THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNED OGANCE CAUSES ANGER: liddle East Anti-West dot Nationalistic-Smith In trying to pin a label on the rment in the Middle East, the rm "anti-West" is more applic- ble than "nationalism," accord- ig to Wilfred Smith, professor of ;lamic Studies at McGill Uni-' ersity, Montreal. Prof. Smith, delivering the last z the Summer Session series on Religion in Contemporary So- ety," maintained that the arro- ance common to Western civili- ation is a constant cause of anger the non-Western world.. devise Law P 're ara on, BRUSSELS - American legal lucation should pay more atten- on to the principles of justice, rof. Hessel E. Yntema of the law hool declared Monday. He said legal education has con- ntrated too much on techniques legal practice. Prof. Yntema elivered an inaugural address at ie Fifth International Congress Comparative Law. He is the presiding officer of e Congress and vice-president of ze International Academy of omparative Law, the sponsoring rganization. "The first function of a legal lucation is to prepare for a life- mhe of service in the profession," rof. Yntema said. "Legal educa- on should provide, insight and nowledge of enduring value." He called comparative legal ed- ction "indispensable," not only > counteract 'native provincial- m's of local practice, but also "to rovide the jurists of the future ith adequate general preparation meet the new technical prob- ms of a changing world." A legal education should instill z the profession devotion to the indamental ideas of justice, as ogressively re-defined in the Xrit of humanism," he said. Religion, Prof. Smith said, is a much deeper and more powerful force in the Middle East than is nationalism. If nationalism is to be a force at all, he declared, "it can only flourish when it becomes subservient to the forces of Islam. If nationalism cannot serve this purpose, it has no chance at all." There is a basic fallacy in our attempt to understand the Middle East when we take religion as one factor and try to relate it to oth- er factors, he said. This stems from our attempt to analyze an- other civilization in terms of our own, Prof. Smith said.. "Islam is not a civilization - it is the framework to which poli- tics, economics, law and ether factors adhere; and thus the fun- damentkl issue in the Islam world today is the development of some concept in which Moslems canf find meaningful relationships to the universe and society. Subordinate Until Then "Until that happens," he said, "everything else will remain sub- ordinate."- Prof. Smith surveyed the rise of nationalism in Iran, Turkey, the Arab world and Israel. He con- cluded that developments there have, arisen in three stages. The first, he said, is an upsurge of what is now called nationalism, which took place in close alliance with religion. Split in Second Phase The second phase was a split be- tween nationalism and religion, resulting in the dominance of sec- ularization. The final stage, Prof. Smith said, was the coming to the fore of the overt religious forces, which' attracted the young men who have brought religion more forcefully, into the political and economic structure of these areas. Nationalism without religion has proved weak; "It has been un- able to bear the burden of carry- ing life in modern society," Prof. Smith maintained. Therefore, he concluded, "na- tionalist" movements need a con- nection with the Islamic tradition in order to be successful. +h1 +.R.* A .4j . . ~ " ' a '? Yos.- "Lafr. ri? 1"'is' 771A'NEO WAT.?INTO WI/NE 2 tiw q/ >.7PO.'FT/O'.SvTE OF FINAL CATMILE IC L 'c5l0$9" AV 71""t SZ'WflJ N#FAO'W1N /A'OOf (SA4,F1) ( N4ZAA'PEff1I. ESfS I/$OE :IFS4YS /13/A'TWPL .4 CF '..,1 s- l 77/iTF - ' 0001Bo3 &a~4Mr6 rO.tF .- l L£YOfFFI,4//c'- f3'WLJ4OFN4A f)FS7/IOYA' OTIIFE/ .-l: r E-RUS+1tErf! <*. ti-0-"T SQ.,s>QSFS S .. i0 ' tP&4 ' Qa??a? 