-CED OPINIONS MAY AID SPENDING DEBATE See Page 4 Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom DaAii4 ,^ 4" CLOUDY, WAR3 crv in "n LXVI.TNo. 20S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1958 FIVE CENTS SIA Pa .. _,. Power Criticizes Russell Report ays Planning Coud BestBe Done ByCooperation Between Colleges By LANE VANDERSLICE Planning of higher education in the state could be done best by voluntary cooperation between state colleges and universities, Regent Eugene B. Power said yesterday. He criticized the Russell report proposal which called for a cen- tral state agency to coordinate the work of Michigan's nine colleges and universities. Some steps toward voluntary cooperation have already been taken, Regent Power said. "Why another agency?" he asked. He said the proposed board would be "just one more board on top of the others." Regent Power also rejected two other Russell proposals - for ap- pointment instead of election of m 'Ermrked' School Tax' Suggested The University and other state- supported schools should be aided by an "ear-marked" tax, Univer- sity Regent Eugene B. Power said yesterday. "Should the Iegislature decide to establish a state income tax REGENT EUGENE POWER ... suggests earmarked tax next year, a portion of this tax might well be allocated for the purposes of higher education," he sad. Could Plan Ahead If the University had an assured source of income, it would be able to plan ahead more than it has been able to in recent "feast and famine" years. Regent Power said that he nor- mally did not believe in the ear- marked tax, but that with ap- proximately two - thirds of the states revenue already allocated every year, higher education has to bear an unfair burden during austerity years. Grew on Allocated Tax The University grew strong on an allocated mill tax, he said, which was discontinued during the 1930's. While he praised the Legislature for being "more than generous," and said that the University has grown tremendously since the '30's, he said there has been "an element of uncertainty" in University growth under the present appro- priations system. Meany Warns Against Pacts WASHINGTON (-) - President George Meany of the AFL-CIO yesterday sternly warned affiliat- ed unions against alliances with James R. Hoffa's giant Teamsters Union. Any such alliance, Meany said, "gives aid and comfort to those responsible for the despoilation of the Teamsters Union" and is det- rimental in the long run to the welfare and interests of all unions affiliated with the AFL-CIO. Meany said he looks forward to the day "when members of the Teamsters Union who have been victims of shameless exploitation by some of their leaders will take the necessary steps within this union so that it can take its proper vnln . i rth', AFLrTn. " embers of state college and univer- Ssity governing bodies and elim- ination of university presidents as chairmen of the governing bodies. Both the Regents, as the elected governing body of the University and University President Harlan Hatcher, as chairman of the Re- gents, would be Affected by such a move. Interposes Another Body Regent Power said that an over- all planning agency implies con- trol from the top. It would just interpose one more body between the University and the governor, he said. The preparation of budgets is a. responsibility which belongs to the governor, who delegates it to the state controller's office, Re- gent Power said. Russell had proposed that the central planning agency furnish state fiscal authorities and the legislature with an annual report on budget needs of the nine insti- tutions. Rejects Suggestion In rejecting Russell's suggestion that the Board members of all state institutions be appointed by the governor instead of elected by popular vote, Regent Power said that Regents are "much more likely" to be responsive to the edu- cational needs and desires of the public if elected. "This is the democratic process in this country. We elect our school boards, legislators and judges, why not our Regents?" he said. "There is always the danger that appointments will be used to settle political debts." Election in Spring The constitution provides for the election of Regents in the spring, to escape the heat of the fall political campaign, Regent Power said. Historically, Regents selected have been able and edu- cated men. Regent Power saw "no reason" why President Hatcher should not continue to serve as chairman of the Regents. He said that the president's duties as presiding of- ficer are provided for in the state constitution. World News Roundup By The Associated Press MOSCOW - Soviet scientists announced last night their Sput- niks, too, have found a mysterious halo of radiation circling the earth. It apparently is the same band or cloud of radiation detected by the United States Explorer III at heights of 800 miles and above. Explorer IV is now wheeling through this radiation with spe- cially designed instruments to learn what its nature is. . . . WASHINGTON - Congress sent to the White