I Thinker Re lrchigan Dally Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 I "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1958 NIGHT EDrIbR: EDWARD GERULDSEN CED Opinions MaV Aid Debate on Defense Spending 9 E COMMITTEE for Economic Develop- As a substitute for knowledge of planning, ment reminded us Tuesday that the United congressmen know expenditures, often to the States is after all a strong nation, and not in penny, and often to the detriment of the armed danger of faltering because of what some ob- services. Wherever the blame lies for the lack servers consider to be an overly large amount of information that congressmen have, and it of government spending. The committee said most likely would be a complex apportionment, that the United States could afford to pay if the CED has a plan to make congressional billions more for defense, if necessary. participation more effective, it should be seri- It is reassuring to know that the brink for ously considered. which the United States must keep its collec- tive eyes open is the brink of war and not the IT IS DOUBTFUL that creating a post of brink of bankruptcy. The report was slightly civilian director of defense research and en- misleading in that what the committee un- gineering, as the committee recommends, would doubtedly meant-although the rather sketchy do all that the committee says it would, n- news report did not say so - was that the cluding obtaining greater diversity in military United States economy could stand it. The tax rearchbquikereeiiostndmaetar- system would probably falter if many billions research, quicker decisions, and broader par- more in military spending were added to pres- ticipation and rivalry among defense .contrac- ent expenditures. tors. But the idea is worth discussing, if only It is hard to praise or condemn the rest of to point up troubles in our defense system the report whole-heartedly, for the report has which might otherwise go unnoticed. both some astute recommendations and some However, the committee sneaked into the re- recommendations that seem to be framed with port the old business idea that businessmen are the tunnel vision many businessmen have when more efficient than the military. We would viewing the government or the military, agree that military business like the Navy's rope factory might better be eliminated, but THE BEST of the suggestions made by the the CED will have to do much more persuad- committee proposed that congressional par- ing, using specific examples before it convinces ticipation in defense program planning be us that the military are not better off doing made more effective. The years since the end many jobs by themselves. of World War II and perhaps even before, have The committee report had another value seen congressional participation grow less and T ne othepotad aothervpe less effectual. over and beyond the total value of the specific Well-meaning congressmen have increasing"suggestions it made. It provided a different Wellmeaingconresmen aveinceasng- view on an important aspect of our defense ly lost touch with the complexities of defense se-panisornthesuetionshaeess planning. This was illustrated several months set-up. And so even if the suggestions have less ago when the head of the House Armed Serv- value than we think they have, the debate ices Committee said, "What do we need a de- caused by a differing point of view should do tense department reorganization plan for, we much to aid our defense spending structure' won the last war, didn't we? -LANE VANDERSLICE TODAY AND TOMORROW: For a Neutral Middle East By WALTER LIPPMANN T AIAE EA ST S ,9 aa 4-t 0'95 T?4 '.M~A5rc, Rar1 9. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Another Vote for Drew's Column AT THE STATE: 'Around the World' Amusing and Bright SINCE ITS first showing over a year ago "Around the World in Eighty Days" has won 52 Best Picture awards and has grossed between 75-100 million dollars from box office receipts. This much-heralded movie, stripped of its Todd-A-O bigness and stereophonic loudness, has found its way to the State theater to de- light the few who have not seen or could not see it before. The picture is worth the long wait. It is amusing, bright, and fascinating. Edward R. Murrow introduces the man, Jules Verne, who wrote based. Next seen is London in the late 1860's. Life is bustling there. B; bands march down the streets; noisy carts and carriages rumble along, people scatter about in gay confusion. In the Todd-A-O version, this is a completely engulfing scene. The bands, carts and people set the stage for the fantasy which is to follow. Without the huge screen and t h u n d e r i n g stereophonic sound much of the effectiveness is lost. But there is enough confusion to nicely contrast the next scene at the Reformed Club. It is here that a cat's silken walk is consid- ered to be the rumbling of an ele- phant's stampede. And it is here in these austere surroundings that the excuse for the next three hours of globe skimming is made. .