N, )WLAND PLAN ,D HELP LABOR I p Sirt Cl :43 t, t See Page 2 Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom CLOUDY, WAR fo 24S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1958 FIVE CENTS FOUR P . w-ushchev Suffers Setback ver Handling of Middle East (A' - Soviet Premier- I ta Khrusljchev's move to put Middle East crisis into the ds of the United Nations Gen- Assembly marks one of ushchev's- first serious diplo- ic and public setbacks. estern diplomats here regard- his decision to abandon the mit meeting idea as a major eat. In the long run, they con- e it possibly a blow to the onal fortune of the dynamic .et leader. hey see in it strengthening of position of those in Peiping within the Kremlin who advo- d a tougher line toward the t and'who have, in effect, won. the seesaw of influences that ,rine Communism's gl1o bal cy, the advocates of a tougher may have won only a skir- razil, U.S.e et Sumit mish but in the opinion of veteran observers, here it is nificant skirmish. Changed Mind many a sig- nference 10 DE JANEIRO (A)-- Sec-, ry of State John Foster Dulles President Juscelino Kubits- k have agreed on a summit ference later this year of the American presidents, official rces said yesterday. ec. Dulles is flying back to hington after winding up his day visit during which he re- ed world affairs and inter- erican relations with Brazilian ers. ources at the presidential pal- said the 21 American ambas- )rs will- meet in Washington t month to arrange for the It is generally accepted here that Khrus~hchev changed his mind about a summit meeting within the Security Council as a result of his visit to Peiping. It is generally believed'his origi- nal acceptance of , the Western proposal for a top-level meeting within, the framework of the Se- curity Council met with objections from Commurnist China. China is believed to have ob- jected to a summit meeting at which its sworn enemy Chiag Kai-shek or one of his representa- tives would prticpate This would' reflect on the dig- nity, prestige and interests of Pei- ping. Khrushhev Convinced After his three-day conference with Mao Tie-tung, Khrushchev apparently wts convinced. He re- turned to Mescow, conferred with other members of the Kremlin leadership anI decided on the new turnabout course - an extraordi- nary session oatfthe United Nations General Asseniebly. The public setback to Khrush- chev lies in the fact he was per- sonally identified with the go-to- New York sunmit suggestion and the turnarouid was markedly un- ceremonious, ,particularly after all the drum beal jing that preceded it. Experienced; diplomatic observ- ers here expressed the thought that the new .proposal for a Gen- eral Assembly~ session was bound tohave been personally embarrass- ing to Khrusichev. What. Happened? The question that arises is: "Whatwent on during Khrush- chev's meeting with Mao Tze-tung in Peiping a tid did Khrushchev acceed?*" Air IForce T'ests. Thor CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (P) - A mighty Thoir intermediate-range ballistic missile, which will pack th big punch, for the Air Force's first moon rotket, blasted toward space yesterdaiy in another test of guidance and power. The 65-foot- Douglas missile was fired from s tactical launching pad, the same equipment that would be used under operational conditions. . Pre view Given The test also gave Douglas Air- craft technic ians # final preview of' the 'hor's space performance prior to thne heralded moon- launching test tentatively set for Aug.°17. The probable moon rocket - a three-stage -'Thor-Able - stood, in an adjacent service tower. The Thor, which is expected to become a N'TO defense weapon in Europe by December, surged{ aloft with billows of yellow flame and smoke. Eigbiteenth Firing It was the 18th Thor fired in the Air Force's aumbitious IRBM flight; test progranit which began in Jan-i uary 1957. About 11 of the tests have been cnsidered complete suc- cesses.