'hrael ' ,;,'?r O'JosN~U4is afI. rrt? C'axt : ;. raFl rrS1F* 4l"RO7YFJVA tm CQfLI.EIs+w t7W 'fTIN 7W+EWli't/JtrNFS.? ab*.a, --Associated Press Newsfeatures Middle East H as Biblical Traditiont Burned Labor Agent's Un< Reported Missing by PolIc PONTIAC, Mich. (A') -- Threat- make him "next?" Prosecutor f Herman could hav ened with a similar fate, the ven- Frederick Ziem let him leave the police had found two geance-swearing uncle of Frank hospital, after he'd helped coax his, one equipped wit) Kierdorf is missing. Frank's story from him. But a po- Ziem issued a warr Kierdorf was badly burned Sun- liceman at Herman's suburban day for Herman's arre day by two unknown assailants. Madison Heights home said he ing a gun with an Herman Kierdorf, who vanished never got there. lencer. overnight, is widely sought by po- lice. Where he went or what hap- pened to him, they say, is a mys- W itnesses C 1aimLaun Nephew Frank lay near death at a hospital, 85 per cent of his body seared. He was positive his w rs Pay Off Leam s burning was connected with union business. Quit Last Week WASHINGTON () - Witnesses told the Senate Rackets Commit- in stony silence. He:I Prank is business agent for thet s athaetroi - to be questioned cl 2,000-member Teamsters Local dry owners made a secret $17,500 length as the commit 332 in nearby Flint. Herman quit payoff to avoid a citywide strike gates labor-manageme only last week as business agent of the Teamsters Union in 1949. in Detroit and alleged for Detroit Joint Teamsters Coun- with the underworld. dil 43, andas an aide to Teamster Several witnesses agreed it was Union President James R. Hoffa, extortion. Two said they thought Testifies Payoff Both Kierdorfs had been reluc- some of the money went into the Howard Balkwill, ex tant, Fifth Amendment witnesses pockets of James R. Hoffa, now retary of the Detroit before the Senate Rackets Com- international president of the Laundry, testified the mittee in its probe of possible Teamsters. But they couldn't off was made by lau links between Teamsters and mob- swear to this, the pair said. who were members c sters. Both are ex-convicts, each Hoffa listened to the testimony tute. He said "we wo convicted of armed robbery. Hoffa got some of it. The' 68-year-old Herman said O r "We wouldn't have an anonymous telephoner told O r er State say that he did," Bal him 15 minutes before he- learned however. Frank, 56, had been burned: William H. Miller Vows Search In W N ar h withn$450 in the deal After viewing Frank's blistered understood it was d body, Herman swore late Monday: LANSING (R) - Gov. Willams Roffa. "I don't know who did it, but I'm today ordered State law enforce- PaesPay going to find out." ment agencies into the investiga- Balkwill told the i When a policeman suggested, tion of the ?pntiac torture burn- payments were arran "Let us take care of this one," ing of Frank Kierdorf, business Joe Holtzman, a Detr Herman shot back grimly: "Not agent for the Teamsters Union. lations consultant wh if I get there first. I got to do it." Williams ordered Attorney Gen- died. Hoffa has ackno Did someone nab Herman and eral Paul L. Adams to send a task ting an interest-free ,_____+__-__________ a-s. . r. .,.. 40 fom f ontn ziman it . _ AlLY OFFICIAL BULLETIN By TOM HENSHAW Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer Some 15 miles due north of the Marine garrison in Beirut lies t~e tiny Lebanese coastal village of Jubeil, known to the ancients as Byblos. Three or four thousand years ago; Byblos was a principal port of a people called Phoenicians. And not the least of its exports was a particularly fine grade of papyrus. Such was the quality and quan- tity of Byblos' papyrus that the Greeks took to calling their books "biblion," and the word passed into English as the name of the scriptures-the Bible. Find Holy Places . It's difficult to go anywhere in the strife - torn modern Middle East without stumbling over places made holy by the saints, prophets and founders of Judaism and Christianity. Iraqi rebel guns and the shouts' of Baghdad street mobs echoed across a nearby plain where, tradi- tion has it, mankind began in "a garden eastward in Eden." Israeli armor, invading Sinai during the Suez War of 1956, rolled through the Wilderness of Paran where dwelt Ishmael, son of Abraham and the bondwoman Hagar and the traditional ancester of the Arabs. Little more than 20 miles from the American staging base at Adana, Turkey, is Tarsus, birth- place of the discjple