Sixty-Eighth Year iI - "Yeah, But It Gives Us The F eeling We're Controling It" T ravn aiPa' Prc EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN pinlons Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Will Prevai" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Interitenty Excelle "TRAVIATA" is one of V e rdi's most melodic operas; first prod 1853, it gave discerning audiences ample evidence of the even works to come from this (m)mposer. Based on a tear-jerker by "La Dame aux Camelias," it tells a story to gladden the he sympathetic middle-class (in-lookers: the redemption of a fallen by the power of love so thi t she renounces her sinful ways-fort in time to die. The Speech Department has joined forces with the Music and Women's Physical E'lucation Department to bring forth t] duction of "Traviata: well staged for which we praise Ralph Di well costumed for which we thank Phyllis Rogers, and translat English, for which we bla me Prof. Josef Blatt. Although the vocal line did not suffer as much in transla one might expect, there r(!ally seems little reason not to sing "Tr UGUST ', 1958 , NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN HOLTZER Knowland's Formula Would. Help Solve Labor's Ills. 4 4Y ItOFFA, the tough and cockly little K of the International Brotherhood of sters, Tuesday began another round in a ngly endless battle with his most power- id persistent adversary, the Senate Labor ts Investigating Committee. fa was warned at the outset in a stern e by Committee Chairman John L. Mc- n (D-Ark.) that this was a showdown; ommittee had added to its stack of evi- on his underworld ties and had lots of ons to ask, despite previous fruitless ex- ce with Hoffa's consistently vacuous ry. an initial effort to jog the little man's ry into some degree of function, the Com- made Hoffa sit through more than five of testimony by other witnesses, much of tradictory to his own. And Counsel Rob- Kennedy later promised that the memory will' continue until it has some effect. UBLE, particularly with the law, is noth- new to Hoffa. In just the past year, he mong other things, been accused on sev- unts each of wiretapping, perjury, intra- power politics (including packing last' union convention with his own stooges), >mething-like 48 instances of malpractice inection with union affairs. ardless of the outcome of the current in- ation -- whether or not the Committeet ds in sinking Hoffa- the original pur- )f the Rackets Committee, that of gath- information for use in formulating new legislation, has been served. committee has demonstrated widespread leeply entrenched corruption in many nts of the labor movement, and proven eed for drastic new legislation to clean or and keep the criminal elements out., But in spite of all the committee's disclo- sures, a campaign-conscious Congress watered down the' labor bill brought before it, then finally scuttled it for this session. IF, HOWEVER, pressure-sensitive Congress- men ever get around to seriously considering corrective labor legislation, they ,would do well to remember a series of proposals made by Senate Minority Leader William Knowland of California almost a year ago. Sen. Knowland's formula for a clean laboi movement was a,seven-point plan for "union democracy," including: 1) All union elections held by secret ballot; 2) officers may be re- called by secret ballot; 3) a union may strike only after approval of the membership by se- cret ballot; 4) protection of the rank-and-file membership on union welfare funds; 5) strict accounting of initiation fees and dues; 6) power of 'the meibership to- overrule unfair actions by union officials, and without fear of retalia- tion from those officers; and 7) a provision to prevent officials from perpetuating themselves in office for long periods} without genuine ap- proval of the membership. THESE points, incorporated in a federal labor control law along with right-to-work and anti- trust provisions, would appear .to be the cure for what ails the American labor movement- ;corruption. Such a law would provide much needed protection, not only for the rank-and- file union membership, but for society as a whole.4 The major problem remaining would be apathy on the part of the union memberships into whose hands would be put the power to control their own affairs. Apathy, however, is something pretty hard ,to legislate against. -EDWARD GERtJLDSEN ati in 'Italian. A fragmentary knowl- edge of the story should be suf-, ficient for comprehend on, the singers would get valuab' a foreign language