- The shot appeared to be per-1 fect-a comiplete departure from the latest Thor July 26 when the7 missile burst apart over the At- lantic a mianute and 10 seconds after it was airborne.i The line Mao advocates appar- ently has substantial support in the inner councils of the Kremlin. Khrushchev is no dictator. He has emerged victorious over op- position such as that of the so- called anti-party group but Krem- lin policies still seem to depend on the balance of majority opin- ion within its highest councils. Eisenhower 'Approves Service Bill WASHINGTON (AP) - President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a bill yesterday giving him much, but not all, of the authority he sought to streamline .the nation's defenses and tighten control over the separate armed services. He said in a statement that the measure represents "a major ad- vance in our organization for dt- f ense," The President and the secretary of defense, under the law, will not have as sweeping reorganization powers as President Eisenhower proposed. Congress insisted on keeping a veto that can be exer- cised by either house over any change in the military jobs as- signed to any of the services. Consent Needed For example, the role of the Marine Corps could not be re- duced without Congress' consent. Moreover, the lawmakers over- ruled President Eisenhower's pro- test of "legalized insubordination" and kept in the law present pro- visions allowing any secretary or uniformed head of a service to come straight to Congress with his problems. But the role of the individual service secretaries was reduced in one important respect: They will no longer figure in the chain of command over special fighting forces set up under the Joint Chiefs of Staff and consisting of selected units of one or more services. Follows Ike Following President Eisenhower's blueprint almost exactly, Congress provided that authority for such forces will go direct from the secretary of defense, acting for the President, and the Joint Chiefs to the commanders in the field. More- over, no single service could with- draw its units from such a force without consent of the secretary of defense. Bucy to Try Swim Again CHICAGO WA) - Another at- tempt will be made Saturday to swim across lower Lake Michigan -this time by a University stu- dent. Gus Stager, University swim- ming coach said today Tom Bucy, 20, of Grand Haven, Mich., will attempt the swim launched un- successfully by a Chicago life- guard July 30. Lifeguard Joe Griffith, 30, had to give up several miles short of the mark. Stager said Bucy has trained for two months for the swim, from Chicago's Burnham Harbor to Michigan City, Ind. Bucy had planned to make the swim yesterday, but he was unable to get boats to accompany him. CARS JAM: Detroit ,flooded By''Rain DETROIT (/) - Three inches of rain fell on Detroit in less than an hour yesterday, flooding main traffic arteries. Huge traffic jams developed as motorists found some thorough- fares blocked by water. Sections of John Lodge Expressway, Grand River and Woodward were tem- porarily impassable. Thousands of basements were flooded. The northwest area of the city was hardest hit. Suburbs Also Hit Damage from the thunderstorm also was reported in the northeast area around Seven Mile and Hoover and the suburbs of South- ern Oakland and Macomb coun- ties. Lightning and water caused property damage to stores and residences. Overburdened sewers backed up and blew off more than 50 man- hole covers' in Detroit. Power ,Lines Downed The stprm tore down 12 high tension power lines in East De- troit. Kenneth H. Swaim of Detroit, was trapped 45 minutes in his car when power lines were knocked down by lightning in Center Line. One hundred extra men from the Detroit Motor Traffic Bureau were pressed into emergency serv- ice, and police warned motorists to stay off the highways if at all possible. Temperature Drops Temperatures, which were re- ported at 88 degrees at noon, dropped to 68 by 3 p.m. as a re- sult of the storm. Some rain is still in sight for the city. Scattered showers and thun- derstorms were forecast for today, but no heavier - than - average rainfall is expected. Formnosans Fear Attace TAIPEI, Formosa (P)-National- ist China has proclaimed a state of emergency in the nearby Pesca- dores and the offshore Matsu Is- lands as a precaution against any Communist attack. All civil air defense and police units on Formosa earlier had been put on an alert. All leaves in these units were canceled. - Evacuation Begins The official military information service said noncombatants had been ordered evacuated from all off-shore islands, including Que- moy across Formosa Strait. Sporadic shellingby Communist guns remained an ordinary hazard of life on the offshore islands. It has been going on for months. About 500 'Formosan students in summer camps on Quemoy and an undisclosed number on the Matsus, 150 miles northwest of Formosa, left for home