Sixty-Eighth Year
When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editdrs. This must be noted in all reprints.
Primary Race Raises Question
Of Eletive S eif' Ps t
"Now, Would You Mind Raising Your Little Finger?"
r o .
Neutralism Appealing
To Postwar Japan
By The Associated Press
TOKYO-Japan, industrial giant of Asia, is moving on historical tides
toward a more neutral, but still Western-oriented role in world
Economics, fear and deeply rooted abhorrence of international en-
tanglement appear to be teaming up to produce this result.
Prime Minister Kishi and his conservative Liberal-Democrats in
June launched a new government pledged to continue close ties with
the non-Communist world. Yet pressures against this posture are strong
and insistent.
Most imperative is the problem of making a living.
Last year Japan sold $372,000,000 in goods and services and bought
$4,307,000,000, leaving a staggering gap of 585 million dollars in its
international balance of trade. To cover the deficit Japan must trade
ELECTION DAY supposedly is a time when
the voters evaluate the candidates and vote
Unfortunately, the theory fails to hold up
midst the common practice of voting for the
arty, not the man and the voters' tendency to
ive only casual attention to the many minor
Because of this, the primary contests for some
osts loom much higher in importance than the
eneral election, for in a number of areas, in-
luding Washtenaw county, nomination by the
ominate party is tantemount to election,
specially for the local county offices which the
oters usually ignore in favor of the more
pectacular statewide and national races.
'HAT TODAY'S primary race for the often
slighted sheriff's post has gained the center
f attention is at least partly because there is
ttle else to arouse interest. There is no contest
>r the Republican nomination in the top state
aces and the controlling Democratic group led
y Gov. G. Mennen Williams is apparently in no
anger from the insurgent Democratic Club of
But also, for a change, there has been some
ntroversy in the race as words flew between
heriff Robert Lillie and George Peterson, a
rmer member of the department, who was
red the day after he announced his candidacy.
The controversies, partially centering around
issing items, including money from the Flower
ind, have quieted down in the last weeks of
ie campaign, but the questions they raised still
A somewhat similar controversy flared up in
eghboring Wayne County where, finally, one
the dozen or so candidates for the Demo-.
atic nomination demanded an investigation
the department..
OCALLY, three men are seeking the Republi-
can nomination and four the Democratic.
Legions, Legions
FEW NOTES from New York remind us
that the religious scene is still far from R
At an international conclave in New York
ty, the Jehovah's Witnesses (described as an
rderly" group by hotel managers) have con-
mned leaders of organized Christianity fort
t being other-world directed.]
Witnesses believe that only they will inherit
e new world of peace and everlasting lifet
zich will come as soon as this world ends,C
clich will be soon.
[EANWnHLE, the state convention of the x
American Legion (never called an orderly s
oup by anyone); is also being held in New c
rk City, and Legion officials are a trifle
eved that the Witnesses are getting more i
rhe Legion is especially upset since this rivalt
oup is the one which has refused to salute
e American flag on Biblical grounds. But the t
gion is hardly likely to pass any resolutionsc
sweeping as this condemnation of organized
This is in interesting contrast to the primaries
for County Clerk, Register of Deed, County
Treasurer, Drain Commissioner, Surveyor and
Coroner, where only one Republican and one
Democrat are running for their party's nomina-
Obviously, there are more advantages to being
sheriff, at least from the viewpoint of power,
and the questions raised over missing funds
raise one even more important than who was
responsible for what.
The competition, and its nature for the
sheriff's job raises the basic question of whether
it should continue as a political post. Law
enforcement should not be a matter of political
affiliation or of vote getting ability. As with
other fields, law enforcement is getting more
complex and scientific in its methods.
The important criterea should be ability and
training and it seems doubtful that these
qualities are judged at the polls or are brought
forward during the election campaign.
THE SHERIFF'S JOB is a legacy from old
England, and while the method of county
organization and enforcement might have been
effective in the past, today's conditions demand
abolishment of the archaic position.
