Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
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Sonomic Report
1ows Optimism,
3RC Unemployment Study Shows
)ne-Fourth of Famiies Affected
e of every four American families felt the recession's impact
hi unemployment or shortened working hours, according to a
released Sunday by Prof. William Haber of the economics de-
nt and Prof. Wilbur J. Cohen of the social work school.
orter work weeks affected four million families, while unem-
nt of at least one member hit eight and one half million fami-
o or more members'of 700,000 families suffered periods of un-
spite conditions, optimism about individual economic prospects
iiness conditions in general prevails, even among those still
-unemployed, the report said. The
survey, based on a random sam-
pling of 1456 adults, was conduct-
SF hed by the University's Survey
Research Center.
A 0 Average 21 Week
e S O ut At the time of the survey, which
was conducted in May and June,
those unemployed averaged 21
weeks unemployment while those
who had been unemployed but
found another job had averaged
$UT, Lebanon (W') - Pro- 11 weeks out of work, Sixty per
nent followers of the slain cent of those out of work for the
, leader Ahmed Hammoud last year had received some un-
sterday they had fought a employment benefits, while 30 per
three-hour battle with cent received benefits the entire
in the Lebanese hills near period of their unemployment.
pan border
atte raged Sunday at er. A loss of income of under $500
d distrit was experienced by 38 per cent of
in the Rachaya district those interviewed; 25 per cent felt
Hammoud's mutiliated body they had lost between $500 and
und the same day. Ta- $1,00 in income, while a like per-
was a ;leader of the Syrian centage estimated their loss at
National =party - SSNP - abewn'.1O0ad 2Q.
se group which supports betwee $1,00 a $2,000.
ernmx ent of President Ca' Unemployment was most wide-
namoun becausent hates spread among families with 1957
t Nasserofthe' United incomes of $5,000 or less, te re-
epublic port .stated. Unemployment was
Three Killed concentrated among y a u n g e r
ould not be determined members of the labor force, ac-
r $SNP fighters were seek- cording to the findings,
enge for the death of Ham- Some Feel Confident
,The party leader and two One third of those unemployed
Party members were found at the time of the survey felt
,bout two miles from the confident they would get their old
'a, district's border with job back or find another with
equal pay. Another one third felt
nically, Hammoud's party their chances of getting a job with
wed in Lebanon. Formerly equal pay were bad.
as the Syrian Popular Sixty per cent of those current-
It advocates a union con- ly unemployed believe business
Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, conditions will not get worse in
ordan and Cyprus., the next year, while 27 per cent
To Widen Delegation felt there will . be "good times"
ie political front the Leba- during the coming 12, months.
oinet was reported to have "While a larger proportion of
to broaden its delegation American workers have been af-
UN General Assembly to fected by this recession than at
viewpoints other than any time since World War IIL the
f Chamoun's regime. amazing thing is that a general-,
, have been sharp com- ly optimistic attitude continues to
especially from the rebels, prevail in spite of large econom-I
Foreign Minister Charles ic losses," the professors 'coin-
-head of the delegation- mented on the findings;,
nts only Chamoun, who is No Depression Seen
be succeeded by Gen. Faud Attributing this attitude to wid-
as president on Sept. 23. er use of unemployment insurance
than in the past, the professors
also attributed the economic op-
e vitim timism to a belief "that most
people, including the unemployed,
felt there was little likelihood of
W a severe depression."
