'U' To Open
New Center
On Genetics
The University's new Mammal-
ian Genetics Center, better knownj
as the "mouse house," will go into
operation next month, accordingj
to Prof. Morris Foster, newly-.
appointed director of the Center.
When the "mouse house" is ful-
ly stocked, it will house about 10,-
000 mice, representing 20 to 30 in-
bred pure genetic strains. The
Center will also serve as custodianI
for an additional 3,000 of the little
rodents as part of a national pool
for research in genetics, biology
and medicine.
Labs Renovated
The old vertebrate biology !ab
has been renovated to make room
for the new facility, one of three
such centers in the nation set up
by the National Institute of Health
of the United States Public Health
Service. The other two are at the
University of Kansas and the Uni-
versity of Miami, Fla.
The major function of the Cen-
ter, Prof. Foster said, will be re-
search and training of both under-
graduate and graduate students in
Part of Program
The Center is to become a part
of the University's well-integrated
genetics program,
The lab is expected to help meet
the critical shortage in research
of inbred strains of mice, especial-
ly those carrying genes for a par-
ticular scientifically useful trait.
Man Slys
Woman, Self
AtCVU Hospital
University Hospital was* /the
scene of a brutal murder and sui-
cide late Monday.
George Davenport, 34 years old,
entered the dishwashing room of
the employee's cafeteria in the
hospital shortly before 6:30 p.m.
Monday and attacked Miss Lessie
B. Jackson, also 34 years old, with
a four-inch jack knife, slashing
her nine times.
Davenport then dropped the
knife, whipped out a pint bottle of
whiskey he had brought with him,
drank from it, and smashed it on
the floor.
Then he ran outside and jumped
into a car. He had moved it only a
few feet when he slumped over the
wheel and died from the effects of
a cyanide ant killer with which
he had poisoned the whiskey.
Miss Jackson was removed to an
emergency room, where she died
a few minutes later on the operat-
ing table.
get instructors' signatures for August
(finalsi at last class meetings or final
examinations. Completed DEAN'S
should be turned in to the Dean's Of-
fice by 5:00 p.m. Aug. 15.
Student Recital: Patricia Jean Sten-
berg, who studies oboe with Florian
Mueller, will present a recital on Wed.,
Aug. 13, 8:30 p.m. The recital, to be
held in Aud. A, Angell Hall is presented
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of Music.
Miss Stenberg will be assisted by Larry
Lusk, pianist, and by Sheila McKenzie,
violin, Carolyn Lents, ,iola, and Harry
Dunscombe, cello, and has chosen to
perform compositionls by Oorelli-Bar-
birolli, Mozart, and Michael Head, and
a concerto by Richard Strauss which
will be a first performance in Ann
Arbor. Open to the general public.
Student Recital: Grady Maurice Hin-
son, who studies with Benning Dexter,
will present a piano recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Doctor of Musical Arts on
Thurs., Aug. 14, 8:30 p.m., Rackham
Assembly Hall. Open to the general
public. Mr. Hinson has included on his
program compositions by Mozart, Dal-
lapiccola, Chopin, Schubert and Proko-
Student Recital: Marguerite Long, or-
gan student of Marilyn Mason, will
present a recital at Hill Aud., Thurs,,
Aug. 14, 8:30 p.m. Her program, which
will include compositions by Buxte-
hude, Bach, Durufle and Leslie Bassett,
is being presented in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the degree
of Master of Music. Open to the general
Student Recital: David Ireland, who
studies viola with Robert Courte, will
be presented in a recital on Fri., Aug.
15, 8:30 p.m., in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Mr. Ireland, whose recital is presented
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
Music, will be accompanied by Elizabeth
Chapman, pianist, and has chosen to
perform compositions by Pietro Loca-
telli, George Balch Wilson, Beethoven
and Mozart, Open to the general public.
Carillon Concert with Brass Ensemble:
The concerted music of carillon and
brass and percussion instruments will
be heard from the bell tower on Wed.,
Aug. 13, 8:00 p.m. Participating on the
program will be Percival Price, Univer-
sity Carillonneur, George Cavendar,
Asst. Director of University Bands, Julia
Hollyer, Carillonneur, Warren Jaworski,
Baritone, and the U. of M. Summer
Brass and Percussion Ensemble.
Academic Notices
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative Aug. graduates,
from the College of L., S., and A., and
the School of Educ. for departmental
honors (or high honors in the College
of L.S.&A.) should recommend such
students in a letter delivered to the
Office of Registration and Records,
Rm. 1513 Admin. Bldg., before Aug. 21.
Attention August Graduates: College
of L., S., and A., School of Educ., School
of Music, School of Public Health,
School of Bus. Admin.: I
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in August. When such
grades are absolutely imperative, the
work must be made up in time'to allow
your instructor to report the make-up
grade not later than 11 a.m., Aug. 21.1
Grades received after that time may1
defer the student's graduation until a'
later date.
Doctoral Examination for Richard
Wald Lid, English Language and Litera-
ture: thesis: "Time in the Novels of
rord Madox Ford," Thurs.. Aug. 14, 2601
Haven Hall, 2:00 p.m. Chairman, R, F.