With modern communications, an enlarged
state police organization should be able to
provide for Michigan's non-urban areas, a law
enforcement agency that would be better train-
ed, more efficient and free from the suspicion-
arousing controversies such as questionably
handled flower funds.
If state wide control of law enforcement seems
unfeasible at least in the near future; it might
well be worth considering putting the sheriff's
job on a non-political basis, perhaps similar to
the city manager's post.
Legions and BB
Christianity; they may not even condemn the
Girl Scouts this year, so it is easy to see how
the Witnesses have picked up all this notoriety.
1WHILE the Witnesses and the American Le-
gion match headlines in New York, an-
other Legion is matching wits with a Lake
Placid theatre manager.
Upset by either the film's misleading title, or
the costumes of its leading lady, the Legion
of Decency has condemned "And God Created
Woman" as unfit for human consumption.
Starring Brigitte Bardot and her atomic bomb
neckline (80 per cent fallout), the picture was
shown in spite of the condemnation and box
office receipts poured in.
But now theatre manager James McLaughlin
is definitely on the banned wagon, for his
theatre has been placed under a six-months
ban by the pastor of St. Agnes Catholic Church.
The Lake Placid American Legion Post is,
unfortunately, unavailable for comment on this
curious state of affairs.
* Insurance Companies Hit ill
WASHINGTON - A hot battle
to safeguard labor's welfare
and pension fundsis coming to a
head in the House of Representa-
tives tomorrow.
All sorts of wires are being
pulled backstage to amend the
pension bill already passed by the
Senate. Strangely, the wires are
being pulled by the insurance
companies. The labor leaders are
trying to get the bill passed.
What the insurance companies
object to is the Senate bill's re-
quirement that business as well as
labor disclose the facts regarding
welfare and pension funds.
It hasn't made headlines, but
some whopping big commissions
have been paid by employer and
insurance groups in the past to
get these lucrative welfare funds.
One set of commissions totaled $1
million and the insurance com-
panies don't want to disclose
However, two congressmen will
introduce amendments to change
the Senate bill. They are:
1) Congressman Bill Ayres (R-
Ohio) who would exempt all pen-
sion funds to which workers do
not contribute.
2) Congressman Albert Bosch of
Woodhaven, N.Y.. will introduce
a resolution exempting all pension
funds operated by employers. This
is what the insurance companies
are plugging for.
* * *
CONGRESSMAN Bosch is now
coming through for the insurance
companies. He believes that labor
unions only are guilty of dis-
Unfortunately, the records of
the fidelity and deposit company
of Baltimore, which bonds the em-
ployees of banks, insurance com-
panies, and business firms, show
to the contrary. They, show that
business theft has increased 400
per cent in the past 10 years.
There is now an average of one-
half billion dollars a year stolen
or embezzled from banks and busi-
ness firms by executives and em-
ployees of those firms.
This is an average of $2 million
for every working day of the year.
The amounts stolen from labor's
pension and welfare funds by
union executives as revealed by
Senate probers were nowhere near
this total.
* * *
THE Republicans have devel-
oped a new technique for knocking
out key Democrats, which the
Democrats call "Nasserism." It's
the technique dictator Nasser has
used in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia
and Iraq - boring from within,
If the Republicans find they
can't defeat an important Demo-
crat in a straight election, they
put a candidate in the Democratic
primary to run as a Republican.
This is what happened when Wil-
liam "Cowboy" Blakley, the Eisen-
hower Democrat, ran against Sen.
Ralph Yarborough and lost. This
week it's happening in Tennessee,
where Republicans are putting up
all sorts of money to try to defeat
young, moderate Sen. Albert Gore.
Gore had the courage to take
some tough positions. He has
fought for reciprocal trade, which
a fellow Tennessean, Cordell Hull,
pioneered as secretary of state. He
also balked at signing the south-
ern manifesto. -
As a result, Dixiecrats, high-
tariff Republicans, and the big
insurance companies have been
flooding Tennessee with money,
full-page ads, expensive billboards
to defeat Gore in the Democratic
primary. It looks, however, as if
the people of Tennessee lean to-
ward the senator with less money
more than toward his opponent
with a lot of money.