St. Paul. Border Guards Watch Israeli and Jordanian border guards watch each other across the barren Dead Sea and perhaps wonder if the waters really hide Bureau Fills Job Vacancies, Last year the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupation- al Information received requests for applicants to fill over 30,000, vacancies in personnel, H. Glenn Ludlow, director of the Bureau re- ports. "Of this total number, 13,404 vacancies were reported in the field of teaching and administra- tion," Ludlow said. The remainder of the 30,000 were in business, in- dustry, government service and summer jobs in camps and resorts. the ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah, cities destroyed for their wicked- ness. The Jordanians stand in what once was the land of Moab, where Ruth clung to Naomi and told her "whither thou goest I will go .. . thy people shall be my people and thy God my God." And the Israelis are not far from Hebron and the "cave of the field' of Machpelah before Mamre" burial place of Abraham, father of the Jews, and his wife, Sarah. Contention In Gaza Gaza, modern bone of conten- tion between Israel and Egypt, is the city of the Philistines where Samson, shorn and blinded, "bow-F ed himself with all his might; and Auto Training Gives Drver )Better Chance Your chances of having an automobile accident this year are about one in 17, a safety educa- tion expert said yesterday at the University. But those who have taken driv- er education courses have twice as good a chance of avoiding ac- cidents and staying alive on the highways, Joseph Labelski told the University Institute of Teach- ec Preparation for Driver Educa- tion. One hundred and ten persons are killed and 3,800 are injured daily in auto accidents, he said. But surveys have shown that stu- dents in driver training courses have an accident rate about 'half that of non-trained motorists, Za- belski continued. Michigan has reduced its traffic fatalities about 10 per cent in the past two years, while the national rate hias gone up by four per cent, Zabelski noted. He said the 200,000 students trained in Michigan are doing a good job of passing attitudes learned in driver training classes back to their parents, who are thus becoming better drivers. "Moke your students realize that driving is an activity in which you must have regard for the rights and privileges of oth- ers," he told the group. the house fell upon the lords and upon all 'the people that were therein." Not far from there, toward Jerusalem, is the Valley of Elah where young David, not yet king, met Goliath of Gath and "pre- vailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone." Gebel Musa, deep in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, traditionally is Mount Sinai of Exodus where Moses and his wandering people received the Ten Commandments. Walls Fell Just North of the Dead Sea in Palestinian Jordan is Jericho, whose walls fell to the sounds of trumpets and shouts, and the bank of the River Jordan where Jesus was baptized by John. Also in Jordan are Mt. Nebo, where the Lord showed Moses the promised land, and Penuel, where Jacob wrestled with the angel and was called Israel "for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men." Farther north, in what is now Israel, are Nazareth, boyhood home of Jesus; and Cana of Galilee, where he performed His first miracle; and Megiddo, the Biblical Armageddon, where the Bible says the last great battle between good' and evil is to be staged. Find Chaldees Ruins Well to the west, amid oil wells that gush riches for Iraq, are found. the ruins of Ur of the Chaldees, birthplace of Abram; and Babylon, site of the Tower of Babel and the captivity of the Israelites. Baby- lon is about 50 miles south of Baghdad. Turkey, too, is rich in Biblical lore. In the middle of the long border with Syria, a current site of ten- sions, is Haran where Abram and his father, Terah, dwelt after they went forth from Ur of the Chal- dees. And in the rugged mountains of, Turkish Armenia, near where Turkey, Iran and the Soviet Union share a bleak frontier, is Mt. Ararat, traditional resting place of Noah's Ark. NYC President Says Merger BeingStudied