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July 31, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-07-31

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)AY, Jl

would otherwise be lost in the
shuffle of our complicated world.
Expresses Nature
About his own particular ap-
proach to art, Manso said, "I ex-
press nature through my own re-
action to it," I do not imitate it."
Manso studied at the National
Academy in New York City, and
at present is teaching at several
New York art schools. He has ex-
hibited in nine one man shows in
New York galleries, including the
Whitney Museum. He has also ex-
hibited in Mexico. When asked
what he thought of the Mexican
muralists such as Orozco, Si-
querios and Tamayo he said that
he preferred Tamayo because of
the subtleties and sensitive space
relationships in Tamayo's work.
He felt that Siquerios "was too
Work Must Have Unity
"Each work must have its unity,
its central structure and counter-
poised to that - its spirit, its
vision. The bird should be caught
in flight but not arrested in mo-
tion." wrote Manso.
In giving advice to prospective
artists Manso said, "Every student
must reject his teacher at some
point in his development if the
individual artist is to develop. If
the student does not do this he
remains a student," concluded

'South Sea'
Data Given
By Boyce
A primitive fear of the unknown
and a belief that disease is caused
by spirits and demons retards the
acceptance of modern saintation
practices in the South Pacific Is-
That is the report of Prof. Ear-
nest Boyce, chairman of the Civil
Engineering Department at the
University and professor of public
health engineering, who has just
returned from a sabbatical leave
spent as a sanitary engineer con-
sultant for the World Health Or-
During May he served as techni-
cal director of an environmental
sanitation seminar at Port Mores-
by, New Guinea. Prior to this, he
was sent by WHO to several South
Pacific Islands to learn first hand
some of the public health prob-
lems of the area. There he also
met public health workers who
were later to attend the seminar.
Little Understanding
Prof. Boyce found little under-
standing of the principles of good
sanitation that provided public
health protection in much of the
Public health officials are faced
by beliefs that disease is caused by
the spirits of the dead and that
cure is accomplished through the
magic and herb treatment of a
bush doctor, Prof. Boyce says.
There are many "tabu" customs
and traditional patterns that
make it difficult to get native ac-
ceptance of simple sanitation
However, there is evidence of an
interest in the comfort and con-
venience of piped water supply
and sanitary sewage disposal. It is
this desire, rather than the belief
that good sanitation would reduce
endemic hookworm, that is pro-
viding motivation for a break in
the traditional pattern of life,
Prof. Boyce said.'
Diseases Accepted
"Because diseases such as tuber-
culosis, hookworm and elephant-
itis have always been endemic in
the area, they are accepted as a
part of the hazards of life. An
understanding of the causes of
these and other diseases must be-
come a part of the thinking of the
people before much improvement
can take place," he stated.
"Perhaps the chief idea we
sought to get across during the
seminar was that the successful
acceptance of the principles of
environmental sanitation by a
people who lack our technological
background will require patience
and educational skills of the high-
est order on the part of those
seeking to bring about these

(Continued from Page 1)
ner's district, the main interests-
education and factory workers--
should be his fundamental con-
One of his own primary con-
cerns, Bowling said, is inequities
in the workings of the Michigan
Employment Commission, which
handles unemployment compensa-
tion insurance. He declared that
"employes should contribute to the
fund just as employers do," rather
than the present system under
which the employer pays, but the
men working do not.
Would Have Voice
"If the men contributed to the
fund," Bowling said, "they would
have a voice in the handling of it,
which they do not have now."
Bowling also criticized the state's
use of the Unemployment Security
Commission, which he said "should
have been used to place people
out of work first. A person drawing
unemployment is technically not
out of work," he explained, "but is
just laid off."
On the other hand, a person
"just out of school, with no job,
is out of work." He said the com-
'U' Institute
on Bargaining
To Be Given
The University will play host
to a summer institute on "Collec-
tive Bargaining and the Law," to
be held here today through Sat-
The conference will be spon-
sored jointly by the Law School,
the Summer Session and the Uni-
versity-Wayne State University
Institute of Labor and Industrial
Highlight of the conference will
be a speech by Boyd Leedom,
chairman of the National Labor
Relations Board. Leedom will dis-
cuss "Industrial Stability and
Freedom of Choice" at 12:30 p.m.
today at the Law School.
Prior to that, Prof. Nathan P.
Feinsinger of the University of
Wisconsin Law School, visiting
professor at the University, will
speak on "The National Labor Re-
lations Act and Collective Bar-
gaining," at 9:45 a.m.
"Arbitration as a Process" will
be the topic of a lecture by Paul
M. Herzog, executive vice-presi-
dent of the American Arbitration
Association, at 9 a.m. Saturday.

