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August 05, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-08-05

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Exhibits Include Kantor' s

Headless Skeleton Found
Of Child-Sized Pre-Man

Daily Adds Library



On display in Alumnae Memorial
Hall are three exhibits: Mosaics
representing the Jewish and Chris-
tian faiths, contemporary sculp-
ture and chronological paintings
of Morris Kantor.
Mosaics, one of the ancient
durable art forms, and especially
characteristic of the Roman Em-
pire and early Christian and By-
zantine eras have had a renais-
sance in recent years.
The Jewish revival, notwith-
standing the tradition prohibiting
graven images in the orthodox
Jewish Faith, began after Jewish
mosaics were excavated at Dura
Mosaics a Revival
According to Museum sources
the mosaics in this exhibition may
be regarded as a revival although
primarily they represent an adven-
ture in education and in recap-
turing the spirit rather than the
image of the ancient form.
As a symbolic and decorative
motive in contemporary churches
and as a means of religious ex-
pression, the mosaics recall the
roots of the past in terms of the
The mosaics represented in the
exhibit were done by students and
faculty members of the Immacu-
late Heart College and students
from the Jewish Education Center.
The mosaic subject matter is
centered around the Old and New
Testaments. The viewer sees traces
in colored stone of Moses with
the famous entablatures and a
scene depicting the sacrifice of
'Man of Sorrows'
Mosaics such as the "Man of
Sorrows" by Frank Winiarski and
the "Three Marys" by Roberta
Hughe both from Immaculate
CAA Sees
Air Growth
The Civil Aeronautics Act, which
was enacted 20 years ago in June,
gave civil aviation its "legal
This act established the Civil
Aeronautics Authority, from which
the present Civil Aeronautics
Board and the Civil Aeronautics
Administration have emerged. The
five-man CAB is a quasi-judicial
body responsible for the general
economic regulation of air carriers.
The CAA is the agency respon-
sible for the interpretation and en-
forcement of rules, as well as
operator of the Federal Airways
Fleets Increase
At the end of 1957 the combined
fleets of the nation's scheduled
airlines totaled 1,829 aircraft, a
430 per cent increase over the
1938 fleet of 345 planes.
In the 20-year period since the
enactment of the Civil Aeronautics
Act passenger volume has swelled
3,678 per cent-from 1.3 million
in 193 to more than 49 million in
1957-putting the air transport in-
dustry in first place among com-
mon carriers engaged in intercity
passenger traffic.
At the same time, the fatality
rate has dropped to two-tenths of
a passenger fatality per 1,000 mil-
lion passenger miles. Airline cargo
operations increased from 2.55
million ton-miles in 1938 to 714.4
ton-miles last year, including 160-
689 ton-miles of United States
Cities Gain
Orval R. Cook, president of the
Aircraft Industries Association,
recently cited some other gains
the industry has made in the last
20 years:
1) A coast-to-coast scheduled
flight now takes eight hours with
a load of 85 passengers; in 1938,
16 hours with 21 passengers. New
jets will cut the time to 4.5 hours

and increase passenger capacity to
2) Eighty-five per cent of the
aircraft flown by the world's
scheduled airlines are United
States models.
Okey To Talk
In U Lecture
"Life with a Capital L," will be
the lecture topic of Prof. Lamont
Okey, of the speech department,
at 3 p.m. today in Rackham
It will be presented under the
auspices of the speech department.