experience, andr'we would all have a rare opportuniitw to hear genuine Italian Opera aI part of our educational developrent. The English transla tion was anyway adequate, and Prof. Blatt's direction was generally much more lively than I had expected. * * * . THERE ARE ONLY tthree sig- nificant roles in "Travi ata": the heroine, Violetta; her lover, Al- fredo; and Alfredo's fatther, Ger- mont. Miss Lovell found tie vocal demands of her role rot gh going during act I, showing a tendency to rough and uneven sirqging, and a regrettable lack of emotion, but her act II duets with Germont were much more pleasin'. Her act III duets with Alfredo were considerably better;, but the best singing from Miss Livell came at the close of act IV w.Len, sum- moning her strength. :he sings, "Ah! gran Dio! Morir si giovine" (Ah, dear God, to die so young). And she out-acted anyoie else on the stage. Millard dates was hardly an im- passioned Alfredo; his best vocal moments came in act III; here he also unbent a trifle from, his hith- erto wooden postures. His voice cannot always be heard over the orchestra, but it is ,certdinly ade- quate throughout its rwige. Un- fortunately, some of "TIuraviata" is written for a more rait gy range. * * * CAST Violetta Valery .... Sandra Lovell Alfred.......Millard Cates Gefoii "n;" Gordon Ohisson Flora Bervoix .... Miriam Barndt Doctor (Grenvil ........ James Berg Baron Douphol ........ Don Rildley Marquis D'Obigny .... Wendell On Gaston .........Paul Watts Joseph . ...... Edward LaMance any particularly noticeable at. tempts at realistic action, but sinci "Traviata" is not "verismo," a cer tain amount of artificiality can bi tolerated. The only departure from thi. stage tableau was in act II, wher the chorus, aided by six dancers enacts a sham bull - fight. Tht Matador, Joe Brown, I think, iF carried off by the "bulls" even. tually, and everyone is delightec at this first sign of something worth watching. * * * PROF. BLATT'S orchestra i surprisingly effective, even making the usual allowances for the strini section. There are numerous point. throughout the opera at which wi can see Verdi breaking from the nineteenth century Italian operatic tradition, heading for a distinction of his own. These brief melodic and har- monic moments are not missed by Prof. Blatt's musicians. * * * IT MUST BE remembered tha operatic performances presen much more complicated problem than do mere plays. Performers in opera must no' only deliver their musical lines they must in addition follow an orchestra and a conductor, and incidentally, attempt to act out their roles. Although music is a partial substitute for this action it is not a replacement, hence the difficulties of successfully present- ing opera are compounded, and the final result correspondingly more liable to imperfections. Although some of the deviation, from sought-after perfection are noted above, this production of "Traviata" is adequate if not out. standing, and intermittently, i not consistently, excellent. -David Kessel AT MUSIC CIRCLE: Production Mixes Up 'Cray Girl' TODAY AND TOMORROW: Ike Needs New Advisors e By WALTER LIPPMANN LE we do not know niuch about the meet- g 'at Peiping over the weekend between ssians and the Chinese, we do know that added a new complication to a summit ishchev's original proposal had the great, al advantage that it looked to the Middle vthout raising the problems of the Far )n this essential point, Gen. de Gaulle's al took advantage of what really was an ant concession, and offered to meet at mmit without Red China participating. our own counter proposal which insisted imbedding a, summit meeting in the w Council meant only that Mao was not present but that Chiang had the right resent and in case there was any voting the Council's procedure, to exercise a' Mr. Dulles has missed the bus, and if s to be a summit meeting at all, we must that in one way or another Mao will have in it. r OWN VIEW I am unhappy and appre- yive about the way we are being pushed ,rds with our minds confused into a' b meetinK. [udging by Mr. Dulles's press conference ek he has not cast himself in the role of sman who knows that to make progress s stability in the Middle East he must well as take. He is playing the part of ting lawyer who hopes to win an argu- He is out to prove first, that the inter- , in Lebanon and Jordan was legal. undoubtedly true. second, he means to turn the table, and the Russians and the United Arabs with ct aggression." If someone had tried to a formula most likely to set off a cal explosion which will