U r Citing the study as "an import-J
H os ital ant new area of research," they]
added that "this data will be a
H. DeNevers graduate stu- useful supplement to information
irned in an explosion and currently avaliable from the gov-
e in an engineering labora- ernment, which records only the
Iday, was reported recover- number -of persons currently un-
sfactorily yesterday in Uni- employed and does not measure1
Hospital. the dynamic impact of unemploy-I
ondition is listed as good; ment over longer periods of time."
ged from Saturday. Prof. Cohen was director of re-
vers suffered first and sec- search and statistics for the Social1
ree burns over 15 per cent Security Administration prior to
body when an experiment his University appointment, and
g the use of propylene gas Prof. Haber is a member of the1
igh pressure and tempera- Federal Advisory Council on Em.-
ploded in a third floor lab- ployment Security.
in the East Engineering Complete findings of their studyc
g. are expected to be available this
vers, 27 years old, was fall.
with 28-year-old Yu-
twang at the time of the
t. Hwang escaped injury.
en are doctoral candidates F o r,
ical and metallurgical en-
blast did several thousand
worth of' damage to the
the rooms surrounding it.
nent block west wall of the
pushed into a leaning posi-.
I cracked in the middle for
a of 12 feet.
eber of instrument were
d and a water pipe located
r the table was ruptured
een windows in adjoining?
and a set of glass double
1 the lab next door were
WASHINGTON ()-The United
States pictured its 10-year refusal
to recognize Red China yesterday
as a quarantine helping to keep
Communist infection from spread-
A 5,000-word memorandum on
the subject, signed by Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles, was
sent to all 84 United States mis-
sions around the world.
Few Recognize Reds
The memo noted that most na-
.ions recognize Nationalist China
in preference to Red China. The
score is 45-19, with most of the 19
having recognized Peiping before
the Korean War in 1950.
The statement said that if the
United States recognized Red Chi-
na now, these things would hap-
1. Nationalist China would be
seriously crippled, if not altogether
destroyed. That would blast the
hopes of Chinese determined to
free their country from commun-
ism. It would also undermine the
Nationalist China military power
poised off the China mainland as
a deterrent to Communist expan-
Desperation Possible
2. Nearby nations, especially
South Korea and Viet Nam, might
feel abandoned by the United
States and take "desperate meas-
ures, not caring whether these
threatened the peace"
3. Other nations fearing United
States withdrawal from the ar
East, probably would make a quick
deal with Peiping on the best terms
4. The millions of Chinese living
abroad would inevitably switch
their loyalty to Peiping, forming
a serious subversive fifth column
in the countries where they live.
Curtis Asks
Union Curbs
T. Curtis (R-Neb.) proposed yes-
terday new federal court action to
force gangsters, racketeers and
connivers out of the Teamsters
Union hierarchy.
Curtis serves on the Senate
Rackets Investigating Coimittee,
which, Is to resume public hearings
today on allegations the Team-
sters' International President
James R. Hoffa has leagued with
the underworld to enhance his
union power.
Hoffa i due back on the witness
stand then for more questioning
about labor racketeering. Curtis
said in a recorded radio interview
the evidence already is clear Hof-
fa should give up the Teamster
presidency. But the senator added
he doubts even this could bring
the sort of housecleaning he be-
lieves the union needs.
Curtis suggested that United
States District Judge F. Dickinson
Letts has ample authority to sum-
mon t offa into court here for an
accounting of stewardship. The
senator told a reporter later he
believes Letts should do so.
The union functions now with a
board of monitors helping to su-
pervise its administration.
The monitors are scheduled to
meet here tomorrow and Thurs-
day, amid indications' they will
consider testimony from the rack-
ets committee hearings. -
Afro .Asiai
S oviet MkJc
To Address Adams To
LASIoNG (P- There has been
UN Session dLNG
discussion of the possibility of
asking for a one-man grand jury
investigation of the Frank Ker-
Assembly May Hear dorf torch death case, Atty. Gen.
Surprise Proposals Paul L. Adams said yesterday.
"We have discussed it," Adams
WASHINGTON (A') -- President said, "and we probably will con-
Dwight D. Eisenhower reviewed timne to.But there are no plans
Middle Eastern problems yesterday along that line at this time."
amid increasing indications he Adams reported at an after
would lay some new proposals be- noon press conference that he had
fore the United Nations personally.