* * * MR. FOGG, played by David Niven, makes a wager with some of the other members that he can circle the globe in 80 days, a seem- ingly impossible task in those days. After this Mr. Fogg, along with his man servant and a carpet bag filled with money, travel through Europe, Asia and Amer- ica in grand and colorful style. The actors who are billed as the stars of the picture - that is, the the picture by telling a little about the book upon which the movie is ones who are seen in two or more scenes - are David Niven as Mr. Fogg; Cantinflas, the Mexico- South American comedian, as the man servant: Shirley MacLaine, an unconvincing Indian princess; and Robert Newton, a detective who gets his trip around the world free because he is follow- ing Mr. Fogg who supposedly robbed the Bank of London before he started his trip. THE MOST outstanding of the quartet is Cantinflas. With his gift for making amusing faces, he at' times convinces you that per- haps the movie is more than a travelogue. But even this expert conviction doesn't last long. The scenery of the world is the main attraction ... and this scenery is indeed in- teresting. The screen is always covered with pleasing places, ex- cept for some unimpressive views of Asia. But where Asia failed, Mike Tood and Company filled in by imposing big red letters spelling intermission on the screen so that the audience will have a welcomed chance to view some of the won- ders provided by the local theater. -Jack Clark * .1 UST WHAT went wrong as between London, Paris and Washington is not quite clear. But something did go wrong, in that we find ourselves committed to a spectacular summit meeting in New York, which we did riot want, and unable to support Gen. de Gaulle's proposal for a quiet meeting in Europe later on, which is what we ought to want, As a New York meeting now appears to be unavoidable, the question is how to manage the enc6*inter between President Eisenhower and Khrushchev with the least damage. A way must be found to avoid a public debate. For the President has neither the training and knowledge nor the vitality for such an ordeal. Beyond that, it is highly, desirable, indeed necessary, to mend our fences in the Middle East so that when the meeting takes place we shall not be the defendants in a public trial. This can be done if two things, now in the works, can be achieved before the summit meet- ing. One would be an agreement in Lebanon which leads us to withdraw tht Marines or at least to fix a definite date for their withdrawal. The other would be to extend diplomatic recognition to the new Iraqi government, as Dr. Adenauer and others are advising us to do. These two actions together would refute com- pletely the charge that we are engaged in a military adventure in the Middle East, and we would no longer be on the defensive. THERE ISno use pretending, however, that there will be any glory or profit in this. It will be recognized by all the world as a forced retreat from an untenable position in Lebanon and in Iraq. - The question then will be whether themethree Western governments can produce proposals which open up the prospects of better days in the Middle East. It has been proved first at Suez and now again in Lebanon and Jordan that the Western governments have not the power, even if they had the resolution, to re- store the supremacy which Britain possessed before the second World War. What has still to be proved is whether the Western governments have the imagination and the brains to play a leading part in the liquida- tion of the old privileges and in the construction of a new order. When we say that the New York summit meeting is to be held without adequate prepara- tion, we generally mean that there has been no adequate diplomatic negotiation with the Rus- sians. This is true. But there is a much more critical sense in which the meeting is unprepared. It is that we ourselves are unprepared! We do not have as yet more than the dim intimations of what might be the shape of a new Middle Eastern order. If we had it, we could face Khrushchev with buoyant confidence. IN MY VIEW, the paramount issue in the Middle East is not oil, which the Arabs must sell to the West. It is not Israel, which is'on the sidelines in the present crisis. It is not the revolutionary force of Nasserism. The para- mount issue is Russia's determination not to have United States military power stationed onj her southern flank. We can never, I think, understand the in- wardness of the Middle Eastern crisis unless we recognize that what we consider the -military containment of the Soviet Union, Moscow is bound to regard as a military menace to the Soviet Union. Our forces are in Turkey, of which the equivalent would be that the Red forces were in Mexico. We have the NATO alliance and the Baghdad Pact, of which the equivalent would be an anti-American Soviet military alliance consisting of Mexico, Cuba, and Central America., What we are seeing is a campaign by the Soviet Union to disrupt the containing alliance on her frontiers, and with the explosion in Iraq, this campaign has had a great success. It has not only knocked out the only Arab state in the alliance, but it has isolated Turkey. The Russian support of Nasserism has been the main strategical device in this campaign. The immediate objective of the campaign is to deny to the West, and particularly to the United States, the strategic control of the Middle East. IT IS IMPORTANT to understand your ad- versary, and if this analysis is the primary truth about Soviet policy, there are important conclusions to be drawn from it. The first is that a settlement cannot be achieved with Nasser alone. An accommodation with him is most desirable. But appeasement of Nasser is quite