* * *
OUT in Missouri, Republicans
are trying to Nasserize another
Democrat, Congressman Morgan
Moulder of Camdenton. Moulder is
the former chairman of the Legis-
lative Oversight Committee who
started the investigation of Sher-
man Adams and Bernard Gold-
fine, Commissioner Mack of the
FCC, channel 10 in Miami, and
channel 5 in Boston.
When his committee insisted
on firing his counsel, Bernard
Schwartz, Moulder stepped down
as chairman.
Since then every investigation
Moulder started has been substan-
tiated. The result has been one of
the most important probes of the
THE ARMY will ship private
Elvis Presley, the rock-and-roll
singer, to the Third Armored Divi-
sion in Germany. Some third
armored' units in Germany have,
been alerted for action in the Near
East. . . . Government agents have
quietly cracked down on a Soviet
trade ring which has been buying
up chemicals used to manufacture
rocket fuel. The ring has been
falsifying export licenses in order
to ship strategic chemicals, such
as boron, behind the Iron Curtain.
Several American businessmen
may be Indicted....
Ike's chief economic adviser,
Raymond Saulnier, has advised the
President that the Middle East
crisis should pull the United States
out of the. recession.± Increased
spending for defense, he said,
should stimulate business. '
While the Chinese Communists
are hailing independence for the
Moslems of the Middle East, they
are suppressing their own Moslems
in China. The Chinese have just
smashed a Nationalist movement
among the Moslems of Chinese,
Turkestan in Eastern China where
the' Moslems. actually outnumber
the Moslems in Iraq.,
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
wherever it can. This includes the
Communist world and Asia main-
land, particularly Red China, a
nation with which it has no dip-
lomatic relations.
* * *
CHINA is considered by many
Japanese a market of great poten-
tial, capable of purchasing more
than 200 million dollars n Jap-
anese. goods annually, although
1957 trade totaled only 60 million.
China severed trade relations
with Japan early this year in a
squabble about flying its flag over
a trade mission in Tokyo, and
made it plain it wants diplomatic
concessions as the price for re-
There is strong sentiment for
paying the price-a definite move
toward the neutral center in the
cold war - even though proper
development of the American
market is a far greater source of
potential revenue.
AN EQUALLY strong pressure
toward a middle of the road, posi-
tion is Japan's fear of getting
caught in an East-West shooting
war. Of much more -immediate
concern to virtually all Japanese
are the American air bases in
Many view them as an open in-
vitation to atomic attack. Kishi
already has negotiated removal of
the last American combat ground
troops. The slow pullout of air
units is expected as Japan's own
air forces enlarges, severing an-
other tie with the Western alli-
American withdrawal is a cher-
ished Japanese dream. It touches
a deep chord in Japanese psy-
chology - the desire to avoid
foreign interference of any type.
Kiey French
By The Associated Press
W ASHINGTON - It would be
hard to imagine Secretary of
Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson, a
Mormon and teetotaler, out
peddling booze so that United
States farmers could sell more
Yet here is Henri Coquillaud, a
French government official, hit-
ting the international road and
trying to get more people to drink
more cognac, for the glory and
gain of France.
Coquillaud is known among his
friends - at least among his
friends who are press agents - as
Mr. Cognac. He polices the indus-
try at home and pushes the stuff
After listening to him,, it now
can be reported:
THAT this is a strange world,
and nowhere is it stranger than in
the field of economics. France's
finances lean heavily on an area,
only a fourth the size of Rhode Is-
land, with soil so chalky and
rocky it's fit for little except the
grapes that make cognac.
That though brandy is made the
world over, no other spot can
blend soil as poor with climate as
good - Coquilaud is vehement
about this - as Cognac. Cognac is
a town, a region and a drink.