House yesterday a bill designed to discourage ar- bitrary withholding of govern- ment information that the public is entitled to know. The measure, advocated by spokesmen for newspaper editors and broadcasters, is popularly known as "the freedom of infor- mation bill." Senate passage by voice vote sent it to the President. * s * WASHINGTON - One more reminder: from now on the cost of mailing a first class letter is 4 cents an ounce. Midnight yesterday was the Alilies Vary In Summit Talk Plans Macmillan, De Gaulle Split on Time, Place LONDON, (R) - Britain and France sent divergent plans for a Mideast summit meeting to So- viet Premier Nikita Khrushchev yesterday, in effect returning the ball to him. The two allies disagreed on a, date and auspices for such a meet- ing. The United States held off un- til today. But Secretary of State John Foster Dulles indicated Pres- ident Dwight D. Eisenhower fa- vors the proposal of Britain's Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. Wants Special Session Macmillan wants a special sum- mit session of the United Nations Security Council to open Aug. 12 -in New York, Geneva or else- where. He is asking UN headquar- ters in New York to act at once to arrange the meeting and said he is willing to attend. Dulles told a Washington news conference the United States con- siders Aug. 12 as an agreeable date for opening a UN summit session. He said the meeting pre- sumably could go ahead without Premier Charles de Gaulle if the French leader decided to stay away. De Gaulle Repeats Objection De Gaulle proposed that the conference open in Geneva Aug. 18 He objected again to summit talks within the UN framework. Instead, he accepted the original Soviet proposal for a meeting of the Big Four powers plus India, with UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold sitting in. East.-West Saf ety'Talks Suggested WASHINGTON (Al-The United States yesterday proposed the first week of October for the start of East-West technical talks on what would be needed to prevent sur- prise attacks in this nuclear mis- sile age. In a note to Moscow, this coun- try suggested the talks take place in Geneva, where scientists rep- resenting the East and West al- ready are discussing ways of po- licing a possible future ban on nuclear tests. Experts for the proposed Octo- ber talks on preventing surprise attacks would be designated by the United States and Russia, and possibly by certain other states. Their assignment, the United States note said, would be "a study of the technical aspects of safe- guards against the possibility of surprise attack." The note said they would "con- centrate on the means and objects of control and on the results which could be secured from these safeguards." This was taken to mean that the experts would examine such specific questions as setting up aerial and ground inspection teams which would be on the lookout for any big-scale military buildups. Of Lebanon-; Cabinet Split Ir Dulles Raps Subversion In Mid-East WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary of State John Foster Dulles said yesterday the world faces grave danger of war unless Russia agrees the United Nations should be allowed to act against indirect aggression in the Middle East. At the same time, Dulles pledged the United States would withdraw its troops from Lebanon whenever+ It Is asked to do so by a duly con- stituted Lebanese government. Concentrate on Subversion At a news conference, Dulles said any emergency summit talks between President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. and others should concentrate on the problem of in- direct aggression - by which he meant Communist subversion of existing regimes. Dulles said the other chief value of a summit parley would be to expose what he_ called the false- ness of Khrushchev's charge that United States-British troop land- ings have imperiled Middle East peace. In Grave Danger It will be impossible, he said, to restore stability as long as Middle East rulers live under a threat of assassination and murder at the hands of fanatic foes. "If the practices of indirect ag- gression as they are being devel- oped at the present time are al- lowed to persist in the world" Dulles said, "and if no way is found to check that, then I be- lieve the world is indeed in grave danger of war. Suggests UN Moves "I believe that that can be made apparent .. . Also I believe that if the Soviet Union does not want a war they will almost have to agree that these- practices should be brought under some kind of con- trol by the United Nations." Dulles suggested two possible UN moves: 1) keeping a constant check on inflammatory radio broadcasts beamed into the area, calling world attention to any in- citement to violence, and 2) set- ting up a UN commission to throw a mantle of international protec- tion against any country immi- nently threatened. Backs British Proposal Meeting with newsmen for the first time in a month, Dulles faced a barrage of questions mainly about arrangements for a sum- mit