mission "must keep a certain
amount of work available" for1
these people.
State Ineffective
In fact, Bowling commented,
"the sate is not doing much of
anything to relieve the recession."
Rep. Warner pointed to the
Legislature's extension of unem-
ployment benefits as one measure
the state has taken "to see that
no family is hungry." He noted,
however, that the "unfriendly bus-
iness climate" is hampering Michi-
gan in its attempt to recover from
the recession.
"Business is being pushed out
of the state," he declared. "The
administration in Michigan is not
partial to business, but we must
at least remove the fears of busi-
nessmen that they will be attacked
in an unjust manner."
Blames Tax Structure
He blamed "the whole tax struc-
ture-both state and local" for the
situation, but looked to the House
tax study committee "to revise the
structure so that businesses in
Michigan will not be penalized for
doing business."
Along this line, Rep. Warner
also predicted that "a new tax
will be passed at the next session,"
probably involving some sort of
income or combined income-cor-
poration tax. This will be along
the lines of what he expects the
study committee to recommend.
Although he is "not in favor of
any more taxes than are neces-
sary," Rep. Warner declared that
"everyone wants more state serv-
ices, but no one wants to pay for
Dubious About Income Tax
Bowling, however, said he is
"not sure an income tax is neces-
sary," but rather that "there are
a lot of.other areas of government
which could be changed to save
He pointed specifically to the
"large group of commissions" the
state has built up over the years,
and which, he noted, "have be-
come a drag." They consume a
great deal of time and money, he
declared, which might be saved
if the Legislature were to keep
closer control over them.
Rep. Warner, too, noted that
"every unit of government can be
run more efficiently" to the benefit
of the state budget. In this area, he
supported the bill to reorganize
state functions, calling this "one
way for Michigan to save money."
Both Oppose Convention
Complete agreement between
the two candidates was reached
on at least one issue-both were

vehemently opposed to a consti-
tutional convention.
Rep. Warner particularly op-
posed proponents of the conven-
tion who want to remove what
they consider restrictions, such as
the use of highway funds. "Few
people would vote to divert high-
way taxes to any purpose other
than highways," he contended.
"The money is needed badly
enough there."
In addition, he said, "a conven-
tion would cost more than a mil-
lion dollars. I would rather see
that money go to the University."
'Nothing Wrong'
Bowling declared that "there is
nothing wrong in all 18 articles
of the original constitution; all
that is needed is for some amend-
ments to be brought up to date."
This, he said, should be done
through the proper amending pro-
cess. "It is part of the legislature's
'U' Members
To0Join WHO
Trwo University faculty mem-
bhers will Join an international
group of scientists meeting late;
this month in Switzerland to
consider the effects of natural
"hot spots" of radiation.
Dr. James V. Neel, chairman,
and Prof. William J. Schuhl, both
of the University Department of
Human Genetics, will join a World
Health Organization (WHO) com-
mittee to study areas of high nat-
ural radiation.
* No appointments needed
" Air-Conditioned
near Michigan Theatre

Warner, Bowling Contest GOP Primary

0 *



sion, Montpelier, Ohio, for a Sales Con-
tact Engineer. Degree in Electrical En-
gineering required. Maximum age 30.
Opportunity to work Into more respon-
sible position In Engineering Depart-
ment. This company, engineers and
manufactures automotive service tools
and equipment.
National Cash Register, Jackson,
Mich., has an opening for Salesmen.
One or two openings in the six counties
from Ann Arbor to Battle Creek. Train-
ing program. BA degree. Salary open.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., ext. 3371.
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies with the Bureau of
Appointments for the 1958-59 school
year. They will not be here to inter-
view at this time.
Barrington, 11. -- Girls' Counselor
(H.S.); 1st grade.'
Cass City, Mich. - HS English.
Delton, Mich. (Delton Kellogg School)
Fowlerville, Mich. ,- English (Social
Studies minor).
Grosse Pointe, Mich. -- HS English.
Hartford, Mich. - JHS English.
Milwaukee, Wisc. - German/Mathe-
NorthTonawanda~ N. Y.-- Kinder-
garten;: Guidance Counselor (Man).
Norway ,Mich. - English; English/
Girls Physical Education.
Oak Park," Mich.-- JHS At; English;
Industrial Arts; Mentally Handicapped.
Mnsted, Mich. - HS French.
Sturgeon.Bay, Wisc. -- English/Span-
ish; Art.
For any -dditional information con-
tact the Burcau of Appointments, 3528
Admtin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.

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