That cognac is the most impor-
t.nt export France has right now,
even more important than those
little cars that have Detroit con-
Why? "Because with cars the
steel and other things must be
bought. But the cognac, we pro-
duce it all."
That 80 mil n bottles of cognac
are produced each year. The
peddle the rest all over the world.
"Cognac is the drink of the
gods," Victor Hugo once said.
That cognac consumption in this
country has increased steadily.
Last year Americans sipped five
million bottles of the brandy, as
compared with one million in 1952.
Both father and son looked de-
lighted as they passed along this
* . ,
THAT the British Isles, with a
much smaller population, use
eight million bottles of cognac an-
nually. That's because of a belief
-apparently shared by many
British doctors -- that cognac is
good for what ails you. "It's in
every medicine chest," Jean Pierre
rVery Rich
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- In all the
dreary and often frightening
news from the Near East, at least
one item always is a joy to con-
The Sheik of Kuwait, the stories
say, is one of the world's richest
men, with an annual income of
200 million dollars -- and no in-
come tax to pay.
But for heaven's sake, what's
Kuwait? Is it a fruit? A tropical
lisease? A new soft drink? The
phonetic spelling of a bird call?
The dictionary says you pro-,
nounce it koo-wite or ko-wate
with the accent on the second
syllable in either case.
* * *
IF YOU peer closely enough at
a map of the Near East, you'll find
the sandblown country of Kuwait,
up at the top of the Persian Gulf.
It looks sort of like the head of
a knight in armor, with an elon-
gated jaw jutting out to help form
Kuwait Bay on which the town of
Kuwait is located.
To the north is troubled Iraq.
To the south is Saudi Arabia. But
never mind what's on each side of
Kuwait. It's what is underneath
that counts.
Oil! Beneath Kuwait's sand may
be the biggest pool of oil in the
With our Puritan heritage, we
still like to think that success
comes only to those who labor like
ants, It's something of a shock to'
realize that countries, like men,
can strike it rich without much
' * * *
ANYONE cameling through Ku-
wait's history scarcely would hit
on this as the ideal place for a
successful sheikdom.
It's smaller than New Jersey,
and much of it is unrelieved des
ert. Only 206,000 people less than
half the population of Newark
alone, live there.
Once its seaport did a lively
business in shipping horses to
Bombay, but you know what hap-
pened to horse trading. Once it
did a good business in pearl div-
ing, and then came the cultured
pearl to displace it.
And then - oil. It first was dis-
covered in Kuwait in 1938, but
nothing happened because of
World War II. Not until July 30,
1946, was the first Kuwaiti crude
oil poured into a tanker. By 1955
production was up to 386,398,000
barrels a year.
PRESIDING over this profitable
venture is Sheik Abdullah As Sa-
lim As Subah, who gets half of
the profits made by the Kuwait
Oil Co., owned by British and
He comes from a long line of
sheiks. Although the country has
been a British-protected state for
more than half a century, it still
is a proud: independent sheikdom
that can trace its dynasty back to
1756, or 20 years before the United
States went into business ,for It-
Sheik Abdullah Salim, in a pic-
ture dug up by the National Geo-
graphic Society, doesn't look much
like a movie sheik. He has a short
beard, a wart on the right side of
his nose, and what looks like a red-
checkered tablecloth over his head.
By Near East standards he ap-
pears to be a benevolent ruler. In-
stead of building race tracks and
collecting assorted costly brie-a-
brac, the sheik has put consider-
able of his enormous income into
hospitals and schools.
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official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
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ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m., the day preced-
ing publication.