r -a
-Daily-A Erb
... by Thomas McClure
Heart College represent the New
"The variety of personal ex-
pression which modern sculptors
are striving for is well illustrated
in this small exhibit by contem-
porary Americans," Ned Cornich,
director of the Kalamazoo Insti-
tute of Arts wrote.
The sculpture exibit features
pieces such as "The Blind Man"
by Thomas McClure; "The Soldier"
by Robert A. Howard and Richard
Stankiewicz's "Here He Comes
To His Horrible House."
These particular pieces are done
in welded bronze, steel or copper.
"There is no one criterion by
which to measure contemporary
art. If we are to derive enjoyment
from our artist we must not expect
him to meet standards we impose
but adjust our response to his
mode of expression, Cornich said.
This exhibit will be a pleasant
experience for those who can allow
the artist to approach him on a
variety of emotional levels," he
The chronological paintings and
sketches of Morris Kantor cover a
period of thirty years. They range
from cubism, realism to abstract.
Kantor Teaches
Kantor teaches at Cooper's
Union and the Art Students
League in New York. This summer
he is an Artist-in-residence at the
Architecture and Design school
where he is teaching painting.
His works have been displayed in
major museums across the country
such as the Detroit Art Institute,
the Metropolitan Museum in New
York and the Chicago Institute of
Public Looks
To Jet Flights
Two-thirds of the air traveling
public look forward to the start
of jet flights in the near future,
University research indicates.
Studies conducted by the Uni-
versity Research Center show
major airlines will have few new
hurdles to cross in developing pas-
senger interest in jets.
"It seems reasonable to expect
that people will show some of the
same reluctance to travel by jet
plane which they have shown with
regard to piston aircraft," com-
ments Prof. John B. Lansing of
the economics department, who
has directed three national surveys
for the Center.
"This reluctance will be reduced
gradually as people become famil-
iar with travel by jet plane, Prof.
Lansing indicated.
"Only a few people talk about
jets being too new to be safe-a
comment which implies they will
become safe after a period of
testing and mechanical improve-
ment," he said.

GROSSETO, Italy(P)-A head-
less skeleton of a chil-sized pre-
man, found 600 feet down in an
Italian soft coal mine, may prove
man didn't descend from apes.
Swiss scientist Dr. Johannes
Hurzeler of the Basel Museum of
Natural History said today the
skeleton, found after two years
)f digging, pushes the beginnings
of man back to at least 11 million
years ago.
That would mean, he explained,
that man descended contempor-
aneously with the apes-or even
before them-perhaps from some
common ancestor which resembled
Once Oldest
The previous oldest known man
was Australopithecus, the so-called
southern ape found in South
Africa. He dates back only half
a million to a million years, and
the Java and Pekin men go back
only about 300,000 years.
Two young miners, Enzo Bocca-
lini, 22, and Arzellio Buisarini, 26,
found the nearly compete skeleton
last week with its bones jutting
from a coal strata in the Bacinello
mine, 15 miles northeast of Gros-
There scattered bones of Oropi-
thecus, the new pre-man, were
found two years ago by a team
headed by Dr. Hurzeler and Dr.
Helmutt de Terra of New York's
Columbia University. The name
means mountain ape in Greek.
Hurzeler Notified
Dr. Hurzeler was notified im-
mediately of the new discovery and
hurried here to examine the skele-
He said it apparently includes
the arms and legs, spine, ribs and
pelvis of a pre-man about four
feet tall. There was no skull, but
digging is continuing along the
vein in the hope that the skull will
turn up.
The bones protruding from the
Working Class
Affected First
By Economy
Working class families will be
the first to enjoy increased leisure
as the American economy ad-
vances, Vice-President William E.
Stirton of the University told the
Home Builders' Association of
Mackinac Island Saturday.
Free time will make working
families more appreciative and
more demanding of better homes,
he added. "They will want these
homes to be the center of their
family life, to make it increasing-
ly attractive in the face of tem-
porary competition of superficial
"On the other hand, their mo-
bility, knowledge, and interest in
other people will require a home
that is not confining and restrict-
Stirton sharply criticized those
who believe increased leisure is a
threat to American survival.
"These gloomy prophets are as-
suming that people will not change
with the times," he said. "Indus-
trial and technological expansion,
will foster change by forcing more
and more people into advanced
education and training programs
just for economic survival."