ahead of schedule Wednesday the informa- tion service said. Blackout Ordered A complete blackout and air raid tests were carried out in the Mat- sus for half an hour Wednesday night. The information service said these precautions were the result of a tense situation growing out of Communist military activity on the mainland opposite this Na- tionalist island and a buildup of Red air strength in the area. I U.S. To Ask UN Program In Mid-East American Expected Proposal To Succeed. TO AVERT STRIKE- Hoffa Denies Receipt Of Cash from Detroit WASHINGTON ()-James R. Hoffa denied at the top of his voice yesterday that he got any part of a $17,500 payoff made by Detroit laundry owners to avert a strike in 1949. But the president of the Teamsters Union told the Senate Rackets Committee he couldn't go into details about $50,322 of his income between 1948 and 1956. He won most of it gambling on horse races, Hoffa said, and the' details would have to come from his friend and business partner, Owen Bert Brennan, who owns a racing stable and a racetrack. Testifies Loudlyx Shouting and arguing, Hoffa gave the senators a busy couple of hours. Asked about hearsay testimony that he might have shared in the $17,500 payoff, Hoffa saidT. UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (A') -- The United States will urge a broad stabilization program for the Middle East when the UN General Assembly gathers in emergency session next week. Informed sources said yesterday the United States will push a plan that calls for handing over to the United Nations a key role in keep- ing the Middle East stable. De- tails. have, not been worked out. The 11-nation Security Council meets this afternoon to consider rival United States and Soviet proposals for the emergency ses- sibn on toe Middle East. U.S. Chances Best The Council is expected to act without delay. The United States proposal is given the best chance of winning the required seven vots. Te veto does not apply. While UN rules say an emer- gency session must be convened within 24 hours after the Council acts, most delegates believe that the 81-nation Assembly will not be under way until next Tuesday. The White House said President Dwight D. Eisenhower is consider- ing whether to deliver the opening speech for the United States. President Eisenhower told his news conference he wants the As- sembly to discuss the whole range of. Mideast problems. Constructive Approach The United States believes that a constructive approach will win the most support, especially from nations who do not want to see the Assembly turn into a bitter propaganda exchange between East and West. Informants said the United States wants to deal with at least three major problems in the Mid- dle East -- Arab nationalism, eco- nomic development, and the Pal- estine refugee situation. Britain gave outright support to the ,United States resolution but Fraice only grudging approval. A French Foreign Ministry spokes- man said his country would go along, but expressed doubt that the emergency session would settle anything. Debt Ceiling Raise Okayed WASHINGTON (AP)-The House voted reluctantly yesterday to per- mit the highest peacetime govern- ment debt ceiling - 228 billion dollars. The limit on government bor- rowing-now temporarily set at 280 billion dollars - would be boost a net of eight billion dollars, bringing it close to the actual peak debt of World War IL The administration bill now goes to the Senate. Asks Soviet Middle East Cooperation Wants Economic, Political Program WASHINGTON (P) - Presk Dwight D. Eisenhower said yes day he personally might attent emergency session of the Uin Nations General Assembly on Middle East if he thought necessary or desirable. President Eisenhower also cs on the Soviet Union to coope with the United States thre the UN to develop new econor political programs to safegu the turbulent Mideast. At a news conference, stressed a need, for positive t nomic steps, but expressed re ness to discuss such controvex issues as guaranteeing of froni and neutralizing the area. Troops No Answer "Troops are never going to the peace," President Eisenhc said. "We have got to do so President Attending loudly: "I deny that under oath. I didn't get it." Or any part of it, he added under questioning by Robert F. Kennedy, committee counsel. The committee called on Bren nan, an international vice presi- dent of the Teamsters, for an ei- planation of Hoff as income but found