President Eisenhower met for
State John Foster Dulles to discuss
the economic-political package the " "
United States will propose to theS
UN General Assembly this week. B egin StiK
The White House tersely de-
clined to shed any new light on SAN FRANCISCO () - Shut-
whether the President has decided down of the 22-million-dollar-a-
to fly to New York for a dramatic day interstate trucking industry in
one-shot appearance before the 11 Western states began yesterday.
Assembly. Employer orders for the shut-
SpeechrReady down began going out because of
But informed authorities re- a Teamsters Union strike in Cal-
ported a hard-hitting speech has fornia's Central Valley, one of the
been written for the President to richest productive regions in the
deliver. world.
These authorities said is con- The first shutdowns, ultimately
stitutes a major address with some expected to idle 100,000 men, ini-
surprise proposals, But, they said, tially affected only-California.
it would not have quite the world-
wide impact that President Esen- Ten Other States
bower's open skies inspection pro- But an employer spokesman said
posal had in 1955. the shutdown should be completed
There was some speculation in another two or three days in
President Eisenhower would dis- Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado,
close a. decision to withdraw a Utah, Nevada, Oregon, Washing-
battalion of Marines from the ton, Idaho, Montana and Wyom-
14,000 troops the United States ing'
now has in Lebanon. The delay elsewhere is occa-
Xerecy Observed aoned by the necessity of contact-
To avoid tipping off the Amen- mg seven employer associations
can strategy, 'the White House that will pass along the shutdown
and State Department -drew an orders.
even tighter' secrecy curtain than The gigantic paralysis was
usual around President Eisen- touched off yesterday morning by
hower's role, as well as the pro- the appearance of Teamsters
posals the government would set Union pickets in the Central Val-
forth. ley.
Secretary Dulles was reported Demands Refused
ready to stay og in New York for The strike there was ordered by
several weeks if necessary to win the Sacramento local after em-
acceptance of American proposals ployers had turned down the
and block an anticipated Soviet local's, demand that valley drivers
propaganda assault against them. get the same $4.57-a-day pay in-
United States proposals were crease negotiated by drivers in the
understood to fit within the frame- San Francisco Bay area.
work UN Secretary General Dag Employers in the 11 Western
Hammaskjold outlined Saturday states said the Sacramento coun-
as the path for Middle East sta- cil was bound by a memorandum
'bility. i agreement signed May 27 calling
Hammarskjold called for Middle for a package increase of $3 a day.
East countries to pledge non-inter- Teamsters argued that since
ferense in each other's affairs. He pickup and delivery drivers in the
coupled this with plans to step up Sacramento council refused to
UN truce activities in the Middle ratify the memorandum agree-
East. ment, it was not acceptable.
Report SaysC Slashes
.hurt Missile Research
WASHINGTON (') - Democrats on a House Committee said yes-
terday money cuts under President Dwight D. Eisenhower and former
Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson cost the nation several years'
headway in missiles research.
Despite soaring research costs for new. weapons, the Demo-
cratic-controlled Government Operations Committee said, defense
Continue Kierdorf Probe
"absolutely no intention of drop-
ping out of the case."
There had been published re-
,orts that state police and others
wanted him out of the case.
Conferred With Child,
Adams said he had just re-
turned from a three hour con-
ference with Joseph A. Childs,
State Police Commissioner, on the
general aspects of the fire-caused
death of the Teamsters Union of-
"We discussed the entire situa-
tion," Adams said. "It was our
first chance to go over it in de-
Adams said examination of
physical evidence by State Police
and Health Department .labora-
tories is not yet complete and
that nothing new has turned up
in incomplete reports.
Childs. said he was "as sur-
prised as anyone"that a State Po-
lice spokesman was reported as
saying he wished Adams were out
of the case.
Not Asking Pull-Out
"We're not requesting anyone;
to pull out," Childs said. 'I
haven't been able to find out
where the information came
Adams was asked if he had re-
ceived any offer of help in the in-
vestigation from any union source.