Haugh. -
Doctoral E:nination for Mohammad
Jawad Ridha. Education; thesis: "Com-;
pulsory Education for Iraq." Thurs.,
Aug. 14. W. Coun. Rm., Rackham Bldg.,
2:00 p.m. Co-chairmen, C. A. Eggertsen
and R. S. Anderson.
Doctoral Examination for Roberti
Howard Goldstein. Psychology; thesis:
"Behavioral Effects of Psychological
Stress." Thurs., Aug. 14, 7611 Haven
Hall, 3:00 p.m. Chairman, G. S. Blum.
Doctoral Examination for Jean Michel
Planeix, Nuclear Engineering: thesis:
"Irradiation Induced Atomic Displace-
ments in Metals," Thurs., Aug. 14. 315
Auto. Lab. 2:30 p.m. Chairman, H. J.
Placement Notices
Personnel Interview:
August 16 and 17 a representative from
General Electric will be nterviewing en-
gineers n Detroit. Desire graduates with
backgrounds in mechanical designs, aero
thermo designs, high temperature pneu-
matic systems, engine controls, servo
mechanisms, instrumentation design,
mechanical control components, elec-
tronicsf circuitry, or in fields related to
any of these foregoing.
For further interview information re-
garding time and place, contact they
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 3371.
Personnel Requests:
California State Personnel Board, has
positions open for Clinical Psycholo-
gists. Must have completed graduate
study equivalent to a Ph.D. in Clinical
Psychology. Candidates must apply by
Sept. 5, 1958, Jan. 9, 1959, or May 15,
Hallmark Cards Inc., Kansas City Mo.,
is presently seekng a Consumer Re-
search Analyst. Must be a graduate of
the Survey Research Center.
Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., Pitts- dilate selected for this position will be
burgh, Pa., is looking for a Physicist assistant to the City Traffic Engineer in
for a specific opening in the Research the Public Safety Directorate. Qualifi-
Division in Pittsburgh. Positon requires cations are as follows: Male, minimum
a M.S. degree or better and a person age 25 years. Graduation from an ac-
with a specific interest in applied re- credted 4 yr. college with a major in
search n instrumentation. Traffic, Civil, or Electrical Engneering.
Wayne County Civil service Commis- Applicants with specialized trainng in
sion, announces applications for exam- Traffic Engineering will be given pref-
inations for Social Workers will no long- erence.
er be accepted after Aug. 20. 1958. Must County of Kalamazoo, Mich. has sev-
be a citizen of the U.S. Age 21-56 and eral openngs for persons interested in
have a Mlaster's degree in Social Work. the position of Juvenile Court Proba-
Also announces an open competitive ex- tion Officer. The work would entail the
amination for Social Investigator (So- handling of delinquency, neglect and
cial Work Aid), Must be U.S. citizens, adoption caseload.s
21-56 yrs. old, BA degree. All appointees Space Technology Laboratories, Los
are requred to establish residence in Angeles. Calif., has opening for a Col-
Wayne, Macomb. Monroe, Oakland or lege Relations Office Administrator to
Washtenaw Counties, Mich. Positions work at the above laboratoriv, a divi-
also available for the followng: Child sion of the Ramo-Wooldridge 0orp., in
Casework Services Director, Psychtatric Los Angeles. Desire a MS in Science or
Social Worker, Medical Social Worker. Engineering. Should have industrial exp.
Pontiac State Hospital, Pontiac, Michi.. In a heavy R & D organization, either
has a temporary opening for a Psychol-! technical or administrative. University
ogist starting approxmately 9-22-58 and exp. in ether teaching or administrative
lasting about 10 months. There is a is also desirable. Age desired 35-55.
possibility that this may develop into Salary commensurate with ability.
a permanent position. Also they expect U. S. Clvi Service Commission, an-
to have another opening at the Psychol- nounces notice of closing date for the
ogist II level later this year. This posi- positons of Clerk for duty ip the States
ton requires a Masters Degree in Psy- of Ill., Mch., and Wisc. The closing date
chology and one yr. of paid full time will be Aug. 8, 1958. Applications must
exp, in Clincal Psychology. be postmarked on or before this date.
Weston Richardson & Assoc., N. Y.
City, is looking for a Manufacturing -
Manager to run aplant in Pawtucket,
R.I. which manufactures automobile U N I E I
seat covers and tops. The company is UVN IYE KRS IT
natonally known, soundly financed,
profitably operated, and is growing un- o
der able management. Desire a rela-
tively young man, and one who is
schooled in scentific production man-
Standard Accident Insurance, Detroit,
Mich. has available two positions in the
Accounting Department. Must have su--
pervisory potential. No work exp. neces-
sary. Would prefer a veteran. BA in Y
Accounting (preferred) but will consider
Bus. Ad.
j The Detroit News, Detroit, Mich., has
position available for a Librarian. Wouldj%
prefer a woman who knows the Detroit I1 717 North
area, or has lived in that area for a;U
long tme. Five day week with Sat. work West of HiI
occasionally. This is an immediate open-
ing. Position requires a Master's degree D ?C"""">
in Library Science.
City of Albuquerque, N. M., is pres-
ently seeking applicants for the position
of Assistant Traffic Engineer. The can
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Campus Theatre