C CAGO () - The president of the New York Central Railroad said yesterday a proposed merger with the Pennsylvania under study and may be present- ed to stockholders by the end of 1958. "We haven't come up with any- thing definite yet," said NYC President Alfred E. Perlman, "but monthly meetings are being held to study the merger possibility and the possible operational sav- ings resulting from such a move." He added: "If any favorable decision comes from our studies, we may present the findings to NYC-Pennsylvania stockholders before the end of the. year." Perlman said silch a merger might cost as much as 100 million dollars in new facilities, revisions of union labor contracts and other expenses. (Continued from Page 2){ s Physical Education (includes su.- ising student teachers); Elem. ech Correction. ghland Park, Mich. - Early and elementary; Girls Physical Educa- H ome Economics; Orthopedic (all n. levels). t. Clemens, Mich. - HS Math. ckson, Mich. -- JHS Math; Art; Up- elmentary. uskegon Heights, Mich.-JHS Home nomfte. r any additional information con- the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. sonnel Requests: est Virginia State College, Institute, Ta., has a temporary vacancy in the .tion of Curator, Science Building particular reference to the Chem-. Dept. for the ten-month period, . 1, 1958 to June 30, 1959. Minimum hrements: Bachelors Degree with a or in Chemistry. oyes & Co., Providence, , is look- for a man, possibily with a Master's ee and) practical psychological ning. Age: 35-40, Work would in- e statistical and interpretive work nedia, personal contact with media esentatives. Some business exper- ;e is desired. 3eing ,Airplane 16o., Wichita, Kas.,+ openings for the .following: Aero- amics, Stress, Structural Dynamics, .ctural Test, Electrical-Product De-. Human Factors, Reliability, and ht Test. nerica Fore Loyalty Group, Chicago, is looking for Fire Underwriters, ial Agents and Adjusters. luminum Company of, America, sburgh, Pa., has openings for 'men 'echnical Sales, Technical Research, Plant Engineering. search Center-General Foods Cor- tidn, Tarry own, N.Y., has openings &ien in Chemical Research, Product elopment, Engineering Research and Development, Packaging Engineering, Analytical Chemistry. 'Philco Corporation, Philadelphia, Pa., has openings for men in Research, De- velopment, and Field Engineering po- sitions., , 1 U.S. Army Engineer District, Buffalo, N.Y., has openings available for Elec- trical and Structural Engineers." McNeil Laboratories, Inc., Philadel- phia, Pa., has openings for the follow-, ing positions: Professional Service Rep- resentatives, Executive Secretaries, Sec- retaries with Foreign Language Ability, Chemists-Analytical, Organic, and Bio, Pharmacologists, Literature Scientists, Technical Scientists,' Spencer Chemical Company, Kansas City, Mo., has openingse for Sales Trainee, Production Trainee, Process Development, and Research. Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation, Toledo, Ohio, has openings in the fol- lowing fields: Sales, Administrative Staff, Cost Control, Traffic, Account- ing, Systems, Personnel, Marketing, Manaufacturing; Basic & Applied Re- searcir, Process Control, Design, Techni- cal Sales, and Production. Ethyl Corporation, Detroit, Mich., has openings for chemical engineers with several years exp. in refinery process engineering, operations, and/or econ- omic analysis. Positions involve tech- nical service and consulting type work for petroleum refiners. Detroit location. For further information on available positions, contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 3371. Interview: Wayne County Civil Service Commis- sion, will b e interviewing on Fri., Aug. 8, 1958 for men and women with Mas- ter's degrees in Social Work. Positions available in various Wayne County in- stitutions. For more interview information con- tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 3371. Coeds:1, a'" this fall. Irs HAIRSTYLING' GALORE! " No appointments needed JOHN LEIDY " Air-Conditiondr onone ' Pho4eNO 8,6779 601 East Liberty WELCOME-. DAS CLA BARBERSnTer near Michigan Theatre ss's .. .: jr" L--. .+ .. r r+r.: 1 64'S --,