parley. In his replies Dulles backed British Prime Minister Macmillan's proposal that a sum- mit meeting begin About Aug. 12 within the framework of the 11- member UN Security Council. He said President Eisenhower will send Khrushchev a reply today to the Russian Premier's latest sum- mit proposal. INCLUDES EIGHT 'U' SCIENTISTS: Research Team Works with Rockets By MAHENDRA PAREKH Two truckfuls of electronic equipment, products of the brain- work of a team of the University researchers, will leave Ann Arbor this weekend to assist in an at- tack on the secrets of the earth's upper atmosphere. The site is Guam; destination 60 miles up in the air; attack, this fall. The eight-man team, led by Harold F. Allen, of the aeronauti- cal engineering department, will participate in the firing of eight rockets, bringing the total num- ber of rockets sent skyward by the University researchers to more than 50. The rockets to be fired are the 21-foot-long Aerobee 75 and com- bination Cajun rockets with Nike boosters. As Allen puts it, the experiment, "one of the many to advance the frontiers of human knowledge," is a part of the United States pro- gram for the International Geo- physical Year (IGY). Involves Four Universities The program, involving three other universities, began in July, 1957, and extends through this year. It entails launching about 200 rockets carrying a multitude of instruments to transmit infor- mation about high-altitude phe- nomena to ground-based record- ing devices. The majority of the experiments are concerned with aspects of earth's upper atmosphere includ- ing 1) its density, temperature, pressure, winds and humidity; 2) its solar-related constituents, in- cluding, for example, ionized par- ticles and ozone; and 3) various solar radiations. 10 Aerobees Fired For the last 10 years, the Uni- versity's Engineering Research In- stitute has been conducting a re- search program to survey aspects of upper atmosphere, including its House Votes Pension Hike WASHINGTON (Al-The House voted 375-2 yesterday to boost Social Security pension benefits by seven per cent. This enthusiastic approval car- ried along an election-year cus- tom that goes back to 1950-doing something for the old folks. Only Rep. Noah Mason (R-Ill.) and Rep. Bruce Alger (R-Tex.) voted "no" on the bill, which also would mean a boost in payroll taxes. The next step is up to the Sen- ate, with not much time remain- ing before Congress expects to ad- journ. Similar legislation has been proposed there; and several sen- ators have made speeches in sup- port of it. Rebels Insist On Chamouu Resignaton Demand Withdrawal Of American Troops As Peace Condition BEIRUT (A")- Gen. Fuad She hab won Lebanon's presidency a the 6-to-1 choice of Parliamen yesterday. The army commander's victor as a ccmpromise candidate settled one immediate crisis of the 83 day-old rebellion. But it seemed to breed others even as the Leban ese celebrated with jubilant gun shots. A breakup threatened the pro Western cabinet of Premier Sam Solh, who has long been a critic o Shehab. Could Complicate Matters That could complicate the ten ure and assignment of 10,001 United States troops in Lebanoi and the United States 6th Flee offshore. And rebel leader Saeb Salam, although pleased by the election of Shehab, sent word to the As sociated Press from his barricaded headquarters, that basically noth ing is changed: "We will continui Shehab Wins -U.S. Army Photograph UP IT GOES-Leaving a trail of smoke behind it, an Army Aerobee rocket rises from its launching platform. This is one of ten such rockets sent aloft by the University research team at Fort Churchill, Manitoba. temperature, density and winds. Earlier firings took place at Fort Churchill, Manitoba and White Sands, New Mexico. At Fort Churchill, during the period November, 1956, through January, 1958, 10 Aerobees car- rying a total of 188 grenades were fired during summer and winter, day and night conditions. A total of 153 measurements of tempera- ture and winds between 15 and 60 mile altitudes were made. The tiny Pacific island of Guam was selected as the site chiefly be- cause of the cheap power and transportation available. Allen said that excellent cooperation from the native people and the importance of Army and Navy es- tablishments there are among the other factors favoring the selec- tion of Guam. A total crew of 20, which in- cludes scientists from the United States Army Signal Corps Engi- neering Laboratories and from the University Research Institute is expected to reach Guam by Octo- ber 4. The eight-member team from the Institute includes Elton A. Wenzel, Allan Rock, Wayne Mil- lard, Robert Schumacher, Peter Barhydt, Theodore Pattinson and Jerry Davenport. Experiment Explained The first of the series of firings is expected to take place in the first week of October. The experiment is conducted by launching a rocket, which ejects, during its ascent, a series of high explosive. grenades at regular in- tervals. Exact timing and the posi- tion of the burst is determined