unnecessary. The basic settle- ment must be reached with Moscow, and the subject of that settlement must be the strategic control of the Middle East. There are three conceivable possibilities. One would be to restore the raiddle East as a sphere of influence for Britain, France, and the U.S.A., with Russia excluded. This cannot be done. It is too late. We are not strong enough to do it. A second would be to let the Middle East become a Russian sphere of influence. This would be an unnecessarily abject surrender. We are not so weak that we must accept it. The third possibility would be to neutralize the Middle East as between the two great military alliances, and to build upon this over- all neutralization, specific agreements about the oil business, about the security of Iran, Lebanon, and Israel. This will not be easy, and it requires a higher order of statesmanship than we are now ac- customed to. But it is not impossible. For it does not run contrary to the vital interests of any of the nations concerned. 1959 Nw York Horad Tihi.. Tr- To the Editor: DON'T REPLACE Drew Pearson, he serves a special function. We may not be drawn favorably to his methods of gathering news, but it may be that information on behind - the - scenes machinations are effectivelygathered through behind - the - scenes machinations. It's not the technique of gather- ing news that should influence your decision, but your judgement of whether he reports selectively the news he has gathered. -Murray Melbin, Grad. A change of View.. . To the Editor: WHEN the U.S. forces landed in Lebanon, Lane Vanderslice signed an editorial in your col- umns deploring the military action in withholding information, fail- ing to make use of civilian experts, lacking any strategic policy and various sins of omission and com- mission. At the time, I roughed out a letter of rebuttal . . . but never mailed it. Now I'm rather glad I didn't, or I should be accused of the same impetuosity that prompted that initial editorial. For in the July 25 paper, I am happily surprised to discover that Van has taken a second and - if I may say so - more considered view of the land- ings. The comment that Lebanon has "taken the U.S. out of the Patsy class as a nation" is as neat a summary as anyone could find. So herewith my compliments and respect to Van for being big enough to temper and change some of the views that he appar- ently scribbled off in a moment of initial excitement. (Name Withheld) Middle East Retort .. . To the Editor: I SEEK the courtesy of your col- umns to reply to the somewhat extraordinary letter of Mr. Faiz Hanna. Mr. Hanna impliedly ad- mits that the United States and Great Britain are supporting feu- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m., the day preced- ing publication. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1958 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 27S General Notices All students who expect education and training allowance under Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) or Public Law 634 (Orphans' Bill) must get instruc- tors' signatures for the June-July period at class meetings or final exam- inations (6-week session classes on July 31 or Aug. 1. Completed Dean's Monthly Certification forms shouldbe turned in to the Dean's Office by 500 p.m. Aug. 1. dal regimes in the Middle East and then asserts that Russia and Egypt are doing likewise. A curious assertion since from all available evidence Russia and the U.A.R. are giving their support to those who wish to overthrow these regimes. I agree that Russia is pursuing this course for no other reason than to embarrass the West; I tried to emphasize that one of the tragedies of the present situation is to see that it is Russia, of all countries, which is (temporarily) supporting the rights of the people of the Middle East to govern themselves. * * * AND THEN upon what evidence does Mr. Hanna blandly assert that the coup in Iraq was "Nazi- Inspired"? The evidence given at the debate by Mr. Rassool who is, after all, an Iraqi. and who spoke publicly and subject to public cross examination, was not questioned by Mr. Hanna on that occasion. And yet, now, furtively, through the columns of this paper, he con- fidently implies, in essence, that Mr. Rassool is either a fool or a liar. Mr. Hanna must base his judgment upon some evidence be- fore we can accept his version in preference to that of Mr. Rassool. Finally, I must quote Mr. Hanna. "It is not to be denied that the coup was as widely popular as the German seizure of Poland." Is Mr. Hanna trying, in a lamentable way, to be funny? I can see no point whatsoever in drawing this unilluminating comparison I was not in this debate apolo- gizing for present Arab leadership. The Arabs can do this well enough for themselves. I, myself, share Mr. Singham's fears with regard to it. I was merely trying to show that it is foolish, indeed it is no longer possible for Britain,dlike a distraught canute to order the tide to ebb by dispatching para- troopers. -Beverly J. Pooley, Grad. Space Travel 1fO DAY there is firm belief that space travel is possible; in fact inevitable. The appeal of fantasy, of the unknown, is gone. Then what is left to science fiction? Might it take the path of Aldous Huxley in "Brave New World" and George Orwell in his frightening "1984" to dwell on the economic, social and political aspects of