block of coal have been coated
with plaster to protect them. The
coal block is being cut loose today
to be brought to the surface. After
examination here, it will be taken
to Basel after this week for de-
tailed study.
Ancient Deposit
Dr. Hurzeler said the coal strata
where the skeleton was found is a
deposit at least 11 million years
Two years ago, in his studies at
the mine, Dr. de Terra said the
bones might date back "as far as
15 to 20 million years." At that
time parts of a skull, jawbone and
fragments- of vertebra had been
found. They belonged to a "man-
like creature" which Dr. de Terra
described as "somewhere between
the size of a chimpanzee and a
He said the teeth were man-like
and the jaw was short and verti-
cal, like that of a man, instead of
jutting out like a monkey's.
First Bones Found
The first bones of Oreopithecus
were found in the Bacinello mine
in 1869, almost a century ago.
Miners did not know what they
were and only the skull was sent
to the museum, at Florence where
it disintegrated to dust.
Half a century later bones from
the Bacinello mine were sent to
the British Museum. They were
labeled Oreopithecus but were put
aside and not studied further until
the new discoveries here two years
Stage 'Wt
Lydia Mendelssohn - Guiseppe
Verdi's "La Traviata" presented
by the speech department and the
School of Music at 8 p.m. tomorrow
through Saturday.
Northland Playhouse, Detroit-
"Strange Partners" with Melvyn
Douglas, today through Sunday.
Music Circle Theatre, Detroit--
"Girl Crazy" with Dick Button,
today through Sunday.
The State - Michael Todd's
"Around the World in 80 Days"
with David Niven, Cantinflas, to-
day through Saturday; "Twilight
for the Gods" begins Sunday.
The Michigan - "A Time to
Love" ends Saturday; "The Fly"
and "Space Master X-7" begins
The Campus--"Rififi" ends to-
morrow; "The Trouble with Harry"
and "The Rose Tatoo" Thursday
through Saturday; "Diabolique"
begins Sunday.
Lydia Mendelssohn-"La Travi-
ata" presented by the speech de-
partment and the School of Music,
at 8 p.m. tomorrow through Sat-
Rackham Assembly Hall-Stu-
dent recital by Neva Vukmirovich,
pianist, at 8:30 p.m. Thursday.
Aud. A, Angell Hall-Student
recital by Mary Ellen Carter,
strings, at 8:30 p.m. Friday.
Aud. A, Angell Hall-Student
recital by Sheila McKenzie, violin-
ist, at 4:30 p.m. Sunday.
Rackham Assembly Hall-Stu-
dent recital by Theodore Johnson,
violinist, at 8:30 p.m. Monday.

-Daly-Jon Snowman
DAILY LIBRARY--Michigan Daily summer staffers have had
added trouble in putting out the paper five days a week. The noise
coming from the tools workmen are using to build the new library
has often been disconcerting. Daily night editor Robert Junker
indicated, "I'm going out of my mind."
la Traviata' To Open
At Lydia Mendelssohn




"La Traviata," an opera by
Guiseppe Verdi, will be presented
at 8 p.m. tomorrow, Thursday, Fri-
day and Saturday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
The Verdi Opera, the final pro-
duction of the 1958 Summer Playr
bill, ill be directed by Prof. Jack
E. Bender, of the speech depart-
Musical direction will be by Prof..
Josef Blatt, of the School of Music.
Performed in English with a
translation by Prof. Blatt, "La
Traviata" is in essence, the well-
known story of "Camille." ',
It is concerned with the tragic
romance of Violetta Valery, a
beautiful courtesan of Paris, and
Alfredo Germont, a sincere and
poetic young man of a respectable
provincial family.
In the role of Violetta Valery
will be seen Sandra Lovell, Grad.,
and playing Alfredo Germont will
be Millard Cates, Grad.
Verdi wrote "La Traviata" in
1853 while at work on another
opera "Il Trovatore." Although he
generally devoted about four
months to the composition of an
opera, he completed "La Traviata"
in only four weeks.
Other members of the cast are
Don Ridley, Grad, as Baron Doup-
hal; James Berg, Grad., as Dr.
Grenvil; Miriam Barndt, Grad., as

Flora Berviox and Wendell Orr,
Grad., as Marquis d'Obigny.
Gordon Ohlsson, Grad., will play
Germont, Paul Watts, Grad., will
be seen as Gaston and Edward
LaMance, Grad., will play Joseph.
Choreographer is Prof. Esther &
Pease, of the School of Education.
'ToTalk Today
"Some Methodological Consid-
erations in the Reconstruction of
Indo-Hittle Phonology," will be
dealt with by Prof. George L.
Trager of the University of Buf-
falo, at 7:30 p.m. today in Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Prof.. Trager will be presented
as a part of the Linguistics Forum
lecture series, which is under the
auspices of the University Lin-
guistics Institute.

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