by ballistic cameras and the Doppler See1'U' RESEARCH, page 6 Presidency PRIMARIES SET FOR TUESDAY: Candidates for Sheriff Discu NLRB Claimed To Establish Standards Without Authority The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is tending to es- tablish moral standards for collective bargaining without clear con- gressional sanction to do so, Prof. Nathan P. Feinsinger of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin law school suggested yesterday. Prof. Feinsinger addressed a University law school summer in- stitute on collective bargaining. He said employers should not be required to prove claims they cannot afford wage increases, at least if they have bargained in good "faith on other matters. (In the Truit Manufacturing case, the United States Supreme Court up- held an NLRB ruling that em- ployers must give unions evidence sss of their inability to pay wage in- creases, if this is used as a reason ourth and fifth in a series of ar- in refusing demands for a pay ates in Tuesday's primary election.) hike.) Gives Reasons Where there is no other evi- as been an unsuccessful candidate dence a company is bargaining in will head the list of hopefuls in bad faith, Prof. Feinsinger said, it that nomination. should not be required toyprove other candidates will place their claims itcannot afford pay in- H. Williams, formerly a Detroit creases because: 1 From management's stand- aomas A. Fitzgerald, currently Ann ne-time sergeant in the Sheriff's point, this claim is just as com- hbya pbli accuntntmonplace in collective bargaining iby, a public accountant. as union charges 'that companies nt, Oltersdorf said, is in need of are "anti-union" if they oppose a ion." Along this line he strongly closed shop. .e system of personnel competition. 2) Ability to pay is an elastic romotions concept - "an accountant's re- ring, Oltersdorf also urged the use port is susceptible to debate and he basis for departmental promo- ... is not conclusive of the issue." 3) If forced to choose between ul in his attempt to win the Re- giving unions "a look at the aid that w hilethe .hriff's D-books" or being found guilty of vi- GEN. FUAD SHEHAB . new Lebanese president to fight until our demands are met." Chief of these demands is quick withdrawal of American forces and immediate resignationrof President Camille Chamoun. Will Not Resign Chamoun announced he has no intention of resigning. He said he intends to serve until his term ex- pires Sept. 23. He gave this word to newsmen upon emerging from a conference with Shehab. And the general said he will not: resign from the army until Sept. 24, meaning he does not intend to assume the presidency until then. There was no sign of a quick American withdrawal. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles told a news conference in Washington several hours after the vote here that the United States would pull out the troops if asked by a duly constituted Leb- anese government. Beirut Celebrates Those troops landed at the re- quest of Chamoun after the Iraqi coup July 14. Shehab has not an- nounced publicly whether he in- tends to keep them. The cabinet rift came out while guns boomed all over Beirut in salute to the prospects for peace. In Salam's own Basta quarter, musicwas heard. Guards at his barricades were relaxed and hap- py. There was a wild celebration of gun fire, coming from all direc- tions, apparently from govern- ment as well as rebel forces. Plan Secret F"SrO r 'd h By SUSAN HOLTZER Republicans *.. Two candidates in Tuesday's primary election are attempting to oust incumbent Sheriff Robert E. A. Lillie as the Republican nominee for that office. George A. Peterson, former captain in the Sheriff's Department, and Harry B. Hogan, Ann Arbor private detective, are seeking the GOP nod in one of the most holtly fought contests the primary presents. Commenting on one of the major controversies of the campaign, Petersen sharply criticized operational changes in the Willow Village substation, which is now used primarily for drivers' licenses. Lillie has said the change will increase law protection by 40 per cent. 'Fantastic Error' The reorganization is "a fantastic error of judgement," Petersen declared, which "will leave the Ypsilanti township with little police protection. "Ypsilanti township and all outlying areas of the county need greater protection, not less. You cannot supply good police protection for Ypsilanti from Ann Arbor." (EDITOR'S NOTE: These are the f titles outlining the views of candida Democrats .. .' Lawrence P. Oltersdorf, who he for sheriff four consecutive times, Tuesday's Democratic primary fort Along with Oltersdorf, threet names before the voters: Richard policeman and a deputy sheriff; Th Arbor municipal court clerk and o Department; and Leon E. Willough The entire Sheriff's Departme "a total and complete reorganizat urged the adoption of a Civil Servic Use for Pr Besides using the system for hi of Civil Service examinations as t. tions. Fitzgerald, who was unsuccessf ,blican sheiff mninatio, in 1954