Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 40P -.AL :43 a t tiq w t off j !1 & PARTLY CLOUDY, WARM ... ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1958 FIVE CENTS FOUR ;m-w= Emergency Session Calle Today on Mid-East C: risis Debate r., DEAN STASON NOTES: Higher Education Growing in Russia U.S. Wants e Al Development of a Russian "in- tellectual aristocracy" may help maintain world peace in years to came, Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Law School said recently. Dean Stason has just returned from an extensive tour of the Soviet Union, which he visited under State Department auspices. The dean said he found some evidence that the tremendous growth of higher education in Rus- sia is having its effects on Soviet, government. "Apparently, very few important decisions . are made without consulting leaders in sci- ence and engineering," he declared. Tribesmen Battle Army In Lebanon BEIRUT (A) - Mountain tribes- men in the fought-over Bekaa Valley of northeast Lebanon c 1 a s h e d with pro-government forces yesterday. They thus broke the week-old truce brought on by the election of Gen. Fuad Shehab as president. Ttvelve persons were reported killed. In Jordan, more British Tom- mies trekked, across the desert to reinforce the guard on the na- tion's only surface supply line from the outside world - the road between Aqaba port and Amman, the capital. Sources in Amman said about 500 more British troops landed at Aqaba at King Hussein's request. They join 2,500 already in Jordan. Bekaa Valley in Lebanon has been a hotbed of f i g h t i n g throughout the rebellion that flared last May. The rebellious tribes of the area overlap into Syria. Informants said nine loy- alists and three tribesmen were killed in the 24-hour battle. The informants charged that the rebel tribes were reinforced from Syria, but this could not be confirmed independently. The news of the fighting had little effect in Beirut. This capital has been calm since Shehab's election. A Cabinet crisis that loomed a few days ago petered out. The crisis was threatened when Pre- mier Sami Solh offered his resig- nation. Summit Talks Still Desired By Macmillan LONDON () - Prime Minister Harold Macmillan told Nikita Khrushchev yesterday he is still anxious to take part in a summit conference to end the East-West cold war. In a 350-word note to the Soviet Premier, Macmillan also left open the door~ for summit talks with Russia on the Mideast. The British leader was replying to Khrushchev's message Tuesday rejecting American-British pro- posals for a summit-level session of the United Nations Seurity Council. Calls Special Meeting Instead Khrushchev, shifting his position after a four-day con- ference in Peiping with Red Chi- na's Mao Tze-tung, called for a special meeting of the United Na- tions General Assembly to tackle the Middle East crisis. Macmillan rapped Khrushchev for turning his back on the.Brit- ish-American suggestion for a meeting of government chiefs in the Security Council. Expresses Regret He expressed regret that the So- viet Premier had acted thus after notifying Western leaders July 23 lh ...o-- fon V+ f . - -. -n These fields, he noted, outrank all others in stature and impor- tance in the 'Soviet educational system. While law is not as popular a branch of learning, the quality of Russian instruction in this field is "good, when measured by Euro- pean standards," Dean Stason de- clared. "The rule of law has been ma- terially extended in the USSR dur- ing the past five years. Since Stalin's death, police boards have been deprived of their powers to try, convict, and sentence alleged criminals," he added. But the Soviet legal system is not nearly as refined and complex as .America's, the dean noted. Most cases are tried in people's courts. Decisions are made by a trained judge and two lay citizens-called assessors-all of whom are popu-I larly elected and have equal votes. Either side may make one ap- peal from their decision. But a second appeal can be made only with the approval of the prosecutor or the judge-a procedure which leaves defendents in a rather poor position, Dean Stason observed. The great majority of civil cases concern marriage, employment, and housing disputes, Unlike the United States, Russia does not offer its lawyers a great future, the dean continued. Nearly all college law graduates work for the Ministry of Justice, serve as attorneys for other governmentaly units, or go into the court systemt as apprentices. None practice lawe privately, he noted. While no good statistics aref available, Dean Stason estimated Russia now has about half as many{ lawyers as the United States. r The Soviet Union is "thoroughly convinced of the worth of educa-a tion, and spends freely for it." The Russian college curriculum- is far more rigid than that com-s See DEAN, page 3s DEAN E. BLYTHE STASON ... discusses Russian trip IN HOUSE: College .Aid Supported. Miller Wins Court Case WASHINGTON W) - Marilyn Monroe's playwright husband, Ar- thur Miller, yesterday won a re- versal of his conviction of a con- tempt of Congress charge. By a 9-0 vote, the United States Circuit Court of Appeals over- turned the conviction and ordered a judgment of acquittal entered in the case. This wiped out a 30- day suspended jail sentence and a $500 fine imposed on Miller in May, 1957. The case grew out of the play- wright's refusal to tell the House Committee on Un-American Activ- ities in June 1956 the names of Communist writers with whom he acknowledged attending meetings in New York in 1947. (Miller received his B.A. degree from the University in 1938.) .A f 3 i} l i 7 i f Y 3 t 7 f f 3 S C C WASHINGTON (M)-The House yesterday defeated 265-108 an at- tempt to shelve its billion-dollar,. education-for-defense bill. The vote was on a motion to re- fuse to permit it to come up for House debate. The House will pro- ceed today to vote on amend- ments., ' The bill would authorize a $1,- 070,000,000 four-year program to provide scholarships, fellowships and student loan funds, along with state grants and other efforts to strengthen education, especially in science. It has been pegged to an as- serted need to match or overcome Russia's long strides in scientific and technological advances. Rep. Harry G. Haskell Jr. (R- Del.) said in debate yesterday that "if the United States fails to meet this competition, 10 years from now it will be too late to regret it." In opposition, Rep. Donald W. Nicholson (R-Mass.) said the bill is unnecessary, that anybody who really wants to go to college finds a way to do it. The bill, a subject of urgent dis- cussion when Congress convened, reached the House floor for action yesterday in the session's waning days. The Senate was reaqy to fol- low through later with action on a - similar but broader and more expensive measure than the House version. Both would authorize college scholarships, fellowships 'and stu- dent loan funds for worthy stu- dents, On Fundamentals Unanimous Security Council Acti To Bring General Assembly Sessi UNTED NATIONS, N.Y. tU - The United Nations Gen Assembly was summoned to meet this afternoon in emerg cy session on the Middle East. Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold issued the call night shortly after the Security Council agreed unanimou in a last-minute compromise to call for a full meeting of 81-nation Assembly. Favors Broad Issues He set the opening meeting for 5 p.m. (EDT). It is pected to be limited to organizational details. The United States declared it wants the Assembly to d with broad and fundamental problems of the Middle E Sir Pierson Dixon of Britain' suggested that formal debate on this and other proposals be delayed until Wednesday in order to give delegates suffi- W ih D lle cient time to prepare their speecheswPlay The compromise was reached in a final round of eood-natured give-and-take by both sides. WASHINGTON ()-Presid As adopted, the compromise de- Dwight D. Eisenhower met letes specific reference to the Leb- Secretary of State John FC anese and Jordanian problems, Dulles yesterday to chart and simply calls for an emer- strategy for countering expe gency meeting of the Assembly. Soviet denunciation at an er ChangeResolution gency United Nations General sembly meeting. The resolution, originally spon- Within minutes after Dulles sored by the United States, was returned from a flying visil changed to include suggestions of- Brazil, he conferred with Presid fered by Panama, the Soviet Un- Eisenhower as part of a broad ion and Britain. view of Middle East policy. The Soviet Union dropped its ~ The White House gave no de own resolution calling on the As- about their 30-minute meet sembly to consider immediate but Press Secretary James withdrawal of United States Hagerty said it had covered tc troops from Lebanon and British in addition to Dulles' three- forces from Jordan. Brazilian visit. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge Arriving at the airport, D made clear the United States csed followed by Soiet Pr wants the Assembly'"to go far be- Khrushchev in first accepi yond stop-gap measures in order then rejecting a summit conj to stabilize the Middle East, ence with President Eisenhow Follows Sobolev '"First he's on again, then Lodge spoke after Soviet Dele- again Finnegan," Dulles said. gate Arkady A. Sobolev accused queries about whether hea the United States and Britain ofquies bnt eher heus #wrekin a ummt cnfeenc onPresident Eisenhower would trecking a summit conference on tend the United Nations' meet the Middle East, and risking a President Eisenhower is repo war by sending troops to Lebanon seriously considering an app and Jordan. ance to outline an approaci Informants have already said easing Mideast tensions. the United States Is shaping up a broad political and economic pro- gram aimed at stabilizing the ws Middle East. It envisages a key W rd N w role for the United Nations in such a program. Lodge did not give any details, Roundu but declared: "We blieve that the General Assembly will want By The Associated Press to deal constructively with the fundamental and broad problems CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - involved, and not be satisfied with speedy Bomarc air defense inf mere stopgaps. ceptor missile was launcheds "The calling of the General As- cessfully by remote control f sembly by the Security Council as 1,500 miles away yesterday bu the United States has requested failed to find its target. will make this possible." ' The Boeing missile, touted ider. wit ne, ecte Mel 1A he it :tai] tin; ulle rati nfer an at )rte )ear ater suc fror ut ; ope alof afte L i; HEROIC 'OLD YAHOO': South Marks Long's Birth Today Today marks the 128th anniver- sary of the birth of one of the lesser known heroes of the Con- federate cause in the Civil War, Col. Brett C. "Old Yahoo" Long. He is best remembered for his heroic acts at First Manassas, Shiloh and Gettysburg. During the retreat of the Southern forces aft- er Gettysburg, Gen. Robert E. Lee is reputed to have said of him, "There goes a Confederate sol- dier." However, his personal life is a warm, telling personal document. Col. Long was of gentle birth. His mother was a Davis, of the Georgia (originally Virginia) Da- vises. His father was a member of one of the founding families of South Carolina and a fourth gen- eration slave owner. Col. Long was born in 1630 on the Long nanta- children before her untimely de- mise at the age of 19 in 1858. Col. Long's voice rang out in the South Carolina legislature de- nouncing the hated Fugitive Slave Law and extolling the virtues of John C. Calhoun and chattel slav- ery. Not as uncompromising as Cal- houn, his pithy remark, "36*30' or fight" led to the settling of the Missouri Compromise. Other noteworthy legislative achievements culminated in a law stating "any officer negligently permitting a prisoner to be lynched forfeits his office and be- comes ineligible to any office un- less pardoned," hailed as a signi- ficant step forward in South Car- olina jurisprudence. His correspondence, however, hnmv i+n t l e hhnrrm A tha mnilf the nation's most highly deveic air defense weapon, roared a on a spectacular launching a someone pressed a& button Kingston, N.Y. MONTREAL - A woman'v threw an apple core that Princess Margaret's dress been ordered held for mental amination. NEWPORT, R. I. - Two ta ers, groping through an e morning fog, collided and cat fire yesterday at the mouth Newport Harbor. At least 15 lives were lost. The Coast Guard called off search in midafternoon figur all hands had been accounted * * * TAIPEI, Formosa - Amid drumbeat of war warnings, F mosa authorities announced I Nationalist planes clashed yes day with Communist MIGs n Quemoy Island. Air Force headquarters s more than 10 of, the fast.