itself on a familiar dead end. Brennan invoked the Fifth Amendment. Taxes Under Study, Through his lawyer, George S. Fitzgerald of Detroit, he pleaded. that his income taxes are under investigation and he didn't want to be a witness against himself. Chairman John L. McClellan (D-Ark.) tried to induce him to talk by promising that he would not be asked anything about his own winnings or his personal fi- nances, only about Hoffa's. "You can cooperate, confer with him," Sen. McClellan said. "If you made bets for Mr. Hoffa and turned the winnings over to him, it will corrobate Mr. Hoffa." But Brennan still refused to an- swer questions. Israel Okays. Troop Lifts LONDON (P)-Israel yielded onf the Jordan airlift issue but called last night for an explanation of Britain's political intentions in the harassed Arab kingdom. Two United States Globemasters landed at Amman with supplies from Cyprus in a resumption of the airlift cut off, Sunday when Israel canceled permission for fur- ther operations across its territory. Diplomats in Washington said Israel had agreed to the resump- tion of overflights temporarily, pending development of an ade- quate Red Sea supply route to Jordan through the Gulf of Aqaba. In London, Ambassador Eliahu Elath met with Prime Minister Harold Macmillan on the situation within Jordan, an Arab neighbor that maintains its hostility toward Israel while feuding with Presi- dent Nasser's United Arab Re- public. Elath expressed Israel's particu- lar concern at the buildup of Brit- ish military power in Jordan, where 2,500 British parachute troops have landed by King Hus- sein's request. SEC. JOHN FOSTER DULLES ... arranges meeting sidents' meeting, to be held as n as groundwork can be laid.- ?urpose of the meeting would' to bind the American nations ser politically and economically. would mark the first gathering American presidents since July i6. the 'presidents are expected to it themselves }to laying down ad policies and general prin- les. The job of charging a pro- ,m of action to carry out their oommendations would then be to technicians and economists. World News, By The Associated Press . LONDON - Prime Minister rold Macmillan will fly to Ath- today for talks with Greek ernment officials in a dramatic sonal attempt to bring peace Cyprus. ArASHINGTON - A Senate- use conference co mm it te e eed yesterday on a compromise extend the reciprocal trade pro- m four years and give the sident authority to cut tariffs per cent. his falls short of the five-year per-cent bill asked by President ight D. Eisenhower but not so rt that he was 'not expected to eept it. LBUQUERQUE, N.M. - The mic Energy Commission said berday it will set off an under- und atomic blast, six times ger than past such explosions, r Carlsbad, N.M., next summer. LEC spokesmen said this will the first atomic test with sole- peaceful purposes in mind. * * * C)NDON - Mnenw rvndin said Consder seAssembi AdamsJtoins Investigation Of Burning PONTIAC, Mich. (R) - Michi- gan Atty. Gen. Paul L. Adams yesterday joined the investigation of the human-torch burning of Frank Kierdorf and announced he will question Teamsters Union of- ficers in the Pontiac area. Adams declined elaboration. He said he stepped into the case at the request of Gov. G. Mennen Willia s "because there appears to be a tieup with Hoffa-type unionism." Heads Teamsters James R. Hoffa of Detroit is in- ternational p r e s i d e n t of the Teamsterp. Kierdorf, 56, was busi- ness agent of the Flint, MIch., lo cal of the union. Adams' announcement came shortly after a county prosecutor, Frederick Ziem, went to the hos- pital bedside of the reportedly dy- ing Kierdorf in hopes he'd change the story he had told until then. What he learned, if anything, Ziem wouldn't say. Found at Hospital Kierdorf, seared nearly from head to foot, was dumped on the grounds of a Pontiac hospital about 1 a.m. Monday. Finally he told authorities he was made a human torch by two gunmen he didn't know who. lured him from his Flint hope and doused him with. a fluid. Adams' entry followed quickly behind an investigation by Pon- tiac and Flint police to determine whether there was any connection between the torching of Kierdorf and a fire in a Flint dry cleaning establishment. Industrialist Sends Pleas To, Congress WASHINGTON (P)-Boston in- dustrialist Bernard Goldfine sent a barrage of letters to House members yesterday to plead that he was not in contempt of Con- gress in refusing