poison the air, ld not have found a more sure-fire f-maker. ONE to whom the President will listen, uld warn him thathe will make a great if he thinks that he can dominate the conference with 'charges of indirect ion. the truth is that indirect aggression- to say, propaganda, infiltration, bribery, ion - is an old instrument of power , and in our time it is the way the cold ought. Both sides use it when they think, n do so to their own advantage. uld impair, not enhance, the President's redit if he were to become blindly self- righteous, and were to tell a knowing and skeptical world that we do not resort to what he calls indirect aggression and that only our adversaries do. Panama will be sitting on the Security Coun- cil, a living reminder of how the United States' obtained the Canal Zone in order to build the canal. Guatemala was only recently the scene ofta'successful coup, publicly applauded by Mr. Eisenhower himself, to oust an anti-American and fellow travelling government. The President will be reminded of what happened in Iran when Mossadegh was pushed out. Over the whole of the President's denuncia- tion of external interference against existing governments will hang the Dulles theory of the' liberation of Eastern Europe, and the obvious fact that if we knew a way to overturn the existing governments - without the enormous risks of war, we should be only too happy to use that way. THE CENTRAL FACT is thaj in the cold war today, the opportunities open to our adver- saries are much greater than those open to us. For we are opposing three big revolutionary movements-the Russian, the Chinese, and the Arab-which have a potent appeal to the intel- lectual leaders and to the masses of backward }countries. Notrall countries are vulnerable to these revolutionary movements. But a great many countries are, and It is in them that indirect aggression works. Governments are not * easily overthrown from abroad unless there is already within "the country a strong disposition to encourage and to receive external aid. The thesis, propounded by Mr. Dulles and accepted by Mr. Eisenhower, amounts to a de- mand that in the weapons of the cold war, our adversaries shall disarm, and in effect acquiesce in their own military containment, as for example, by the remaining members of the Baghdad Pact. Mr. Dulles is telling the President to demand the impossible and national policies based on impossible demands are very unwise indeed. They are likely to lead a country into a dilemma where it must choose between a retreat which is humiliating and an advance which may be disastrous. MR. DULLES is concerned, and rightly so, by the progress of the revolutionary move- ment' in the Middle East. -But he is indulging In a legal day-dream, and is in the highest degree unrealistic, if he thinks the President can induce Mr. Khrushchev, or the United Na- tions, to agree to a legal prohibition that is more than a pious platitude. It is a startling footnote to Mr. Dulles's thesis that having announced his doctrine about in- direct aggression on Thursday, he followed it up on Saturday by recognizing the revolutionary government of Iraq, presumably a product of indirect aggression. The real problem of the Western statesmen is to find the ground on which an accommoda- tion can be reached with the revolutionary movements which now dominate so much of DON'T CONFUSE the George and Ira Gershwin hit musical "Girl Crazy" of 1930 with the cur- rent fare at Music Circle Theatre in Farmington, the Robert K. Adams production of "Girl Crazy." Both shows are basically the same story of a wealthy dude, Danny, who is sent West to the family ranch to be cured of his girl-crazy nature. But in the latter production, Danny is also a cham- pion figure skater and the ranch is a winter resort (in Arizona.). Translating this to the theatre, Music Circle has just about re- placed the stage with a nice block of ice, an expensive feat for Au- gust. UNFORTUNATELY, Dick But- ton, who plays Danny, is one of the few members of the cast who can skate. The others must be con- tented with standing around the out side of the ring, almost in the audience, singing and delivering their lines with a show of bravery. This makes it, particularly dif- ficult for Danny and Molly (play- ,ed by Lorrie Bentley) to get to- gether. Their "Embraceable You" duet has Button doing all the work, singing and skating, while Miss Bentley looks on. As a skater, no one will question Button's ability. But there is doubt that he is much of an actor and still more doubt that he can