fu- ture life? The threat to science fantasy is that scientific progress will answer all questions posed by imaginative writers. The Russian fantasi, it seems, have fallen into the trap of a close adherence to scientific prophecy, something which science fiction has never meant to do. For the present the domain of the speculative writer can be ex- panded, for the search for some- thing new is neverending and, when found, always rewarding. Meanwhile the Russian fantasi have their orders-"to get their imaginations off the ground." --New York Times rather than the script. Once the characters start picking up their cues on time the show moves along at f delightful clip. Star Ann Sheridan portrays Jane Kimball-an actress in search of a husband. Miss Sheridan is a daz- zling red-head who struts about the stage in a parade of high- fashioned costumes drawing oohs and ahs from the females in the audience and occasional whistles from the males. * * * MISS SHERIDAN delivers her lines in a throaty drawl reminis- cent of the "dahling" school of acting. The role demands little in the way of dramatic art and con- sequently Miss Sheridan's inter- pretation is suitable-perhaps even appropriate. Scott McKay plays opposite Miss Sheridan. As Philip Clair, rising young statesman; he keeps Jane and the audience guessing as to his marital status.. His object in this is to have Jane without the bother of marrying her. The affair almost goes amiss but by the end of the show Jane and Philip, are happily reunited. McKay keeps his hands in his AT NORTHLAND: 'Kind Sir' Pleasant .But Not Outstanding "FIND SIR" at Northland Playhouse involves a woman who sets out to snag a man and does so. Any writer who undertakes to base a play on such a my-little-Margie-type plot must necessarily face an uphill battle against triteness. Author Norman Krasna injects some novel switches and surprises into the tired old formula and wins the battle if not the war. The funny moments come late in the show although this may be due to the cast coat pockets whenever he Is not holding a cigarette, a drink or Miss Sheridan. This mannerism should be overcome if McKay is to look at ease on the stage. * * * 'THE MATCHMAKER in the comedy is Jane's married sister Margaret, played by Hildegarde Halliday. Margaret fixes up the pair and later is sorry for it as Philip looks like a cad. The truth about Philip is revealed to Mar- garet because her husband Alfred. has hired Philip to work for the State Department and Margaret sees an FBI report on him. The husband is played by Jack Davis who is easily the smoothest performer in the play. The State Department provides a ripe tar- get for theatrical potshots and Davis is well-armed by the script. For Ann Sheridan fans, the Northland production of "Kind Sir" will undoubtedly be remem- bered as a resounding success. For others, it will be remembered, if at all, as a pleasant evening with more than' a few laughs. -Fred Steingold 1.. is "I~ AT TANGLEWOOD: Piano Concerto Highlights Weekend A DUE TO the customary exigen- cies of work your roving re- viewer was only able to attend the Saturday and Sunday concerts at Tanglewood on the weekend of July 19. The full series included, as usual, a third concert on Friday evening. There will be three con- certs again this weekend and again the following, with Beetho- ven's Ninth Symphony concluding the season on Sunday, August 10. Saturday evening the Boston Symphony under Charles Munch with an unidentified chorus per- formed the Brahms Requiem. It was somewhat disappointing. The chorus was louder than the orchestra, perhaps because there was not sufficient room for a full complement of instrumentalists in addition to the singers. This meant that the orchestral cre- scendos, so vital, for example, in the section preceding "All flesh is as the grass . .. were insuffi- ciently powerful. FURTHER, Dr. Munch elicited a rather soft tone from the en- semble. This might seem appro- priate for Brahms, and indeed for some of the quieter sections it was. The lovely soprano solo "Lo I will comfort you .. ." was superb. Hilda Green has a very pure tone which blended with the lush or- chetra1 sonds. 1 ON THE GRASS-Outdoor audience begins preparations for concert, soon to come from Music Shed at far right, with picnic baskets and portable radios. Editorial Staff MICHAEL KRAFT DAVID TARR Co-Editor o-Editor fine old Academic Festival Over- ture of Brahms, given a stunning performance, full of fire and vigor. * * * THE FEATURED work on the program, and perhaps the high spot of the weekend, was the D minor piano concerto of Brahms,. played by Leon Fleisher. This vunz man ho motneim maining parts, but chose instead a balanced tone much more suitable to the inusic. * * * HIS PLAYING of the difficult octave passage in the first move- ment was noteworthy -for its ex- cellent 'pedaling, which did much toward establishing the swelling wave-like rhvthmic nttern which THERE WERE a few interpre- tively ragged moments, however: moments of just a shade too much rubato, a pause just perceptibly too long between musical ideas- these little details will bear watching during the future devel- opment of Fleisher. Tf he rcn rd to his musical L........ ..................Night Eto RL ..................Night Editor MMMEN ................ Nght dio .ZER ...,....... Night Editor ERSLICE................. Night Editor " n -- Ct-, Rn MT l