to answer 23 questions about his business opera- tions. While Goldfine was making this appeal, the House-without dis- sent--voted $80,000 more to its subcommittee that has investi- gated Goldfine's relations with presidential aide Sherman Adams. And down the street, President Dwight D. Eisenhower once again affirmed his faith in Adams. Adams has been under fire for accepting gifts from millionaire Goldfine, who was having troubles with government regulatory agen- cies. Both have denied that Gold- fine got any special treatment as a result of his friendship with Adams. Asked at a news conference whether he still intends to keep Adams on the job, President Eisen- hower said he had made his views plain before and had nothing more to say on the subject. Previously, the President had said Adams may have been imprudent in accepting Goldfine favors, but that he had full confidence in Adams' integ- PRESIDENT EISENHOWE . .. may attend UN session thing positive and this must b the field of moral, spiritual, nomic and political strengthen of all these areas." President Eisenhower quit agreed Tuesday night to a s gestion from Soviet Premier Ni Khrushchev that the Mideast uation should be discussed at emergency meeting of the nation General Assembly ra than at a summit session of UN Security Council. Great Britain went along w the plan for a General Assen meeting, although Prime Mini Harold Macmillan had seen more favorable than Presi Eisenhower to the idea of sur talks. But a French governn spokesman said an Assen meeting could hardly provid realistic settlement for the M east. No Russian Response Ihrushchev has not indici he plans to attend any such sembly session. President Eisenhower disclo no details of specific programs favors. He made clear Soi Americanacooperation in any s moves would be only within UN framework. "We would hope that the Sol Union . . . would actually serve its commitments," he sai President Eisenhower's rema contrasted with Secretary of S John Foster Dulles' expres views on immediate United St objectives at any Mideast sun parley, now apparently not to held. Gwynne Sees No Consp irac, WASHINGTON (M) - chairman pf the Federal TI Commission said yesterday recent steel price increases do necessarily show there is a c spiracy by the industry. DEMOCRA TIC VOTE EXCEEDS GOP: What Does Williams' Victory Rout Really Mean? DETiDIT () - Gov. G. Mennen Williams routed the political enemy in :his bid for an unprecedented sixth term nomination, but what did ,i really mean? There were many and varied answers in the wake of his crush- ing 385,000 to 66,000 defeat of William L. Johnson, Ironwood broad- caster in *Tuesday's primary. The governor's followers obviously were gratified by his showing, along with those of Lt. Gov. Philip A. Hart, picked by Democrats to make the United States Senate' race this :fall, and State Sen. John B. Swains'on. Seeks Hart's Post Swainson was nominated for the lieutenant governor's post Hart will vacate to take on United States Sen. Charles E. Potter, Che- boygan Republican, seeking a second six-year term. They ;pointed to these facts; votes with only a handful of pre- cincts unreported. 3) The Democratic vote - in a non-presidential year - was the biggest since 1952, when the Wil- liams tally reached its primary peak- of nearly 567,000. 4) The Republican turnout, the lightest in a generation or more, bnoke n. GOP noreniatinn 1d-' remains that there were 65,0001 "protest" votes cast in the Demo- cratic primary against the Gover-j nor -- about 15 per cent of the total. Admittedly, some probably were cast by Republicans who, lacking contests, crossed over into the Democratic primary. GOP Apathy Seen 4) An absence of GOP statewide races for the first time in a decade made Republicans a set-up for a voter apathy reaction. 5) The Johnson vote takes on added significance considering his negligible campaign effort, partly because of a dearth of funds. Aside from the nrimary's broad- Other candidates with strong union support who nevertheless suffered defeat included George D. Stevens, Flint attorney, who was trimmed in the Sixth District Democratic primary by former Congressman Don Hayworth, and Robert E. Dingwell of Lansing, a union-endprsed legislative candi- date. Top Democratic and Republi- can candidates and party officials had a wide variety of formal com- ment. Neil Staebler, Democratic State Chairman, talked about Republi- cans "raiding" the Democratic