sing. The non-skating Miss Bently however is a very fine singer. Her performance of "Could You Use Me," following Button's attempt' at the same song, is one of the few indications on the part of the Music Circle cast that this group thinks anything of George Gersh- win's music. She performs "But Not for Me" equally well. Education Bill AN ACCEPTABLE Federal aid- to-education bill can yet be passed before the adjournment of Congress if its advocates will really put some last-minute steam behind it. There is nothing new or novel in principle with. Federal aid to education: the Morrill Land Grant College Act was passed nearly a century ago, and the latest bill continuing the eight- year-old program granting direct Federal aid to local school dis- tricts containing unusually large numbers of children of Federal employes was passed only a week While it is too bad that there is no Federal aid to school con- struction in this measure, the bill does represent significant assist- ance to education and, despite its defects and deficiencies, would still be a major achievement of this Congress. --New York Times THE REAL STAR of the evening is Jane Connell as Kate, the dance hall madam with all the experi- ence. She, too, has her own par- ticular treatment for the Gersh- win music, a treatment that is suc- cessful and flattering even though it often ignores the melody. Mrs. Connell is so good, in fact, that there isn't enough in "Girl Crazy" for her to do. And the production is stretched again to admit new musical numbers, one of them "Boston Beguine," which is very well done by this deep- voiced blonde. But it just isn't "Girl Crazy." * * * ALEX PALERMO is very good as Slick, the gambler, but his characterization needs just a little polish and his voice a lot more. Allen Mulliken plays Brooklynite Gieber Goldfare with surprising results and a good many laughs. Judy Guyll, who could have taken a bigger role than that of Patsy, and Tony Price, team up for a "speciality dance," that fits in with what has now become a variety show. Don Sheehan, oozes personality, but once again over- acts his role with gusto. The dancing ensemble, composed of Fred Terko, Barbara Janezic, Tony Price, Ronnie Tassone, and Tam Wood deserves applause, especially for its attempts on the ice. -Vernon Nahrgang THE MOST generally satisfying voice belonged to Gordoi L Ohlsson. He has excellent dictioiL as well, and can be heard over end above any of the other singers ;and most of the orchestra. Ohlsson; never let his characterization of 'the elder Germont drift into mauinlin senti- mantality or unrelieved 1 pomposity, and he is a rather striling stage figure, besides. Most of the supportirng singers and practically all of ie chorus stood around singing anedi looking at the conductor withott making AT THE MICHIGAN: Two for the Road. / FlyandCosmic Rot HE FLY" opened yes I:erday at the Michigan theate. Here we have a fairly well constructed film, marred only by occasional lapses in the minor details, which should hold its audience in the grip of suspense for a go td while.j The problem of the sio-called LETTER FROM WARSAW: Poles Dissatisfied but Do Not Talk of Revolution (EDITOR'S NOTE:- Daily Night Editor Thomas Turner is living in Warsaw, Poland, this summer as part of an Experiment In Inter- national Living. This is the first of two articles dealing with Poland). By THOMAS TURNER Special to the Daily WARSAW - Warsaw was 85 per cent or more destroyed dur- ing the war. This one fact characterizes Po- land's capital as no other could. There is much new housing as one can see anywhere. But there are also .thousands of .burned-out buildings and vacant lots. In Mokotow, the residential dis- trict where I am staying, most of the buildings are four story apart- ment houses. All the buildings visible from our fourth story building are postwar. * * * THIS building, in which my host, Tomasz Krzeszowski, and his grandmother rent a two-room flat, is owned by a housing cooperative and is representative of the new housing. The room in which Krzeszowski and I sleep is L-shaped, measur- ing 12 by 16 feet in its largest di- mensions. It contains a desk be-. longing to Krzeszowski, his book- case, a piano he recently bought but cannot afford to have tuned, a table on which we eat, four straight chairs, an armchair, a wardrobe, a table radio on a box, and a bed in which I sleep. The armchair is called an "American Chair" - it folds out like a studio couch into ai bed for my host. cant lots. A sign over the entrance dedicates it to Poland "in the name of Josef Stalin." Inside there are several movie theaters, a congress hall seating 3,000 people, a swimming pool, a technical museum, a foreign book- store and a restaurant. In the bookstore controversial popular works such as George Kennan's "Russia, the Atom and the West" and J. Edgar Hoover's "Masters of Deceit" are sold, as are nore substantial works such as "Russian Thought and Politics" from the Harvard Studies series. It was pointed out, however, that most of the books there ar- rive one copy each, and are quick- ly sold. They are not available in other bookstores. 