For the church to reach people, it has to meet them at the place where they've got the questions," said the Very Rev. James A. Pike, clean of New York's Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Dean Pike, an uncommonly ver- satile Christian leader with a flair for jolting consciences, is moving West to become bishop of Califor- nia, and he is bothered not at all by the state's high ratio of non- piety, "To me, it's good," he said in an interview. In fact, he added, the Judeo- Christian message can strike keen- er fire among those outside the church than among the nominal members who accept it casually, For the unchurched, he said, the message "is news. It's nearer the definition of the Gospel. The oth- ers say, 'Sure we know all that. We'll be around next Easter."' The dean shook his head ruefully, add- ing: "A little Christianity is like a vacination-it inoculates them against the real thing." Although the oft-declared church tendency is to concentrate on its own words and deeds, Dean Pike's special forte has been to keep in touch with the other side, -to catch the accents of dissent, uncertainty and denial. "You can't give a man a sensible answer unless you pay attention to the questions he's now asking," he said. In a sense, the 45-year-old dean comes naturally by his rugged candor, his inclination to recog- nize and give a hearing to the qualms, anxieties and antagonisms that beset men about religion and life.a A onetime agnostic himself, his driving passion now is to translate Christianity into terms to meet the scorners head on, to deal squarely with the hard realities of modern thought and conduct. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official BulletinU isft official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m., the day preced- ing publication. SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 195 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 5-S General Notices Parking Permits for the fiscal year 1958-59 will be required on the cars of all eligible staff members using Uni- versity parking lots on July 1, 1958. Ap- plication for permits can be made at the Information Desk, second floor Ad- ministration Bldg. and at the Cashiers Office, first floor of the Univ. Hospital, Annual staff permits costing 25 may be obtained by payment of $5 for the intil eioume ssion n Initial period -lmmersession and signing payroll deduction authoriza- tions for the balance. The deductions will be made in the pay period ending closest to Sept. 30 and Feb. 28. Staff permits for the summer session only are also available at a cost of $5.00 These permits expire Sept. 10. Permits for metered lots for the year and for the summer session are also available at no cost. Classical Studies Coffee Hour: The faculty, students, and friends of the Department of Classical Studies are cordially invited to a coffee-hour on Tues.. July 1, 4:15 p.m., in the E. Conf. Rm., Rackham Bldg. Lectures University Lectures in Journalism: William Costello, foreign correspondent, and commentator for the Mutual Broadcasting System will speak in the Rackham Amphitheatre at 3:00 p.m., .Mon., June 30. His speech title will be "The Challenge of Co-existence." Pub- lic is cordially invited. Panel Discussion for English Teach- ers: "Preparation for College Composi- tion" - with Ruth M. Barns, Cooley H.S., Detroit; Robert F. Beauchamp, Pontiac H.S.; Marinus Pott, Holland Christian HS.; Prof. Arthur J. Carr, (Chairman), on Mon., June 30, 4:00 nm. Aud C. Angell Hall. --Robert Jobe INTERPRETING THE NEWS: TODAY AND TOMORROW: Civil Rights Guidance IUDG E LEMLEY'S order, which grants the plea of the Little Rock School Board for a ostponement of integration, has now raised he question which would otherwise have faced he country when school opens at the end of aeptember. The question is whether the Presi-- lent is once again to send troops to the Cen- ral High School, whether in fact that parti- ular school in Little Rock is to be under mili- ry guard for the indefinite future. A year's experience has shown that in the nsion, the unrest, and the distraction "the derly administration of the school was prac- cally disrupted." There is every reason to be- Leve that if the miltary occupation has to be enewed in September, the situation will be at east as bad, and probably worse. The Administration, and the country along rith it, are in a squeeze where, as things stand, ve are damned if we do, and we are damned if ve don't. If the Administration does not sup- ort vigorously and effectively the appeal from udge Lemley's order, it will mean that Gov. laubus has succeeded, at least for as long as e is likely to be in office, in nullifying the law ,s laid down by the courts. The precedent will lave been established that nullification is tol- rable. Editorial Staff MLTER LIPPMANNI On the other hand, if on appeal Judge Lem- ley's order is reversed, the Federal government will have won a technical victory which in fact condemns it to use troops to compel inte- gration. That is the last thing that the Admin- istration wants to do, and it is the last thing that the wiser friends of civil rights can want the Administration to do. The case for accepting the delay would, I think, be compelling provided there were a guarantee that the time gained will be used constructively and not lazily squandered. Un- fortunately there is no guarantee that any- thing useful will be done. For the President has never accepted the idea