What Ike Really Means
Associated Press News Analyst
'HE Soviet Union doesn't want war she
I. have to renounce her ideas of world
it's what President Eisenhower and Sec-
r of State Dulles are actually saying
gh their demands for a check on indirect
it is the focal point around which all the
issues between the world and the Soviet
i have revolved for 40 years.
the moment the American leaders are
rig their stand to the Middle East, because
roposed summit meeting, if it develops,
>e confined to that problem. But their
clearly apply to the cold war situation in
PHE Soviet Union does not want war she
11 almost have to agree that these prac-
should be brought under some kind of
il by the United Nations," says Dulles.
ure to make this point clearly and to
other problems to it has been largely
Editorial Staff
o-Editor Co-Editor
.T JUNKER..,..........., Night Editor
D GERULDSEN............,.. Night Editor
HOLTZER ...................Night Editor
VANDERSLICE................. Night Editor
RD MINTZ ........., Sports Editor
SHIPPEY ......Chief Photographer
responsible for the unreal atmosphere in which
all East-West negotiations have been conducted.
It is as though settlements of the issues of
disarmament, German and Korean reunifica-
tion, liberation of Eastern Europe, the futures
of underdeveloped peoples and the like could
be undertaken individually.
The failure of the Western world to make its
general position clear on this point began
before the end of World War II
Stalin thought the Soviet Union should be
repaid for her war suffering by hegemony over
certain areas. He did not say he meant tem-
porary hegemony preparatory to Moscow's com-
plete control of the whole world through inter-
national communism, but that had long been
written in the book of Kremlin intent.
CHURCHILL and Roosevelt temporized in
order to get agreements on more immediate
Issues, and the years of doubletalk began.
Even today, despite the general nature of
part of his woids, Dulles presents the idea of
some sort of check on, ;indirect aggression as
something to be negotiated.
Yet for decades the diplomats have sought
a far simpler thing-a definition of direct
aggression so that it could . be established as
a crime against which the world could react
They found the Nazis guilty in a specific case,
but even history has not definitely fixed respon-
sibility for many wars, such as the Franco-
German war of 1870.
DEFINING indirect aggression is infinitely
more difficult, as witness the case of Leb-
Ideas Only Product of Rand Corp.
ny The Associated Press
SANTA MONICA, Calif. - In a
handsome building a block
from the blue Pacific, hundreds of
people devote most of each work-
ing day to just one think: think-
They are part of an unusual,
little-known organization whose
sole product is ideas.
On the quality of these ideas
hangs a measure of the free
world's future.
For the men and women and the
huge electronic brains in the
handsome building think exclu-
sively about aerial warfare of the
future and how the United States
can excel in it.
* * *
THE organization is the Rand
Corp. At a cost of 10 million a year.
it advises the Air Force on how
best to spend its money today so
it can best fight the wars of to-
What is Rand?
The name is an abbreviation of
research and development." But
The late Air Force Gen. H. H.
(Hap) Arnold put it more concise-
ly when, in the late stages of
World War II, he took some of
his brightest men aside and told
them: "Now stop thinking about
this war and start thinking about
the next."
RAND was formed to create an
environment conducive to bright
At any given time it may have
more than 100 projects on the
griddle, ranging from a one-man
study of the configuration of a tail
fin to a full-team effort on a com-
plete weapons system.
Details on its projects are se-
Ask a Rand man to tell about
its brainchildren and he'll clam
up. Security, he'll say. And this is
quite true. Virtually 100 per cent
of Rand's work is classified.
But, aside from security consid-
erations, the Rand people are
loath to toot their horns. They
have so shunned publicity that
idea that clicked, it took months
to win Air Force clearance.
But the example finally sup-
plied was a dramatic one: that of
the MB-1 anti-aircraft rocket with
nuclear warhead, developed as the
result of a crash program and the
Rand program was approved.
The nuclear rocket grew from
the need, recognized more than a
decade ago, for more effective
weapons for interceptor planes. In
1951 the Air Force and Rand both
concluded that an investigation of
the potentialities of nuclear aerial
weapons was in order.
RAND undertook an analysis in-
volving such wide-ranging sub-
jects as blast effects on the inter-
ceptor, radiation. danger to the
crew, maneuverability of enemy
aircraft, rocket design, nuclear
warhead characteristics, cost in
relation to alternatives.
It found the A-rocket to be the.
best bet. A similar study by the
Air Force special weapons center