0 * * THE PALACE was built in an area of central Warsaw which was almost completely leveled by the war. But what is perhaps more re- markable is the job which has been done in restoring the oldest sections of Warsaw to pre-war ap- pearance. Both the "Old City" with its- brick fortifications and the "New City" are now substantially as they were in the 17th century. On the site of the old Ghetto, however, grass still grows. Apart- ment buildings, similar to those here in Mokotow are being built, but only a few are ready for oc- cupancy. Here one can see the monument to the thousands of Jews killed by the Nazis. Indeed, almost the entire story King Jan Sobieski, who blefeated the Tartars in Vienna in .the late 16th century. Sobieski's Versailles-like palace had fallen into disrepair and is now being restored. The. farm- lands were taken from their land- lord at the end of the war iand are now farmed by workers IAwho re- ceive $40 per month, half 1Ioland's average income. In the city itself lies I' azienki Park, a beautiful woodesi area which once also belonged to the Polish crown. Here are staitues of both Josef Poniatowski, son, of the last Polish king and leadc5, of a revolt against the partitioning powers in the late 18th c entury, and of Frederic Chopin. The statue of Poniatowski has an interesting history. It. once stood on a public square t'amed Saxon Square. Then the Square was renamed for Josef Plhihadski, Poland's interwar strongmen. During the second world wiir the statue was destroyed anel the square renamed for Hitler. When a new statue was made, it "went to Laziensi, and the square. was christened "Victory" by the Com- munist government. THE SAME theme of "Vicibory" Is carried out in the monuilent to the Red Army here in Mokmtow. Twin Soviet soldiers, one comff rt- ing a fallen Pole, the other hold- ing back a German, flank an (3be- lisk topped by a Soviet star. Poles today seem frankly Clis- satisfied with their lot, particu. ar- matter transmitter has intrigued many writers over the years; the story on which "The Fly" is based is about as good as any, granted the usual preposterous assump- tions. Briefly, a skilled Canadian in- ventor puts together a device which appears at first glance to be a combination computor, pin- ball machine, neon sign, and fish- bowl. But it works, don't ask me how. Curiously enough, the movie company offers $100 to the first person who can prove it can't work. AT ANY RATE, the inventor finds his transmitter works just fine for tea-cups, champagne bot- tles, newspapers, and guinea pigs, although an occasional cat does get lost in the works. His wife, a vivacious creature with never a hair out of place, never a fragment of make-up' smudged, never a cross word-in other words, a highly unlikely wo- man-is soon let in on his big se- cret. But before the world can be told, something definitely gets crossed up, and the inventor and a stray fly trade essential parts of their respective anatomies as the electron stream gets scrambled. From here, one thing leads to another, with half the cast out chasing flies at one time or another. Vincent Price and Herbert Mar- shall, old hands at acting, more than compensate for the rest of the cast; Patricia Owens as the inventor's wife, is just too well washed to be true; Al Hedison plays the Human Fly; his facial expressions leave much to be de- sired, but with those big eyes what can he do? SPACE MASTER X-7, on the other hand, is just plain silly. Handled in semi-documentary style, this bundle of banality tells how the Internlal Security boys, with the help of the L.A. cops, track down a woman contamin- ated with spores from a sort of cosmic iunale rot which was col- Editorial Staff AFT DAVID TARS Co-Editor ................. Night Editor JDSEN............... Night Editor . Night Editor LICE ............ Night Editor Z. Sports Editor ...........Chief Photographer * POLAND REBUILDING - « - Culture-Science Palace there when the Communist Revo- lution took place.