that when the. Supreme Court handed down its big and revo- lutionary decision, it became the duty of the national government to see that plans were worked out to carry out the decision. AS A RESULT, a social revolution in an im- portant section of the country has been en- couraged from Washington but it has never been guided, It has been allowed to proceed in an anarchy of sporadic law suits. In this grave matter which involves the Federal power, it has been and it is the duty of the President to bring about a continuing consultation among the leaders of opinion and the officials and the professional educators on such questions as to where, when, how to be- gin integration in this locality and in that one. I cannot believe, for example, that the con- NO EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: College Rowdys worse in. Reds Expected at Geneva By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE SOVIET UNION'S last-minute threat to boycott the Geneva bomb test conference doesn't make sense within the normal context of her maneuvers. This, plus the announcement that a Romanian delegate has been named, has led to speculation in Washington that the Reds will answer the roll call Tuesday despite Foreign Minister Gromyko's latest state- ments. Gromyko said there was no point in sending delegates unless the United States would agree the conference should provide for a testing ban. The West's announced objective is to see if a system of checks could be established to make a ban workable. The hairline difference seems to be that the Soviet Union wants advance agreement on a ban if a checking system is found, while the West would merely make it a basis for further negotiation, there be- ing political as well as technical considerations. M d l A g s There are several theories of speculation in Washington as to Gromyko's motives. the students lon to crown the One is that he merely wanted to te studethslonfaconwnte dramatize Russia's long propa- vintner with his own flagon, wIne gad capig against atom and all. ganda campaign agaisao bomb making and testing. Townspeople, annoyed at this Another is that he wants to lay obvious breach of tavern etiquette, the groundwork for a later breakup' took to shooting arrows at stray of the conference before the Soviet students. The students fought back Union can be pushed into accept- and several were killed. The sur- ance of any system of inspection. vivors fled. The latter would be in line with * * * traditional Soviet tactics. THE TOWN of Oxford spent 470 A boycott, however, would run years doing penance for its rash against her usual desire for talk, act. Each anniversary of the riot, talk, talk in any meeting which townspeople paid about 60 pence offers a propaganda forum. in token atonement. The practice It would also deviate from her, wasn't dropped until 1825. usual effort to place the West in There was little or no organized the position of breaking off, in,. extra-curricular activity at medi- stead of herself. eval Universities- Most schools * * By The Associated Press A COUPLE of decades ago they gulped goldfish and sat on flag- poles. Then they embraced the panty raid with considerable en- thusiasm. Now, the college youths seem to have taken to throwing things at the boss, as witness the Cornell students who recently egg -bomb- ed the university president for lowering the boom on off-campus social life All of which might seem to indi- cate that collegians are going from bad to worse. But don't bet on it. If they've changed at all in the past several hundred years, it's been for the better. Students, pupils, clerks, what- ever name they have gone by, have tried to live up to rowdy reputa- tions ever since the first crib notes were scribbled on the hem of a tunic. And the rowdiest, most playful lot were those who attended the great universities of Europe during the supposedly drab and studious Middle Ages. "Is my resolution, "Let wine to my lips be nigh "At life's dissolution." About the same time, the Uni- versity of Leipzig found it neces- sary to caution its playful students against "interfering with the hangman in the execution of his duty." A despairing Paris clergyman wrote: "A student's heart is in the mire, fixed on prebends (allow- ances) and things temporal and how to satisfy his desires. They are so litigious and quarrelsome that there is no peace with them." The town of Oxford, England, complained officially: "They (the students) sleep all day and at night roam about taverns and houses of ill-fame for opportunity of robbery and homicide." * * THE "TOWN and gown" dis- putes that pit Harvard against Cambridge, Mass., and Yale against New Haven, Conn., are nothing compared with Oxford- Oxford relations of the Middle Ages. fl.f^ A i n-c nc n -lnn .r m t .a followed the example of King's College, Cambridge, which banned "dice, hazard, ball and all noxious, inordinate, unlawful and unhonest sports.' About all that was left to the fun-loving students was good hon- est drinking and fighting. That they did. The folks back at the castle took the same dim view of such carry- incr r.qnn . Arn mn rAan nva.nt+c! A THE WESTERN decision to go ahead with a meeting turns the tables on Gromyko in this respect and therefore could produce a change of mind. Whether there is any connection between the Gromyko attitude now and the Western attitude toward a summit conference is not discern- ible. The West has always said there iq no hvai. for nmmit nnfer-