He said ,no such offer had been
received as yet.
Adams said he thought certain,
aspects of the physical evidence
should be kept secret at this time.
"But as far as being a news
gag, it isn't intended that way,"
he said. "We're trying to be fair
Balloon Set'
for Flght
Force said yesterday a balloonist
it plans to send to the rim of space
this week will face nearly all the
problems of the future satellite
Weather permitting, Capt. Grov-
er J. Schock, a rusty-haired native
of Illinois, wilL take off at sunrise.
Thursday on a long cruise in the
The 32-year-old scientist will be
making his first stratosphere bal-
loon flight when he goes aloft in a
small cylinder jammed with in-
struments. Before the Thursday
flight he will make one or more
low altltude flights in an open
gondola to become a qualified bal-
loonist under Civil Aeronautics Ad-
ministration regulations.
Except for the knotty problem
of weightlessness, which is Capt..
Schock's specialty, he will experi-
ence all the major problems ex-
pected for a satellite pilot. Schock
earned a doctor's degree in space
physiology on original research in
the field of weightlessness and zero
with the press and give out as
much as we can."
Still Holds Theory
The Attorney General, who has
taken over coordination of the in-
vestigation, said he still held to
the theory that Kierdorf received
his fatal burns while trying to
fire a Flint dry cleaning shop.
He added that he continued to
believe that Jack Thompson ,a
Teamster business agent held for
investigation of arson, was direct-
ly involved.
Two of his aides, Adams said,
still are working with authorities
at Flint and Pontiac to try to
check out a maze of tips and clues.
" *.
Five _Killed,
In Collision
STRLI NGTON, N ).Y. ()-Two
Erie Railroad passenger trains
thundered down the same track
yesterday, toy a head-on collision
that killed five persons and injured
35 others.
A towerman was quoted as say-
ing he forgot to stop one of the
The towerman, Fred Roth, 38
years old, of Glen Rock, N.J., was
cleared of any negligence in his
admitted lapse of memory by
Rockland County Coroner R. J.
Nevertheless, Dist. Atty. John
F. Skahen ordered a further in-
vestigation into the cause of the
train wreck.
Order Received
Skahen quoted Roth as saying
under oath that an order was
received at his tower at 5:13 a.m.
to halt a westbound Erie train
while another passenger train
coming.,in the opposite direction
bypassed a freight.
Roth was quoted as saying he
watched the westbound train pass
through his station some two hours
later and completely forgot the
stop order until the train was gone.
He ' said he then tried vainly; to
warn the train by radio, but re-
ceived no answer.
Dr. Moses, who conducted the,
inquiry, announced a finding of
"no culpable negligence." Roth
then was released.
Few Passengers
The trains, one carrying com-
muters to New York City, had
relatively few early morning pas-
sengers, or the death .toll might
have run higher.
"People were staggering around
moaning and groaning," said one
of the first rescuers, a Hillburn,
N.Y. fireman, Robert Lillibridge.
"Lots of them looked dazed. A
number were stretcher cases."
The dead included two persons
on Erie Commuter Train No. 50,
eastbound from Monroe, N.Y., to
'Hoboken, N.J. They were Robert
Yochman of Warwick, N.Y., and
Pauline Cronon of Tuxedo, N.Y.
Their crushed bodies had to be
cut from the wreckage.v
Russia Asks
,U.S., British,
Gromyko Confers
With Indian Delegate
Before UN Meeting
Asian and African nations were
reported lining up strongly yester-
day behind Soviet' demands that
United States and British forces
withdraw from Lebanon and Jor-
dan as a preliminary to any long-
range Middle East settlement.
This word came from a respon-
sible Asian diplomat as 'Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro.
myko conferred with Indian Dele-
gate Arthur S. Lall and other
delegates on issues which will come
before the emergency General As-
sembly meeting tomorrow.
Lall was extremely active behind
the scenes, although Indian sources
said he had no plan of his own
for tackling the long-tanding
headaches of the Middle East. He
saw, United States Delegate Henry
Cabot Lodge and, presumably re-
ported to him on Asian-African
Plan Being Drafted
Lodge was in close touch with
Washington, where Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles was busy
drafting a broad plan to bring
political and economic stability to
the Middle East.
There were widespread reports
at UN h quarters that the plan
would be peeted'y Presient
Dwight' I). o qwet persona ,
but this could not be conf .
Neither could the, United Sttes
delegation say definitely when the
United States speech would be de-
It had been assumed that the
United States, as one of the chief
sponsors of the emergency meet-
ing, would seek to lead off the
debate, especially if President
Eisenhower himself decided to
U.S. May Wait
'Informed sources hinted, how
ever, that the United States speech
might not be delivered before
This would give the Soviet Union
the first move. Soviet sources indi-
cated Groinyko would seek an
early spot, probably tomorrow.
Some diplomats believe the-
United States might be giving ut
a potential advantage if it held
back, but United States sources
said the main consideration i1
Washington was to make sure the
United States made the strongest
possible presentation.
West Blamed
Talks Demise
MOSCOW MP)-Nikita Khrush-
chev attempted yesterday to shift
blame to the United States and
Britain for torpedoing a summit
conference and leaving the Middle
East crisis to the UN General
He still expressed the hope the
Assembly emergency session start-
ing tomorrow would clear the way
for a "conference of leading states-
men of the East and West" But he
did not use the words "heads of
government" in this connection,
Denying the Soviet Union backed
down from a summit meeting in
the UN Security Council, Khrush-
chtv said he proposed the General
Assembly session because it had
become clear the United States
and Britain planned a Security
Council session loaded against
'Allies Use Meeting'
He said the two Western allies
wanted to use the meeting as an
attempt to justify their "armed
aggression" in the Middle East and
to hurl charges of "indirect ag-
gression" at other nations.
Khrushchev laid out his views
in a letter to Prime Minister Har-
old Macmillan of Britain.
Khrushchev traced the elaborate
Listeners Only
' oney for research was chopped
heavily from 1953 to 1958.
Playing Politics
Committee Republicans in turn
accused the Democratic majority
of "carelessly playing politics with
nationaldefense" and spending
taxpayers' money f or an investi-
gation fostering Democratic poli-
tical propaganda,
The conflicting views were is-
sued in a 214 page report on De-
fense Department research and
development. The report was
based on an inquiry triggered after
the shock of Russia's beating the
United States to a satellite launch-
ing last fall.
Recommendation Made j
The majority, headed by Com-
mittee Chairman William L. Daw-
son (D-fll.), a vice-chairman of
the Democratic National Commit-
tee, issued 22 recommendations
generally calling for:
Cutting down on red tape hold-
ing up research projects, a steady
r.tmirc instpA of harm nu anr
World News Roundup
By The Associat ess
WASHINGTON-The Senate sent the reciprocal trade bill to
President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday, in just about the form he
The bill extends the program four years and gives President
Eisenhower authority to cut tariffs as much as 20 per cent, in exchange
for concessions that foreign nations agree to make on admitting United
States goods.
DAMASCUS, Syria-The United Arab Republic's top soldier said
yesterday Arab nationalism "has shaken those big powers who possess
atom and hydrogen bombs and armadas."
Field Marshal Abdul Hakim Amer, vice president and commander
in chief of UAR armed forces said Arab nationalism "cannot possibly
be fought against by arms."
WASHINGTON-Farmers apparently will produce record crops
this year, the government predicted yesterday.
Despite cutbacks in plantings under rigid federal controls and
retirement of land under soilbank payments, the volume of all crops
is expected to be 113 per cent of the 1947-49 average.
: # s
1Nuclear Reactor- be-
.., _